A10: Warthog A318: Nanobus A319: Microbus A320: MiniBus, NintendoJet, ScareBus, Chainsaw, Deathjet, Freddie Kruegers wet dream, Toulouse Grasscutter, The Strimmer (What's the difference between an A320 and a beaver? 4000 trees per hour.) A320 is known as 'The John Wayne' Because they 'Chop down trees, move mountains and kill Indians!!' A380: Double Decker Bus, Megabus Alouette: Chicken chaser AT6 Harvard: Halfard. Avro Shackleton: Shacklecaster, 10,000 rivets in close formation, flying Cow, Old Grey Lady Avro Vulcan: Tin triangle AW62 Argosy: Whistling Wheelbarrow, Whistling Tit BAC 111:Pocket rocket. BAe146: Viscount 900, Smurfjet with 5 APU's, The Gas Chamber, Bumble-et, Baby Jumbo, Bring Another Engine, 1-4-Sick, submarine- low slow and out of sight, Airborne Auschwitz, Tonka Toy, 4 oil leaks connected by an electrical fault, The Quadra-Puff, Lead Sled, Mini Galaxy, Sky Dozer, Fisher Price 747, "1 aeroplane, 4 engines, needs 6", The Slug, Toxic Terror, Muffler (Because all the noise is on the inside), Fruit Bat, Flying cockroach. BAe ATP: Advanced/Another Technical Problem, The Parrot (cos it's just a big Budgie), Ancient Technology Perpetuated, Bat Pee, Skoda, 80p, Wigwam (A TeePee). BAe Harrier: Leaping Heap BAe Jetstream: Junkstream, Wetdream, Soda-stream. BAe Nimrod: Never Intended for Maritime Reconnaissance Or Development. Bristol Beaufighter: Whispering Death Beech 18: Flying snag Beech 99: 99-Liner Beech Baron: Ball tearer Beech Bonanza: Doctor killer (its reputation as such is ubiquitous) Beech 200: Super K Beech 1900: Flipper, Dolphin, Stonefish Beech T-34: Radial Interceptor Bell 206: Deathranger, Hydraulic palmtree Beverly: Flying Longhouse Bristol 188: The Mayfly Bristol Britannia: The Whispering Giant (Was this the original WG?), Freighter version: The Whispering Warehouse Bristol Freighter: Freightener B707: Slush bucket, Water wagon B727: 3 holer, Tri-jet, Trisaurus, Triple crome-plated stovepipe B737: Tin mouse, Maggot, Pocket Rocket Socket, FLUF (Fat Little Ugly F**cker), Light Twin, Baby Boeing, Fat Freddy, Guppy, Pig, Bobby (BOeing BaBY). B747: Jumbo Jet, Whale, The Valiant, Upstairs and Downstairs, Lump. B747SP: Short Plane, Stupid Purchase. B757: Stick Insect, AtariFerrari, Slippery Snake B767: Dumpster, Slug B777: B737 on steroids, Cripple Seven (I.F.E. Problems??), Bigfoot B24: The Crystal Shithouse B52: BUMF (Big Ugly Mother f***er) or BUFF. (Big Ugly Fat F****er) BN 2 Islander: 225 - 2 wings, 2 engines(?) 5 Wheels, Slander, Bongo BN 2A Trislander: Try Harder, Bloody Nice Aircraft (!), Clockwork TriStar CA-15 Winjeel: The Ginwheel CAC Wirraway: The "Flying Chaff-cutter" (due to its clattering engine noise) Canberra T17: Warthog (due to its warty nose) Casa: Christ A Sh***y Aeroplane Cessna 150: One Filthy, the buck and a half, Cesspit Cessna A150 Aerobat: Aerosplat Cessna 172 Cutlass: Strutless, Gutless Cessna 177 Cardinal: The Pontif Cessna 207: Crowdkiller, Slug, Moneymaker Cessna 210 Centurian: Coffin Cessna 337 Sky Master: Sky Maggot, Push-me-Pull-you, Mix Master, Bug Smasher, Push-me-Pull-me, Blow-me-Suck-me. Cessna 402 Utiliner: Undyliner. Cessna Citation: Levitation, Crustacean, Mutation, Slowtation, Nearjet, Bugjet CF100: The Lead Sled CT-4A: (which was painted bright yellow and green in Oz Air Farce service) - the Plastic Parrot DC 3: Dakotasaurus Rex, Gooney Bird. DC 6: Douglasaurus Rex DC 7: Douglas Seven Seas (From DC-7C) DC 8: