rr======-==' ~'~~ ~"==~'~-~- ~"" ==' ~~~'~'~~-~~-~ ~ I ~==============~ lOW YorkHiuTwo .{ Partly Cloudy Detroit Catcher Stw.. ,j 10WA-Partty cloudy, lIomewhat warmer In central and outhweat Ollt Two Domeri porU.DB t.oda,: tomorrow ioeal - Slory Pace I thundershowers. \ , . , I o a c i t M o r n i N e p ape , :1 • • ----- FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 21,1938 VOLUME xxxvn NUMBER 272 Civil rnission es Exa1Qe seryl ce COIn. ,ed an exalll. tlon of asliJ. operator (air • • fifth rellon, thority, With sas City, 1.\0 Wagner Act includes ~ owa, Kansaa, ~Un·AInerican' Activities COllllllittee Assigns Bodyguards to Matthews nd South D.. 'Change Sough~ 20 yearly. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 (AP) testimony which committee mem­ ing the aim of the foreign policy Relating that he had been an Mooney, the international labor de­ lory commi ttee, we find, In addi­ proletariat may be prepared." -The house committee on " un~ bers said would be even more of the Soviet union." active participant in the or,anlza- fense, the federated press, and tion to the usual left wingers who Among others be named on the Bv., Roosevelt American" acti vilies assigned a startling than that he unfolded At least 35 of the 50 American tion or work of about 20 organJ­ other organizations. appear freQuently on united front advisory committee list were Sen~ enuit bodyguard to accompany Dr. J . today. delegates belonged to com.manist zetions which he said tormed part "The American youth congress cOmittees, the name of Ralph S. ator Frazier of North Dakota; Jer­ B. Matthews, writer and educa~ Dr. Matthews told the commit­ front organizations, he said. of the communist front, Matthews Is an excellent example of the Cushman, bishop of the Methodist emiah T. Mahoney, president of William F. Green Machovee lor, when be left the committee tee he was associated prominently In response to direct question- told the committee many Intimate methods and purpose of the com­ Eptscopal church, Harold G. Hoff­ the Amateur Athletic union; Wil­ Confers With Chief room today after telling how from 1932 to 1935 with the com­ ing, Matthews, who said he had deails of his Unk wltb the com­ mUnit party's united fronts," he man, former governor ot New Jer­ liam F. Quillian, general secretary wec has reo communists "exploited" the munist party's "innocents clubs" made five trips to the Soviet munist party. He' laid he did not saId. "Among the organizations sey and Henry N. MacCracken, of .the general board for Christian Executive Over Change City Inspec. oames of Mrs. Franklin D. Roose­ in this country, but served his union since 1928, said the CODl- belong to the party but worked which have been persuaded to en­ preSident of Vassar." education ot the Methodist Eplsco~ )r remodelinc velt and other prominent Ameri­ connections when he realized the munlsts exploited the publlclty with it as a "fellow traveler." dorse the youth congress and to "Ostensibly, these organizations pal church, south; William Allen By WILLIAM B. ARDERY Reno stree~ cans. party's real purpose and (Crew to value of such a speaker as MrS. That was the name liven com­ participate in Its communist­ and Individuals are asoclated with White, famous editor of Emporia, HYDE PARK, N. Y., AUi. 20 The plainclothes 'guard was as­ doubt Soviet claims of soctal and Roosevelt, who could thus inno- munist symPathizers who, tor ~Ided work we ti.nd numerous a youth orgsnization which Is de­ Kan.; Gov. Elmer Benson of Minn· (AP) - President Roosevelt Is ....:: signed after Matthews had re­ other advances in Russia. cently be aiding the work of the strategiC reasons, did not carry groups ot Christian youth people, dicated to peace as one ot its ma­ esota, and many teachers, profes~ ready 10 seek changes in the ported receiving threats by tele­ He charged that the w 0 I' I d party. party cards, he testltled. such as the national council of jor goals. Actually they are being sors, and others. Wagner labor act, William Green phone of bodily harm If he per­ youth congress now meetin, at The witness said he was or- As a "fellow traveler," he said, Methodist youth and the Christian made the innocent dupes of a care­ Matthews, a neatly dressed and reported today. sisted in his testimony regarding Vassar, which wa5 lIddressed by ganizer and first secretary of the he was identified with the students youth conference ot North Amer~ tully contrived communist maneu~ scholarly professor who formerly The president of the American CE the purported inner workings of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt this American league for peace and congress against war, the American Ica. ver. By peace, as the communists tauiht Oriental languages at How­ Federation ot Labor, aIter a long p.m. at the communist party. week, was "nothing more nor democracy, an organization to student