kHtiaSeB ••• v;* m y A ■ I TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1 5 ^ i*"® i^''«iG m iiBW Vote rom 6 tL m. to 7 p . m . p . " ■ - ' ■■ ■ ■ ■■ v3»'j'.-.. Jkim fi M ljr Net P m s ] V*r «be WMk EnM The Weather ' = u , 1«M ttnaw, dumglin to rate to*' Bifht, low in middle 80a; «lato* 1 4 ,5 8 2 hif tomaCToWi’liIgh in 80» ; 'CUy o f VlUagm Chmrm CO CM VOL. LXXXV, NO. 116 (TBIinT.TWO FAGES^TWO nCTiON^ MANCHBSTI^ CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1966 M r m f m PRICE SEVEN CSNTil S CM CM •''“•rwr-T'^ySI L‘/« Snow Due ( ; WINDSOR DOCKS (AP) —Saawel-toehto o t mum a n Senate Begins Debate^ aiQMoted: in moat aeatiatia ot ConnaCtiout twlay. tha U.S. Waathar. Bureau aaid. n w bunau aaid tha enow I would i^ iaar in tha abu th­ ' mRl^^RD (AP) — A wart Comer ot the atata about noon and apraad over Viet Nam Aid -fdx-Wjsek' State P(^ee nar- thar ottlra atata during the CbtkSiinveatigation haS led aftenuwn. ,to the arreSt of three Uni­ While it ia axt>aCted to verSity o f CiHiBeCtiCut Stu- Continue faHtaif tonic;ht, dehtS and two otherS who theta ehoold be a ftadual L o n g Urges reCently Dunked out on awltch to a rain and eleCt ChaiSeS of -Sdlihg mari­ mixture alont; the ' Shon. juana. State PoliCe head- Some aleet and rain will Backing for juana. alao mix with the Snow in Stuto , PCMpe' headquartiera interior aeCtiooa but a Com­ LBJ P o lic y sbU the aiCtoilii wen made Plete Changeover to rain ie lUeuday^ with Olrouk Court not exPeCted thrae, the fore­ benCh wer rapto. CaSter said. WASHINGTON (A P)— SaleS of m^Juaua wen made “Several inCheS an ex­ The Senate embark^ on A 0 off. CamPuS to underCover agents PeCted from thiS Storm with hiStoriC Viet Nam debatil worfeing'for the state poUce nar­ larger aCCiunulationS inland today with Sen. RuSSell E. t o CotiCS squad, state PoliCe Said.. and leSSer amoimts along Long, D-La., Saying th« € y 'At the Stores CamPuS, PnSl- the . CoaSt,” he aaid. body should affirm Presi* dent Homer D. Babbfdge ^ d dent JohnSon’S ASiatiC PdlW the ’ University cooperaited fiuily n » . CieS. with auUibrMiea In their Inves- tjtttte eW8 Up for debate waS a bill to tlgatliM of PoSSible illegal use — '' ■' " authorize $4.8 biUion of the $1^8 • of: narCotiCS. r r t . d W billion of emergeuCy milltaiy There waS no indiCation ot the X 1 * 1 1 5 i C C S v X l V funds Johnson aSked for Vial extent of the alleged narCotiCS Nam fighting. Peddling nor whether tranSaC- D 1 „ ~ Even before the formal tions were made on CamPuS. ^ R .1 C l U SPeeCheS began. Long, tiie aCt­ But Babbidge said he reCog- -j-, ^ , ing DemoCratiC leader, told aa (2-1 SS for Spending informal news ConferenCe that “ Some PeoPle would like to PuQ Koyal Hemline Attacked the rug out from voider oidf DOXu 8\10C0PUlM0 StUQ0]ltS EOO ^ s t o r« r s.y. ( a, p > —« Th.i_i London Daily Mii^or faShion Columnist FeliCity PerSonS eager to exPloit TruSteeS for the boyS" by attaChing reetriCtlva PoliCy riderS to the bill. Green today CritiCized Queen Elizabeth’s