winter 2017 MYSTERIES OF THE GREAT UNCONFORMITY, A JOURNEY IN DEEP GEOLOGIC TIME ne of the more challenging aspects of Othe Earth Sciences, for non-specialists and specialists alike, is the concept of deep time—that Earth history spans immense periods of time. As a species, we humans are accustomed to time in the near term, Redwall Limestone measured as days, months, years, lifetimes (centuries), and millennia (history/ archeol- ogy). We have little personal connection Muav Limestone to time periods measured in millions or billions of years. For many, the Bright Angel Shale concept of deep time is too abstract to comprehend. As we ponder the vastness of time, it is helpful to consider a simple Tapeats Sandstone exercise to illustrate very large numbers. Great Unconformity As children we learned to count to one hundred. At one number per second, this exercise took less than 2 minutes. Proterozoic However, counting to one million would take over 277 hours, or over 11 days! No sleeping or eating, just counting. One billion is a 1,000 times larger than one million, far beyond our ability to count. Photo of the Great Unconformity of Grand Canyon. Here, 500 million-year-old sedimentary strata of Cambrian age were deposited on 1,750 million-year-old metamorphic rock of the Granite To count to one billion would take over Gorge, representing a 1,250 million-year break in the rock record. Photo by Peter Scholle. 11,574 days, almost 32 years! As impossibly large as these numbers lives and thrives by using geologic materi- represents a gap in the geologic history, seem to be, Earth itself has been reliably als, the more we understand this history which geologists call an unconformity. dated at about 4.56 billion years old. the better we will understand Earth’s How can we unravel the events that may This age was determined by dating the resources, their inherent limitations, and have occurred within each missing period best-known material from which our environmental consequences of their of time? You might consult another book planet formed, chondritic meteorites. extraction and use. from another library or from another part This material formed as the inner planets of the globe. This other book may describe coalesced during the formation of the early Geologic puzzles and the same story but from another character’s solar system. The oldest dates derived from missing time point of view. The story is clearly the same, Earth minerals are a bit younger than these As geologists, we read the history of planet but the descriptions are a bit different, and meteorites. Because Earth is a dynamic Earth as written in rocks, but that history the gaps in the story occur over different planet that is constantly recycling crust is written in thousands of “books” that are intervals. If we’re clever, and with the ben- through plate tectonics, the rock record scattered around the globe. And, within efit of international scientific collaboration, becomes sparser the farther back in time any single “book,” there are missing we can combine the two (or more) books one explores. In order to better understand “pages,” even “chapters.” The missing to create a complete story. Earth’s geologic history and our place in pages and chapters represent periods of If you have traveled much around New that history, our task as geologists is to geologic time that are not recorded in each Mexico, the region, or across the globe, scour the planet and look for every avail- regional storyline. Each bit of missing time you have seen excellent outcrops that able geologic record. Because our society Published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources • A Division of New Mexico Tech Block diagrams illustrating the three main types of regional scale unconformities. Each unconformity, indicated by red arrows, represents a break in the rock record where time is unrepresented. Each type of unconformity requires a different set of geologic events to explain the resulting geologic relationships, although erosion is a common thread. record Earth’s rich geologic history, but layers, there was a period of non-deposition The same sequences of rocks and their you may not have known how the story and/or erosion (perhaps from a drop in accompanying unconformities are also from place to place fits into a coherent sea level) that was followed by deposition exposed in other parts of the state, such record of Earth’s geologic past. This is of another sedimentary unit (perhaps due as in the bluffs and mesas along the I-40 the job for geologists—to understand the to rising seas). Disconformities may be corridor from the Rio Puerco drainage west geology of Earth from region to region, difficult to identify, especially if there is of Albuquerque to Grants. and correlate each regional history into little evidence for erosion at the contact. The next type of unconformity, a cohesive global geologic history. The If so, other evidence must be brought to called an angular unconformity, is easily students and professionals of the geological bear to verify the gap in the rock record. recognizable in the field (block B above). sciences have been unravelling this mystery Before geologists could directly date The lower strata are typically tilted more for over 100 years, and each generation geologic material using radiometric dating steeply than the overlying strata. Special of scientists brings new techniques and techniques, we had to rely on the succes- geologic circumstances are needed to create insights into play. sion of fossils in the rock layers. An abrupt an angular unconformity. After a package Armed with an understanding of deep change in fossil assemblages between two of layered sedimentary or volcanic rocks is time, and using the natural radioactive layers would indicate that some period of deposited, the rocks are deformed by fault- decay of some key minerals, we can time was missing (a disconformity!). ing or folding to tilt the layered bedrock. now explore geologic mysteries in our Real examples of disconformities are After tilting of the strata, the rocks then own backyard. Our first task is to get abundant within the state, but may seem undergo erosion that bevels or planes off acquainted with unconformities—those unremarkable without the context of exposed portions of the deformed bedrock. missing sections in geologic time—and geologic time. Most any stack of layered The eroded surface is then covered by learn how to recognize them in the real sedimentary rocks in New Mexico is likely new layered rock deposits. The time gap world. Because unconformities most com- to contain one or more disconformities. represented by angular unconformities can monly represent a period of erosion, one For instance, driving north along I-25 span short or long periods of geologic time, might look for evidence of erosion. approaching Las Vegas, NM, several note- but the exciting implication is that there There are three common types worthy disconformities are exposed among has been a time of deformation or upheaval of regional-scale unconformities; all the steeply tilted and colorful sedimentary recorded in the rock record by the tilting represent erosional surfaces marking the rock layers cut by the highway. Within and beveling of the lower layers. contact between rocks below and above this interval, Permian Period limestone, In New Mexico, the Rio Grande the contact, as illustrated in the block sandstone, and mudstone that formed in follows the Rio Grande rift, which diagrams above. The most common, is an ocean 300–251 million years ago are represents a relatively young (less than 30 the disconformity (block A above), which overlain by Triassic Period sandstones million years old) chapter in the geologic is found between layered sedimentary and mudstones that were deposited by story of New Mexico, and represents a rocks. The contact can be recognized by ancient river systems at 251–200 million zone of faulting due to thinning of the an abrupt change in the composition, years ago. In this case, the contact between continental crust (see the summer, 2012 age, or depositional setting of the layered them is a disconformity representing about Earth Matters for more details). Along the sedimentary rocks across the unconform- 30 million years of missing time. The axis of the rift, from southern Colorado to able boundary, although the strata may ancient river deposits are in turn overlain the Texas–Mexico border, basins formed appear continuous. On the block diagram, by Cretaceous Period sandstones and by progressive spreading of the crust and the boundary is marked by a heavy black mudstones that represent another period consequent faulting over millions of years line that represents an irregular, eroded of ocean inundation between 145 and and filling of the rift basins by sedimentary contact between two different sedimentary 66 million years ago and another discon- rocks of the Santa Fe Group. In such a rocks. After deposition of the lower/older formable gap of about 40 million years. complex geologic setting where faulting, new mexico earth matters 2 winter 2017 story in such breathtaking views. The Great Unconformity is marked by the contact of 1,750 million-year-old metamorphic rocks directly overlain by the 500 million- year-old Tapeats Sandstone (photo on page 1). As in the Sandia Mountains, this monumental break accounts for nearly one quarter of Earth’s geologic time! The Great Unconformity in Grand Canyon leaves us with a mystery on some important events in Earth history, including the assembly and breakup of the ancient supercontinent San Lorenzo Canyon near Socorro, New Mexico showing an angular unconformity between older, tilted strata and younger near-horizontal strata.
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