DC Late, Old Smokey, Greasy8, Death Cruiser, Whiney Bird DC 9: Greasy 9, Diesel 9, Pocket Rocket (series 10/15 only), DC3-GT DC 10: Diesel 10, Death Cruiser 10, Crowd Killer MD 11: More Death 2, I also like 'Scud' for the MD-11, once you launched it, you were not sure were it was going to land. DH 82 Tiger Moth: Terror Moth. DH Comet: Vomit DHC 1 Chipmonk: Chippie, Chukmonk. DHC 4 Caribou: The Gravel Truck ("The only aircraft known to man that could suffer a birdstrike from behind".) DHC 6 Twin Otter: Tin Otter, Twin Rotter, Twotter, Stoneboat DHC 8 Dash Eight: Dash Late DO 328: Dork DO 328J: Dorkjet Douglas Maurader: Flying Prostitute Douglas Skywarrior: 'All Three Dead' a mixture of its awful early safety record, three crew, and its US Navy designation of A-3D EMB110 Bandierante: Bandit, Randy Banty EMB120 Brasillia: Garbage Can, Brakillya EMB145: Jungle Jet, Barbie Jet, The Windows 98 Plane (seems like you spend more time rebooting the aircraft than actually flying it), Bendy Jet, Emb180 (taxi to the runway, then 180 for taxi back to ramp) F27: The Dutch Dog Whistle, Whistle Pig, The Converter - (ie, it converted fuel into noise). F50: F**kin' Fifty F28: WhisperJet Fokker 100: The Scud Because they point them at Europe and they don't come back!, Dutch Oven (lousy air conditioning) FA 18: Bug, Rhino Fairey Gannet: Converter of Kerosene to Noise Fairey Swordfish: Stringbag F-4 Grey Geese, "Luftwaffen-Diesel" (due to the noticeable smoke trails) F-100 Hun F-102 Deuce F-104 Starfighter Flying coffin, Widowmaker, Manned missile F-105 The Thud F-111: Aardvark, The Pig Fouga: Dog-whistle, Converter, Whistling Turtle HS125: Pocket rocket HS748: Paraffin Budgie, the Draggie, The Twenty Ton Dog Whistle. HS Trident: Rodent, The Gripper Gloster Javellin: Flying Trowel, Harmonious drag master, Flat Iron Gloster Meteor: Meatbox Gulfstream I: G-String, G-Once Gulfstream IV: Fourskin IAI Westwind: Lead Sled, Jew Canoe, Heebjet, Bagel Bomber, Yom Kippur Clipper Jaguar: Septic Cat Katana DA20: Flying sperm Lake Amphibian: Doctor Killer LearJet: FearJet, Noisemaker L Jetstar: Lawn Dart L1011 TriStar: Bistar (Had so many RB211-22B failures), El-10-Elemon, FrightStar, Tritanic, Swamp Eater, Swamp Buggy C130 Hercules: Fat Albert, Trash hauler, Herkybird MD 11: Mad Dog MD 80: Mad Dog 80 MD 95: John Holmes condom Metroliner: San-Antonio sewerpipe, Texas Sewer Pipe, Death pencil, The Screamin Weenie, Texas Lawn Dart, Swetro (in the summer), Baltimore Whore (no visible means of support, skinny lil 'ol wings), Terror Tube, "That noisy fucking thing", Widow maker, Kerosene Crowbar, Fear tube. Garretts on a Stick Mohawk 298/Nord 262: Pteradactyl MU-2: Widow Maker, Hiroshima Screamer, Rice Rocket, Kill You - 2 N24 Nomad: Go-mad, Gonad Partenavia: Part-of-Mafia, Partial Aviator, Part Banana PA-18 Tri Pacer: Pie Chaser PA-23 Aztec: Az-Truck PA-28 Arrow: Sparrow PA-28 Cherokee: Cherry Tree PA-28 Warrior: Worrier PA-31 Navajo: Never-go, Have-a-go PA-38 Tomahawk: Traumahawk, Terrahawk, SpinMaster, Ratshit Hatchet PA-44 Seminole: Semenhole PA-60: ScareOstar. PC12: Platypus. PBY 5 Catalina: Pigboat, Dumbo. RJ70/100: Real Jet SAAB 35 Draken: Flying Trowel SAAB J29: Flying Barrel S3 Viking: Hoover Shorts Belfast: Belslug Shorts Sandringham: The Triple Decker Bus Shorts Skyvan: The Whispering Nissan Hut Shorts 330: The Two Tailed Shed, Horse Float, Milk Carton, Winnebago, Box Car, Short Van Shorts 360: