Environmental Monitoring Report Quarterly Report December, 2012 UZB: Land Improvement Project ADB Loan 2245/2246(SF) Prepared by Rural Restructuring Agency under Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources for the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Asian Development Bank CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 31 December 2012) Currency unit – Uzbek Soums (UZS) UZS1.00 = $0.0005040 $1.00 = UZS1984.00 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank BoQ Bill of quantities DSRI Department of soil reclamation and irrigation EA Executing agency EIA Environmental impact assessment EMP Environmental management plan GOU The Government of Uzbekistan HGLRE Hydro-geological land reclamation expedition I&D Irrigation and drainage ICB International competitive bidding IEE Initial environmental examination ISA Irrigation system administration LIP Land improvement project MAWR Ministry of agriculture and water resources NCB National competitive biddings PIU Project implementation unit PMO Project management office PPTA Project preparatory technical assistance RRA Rural Restructuring Agency SANIIRI Central Asian scientific irrigation research institute “V.D. Djurina” SCNP State committee for nature protection WCA Water consumer associations WUA Water user associations {GLOSSARY} Project Land Improvement Project unless otherwise stated Demonstration Areas Area of demonstration plots in the project area overall 1500 ha (in average 500 ha per province), NOTE (i) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. unless otherwise stated. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Government of Uzbekistan (GOU), with assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), is implementing the Land Improvement Project (the Project) in the Central regions of Uzbekistan. The project aims at restoring land quality and land productivity. The project will increase agricultural and ecological productivity in the selected project areas and provide farmers with opportunities for sustained and increased incomes. 2. The project was formulated on the output of a project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA). The project was approved on 24 July 2006 and became effective on 09 November 2007. Physical completion is scheduled on 30 September 2014 and the loan closing date is March 31, 2015. MAWR is the executing agency (EA) of the project. 1.1. Objective and Scope of Environmental Monitoring Report 3. The Environmental Monitoring Report was prepared to provide information on the progress of implementing the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and to evaluate the implementation of EMP for necessary improvement if needed. This report was also prepared to comply with the loan covenant as described in the loan document agreed between The Government of Uzbekistan and Asian Development Bank. 4. The report covers only the monitoring of implementation of EMP for Rehabilitation of Demonstration Areas and Primary and Inter-farm Collector Drainage in the project areas located in Kashkadarya, Bukhara, and Navoi. The report is based on findings recorded by the supervision consultant in its quarterly progress report on the monitoring of environmental impacts. The report covers the period of January 2012 to December 2012. 1.2. Project Description 5. The Project addresses the major problems of soil salinity and low groundwater levels on 161,900 ha of irrigated land in nine districts of the provinces of Bukhara, Navoi, and Kashkadarya. The desired impact of the Project is increased income of farmers in the project area, covering 161,900 ha in nine (9) districts of the provinces of Bukhara, Navoi, and Kashkadarya. The project area faces major problems of soil salinity and low groundwater levels. The project’s outcome would be improved quality and sustainable productivity of land, leading to higher crop yields and enhanced ecological sustainability in the project areas. The intended outcome will be produced through the following outputs: (i) land and agricultural improvements through establishment of three demonstration farms that showcase land reclamation and innovative on-farm technologies and farm practices, initially to be implemented through the scientific institutions, and subsequently with increased involvement of the private sector; (ii) strengthening of the capacity of land and water management institutions on efficient irrigation management and delivery, water pricing, and financial and management training; (iii) rehabilitation of land management infrastructure; and (iv) implementation of policy reforms that enhance farmer incentives to become productive and invest on sustainable land and water management. Quality outputs will be delivered in a timely and effective manner through an efficient project management office (PMO). Project scope is described in Schedule 1, Loan Agreements 2245/2246(SF)-UZB and summarized in three Project components and Project Management: 6. Component 1: Land and Agricultural Improvement. Three demonstration farms have been established, one in each province, to promote innovative on-farm technologies and demonstrate enhanced agronomic practices (for example crop rotation and minimum tillage to reduce inputs and increase soil fertility, and integrated pest management). 7. The RRA arranged following three NCB civil works contracts, i.e. (a) Date of publication: 06 January 2010 (b) Deadline for submission of bids: 1100hrs (Tashkent time) on 09 February 2010 (c) Contract LIP/W/NCB/01: Rehabilitation of Demonstration Farm Area, WUA A. Navoi, Guzar District, Kashkadarya province; 4 (d) Contract LIP/W/NCB/02: Rehabilitation of Demonstration Farm Area, WUA Gulistan-Namgani, Jondor District, Bukhara province; (e) Contract LIP/W/NCB/03: Rehabilitation of Demonstration Farm Area, WUA Oston-Mirob, Navbakhor District, Navoi province. 8. Following the three aforementioned contracts received endorsement from ADB in time for RRA to conclude and sign the following contracts on 31 March 2010: ▶ LIP/W/NCB/01: LLC “Eskiankhorkanalkurilish” JSC, 2 Eskianhor Str., Karshi city, Uzbekistan; ▶ LIP/W/NCB/02: Enterprise Kogonsuvkurilish, 39, Khazarati Kuchkor Str., Bukhara city, Uzbekistan; ▶ LIP/W/NCB/03: JSC Navoisuvkurilish LLC, 32, S.Ayniy Str., Navoi city, Uzbekistan. 9. The works primarily comprise (i) earthwork on including sediment removal from canals and drains, and safe disposal of excavated material by levelling and transportation to spoil banks or landfill areas, (ii) agronomic measures which consist of land levelling, deep ripping, and leaching in one case, and (iii) rehabilitation and construction of structures on the inter-farm drainage network and the on-farm irrigation and drainage networks. 10. All three NCB contracts on demonstration farms were successfully completed. Below completion dates for each contract: ▶ LIP/W/NCB/01:30 June 2011; ▶ LIP/W/NCB/02:24 June 2011; ▶ LIP/W/NCB/03:23 August 2011. 11. Component 2: Capacity Building of Land and Water Management Institutions. 11 training modules were implemented for 199 participants from various provincial and district organizations and offices. The modules included one on gender, three on agronomy, three on irrigation and water management, one on integrated pest management, and three on commonly-used computer software. Analyses and results of questionnaire indicate that trainees are interested in further similar training activities, with hands-on trainings and farmers field schools being preferred methodologies. Detailed plans have been prepared for capacity building activities for the remaining implementation period. 12. A training plan has been prepared to foster and promote sustainability of the WUAs which will aim at (i) developing the capacity of existing institutions and staff to assist and guide farmers and other grassroots water users; and (ii) develop the capacity of WUA/WCA representatives and their members. Trainings were conducted for trainers from PIUs, specialist from ISAs, and Rayselvodkhozs during the last week of August 2010 for following four courses (i) formation and development of WUAs, (ii) financial management in a WUS, (iii) operation and management of IDIs, and (iv) on-farm water management. These trainers will further train the technical staff, and members of the project WUA Councils and Commissions through 1-day and 5-day training courses on the same subjects. 13. Component 3: Rehabilitation of Land Management Infrastructure. This component involves rehabilitation of (i) primary and inter-farm collector drainage works, and (ii) on-farm irrigation and drainage infrastructure for water delivery and drainage disposal. The implementation of these two activities is being undertaken separately. 14. Primary and Inter-farm Drainage Infrastructure Rehabilitation: The bidding process, preceded in according with ADB regulations, for all nine inter-farm drainage rehabilitation contracts was completed in 2011. For all contracts was received “no-objection” from ADB. All nine ICB contracts with an aggregate amount of US$45.588 million (excluding duties and taxes) have been awarded and are being executed. 15. Following the ICB contracts
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