Y1u2a20 Reno2o

Y1u2a20 Reno2o

Annex E Republic of the Philippines DEPARTN4ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY @ Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila (Bulacan First District Engineering Office) FINAL ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN (APP) FY 2O2O Civil Works 5.h.d!1. for Ea.h Pr*!6h.nt A.tivlty Estimat.d gudget (PhP 0o0) PMUEment Pregram/Prcjet Adv.rti$h.nt/ PostinC ot PIOOE co RCOI 3/ro/2020 31ru2020 3t3rt202a 4tr6t2020 4l8l2a20 412412024 412912020 s0,000 s0,000 (FCi) I Co.s$uction of MultiPurpo* Bu lding, S.la!t!s, 6u 6c6n Siddlng 311U2020 3/18t2020 1t3tl202a 4/1612024 412312020 4t24t2020 4t29t7020 33,000 3t,000 coo*ixrm of Mulb'Plrpo* Bliding (N.w Mlnbpd Blddhg Burdhg E tsrsrd)l &!y. I9ulot, Bocle,8ulen 3402020 3lLAl2O2A 313112020 41t612020 4t23/202a 412412020 412912420 3,000 3,000 (rLR) l cmshxtion of Mult-tur9os Suildhq Brgy. 8.llb., Glumdt, Eule6n 21512024 211212020 2126t2024 1t1U7020 3lrgl202o 11912420 1l21l2O2O 2,000 2,000 Constructd/lmprovement Constructo./lmprwement Multj-Pu.p@ 8u ldhg, (FLi) of mu tr ourpose burldrno Lolomboy, 8@ue/ Blla@n Brdding 3tL0t2o2a 31t812020 3l1tl202a 4lt6l202a 412312020 4124t2420 4tX9l2O70 FY 2O2O G'A 10,000 10,000 Cmpl€l,m of M!h.P!.pos. Burldin!, BSU Bust06, 5 Po6r.ooi, Bu3r6, &rlac.n y1u2a20 reno2o 31ltl2a2o 41t612020 412312024 4t1412020 4t29t2024 25,000 25,000 E tension of multi-Plrpoe Mu ldrng, Poblaclon, Buslos, 6 Eftns on or b-Purpose Bu a!b.an t/r0/2020 31L812020 111112020 4tL6t2O70 4t2312020 4t24t2024 412912020 25,000 2s,000 co.rlrnxto.r of Mlb.turro5. &rl6.E, u.op.l Com@und, Po6.0o., GuEUi.to, Bllr.n 31t017020 !tel202o 3l3tl202a 4lr6l2a2o 4t23t2020 412412020 412912024 15,000 r5,000 Constrlctonof Mllt-Purpoea!ldinq .cldrnOSte poblac I oevelopment, Brqy d, P ande , 3! laca n Bkldlng 3lt0l2o20 l$12024 311tl2020 4lL6l202A 412312020 4t24t7420 4t29t2o20 15,000 r5,000 co.strucuo. ol Mun-Purpo* Burldrng r.clud.g ste (FLR) 9 8rddh9 ' Deve opment, 8.9y. Pob aoor, Bal uaq, Bu a6n ltal202a u2s12020 311012024 y212420 y3tt2o2a 4l\1702a 41s12020 5,000 5,000 Conshxton of i,!lt -E ro+ Boildi.E &!r. ii.pubng Lup., P.dr, BrL.a. Annex E Republic of the Philippanes DEPARTI4ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY @ Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, N,lanila (Bulacan First District Engineering Office) FINAL A NUAL PROCUREMENT PLAI{ (APP) fY 2020 Civil Works SchGdui. tor E..h PEurcmnt A.tlvlt, Estinat.d Budg.t (PnP 0OO) Pcuement Pro!..m/trcj<t Ad$rdm.t/ ot Bn9 i,lOOE co REO! 2lsl202a 2lr2l202o 212q2a2A 311212020 3/18/2020 3tr9t2020 3t2112020 15,000 15,000 construcum of Mult-Purpo6. Bllldhg (&lldh!), BAy, (FLR) a .i9 2id, Eoc.u., 8!r...n ust2020 2lr2t2o2o 2t2q2A2O !12/2020 1|812020 yt9t2020 112112020 15,000 15,000 crnshxtjdvlmp,@mnt Consuu.ton of Multi-turpo.€ BurdrlE (Pandi of buidr.o L2 muhj-Er.F* T€ahnoloEol Insttute), &9y alnslran lst, Pc.di, 8iddlng 2lsl2a20 2lr2l2o2a 212612020 3lr2l202a 3l1al202o 311912A20 )t23l2A2a 2,000 2,000 Constru.tion/lmprcwment (FLR) of multl-purpo* burldlnq l3 cmshuctlon/hprwement of Multl-Plrto* 8lildng (CowEd Cou.t R@fing), 8.ui, 8c!e, 6u en Bddh9 t0122120t9 1012912019 t1lt2l20t9 v2u2020 2]y2020 214t2020 2la20ao 4,000 4,000 cdilorx$on of Mutti-Purpo6a Bqlldlnc at ,{ldo Bullhan, (FCR) ov ol ri.lolo6, 3!1.