Bρυξέλλες, 26 Ιουλίου 2000 10181/00 (Presse 258) ΔΙΟΡΙΣΜΟΙ ΣΤΟ ΔΙΚΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ Oι αντιπρόσωποι των Κυβερνήσεων των κρατών µελών διόρισαν,στις 26 Ιουλίου 2000, Δικαστές στο Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων για τη χρονική περίοδο από 7 Οκτωβρίου 2000 έως 6 Οκτωβρίου 2000 τους κάτωθι : κα Ninon COLNERIC 1 κ. José Narciso DA CUNHA RODRIGUES 2 κ. David A.O. EDWARD 1 κ. Peter JANN 1 κ. Antonio Mario LA PERGOLA 1 κ. Jean-Pierre PUISSOCHET 1 κ. Christiaan W. A. TIMMERMANS 2 κ. Stig VON BAHR 2 και Γενικούς Εισαγγελείς στο Δικαστήριο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων για τη χρονική περίοδο από 7 Οκτωβρίου 2000 έως 6 Οκτωβρίου 2000 τους κάτωθι : κ. L.A. GEELHOED 2 κ. Philippe LEGER 1 κα Christine STIX-HACKL 2 κ. Antonio TIZZANO 2 * Βλ. βιογραφικά σηµειώµατα στο παράρτηµα. 1 Ανανέωση θητείας 2 Πρώτος διορισµός _______________________ Internet: http://ue.eu.int/Newsroom E-mail: [email protected] 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 1 EL CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Ninon COLNERIC Date and Place of birth: 29.8.1948, Oer-Erkenschwick, Kreis Recklinghausen Nationality: German since 1954 Education 1967 Abitur , Städtisches neusPrachliches Mädchengymnasium DattelN 1967/1968 General studies at the Leibniz-Kolleg Tübingen; German and PhilosoPhy at Tübingen University 1968-1972 Law studies at Tübingen, Geneva (sPecialising in international and comParative law) and Munich Universities 14.12.1972 First State law examination (result: good), Munich 1973 and 1974 Research for dissertation iN Great Britain, guest studeNt at the London School of Economics from 1.3.1974 Legal traiNeeshiP in Bavaria 1974-1975 Technical assistant at the Institute for EuroPean aNd International Economic Law at Munich University 13.9.1976 Second state law examination (result: wholly satisfactory), Munich 19.7.1977 PhD (result: summa cum laude ), Munich UNiversity scholarshiP from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes for degree and PhD 2.8.1978 Faculty Prize of Munich UNiversity Law Faculty 31.10.1985 Post-doctoral lecturing qualification ( Habilitation ) at Bremen University; authorisation to teach at university ( venia legendi ) in the subjects labour law, the sociology of law and social law 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 2 EL Work experience 1.2.1977-14.4.1977 Judge’s assistant at the Higher Industrial Tribunal of Lower Saxony from 15.4.1977 Presiding judge of a division of OldeNburg Industrial Tribunal 23.4.1980 Life aPPointment as judge 1.10.1981-30.9.1984 Chair for the legal training course at Bremen University; sPecial leave from duties as judge 1.10.1984-30.9.1985 Judge at OldeNburg Industrial Tribunal 1.10.1985-31.10.1986 Chair in the Law Faculty of Frankfurt University; sPecial leave from duties as judge 1.11.1986-31.5.1989 Judge at OldeNburg Industrial Tribunal since 1.6.1989 PresideNt of the Higher Industrial Tribunal of Schleswig-Holstein 1988-1993 Member of the scientific advisory board of the CeNtre for EuroPeaN Legal Policy at Bremen University since 1993 JoiNt Publisher of the jourNal Informationsdienst Europäisches Arbeits- und So ialrecht - EuroAS (Information Service on EuroPean Labour Law and Social Law) 10/1994-5/1995 ParticiPation as exPerienced manager in the EuroPean ExPertise Service (EU) Project "RePublic of Kyrgyzstan: Labour Legislation aNd its Institutional Framework" (SPecialisations: labour case-law and emPloyment Protection) since 14.5.1996 Honorary Professor at Bremen University for the subject "Labour law