NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English Books 000 GENERALITIES 1. Ramaswamy, B. Handbook of digital India: initiative and programme / B.Ramaswamy. ­ New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers , 2016. x, 325p.: figs.: tables; 25cm. Bibliography: p.288­317. ISBN : 978­81­8457­700­6. 004.0954 RAM­h B214158 Price : RS. **1650.00 020 LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCES 2. Seth, Manvi, ed. Museums and changing cultural landscape: proceedings of the international seminar / edited by Manvi Seth. ­ Gurgaon: Shubhi Publications , 2016. 213p.: figs.: plates; 25cm. ISBN : 978­81­8290­387­6. 069.095411 MAN­m B213859 Price : RS. **1495.00 070 NEWS MEDIA, JOURNALISM & PUBLISHING 3. Obermayer, Bastian The Panama papers: breaking the story of how the rich and powerful hide their money / Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier. ­ London: Oneworld Publications , 2016. x, 366p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978­1­78607­047­0. 070.4332 OBE­p B213885 Price : RS. ***499.00 080 GENERAL COLLECTIONS 4. Padmanaban, A. My letters: appreciation and messages / A. Padmanaban. ­ Chennai: Poompuhar Pathippagam , 2015. 85p.; 22cm. 080 PAD­m C77205 Price : RS. ***100.00 2 5. Xavier, G. Francis The world's most inspiring thoughts / G.Francis Xavier. ­ Mumbai: Jaico Publishing , 2016. ix, 257p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978­81­8495­879­9. 080 XAV­w B214183 Price : RS. ***250.00 100 PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY 6. Sashthrigal, Seshatrinatha When where why and how of jyothisha saasthram / Seshatrinatha Sashthrigal; translated by N.Subbaraman. ­ Chennai: B.Srinivasan , 2015. 351p.: illus.; 23cm. ISBN : 978­81­8476­668­4. 133.5 Q5 C77203 Price : RS. ***235.00 7. Vihari, Vijoy The flight to divinity: why and how / Vijoy Vihari. ­ Kolkata: Vijoy Vihari , 2016. 148p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978­93­85524­55­4. 133.9013 Q6 C77078 Price : RS. ***234.00 8. Kapila, Renu, ed. Ethical facets of governance / edited by Renu Kapila. ­ New Delhi: Regal Publications , 2016. xvi, 268p.: figs.: tables; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­81­8484­600­3. 172.0954 Q6 B213936 Price : RS. **1280.00 3 200 RELIGION 9. Krishnan, O.N. Buddhism and Spinoza : a detailed comparative study / O.N. Krishnan. ­ Chennai: Metta Pathippagam , 2015. xiv, 311p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p.297­298. ISBN : 978­93­5087­463­9. 294.3 Q5 C77206 Price : RS. ***350.00 10. Mahapatra, S.K. Lord Shree Jagannath temple manual : Puri, Odisha / S.K. Mohapatra. ­ New Delhi: Satyam Law International , 2016. xviii, 622p.: plates: tables; 25cm. ISBN : 978­93­82823­35­3. 294.535095424 Q6 C77332 Price : RS. **2200.00 11. Gupta, Amrit Two great masters: living a happy and joyous life / Amrit Gupta. ­ Chandigarh: Unistar Books , 2016. xxiii, 279p.: plates; 23cm. ISBN : 978­93­5113­765­8. 294.544 Q6 B213945 Price : RS. ***395.00 12. Vijayakumar, V.R. The cosmic truths behind Ramayana: according to Sri Amarakavi Ramachandra: a siddha yogi / V.R.Vijayakumar. ­ Chennai: Hayagreeva Publication , 2014. 208p.: tables: illus.; 22cm. ISBN : 978­93­80404­14­1. 294.5922046 Q4 C77207 Price : RS. ***220.00 4 13. Nishter, Nanak Singh Sikh­ Muslim relations / Nanak Singh Nishter. ­ Hyderabad: International Sikh Centre for Interfaith Relations , 2015. 232p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978­81­920753­8­9. 