I n s i d e W e a t h e r Cloudy and warmer, New Admissions Direc­ chance of showers, high tor, p. 3; Big Ten Base­ in the 6 0 ’ s. Saturday, ball Opener, p. 4: Com­ MICHIGAN cloudy ond mild, chance plex Activities, p. 5: Re­ of showers. ligion, p. 8. STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 23,1965 Price 10c Trustees Approve New Cage Coach Accept Justin Morrill College Name ™ a * * Benington Rohman Board Completes Busy Session ■ ...................... .___ both buildings can use the same Assumes housing rules at the regular board football ticket policy and student Appointed By JOHN C. VAN GIESON government structure. cooling system. State News Editor meeting, but James Denison, as­ A total of $690,370.33 in gifts sistant to the president, said this In addition to the appointments and grants were accepted by the OAKLAND - -Naming a new was because the board is not re­ of John Benington as basketball trustees. State 'Fate’ basketball coach and the dean of quired to give its formal ap­ coach, Sonny Means as assistant As Dean basketball coach, and D. Gor­ Also announced were the hiring Curriculum planning is under­ the new Liberal Arts College proval to such rule changes. of five librarians effective over By LARRY MOGG were but two of the important don Rohman as dean of the new the sufnmer and the granting of State News Sports Writer way now that the new, semi- decisions made by the Board Vice President for Student .Af­ Justin Morrill College, Terrence autonomous college has been fairs John A. Fuzak explained J. Carey was named director of a sabbatical leave to Frank Bee- John Benington, head basket­ named Justin Morrill College, of Trustees at its .April meet­ man, intramural director, to con­ ball coach and athletic director ing here Thursday. the new housing rules to the admissions and scholarships, duct a sport and recreation pro­ after the author of the Land- Prior to the meeting there trustees at a luncheon following freshman football coach Burt at St. Louis University, was hand­ Grant Act of 1862. the meeting, according to Den­ Smith was named assistant ath­ gram at Rust College in Mis­ ed the duties of Michigan State’s The name was approved Thurs­ had been some speculation that sissippi this summer. future cage fortunes Thursday. proposed housing rule changes ison, and the new rules were then letic director, former Spartan Rust, a small Negro college, day by the Board of Trustees. drawn up by the Faculty Com­ informally accepted by the trus­ grid star Al Dorrow was picked The University Board of Trus­ Also approved was the appoint­ tees. Also explained to the board as an assistant football coach, is the site of the STEP program tees, in a meeting at Oakland ment of D. Gordon Rohman as mittee on Student Affairs would to be conducted by students this University, approved Benington’s be discussed. at that time and informally ap­ and Ed Rutherford, himself , a sum m er. JOHN BENINGTON dean of the new college. GORDON ROHMAN No mention was made of the proved were the new student newcomer to the football coach­ appointment as head basketball Rohman is currently an as­ ing staff, was named freshmen coach on the basis of recommen­ sociate professor of English, and football coach. dations from Athletic Director assistant dean for continuing edu­ In other action, the board let Clarence (B*pie) Munn. cation in MSU’s Colleges of' M ichigan M an Leads Patrol $2,090,515 worth of contracts Smith Takes Position The 43-yfflnr-old native of Social Science and Arts and for the Food Science Building to Findlay, Ohio, who previously L etters. be constructed south of Anthony served here for six years as The new college is designed to Hall. assistant cage coach (1950-56), allow students to obtain a liberal V iet C ong, M arines C lash The Food Science Cuildingwill As Assistant To Munn will assume his new position education In a small college cost in the neighborhood of $4.5 By RICK PIANIN immediately. setting, while retaining the ad­ grenading of suspected Rfdposi­ design form the backbone of North million, of which $329,000 comes Slate News Sports Writer Benington replaces Forddy An­ vantages of a large university. SAIGON, Viet Nam f —A Viet from federal grants. May said derson, who was dismissed the Cong band challenged a U.S. Ma­ tions. Viet Nam’s miniature navy. At­ Burt Smith, freshman football coach and administrative assistant It will be established through The action against the North tacks by vessels of this type on $55,000 will be diverted to the first of April after eleven sea­ reorganization within the present rine patrol In a valley outside ' building from funds for the For- to head football coach Duffy