with sPecial emPhasis on EuroPean labour law" since 10/1997 Member of the advisory board of the jourNal Arbeit und Recht (Labour and Law) since 9/1999 DePuty Chairman of the Federation of German Trade Unions Arbitration Court since 2/2000 Member of the network of legal exPerts on the aPPlication of Community law on equal treatment for women and men set uP by the EuroPeaN Commission Chair of numerous conciliation committees in the Private and Public sectors. Languages German: mother tongue; English: very good; French and Latin: good; SPaNish aNd ItaliaN: basic. Membership of professional organisations inter alia : International Society for Labour Law and Social Security, GermaN-SPaNish Lawyers Association, GermaN-JaPaNese Society for Labour Law, InterNational Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms, Association for the Sociology of Law, founding member of the EuroWoman Lawyers Association Other Member of the ZDF television board 1992-1996, member of the advisory board of the Kiel Climate Protection Fund, founding member of the Association for the Promotion of Crime Prevention in the Land caPital Kiel 1997-1998. ========================== 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 3 EL CURRICULUM VITAE José Narciso DA CUNHA RODRIGUES • Born on 30 October 1940 in Penafiel, OPorto; • Graduated in 1963 from the Faculty of Law at the UNiversity of Coimbra • Entered the judiciary in 1964, holding office as agent of the AttorNey of the RePublic, judge, assistant to the Attorney of the RePublic and DePuty Solicitor General; • Charged by the Government in 1977, 1978 aNd 1982 to carry out and coordinate studies on the reform of the judicial system; • From 1980 to 1984, discharged functions as Government Agent to the EuroPeaN Human Rights Commission and the EuroPean Human Rights Court; • ExPert from 1980 to 1985 on the Human Rights SteeriNg Committee of the Council of EuroPe; • Member of the Review Commission of the Code of Criminal Procedure; • Member of the Review Commission of the Criminal Code; • Active member of the International PeNal and PeNitentiary Foundation; • Member of the EuroPean Union’s OLAF InsPection Committee; • APart from scattered lectures, studies and articles, Published the following works: A Constitui&'o e os Tribunais Representações da Justi&a em Miguel Torga Comunicar e Julgar Em Nome do ,ovo Lugares do Direito. • Attorney General of the RePublic since SePtember 1984 =========================== 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 4 EL CURRICULUM VITAE David A. O. EDWARD (The Hon. Judge David Edward) C.M.G., Q.C., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.E. Judge of the Court of Justice of the EuroPeaN CommuNities, 1992- Judge of the Court of /irst Instance of the EC0 1282-22 Court of Justice of the EC L-2925 LUXEMBOURG Tel: +352 4303 2203 Fax: +352 4303 2040 BORN: Perth, ScotlaNd; 14 November 1934 EDUCATED: Sedbergh School UNiversity College, Oxford, 1953-55; 57-59 EdiNburgh UNiversity, 1959-62 DEGREES: Master of Arts (M.A.) Oxford, 1960 Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) EdiNburgh, 1962 Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) honoris causa EdiNburgh, 1993 Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) honoris causa AberdeeN, 1997 Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) honoris causa NaPier, 1998 HONOURS: ComPaNioN of the Order of St Michael & St George (C.M.G.), 1981 DistiNguished Cross, first class, Order of St RaymoNd of PeNafort (SPaiN, 1979 [OrdeN de SaN RaimuNdo de PeNafort, Cruz DistiNguida (Primera Clase)] NATIONAL SERVICE: Sub LieuteNaNt, Royal Naval VoluNteer Reserve (HMS HorNet - motor torPedo boat squadroNs), 1955-57 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Advocate (ScotlaNd), 1962 QueeN's CouNsel (Q.C.) (ScotlaNd), 1974 ASSOCIATE STATUS: HoNorary BeNcher, Gray's INN, LoNdoN, 1992 Member of Chambers at 2 Hare Court, TemPle, LoNdoN Member of the AssociatioN of the Bar of the City of New York FELLOWSHIP: Fellow of the Royal Society of EdiNburgh, 1990 UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS: 5NIVERSIT6 O/ EDIN75R8H : SalveseN Professor of EuroPeaN INstitutioNs aNd Director of the EuroPa INstitute 1985-89; HoNorary Professor siNce 1990; "AlumNus of the Year" 1992 5NIVERSIT6 O/ O9/ORD : HoNorary Fellow, UNiversity College (siNce 1995); Member of Advisory CouNcil, CeNtre for the AdvaNced Study of EuroPeaN aNd ComParative Law (siNce 1995) E5RO,A-5NIVERSIT:T VIADRINA0 /RANK/5RT-AN-DER-ODER : Member, FouNdatioN SeNate, (1991-93) TRIER ACADEM6 O/ E5RO,EAN LAW : Member, Board of Trustees (siNce 1993) 5NIVERSIT6 COLLE8E0 LONDON : ChairmaN, CeNtre for the Law of the EuroPeaN UNioN (siNce 1994) 5NIVERSIT6 O/ D5RHAM : Board member, Durham EuroPeaN Law INstitute (siNce 1992) 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 5 EL PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS: Clerk of the Faculty of Advocates (ScotlaNd), 1967-70 Treasurer of Faculty, 1970-77 PresideNt of the CoNsultative Committee (Now CouNcil) of the Bars & Law Societies of the E.C. (C.C.B.E.), 1978-80 PREVIOUS JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS: Judge of the Court of First INstaNce of the EC, 1989-92 HoNorary Sheriff of the Sheriffdom of Tayside, CeNtral aNd Fife at Perth (ScotlaNd) ChairmaN, Medical APPeals TribuNals (ScotlaNd), 1985-89 TRUSTEESHIPS: INdustry aNd ParliameNt Trust (siNce 1995) CarNegie Trust for the UNiversities of ScotlaNd (siNce 1995) HoPetouN FouNdatioN (siNce 1995) OTHER APPOINTMENTS: PresideNt, FraNco-Scottish Society HoNorary PresideNt (formerly ChairmaN), Scottish CouNcil for INterNatioNal ArbitratioN HoNorary Vice PresideNt, Scottish Lawyers' EuroPeaN GrouP Vice PresideNt, UNited KiNgdom AssociatioN for EuroPeaN Law HoNorary PresideNt, Advocates EuroPeaN Law GrouP EARLIER APPOINTMENTS: Trustee, NatioNal Library of ScotlaNd, 1966-95 HoNorary PresideNt, The David Hume INstitute, 1993-95 PresideNt, The JohNsoN Society (Lichfield), 1995 Member, PaNel of Arbitrators, INterNatioNal CeNtre for SettlemeNt of INvestmeNt DisPutes, 1981-1989 Member, Law Advisory Committee, British CouNcil, 1974-88 Member, DuNPark Committee oN Judicial Review iN ScotlaNd, 1984 SPecialist Adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee oN the EuroPeaN CommuNities, 1985 (EuroPeaN UNioN, 14th RePort, SessioN 1984-85); 1986 (Mutual RecogNitioN of Higher EducatioN DiPlomas, 22Nd RePort, SessioN 1985-86); aNd 1987-88 (StaffiNg of the CommuNity INstitutioNs, 11th RePort, SessioN 1987-88) ChairmaN, Advocates' BusiNess Law GrouP uNtil 1989 Trustee, HoPetouN House PreservatioN Trust (1987-97; ChairmaN 1987-91) BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: ChairmaN, CoNtiNeNtal Assets Trust Plc, 1985-89 Director, Adam & ComPaNy GrouP Plc, 1983-89 Director, The Harris Tweed AssociatioN Ltd, 1984-89 PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE: RePreseNted C.C.B.E. iN Case 155/79, A.M. & S. -v- CommissioN, [1982] E.C.R. 1575 RePreseNted CommissioN. iN Case 270/80, Polydor -v- HarlequiN Record ShoPs, [1982] E.C.R. 329 RePreseNted I.B.M. iN Case 60/81, I.B.M. -v- CommissioN, [1981] E.C.R.
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