294.615 Q5 C77121 Price : RS. ***200.00 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES, SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY 14. Bhatt, Nilima Shakti leadership: embracing feminine and masculine power / Nilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia. ­ Noida: Collins Business , 2016. xxv, 188p.: figs.; 24cm. ISBN : 978­93­5029­779­7. 303.34 Q6 B214181 Price : RS. ***350.00 15. Gupta, Kamlesh, ed. Social movements and state in new global era / edited by Kamlesh Gupta; foreword by Krishna Gupta. ­ Delhi: K.K. Publication , 2015. 426p.: tables; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­81­7844­227­3. 303.4840954 Q5 B213979 Price : RS. **1495.00 16. Sharma, L.K. ISIS and global war on terror / L.K. Sharma. ­ New Delhi: Surendra Publications , 2016. viii, 244p.; 24cm. Bibliography: p.241­242. ISBN : 978­93­80817­55­2. 303.625 Q6 B213847 Price : RS. **1495.00 5 17. Akhtar, Naseema Kashmir peace process: issues and initiatives / Naseema Akhtar. ­ New Delhi: Black Prints , 2016. v, 369p.; 24cm. ISBN : 978­93­84556­81­5. 303.66095411 Q6 B214122 Price : RS. **1495.00 18. Macnicol, John Neoliberalising old age / John Macnicol. ­ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 2015. ix, 242p.: figs.; 23cm. Bibliography: p.212­234. ISBN : 978­1­107­11518­7. 305.26 Q6 B214451 Price : PD ***18.99 19. Ravinder Kaur, ed. Too many men, too few women: social consequences of gender imbalance in India and China / edited by Ravinder Kaur. ­ New Dehi: Orient Blackswan , 2016. xi, 340p.: figs.: tables: maps; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­81­250­6249­3. 305.30954 Q6 B213963 Price : RS. ***995.00 20. Shukla, Asha, ed. Gender and livelihood / edited by Asha Shukla and Jaya Phookan. ­ New Delhi: Serials Publications , 2016. xiv, 348p.: figs.: tables: plates; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­81­8387­769­5. 305.4820954 Q6 B213984 Price : RS. **1295.00 6 21. Shyam Lal Politics of the untouchables: Congress and the Bhangis: a socio­political analysis / Shyam Lal. ­ Jaipur: Rawat Publications , 2016. 224p.: tables; 23cm. ISBN : 978­81­316­0768­8. 305.56880954151 Q6 B213874 Price : RS. ***750.00 22. Atwal, Jyoti Real and imagined widows: gender relations in colonial North India / Jyoti Atwal. ­ Delhi: Primus Books , 2016. xii, 282p.: maps: tables; 24cm. Bibliography: p.255­274. ISBN : 978­93­84082­98­7. 306.8830954 Q6 B213962 Price : RS. **1495.00 23. Pathak, Bindeshwar Widows in India: study of Varanasi and Vrindavan / Bindeshwar Pathak and Satyendra Tripathi. ­ Jaipur: Rawat Publications , 2016. xii, 222p.: tables: plates; 25cm. Bibliography: p.189­219. ISBN : 978­81­316­0772­5. 306.8830954 Q6 B214140 Price : RS. **1100.00 24. Ray Chaudhuri, Ranabir A city in the making : aspects of Calcutta's early growth / Ranabir Ray Choudhury. ­ New Delhi: Niyogi Books , 2016. 564p.: plates: tables: maps; 22cm. ISBN : 978­93­85285­28­8. 307.1216095423 Q6 B214393 Price : RS. ***995.00 7 25. Kapoor, Pratima Dimensions of rural development: with special reference to Himachal Pradesh / Pratima Kapoor. ­ Gurgaon: Shubhi Publications , 2016. 138p.: tables; 23cm. ISBN : 978­81­8290­396­8. 307.1412095412 Q6 B213852 Price : RS. ***595.00 26. Himanshu,ed. The changing village in India: insights from longitudinal research / edited by Himanshu, Praveen Jha and Gerry Rodgers. ­ New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2016. xxi, 498p.: tables: figs.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 0­19­946186­4. 307.720954 Q6 C77247 Price : RS. **1495.00 27. Saxena, H.M. Urbanisation, environmental degradation and quality of life / H.M. Saxena and M.Z.A. Khan. ­ Jaipur: Rawat Publications , 2016. vi, 174p.: figs.: tables; 25cm. Bibliography: p.169­170. ISBN : 978­81­316­0808­1. 