hemliiib them . UmverSity of ConneCticut BeCauSe of this, Long aaid h| aS being too long. She added a little more of the AiU ve defendantS aPPeared aPProved today the univer- royal legS should be shown and added a good CloSe Skirmish line of U.S. infantrymen moveS forward, throwing grenadeS, toward PerSonally favorS an affirmativo I wiUiinaiiiUc befon Cir- Sity administration’s Six- Viet Cong.PoSitionS at the edge of a rubber Plantation near Cu Chi, South statement SuPPorting the Prest* to home examPle iS PrinCeSS Margaret (right £CMit Court Judge EU fCmmer, year CaPitfd exPenditureS above) who shows a hemline “ one the knee.” Many Viet Nam. The aCtion took PlaCe as the 26th DiviSion attemPted to expand itS dent’S PoliCieS. He Said, hoWf in who oonttaued their oaSeS until requeSt of |'?6,290,000. Perimeter. (AP Photofax) ever, he would not offer It ^ BritiSh hemlines have riSen to four inChes above MbrCh 1. Having won the board’S en- Chairman Riobard B. RueseO, the knee in the lateSt faShionS. (AP Phot^fax) State Polio# Said they SeiSed doraenient, the requeStS must go D-Oa., of the Senate Armed a Small quantity ef narCotiCS next to the Stetd Oonunlssion on ServlCee Committee objeCtS. c» In a trailer where one of the Higheb EMuCation. They wiU RuSseU has Said he oPPoSeS suspeote lived off CamPuS. finaifiy be submitted to the leg- Johnson Hikes Interest tieing any PoliCy Statement to He waS identified aS Ranwlch iSiVatoire, wttCh deCideS whether the biU. Dominican Blast C. aridwold. m, of CT8 Park St., the requeStS are to be gnunted. N w Britain. •PhS Six - year Paokage, by (0ea Page Twelve) dlriSwoU and Bhaderiek M. htennhau: itoT ■ N, |M,«0,000; On E, H Savings Bonds cd W ounds 3 ^ha Page $at.on.oooi im-ra. tie,- • bond ftmdq tohfld ftnaiKSa WAS«N(?rON CAP) - Pratt- n il 'Hlto' to bitoi'>ito''C8i toliragb inwlbm ef AmeriCanS 0 O U f f Get R eSt •AKTO DOMINGO, Damin- There were m AmerfeSn to tea total. Hm ra- dent JohnSon amounoed today P*^ Cent wttbout 'ttMHtaml to Join In the Program. lean RePuMlc (A^^) Ttoee oaoualUeei to the pttier iniwlfllng- -mitUon would be of fourtontt«.Q(.txia oangreaaiional atte-t. Johnson aaldltM aavlnga bond A S LI«a» A 181169.; Ameriaan PSuwtvooPaS were The PreSinrinary r^>ort by the ____ .... ’Tha InCreaSe'taTMtottiligiito Ptogram atrengtbana the aacuri- wounded, dnl CMUcdBy, TUeS- US. aPoteeSnaan saM’lherw iaifl'' w e -P to * * * only to make SbvtagS iHodS a ty of the Ameriowi fimUy ,snd Head for NorAiA 1 day ttght aS teirorlSta- battling eSn,aaeualtiaa were oauied to.a .tetii-■ .