(.n = 10129t2419 r\t5t2ar9 t'ttr9l2ar9 t12u2020 21312420 214t2024 2lq2a20 4,000 4,000 plrpose (rcR) l5 ConstructDn olMult 8ur d n! at B.rangay BuglEn, Glumpt,0uacan tLll4l2019 ttl2tl2ot9 t2l3120L9 1t2U2020 U3l2A20 u412020 2la2o20 2,000 2,000 l6 a!.sructon ol Mur!-tulpose surldrng.t Bar..!Ey Gugo, (fcR) = plrpo- Lt2Ll2020 12012070 211,112020 2t2612024 311t2024 31412020 31412020 1,500 1,500 Co.ntucton ot Mult BurLd n9 at 8.6ngay lba O (rcl) ' Este, clumot, Bulacan 6lddl.9 Ltlsl2019 1tlt2l2o19 ttl26120t9 rl2u2a20 213t202a 21412020 2lAt202O 2,000 2,000 Constucton of M!l!'Purpo* 8u ldh! at B.ringay r"hsrle, (rcR) l8 OV ot lhlol6, 8!la@n 10/ttl2019 ttl7l20r9 Lv2U2aL9 L|2U2O2O 2t3t2020 a4t202o 2J8/2020 {,000 Con*kt@ ol Mold-Pu.pc€ BundhC n 8.!ry. san (r(R) MEuel, calumrt, Bulen t1lt2l20t9 1tlt9l20r9 t2l3l20t9 rt2u2a20 2ttt202a 214t2020 210t2020 4,000 4,000 Constru.nm of Multi-turpoe B{lldrng at Greldio dd (rcR) 20 Pllar El€rrcrtary Sdrod, a'b. A,€, Bult@nl Bul66n = r0t22l2al9 10129t2o19 r\t\2t20t9 rl2u2o20 21312020 21412020 21812020 FY 2O2O GAA 4,000 4,000 co.strudo ot Muh-tuDos. 8lildrie .t lidlt Lo.cG, (rcR) 2t ! !. Oty of 14.10106, Bul.c.. L Paee 2 ot 21 Annex E Republic of the Philippines DEPARTN1ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY @ Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila (Bulacan First District Engineering Office) FINAL ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN (APP) FY 2020 Civil Works Sch..lul. lor E..h Pl,acmcnt A.aivlty E timrtld Budg€t (PhP'ooo) PMurcment ProsdD/P@jct Advcrtiem.nt/ PctinC ol MOOE co REOI Eld. 3131202A 3lrAl2120 3124l7A2O 4lal202a 4lbl2a70 4lt5l202a 4lL9l2O20 3,000 3,000 Co.st wum of Multi'turpo6€ Bulldhg, B.6ngay (FCi) 22 Pod4im, Hagooy, 8!len tLl29l2o19 t2lU2O19 1212412019 1t28t2020 211t2020 2l4l2O2O 2t81202O FY 2O2O GAA 30,000 10,000 c@slctoi o, Moltj-tuDosa turbl.c, asu Bu!t6, (FCR) 23 tublaobn, B!sio., Eul.cnn Siddli9 a5l2a20 2lt2l202a 212612020 2t2tt202a 3lL2t2O20 3ft312020 3b)t2420 2,000 2,000 ldhg, Pand, (rcR) 2{ Co.structrof or Multj-Purpo* Bu Bunsu.an l, Bddr.9 i rrt20r9 lvt2l20r9 rt/26t2019 v2812020 28l2a20 21412020 2la2o20 2,000 2,000 Co.'*'r.!oo of Muh,+u.poe 8!rldrm, CltlliBn, 25 B.law.g, 6ulEn Addh9 u7l202a 211412420 212Al2a2a 31t412020 112012020 3t2rl2o2a 3t2s/2o20 1,000 1,000 consructlm of !1ulo-Purpose Bu ldinc, Daun9an E5, (FCR) 26 D.!ngan, Gulgli.to, Bul.can 2lru2o2a 2l2sl2a20 311017420 3l2sl202o 113112020 41t12020 4l5l20za 1,500 1,500 of Mdt-pupose Soirdrn9 cdrt) (tur) 27 @.rrudo {co/s!d Bay. M6Lh€, Bu!t06, DuLc.n tLlt2l20t9 tLlr9l20t9 tzl3120t9 1t2./2020 2ty2A20 21412020 2lu202o 3,000 t,000 Multi-purpose Burldr.o F. (FCR) 28 Reh.b ltauon ol at M6.doza E efrentafr s.hel. Pob acion cllumott. 