307.760954151 Q6 B214187 Price : RS. ***795.00 28. A vision document for the janjatis of India. ­ Mumbai: Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram , 2015. x, 76p.: tables; 29cm. 307.7720954 Q5 C77265,C77266;(1) 8 320 POLITICAL SCIENCE 29. Sinha, Sujata Political ideals and associations in 20th century Bihar / Sujata Sinha. ­ Delhi: B.R. Publishing , 2016. x, 207p.; 24cm. Bibliography: p.203­207. ISBN : 9789350502815. 320.095418 Q6 B214166 Price : RS. ***995.00 30. Chauhan, Kiran Rejuvenating society: the Nehruvian way / Kiran Chauhan and Karamjeet Kaur. ­ New Delhi: Satyam Publishing , 2016. 80p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p.70­80. ISBN : 978­93­85981­07­4. 320.50954 Q6 B213889 Price : RS. ***400.00 31. Yadav, Rakhi Liberals in Indian politics: contribution to constitution making : 1885­1935 / Rakhi Yadav. ­ Jaipur: Yking Books , 2016. xvii, 238p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p.227­238. ISBN : 978­93­85528­02­06. 320.510954 Q6 B213972 Price : RS. **1150.00 32. Kashyap, Subhash C. Our political system / Subhash C. Kashyap. ­ New Delhi: National Book Trust , 2016. viii, 420p.; 22cm. Reprint of 2008 edition; bibliography: p.399­404. ISBN : 978­81­237­5251­8. 320.954 P8 B182740,B214356 Price : RS. ***175.00 9 33. Acharya, Shyam Sundar Criminalisation of Indian politics: multifarious dimensions / Shyam Sundar Acharya and Prachi Madhumita Mohanty. ­ New Delhi: Dominant Publishers , 2016. xiii, 163p.: tables; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­93­84161­91­0. 320.954 Q6 B214121 Price : RS. ***850.00 34. Chandra, Kanchan Democratic dynasties: state, party and family in contemporary Indian politics / edited by Kanchan Chandra. ­ Delhi: Cambridge University Press , 2016. xxii, 279p.: figs.: tables: maps; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­1­316­63392­2. 320.954 Q6 B214153 Price : RS. ***495.00 35. Murti, K. Ramachandra Unveiling Telangana state / K. Ramachandra Murthy. ­ Hyderabad: Emesco Books , 2015. 192p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978­93­85829­18­5. 320.954311 Q5 C77199 Price : RS. ***120.00 36. Theoretical and political assesments on contemporary issues of Sri Lanka and the world : collection of articles and interviews. ­ Batttaramulla: Niyamuwa Publications , 2013. 140p.: plates; 21cm. ISBN : 978­955­8696­31­6. 320.95493 Q3 C77135 37. Kainikara, Sanu Political musings: turmoil in the Middle East / Sanu Kainikara. ­ New Delhi: Vij Books , 2016. xxiii, 153p.; 25cm. ISBN : 978­93­85563­53­9. 320.95605 Q6 B213898 Price : RS. ***795.00 10 38. Bhattacharjee, Govind Special category states of India / Govind Bhattacharjee. ­ New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2016. xxiii, 507p.: tables: maps; 23cm. Bibliography: p.482­490. ISBN : 0­19­946083­3. 321.0230954 Q6 C77246 Price : RS. **1195.00 39. India. Lok Sabha Secretariat Presidential Ordinances 1950­2014 / Lok Sabha Secretariat, India. ­ 5th rev. ed. ­ New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat , 2015. iv, 100p.; 30cm. 321.8042 M5;Q5 C77304,C77305;(1), C77306;(2) Price : RS. ***150.00 40. Mitra, Debashish, ed. South Asia and democracy: contextualising issues and institutions / edited by Debashish Mitra and Debasish Nandy. ­ New Delhi: Kunal Books , 2016. xii, 516p.: tables; 23cm. Bibliography: p.504­511. ISBN : 978­93­82420­87­3. 321.80954 Q6 B213976 Price : RS. **1495.00 41. Godbole, Madhav Secularism: India at a crossroads / Madhav Godbole.
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