# * (» Ihan I t t t y > tato 0. rawtiigs bonda, more attraCtive tevattbtoSt but 6to SeqhCiny Sf tlbe itttion, ifiip- d genai^torike mounted one oi grSnttde. Subsequent :ltmttM|S and m ite it SK Setee aS ef laSt by sUmtdattng bond SaleS — aa |Mta Iha CauSe of freedom a ^ SAIGON, South Viet Nany (heir moSt vtolent attaCkS on tidn, the SPttceeman attd, Dab. 1. the adminlabetian hoPeS it will V.B. fighting men in Viet NBm, (AP) — AlUed trooPe and ate. U.S. trooPe in the heait Cf Santo showed it waS a homemaxle de- 'T r a n S f ^ Johnson satd the new rate, — to help avert tollatfon; and halPB Preaerva the buying Power gave the Viet Cong rior Domingo. Woe. j l ® ‘(AP)—Dr. Frank- wtaitti win 'aPPly both to bonda In announcing the inoreaaa, Power of dollaie. reSt today, but exCePt for disen# The IdentMy of the Amertoans, other AmeriCanS In the wht- flMlTTritiiiil fAPl bn IL vwwo,Foote, nvaveState' oommiS-bommia- eireaayeteeady Cutaanoiioutatutding and new Johnson Said tha savingS bond Jehnaoh Said he, ViCe Preat gagement akirmishee the inSuiv wounde^ in the exptoeion of a d e <^ned fire on the terroriStS. _ g«vm teto wbftohM wbre HtoMi. •eld today the isaiiea, wtii be 4.16 Per Cent. The Program iS “ both Pradent and dent Hubert H. Humphrey and gente showed little InClination tok I I bomemauda bomb, waS withheld, a waS not known whether ttiSy >niiMtov ttSht bv a J l^ o o a l Center tor preaent rata iS 6.76 Per bent. PatriotiC” and axPreeSed hope OalHnet mamberS wiU enroll In defend any territory. They were on JeeP Patrol. Ut them. ■ treatment, of the mentally re- The Prealdeilt oould have the new totereat rate will an- llw payroU SavingS plan. ’The U.S forCeS rePorted M more- CO ■”**The "***‘nicfhtiv “ ^ terroriSm,termrixm. H»e"Iha mote tardbd tKHlM have had to CdoSe RMter, however, doee not In- Viet Cong killed in two aCtionS^ Inttdente, one mem mtenalve vroret SinCe PreSident HeCtor tk*L. if etwte fundS had not been dude SeCretary of toe ’Treasury AmeriCan loSSeS, if any, warS’ enough to reqiAre oah of Ameri- I GarCla-Godoy took offiCe Six__ ^ oMirtte'rtVwto ttoMT ite tt *” ®****^^ m u • » *• Henry H. Fowler who, under not rePorted. 4 Can retatorCemwUs, was rePort- ago.' haS been' raglito atoiThe wmmiraioner aaid he waS I o l k S W l I n d i a |aw, iS Ineligible to buy SavlngB But U.S. and Vietnamese mill- ad by a U.S. mdUtairy SPokee- ^ oonCarPed about a. miaunder- bondS and other government tary SPokeSmen announced that origfh- Btandtog a r i ^ from a recent (See FlRe Twelve) ' ;;Fliteea' ti'jam '.tautthuto^^tetoa SeCuritiee. enemy fire killed W> U.S. and: 'fanlte from ICanS- . The Prettdent said ha will Souto Vletnamaae trooPS la^ ' ..... and Souubiiry Training eomemwon SirtvM .iDiPK^ atia tortruCt dePartment and agenCy week, wMle toe allied forCeS’ iphrey Offers beadS to begin a aavings bond kUled to t Viet Cong and Ca^^ *Track-Shun^ Restored CamPaign “ So that all emPloyeS tured 64. The enemy loSSeS wevA held until Ito.itanPlttiCn. State RaP. Itai^ L. Earle, The toagisily aCouraad in ef tiM foderal govenunent wfU leas than half those the Conunfif tunnel al the Rohitt tyteuelaC- R-NorOi Hav0Cx, one ol th0 Set an examPle tor the real of ndata Buffered the week before^ Atetifwi M m v Ihuw MfUtOlOn on the Committee, the netiCn to follow. when 1,6111 Viet Coi« were i%' o ti^ Station being later aCCuSed n ‘Knowhow’ CM Colonials Bend Backs, tm .
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