8!la@. tal22l20l9 t012912o19 rtlLzl2019 112812020 21312020 u4t2a20 7t8t2o2o 2,0o0 2,000 of Muld-turpos. B!lldh9, HS, B.noa (FCA) 29 Rr*Ddlrdon 4.n9. II, Pl.,i@, Buh..n &ddh9 1t12612019 t21312019 12117124t9 rl2el2020 21112024 2t4t2020 2lgl2020 1,500 1,500 R.tEblltand of M!h.Pu.p.6. Bllldinc, caincl^, Bocare, (FCi) E l0 Eul.can Biddl.9 3/ 2020 3tt0t2020 3124t2020 4lal2a20 4lt4l202a 4lL5l202O 41t912020 2,000 2,000 Cmnru<t on or Mln Purpo- Bu ldrno (lrd Froor), Brgy (FLR) 3l Pob .cr@, 8{aue, Bula.an 31312020 yt0l202o 3124t2024 4lu2o2o 411412020 4lt5l2o20 4/!917020 1,500 1,5!0 Constu.lm of Muh'plrF- Borrdn9, pouaodl, Aand.el, 32 ! 2ltal202a 212512020 3/ro/2020 312st2020 3t3tt2o20 4lrl2o2a 41st2020 2,000 2,000 l3 Const^r.Uon ot Mlltj-turpo* Burld n!, 8rqy. T!Gf, Bal @9, Bulen F Annex E Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY @ Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila (Bulacan First District Engineering Office) FINAL ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN (APP) FY 2020 Civil Works S.h.dul. to. E .n Fcurcm.nt Activity E$inded aqd9€t (PhP OOO) Prureme.t Progrrm/Prcject Adv.tl..m.nt/ rb.Un! ol MOOE REOI 31312020 1l \012020 1t24/2024 41u2020 41t412020 4lrsl2020 41t912020 2,000 2,000 l4 Cm*udiotr 6f Mdri.Purpo6. Bulding, &9y. 8.llt , c.romd! Bula(,n ,tal202a 212512020 !1012420 3l2St2A2O 3tX!t2020 411t2020 4l5t2O2O t,000 3,000 @onrudn/R.habllit b.. ot truit'P!rpo* Surldh9, (FLR) of multi-purpoe borldho l5 Constructo./Rehahr[at6n 8r9y. Pobl&rs, Pand, Euacan 1111202A 311Al2a2o 3/2412A2A 41a12020 4lt4l2o20 411,512020 41t912020 2,000 2,000 lmprovement of Adm n ofn.e ol p tpitan E ementary S.hel, Bu.kan, Bulaon 3t3t2021 3ltAt2O2O 3t24t7420 4lat2o2o 4tt4t2o2a 41r5t2020 4/19/2020 5,000 5,000 . Cdr$udron oI dE St . 4.. €sne.bry 56.d {FLR) 77 Adminisr-atifi omcc a!rEr!c, 5t . am, Bllak / B!l&. 3Bl2A20 3ll0l202a 312412020 4lu2a20 411412420 4lrsl2020 411912020 r5,000 15,000 Conssuct 6 of Muh-Pulpoe Bu lding. Munrop.l 33 com@und at Brov Baoonq Nayon, Balruaq, gu.c. 6idd.9 t12112020 11281202a 2ltrl2020 212612024 3l)12020 31412020 )lAl2A20 FY 2020 Gla 4,000 4,000 .turpoe (FLi) l9 Coosn*t m ot Muit Bulldl.!, 8.!y. Sto. Nlio, crrun4r, 6oren Biddh9 1t7t2020 1t tU2020 3t241202A 41u2020 alt1t7020 4lrsl202o 4h912020 2,00o 2,000 C.n$(.tio. oa Mub.Purpos. Brrldrng (S6iq Ot 6 (FLR) ofie)l 8.9y. 5n Vr@.'t , Pafrbq'g, Bur.6n 31112420 31t012020 312412020 4la2o20 411412420 411512020 411912020 r0,000 r0,000 Constlc. on of Mlh.Purpose Bu ldrng, Ba &a9 (rLR) po ytehnlc ColleOe (Bte.h), Bal uaq, Bu a6n B ddlng 31312420 3/10/2020 3124t2020 4tu2a20 4h4t2020 411512020 4lt9l202a FY 2O2O GAA 3,000 3,000 consdurd..VR.r.l/Rlh.U csnructon and/or Rcp.rrlRehadlrtat@ of Mult -turpo* lrirti6 o, mult-Airpoe 42 Buildinq, &!y santd, Balagtas, Buien 8lddrE 1l3l2O2O yrol2020 312412024 4lu2o2o 4lt4l2o20 4ltsl2020 4lr9l202o 3,000 3,000 Cd9uctiqvR.p.k/tuh.br rl co.srEto..nd/or Pca.tr/&h.Blrdm of r,iolt-Plrpc. liEt m of mult -purPc€ 8u drng, Brgy. 5.n aguljn, H.gor'.y/ 6ulen !3t2020 111012420 3t24l2A2O 41612024 4tMl202A 4trsl2o2a 4tt9l2o20 3,000 l,o0o c@*wtisy'R.t.irlR.h.bl consrruction 6nd/or F.D.irlReh.biltztion ol Mllh-Purros€ (FLR) litation of multi-purpos€ Bulldhg, B.oy.

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