Daugherty, was elevated Thursday sons at the Spartan reins, Da Nang Thursday and set off Vietnamese navy craft developed American destroyers touched off to the newly-created post of assistant athletic director. university structure and will be near Vinh, midway between the the Gulf of Tonkin crisis and the estry-Conservatlon Building now "I’m honored and challenged housed in one of MSU’s existing the Leathernecks' first extended under construction. Al Dorow, former MSU quarterback, was named to fill the to have the opportunity of re­ ground action of the war. The border and Hanoi. first retaliatory U.S. air raid on vacancy in the eight-man Spartan coaching staff. He will assume student living units. Eighteen jets from the UJS, North Viet Nam last August. May said this will be made turning to Michigan State as head Morrill, a representative of skirmish ended with the Red the backfield chores of Ed Rutherford, who was promoted to basketball coach,” said Bening­ Guerrillas In full retreat. carriers Midway and Hancock— possible by the discovery that Vermont, introduced and pushed staging the ninth in the day’s Smith’s former position. ton, when he was reached at his for passage of the Land-Grant Capt. Pat Collins of Grosse lie, All the Navy raiders returned The new assignment and St. Louis home. Mich., commanded the patrol of series of raids by American and Act, signed into law by Presi­ South Vietnamese warplanes— safely, a spokesman said. appointment are effective as of "Barbara (his wife) and my­ dent Lincoln. 41 Marines and 38 Vietnamese. A A Vietnamese fighter-bomber April 15 an d were approved self always have had a soft spot Viet Cong detach-nen' -f per’iap* surprised the flotilla in a river MSU was established seven estuary. They attacked with rock­ was lost in one of two strikes 'tv Four Appointments yesterday by the State Board of for the University,” said Ben­ 50 men opened up win. machine Vietnamese pilots. The largest of Trustees, meeting at Oakland ington. ” 1 had my first real years before the act was passed guns after Collins’patrol reached ets and cannon fire. and became the prototype for the Briefing officers said all the these strikes, with three squad­ University. Smith’s new duties coaching Job there. Four of our nation’s land-grant colleges. the hamlet of Binh Thai, nine rons in action, was reported to include the financial aidprogram, children (he has five sons and miles from the base. patrol boats were hit and one was have destroyed the My Due- Made By ASMSU player eligibility and admission four daughters) were born in The college’s o«w dean,Roh­ left in ffames. They said one.of man, "has been at MSU since 1958 The M arines responded with bridge, on Route No. 1 about 20 qualifications. East Lansing.” when he joined the faculty as rifles and grenades and sum­ the Junks was hit. It was not known miles north of the border, and a moned a reserve Marine com­ whether the second was damaged. nearby Communist base. The Student Board Wednesday Union Board in the structure. Smith’s coaching assignment Although Benington wasn’t sure instructor of English. He became Motor torpedo boats of Soviet appointed four persons to cabinet Committees, headed respec­ assistant professor in 1961 and pany, which sped in with heli­ vice presidencies and outlined tively by Frannie Frei and Jim with the frosh team will be filled exactly when he was to start his assumed his present duties last copters. Collins ran to the land­ by Ed Rutherford, who was re­ new job, Munn was. Munn has ing field alone to guide the heli­ problem areas for further study. Graham, both members at large, arranged for him to arrive here year. New appointees were Rick Hol­ will study the roles of class cently appointed to the Spartan .He graduated from Syracuse copters in. staff as a football assistant. Saturday night for several days North of the border, U,S. Navy lander, Wilmette, 111., junior; councils and student-faculty of conferences. He will then prob­ University in 1948. He spent the Grand Jury Indicts vice president for finance and committees. next seven years in newspaper jets capped a day of almost con­ Smith, who was selected by ably leave for St. Louis to clear tinuous air raids by shooting up operations; Dave Jensen, Hart Miss Frei’s committee will student government leaders as up his affairs there. work in Utica, N.Y., and then junior, special projects and Don consult with the groups’ advi­ Benington will also have his joined the public relations bureau four Communist navy torpedo Strange, Muskegon junior, Uni­ Coach-Of-the-Year last season, at Hamilton College in Clinton, boats and two junks.
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