Box, Shoe Box, Barn, Shed, Long Short, The box that the Skyvan came in. Sikorsky S61N: "Miss Piggy", (fat and ugly) Strikemaster: Constant speed - variable noise machine. Supermarine Stranraer: Whistling Shithouse Supermarine Walrus: Shagbat T-33: T Bird T-37: Tweet TB-10 Tobago: Toboggan - because they only perform downhill! Tornado: Tonka TSR-2: Throw Some Rocks Two, Teararse VC-9 Vanguard: Vickers Vibrator VC-9 Vanguard Merchantman: The Guards Van VC-10: Iron Duck, Vickers Knickers Vickers Varsity: Flying pig Vickers Wellington: Wimpey CRJ = Tundra Jet SAAB340=Slaab B1 - Bone, Lancer. Best looking plane ever!!! Lufthansa - Let us f*** the hostess, as no steward available. F-16: Viper C-172: Kansas City Spam Can, Wichita Flak CRJ: Canada's Rejected Junk A318: Short Bus CRJ: Canada's Reset Jet EMB-120: Switch B1tch, Jungle Junk E-series: Jungle Bus B1900 - Flying Forehead Shorts 360- Irish Icemaker E-120- Burrito Bomber L1011 = Whisperliner MD-80 = Minimum Delay 80 minutes. Lockheed C-5 Galaxy - FRED (F'ing Ridiculous Expensive Disaster) CRJ = climb restricted jet BE-76 Duchess Beech - b***h Dutch-ass D–bag (not sure if i can use the whole word) Dutchy WSBOD- Whistling S*** Box of death Wanna be king Squawked American Eagles CRJ-700 renamed CRJ-180 - It leaves the gate and makes a 180 and comes back c-130: four fan trash can dc-9-30: The dirty thirty 737-100/200: Thunder Guppy Piper Arrow: The scarerrow C-172: Flying lunchbox, skyrat C-182: Skylame C-206: Stationary Dash 8: Crash Eight Bell 206: Jet Danger Tu-144: Concordeski MD-80: Mx Delay, Might Depart, Longbeach Sewer Tube JS-41: Jetscream DA-42: Twin engine sperm cell CRJ200: Barbie Jet ERJ-145 Jungle Jet Be400 beechjet: also barbie jet 17-30A bellanca super viking: termite transporter piper pa-31p-350 mojve: NOhaveee (as in no have any performance...engineers that worked on that project started that one) PA-44 siminole: see-men-hole cessna 208 carravan: carry-a-van diamond D-jet: dumb jet BE-18: Twin Beast Beech/Volpar 18: Travesty-on-TriGear BE-18T Westwind III: Whirlwind BE-50 Twin Bonanza: T-Bone BE-60 Duke: Puke, Ugly piece of S*!t Bell UH-1 Iroquois: Huey Boeing 727-200(early): Stretch '72, DogRocket CE-337 SkyMaster: Die Faster Curtiss JN-4D: Jenny Ford AT-5: Tin Goose IA-1123 Commodore Jet: Commode IA-1124 Westwind: SkyPig Junkers Ju-52: Tante Ju Douglas C-124: Old Shakey Douglas MD-95: Boeing 717 Embraer E-170,175,190,195: E-180 (back to the gate) Hughes H-4 Hercules: Spruce Goose (Howard hated that nickname) Piper PA 38: Toma-coffin Piper PA 44: Swimmin' Hole Republic F-105 Thunderchief: Thud Tupolev Tu-154: 727-ski C-152: one sh!tty two DA20-c1 Eclipse: Plastic wagon Beech Jet: Beech junk, blow job, piece of ****, "oh g*d d***** not another one... top the wings 200 in the trunk with prist?" C-17 - officially Globemaster III, unofficially has these names: - Moose (for it's bellowing moose call noise during ground refueling) - Barney - FRED's (C-5) little buddy - Budda - short and fat T-34=Tormentor KC-135A: Strato Pig Cessna 172: Chickenhawk P-47: Jug Beech Duke: Also: Hangar queen, or allergic to sunlight (Begins breaking when the hangar door opens) Piper Chieftan: Mega-ho Eagle 150: Snub-nosed 'Skeeter Piper Apache: Twin Cub Dehavilland Mosquito: wooden wonder Dehavilland DHC-7: Quadrasaurus rex EMB-120: 'bro PA-44: Slowminole, Feathering Arrow.
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