union, the American youth "Among the individuals sponsor­ understand and work for it, is ard university here, said he now talk wJth Mr. Roosevelt her e, lton St. He is scheduled to return to less than one of the . • . which several lovernment olfi- congress, the unemployed council, in, the youth congres, as mem­ meant a breathing spell durin, is head ot research laboratory at told reporters: iN SALK "We discussed possible changes rurnltu, the witness stand Monday with maneuvers dedicated to fot'Ward- c1als belonl. various groUJ)8 to aid or tree Tom Otrl of Its lo·called national advi~ which the world revolution of the WashinCton, N. J . -. --------------------~---------------- ,------~------ in the (labor relations) law . throughout. We nre in accord on Tells of War Terror the necessity of making 80m e changes in the law to overcome Germany Flexes Her Military uscles While World Watches the objections the A. F. of L. has offered regarding the board's ad­ ministration." More Judicial Problems--New Catholic Church, Gen. Franco Smooth endrick Held Republican National Commitee Says Green referred to the national labor relations board. He said its Over Differences-Controversy Halted F' E · Roosevelt Administration Is 'Expensive' memb ra should be "more judi­ An d Old- Vex or splonaae cial minded" nnd asserted he had ROME, Aug. 20 (AP)-Through The agreement was resched by ~ WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 (AP)­ over $16,000,000,000 for relief and given the president numerous spe~ etalen the good oUiees of 77-year-old Achille Slarace, secretary of the The republican national commlt~ public works in Ii tUe more than citlc complaints against Its activi­ France, Brl Jesult priest, Pietro Tac:chle Ven· tee charged today that the Roose~ Ii ve years. A t the end of six years, ties. turi, Premier Benito MussolinJ and fascist party, and Marchese Lam~ British Agent Said velt administration's work relief reIJef and attempted "pump-prim­ The labor official said he had Pope Plus Xl have again smoothed berto Vignoli, head of Catholic To Have Been Involved system was the most expensive In ing" of business wiIJ have increas­ talkeu with Mr. Roos velt about Absence of Saturday over the differences between the action In Italy, following neloUa­ the world. ed the flgure to over $20,000,000,- the personnel of the board, and Catholic church and fascist party, tions between Mussolln! and the In Spy Activities The average cost of each relief 000, It said. had mentioned that the term of . Your Jitters Brings Hope A new accord was reached Pope in which the venerable Jesuit case has "sky-rocketed," the com­ If to this "staggering total" is ad­ Donald W. Smith will expire 800n. To Worried World Thursday and anonunced today by Venturi, who was go-between In BERLIN, Aug. 20 (AP)-Capt. mittee said, from $15 .15 a month ded federal loans through the re­ Green would not slly however, the fascist party. It called a halt the church-state reconciliation 01 ':"homas Kendrick, the BrItish tn May, 1933, to $30.66 In 1935 and construction corporation, the pub­ whether he had expressed specific lic works administration and other LONDON, Aug. 20 (AP) -Ger. to the renewed controversy be~ 1929 - assumed his old peacemak~ passport officer In Vienna whose currently under the Works Pro­ opposition to Smith. tween the church and the party er's role. gress administration to $82 a agencies, the committee said, "the "I rather complained," G r e e n many is flexing her military mus· over activities ot the Catholic ac~ The accord merely reaffirms the IIrrest stirred the British govern- month. Roosevelt expenditures and loans said, "against the administration cles and wooinl aggrieved Hun­ tlon, a lay society. working agreement reached after a menl to make dlplomallc repre- The committee reported the na­ have totaled at least $47,000,000,- of the labor act by t.he board as a gary while the world hopefully Both clerical and lay sides prl- similar but more extensive con­ ~entations, was "arrested because tional administration had spent 000 up to March 4, 1938." whole. I did not express objec­ r CO. vately expressed hopes that this in 1931. This wr!tt n under­ - - --- --------------------- --.- tions to one specific person. ~ watches BrltJsh e!torts to wet rlict there were proofs of his eonduct- Abraham Sctbel down Europe's ttnderb x, Czecho~ lHnlted agr ement also would have standing defined the scope of CaUl­ "The members of the boa r d ••• on .&and 10 w ..hIIl(ioll slovakia. a pacifying effect on another point olic action, which the present Pope Ing espionage," It was oHicialiy Prospe ts for Congres ionaJ should be more judicial minded." Two disllj.usio!}ed young dc~ert~rB N~ and oll\ p'r"bl~8 f\ll' lk t­ of difference - the new fascist created and which he has callfd announced tQday.
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