no 292. TAYLOR FAMILY OF GOMERSAL ADWALTON 1 - 13 CLECKHEATON - see "Hunsworth & Cleckheaton" G 0 PI E R S A L ..see also 9,10,11.... 14 - 57 HUNSUORTH &CLECKHEATON 58 - 66 MISCELLANEOUS 67 - 76 y I L L S: Nos 8, 14, 23, 25, 26, 54, 56, 67, 69 71, 74. no 292 Page MD 292 ADWALTON 1s 14 February, 3 Anne, 1704* Bet.Isaac Smith of Adwalton, Yeri 1st; Richard Bean of Adwalton, carpenter and Thos. Smith of the same, Clothier (2nd son of Isaac Smith) and Mary now his wife (daughter and heir app. of Richard Bean) Other* Cons, a marriage already had bet. Thos. Smith and nary his wife, and for their "better Supportacon and Stay of livaing in time to come*1, as also of the suma of Three score and Tenne pounds to Isaac Smith paid by Richard Beane etc......Two closes of land "The 2 Ryecrofts” now occupied in fower closes, 6 days' work with a plough, with apts, in Adwalton, now in tenure Isaac Smith, late purchased with other lands etc# by Isaac Smith of Richard Lepton of Gildersome, by Ind, 16 March 30th Chas 2 (1678) etc» Much more. 2s 14 February, 1704. BOND. Isaac Smith of Adwalton, Yeo bound to Richard Beane of Adwalton "Lignaris” (carpenter), Thos Smith of same and Mary his wife in £140 to keep covenants in pair of indentures of same date 3s 6 March, 15 Geo 2, 1741. Bet. Thos. Smith of Adwalton, Yeo; Isaac Smith of Adwalton, Butcher, son and h.a. of Thomas 1st; Geo Tetlow of Gomersall, Yeo, Other. Cons £60* Three closes, "Ryecrofts", 6 days’ work with apts. in Adwalton, now in possession Isaac Smith, together with etc. Term 1,000 years. Rent a Red Rose. Provision for redemption. 4s 21 March, 1742. "LBase by way of Sale”. Bet. Thos. Smith of Adwalton, Yeo and Isaac Smith of Adwalton, son and H.A. to Thomas 1st; Geo. Clapham of Batley, Butcher, Other. Cons 5/—. Three closes in Adwalton, the Three Rycrofts, B days* work, in possession Thos. and Isaac Smith, together with etc. Lease for a year. Rent a Red Rose. 5s 22 March, 1742. "Release by way of Sale" Bet Thos. Smith of Adwalton, Yeo and Isaac Smith of Adwalton, son and h.a. to Thos. Smith 1st; Geo Clapham of Barley, Butcher, Other. Cons £200. Three closes in Adwalton "Three Rycrofts", 8 days* work, now in possession Thos. and Isaac Smith with etc. For ever. Held of the Chief Lord etc. MORE. 6: 22 March, 1742. BONO. Thos. and Isaac Smith bound to Geo Clapham in £400 to keep covenants in indentures of same date. 7: 6 September, 1745. BOND Idni. Fretwell of Adwalton, Yeo bound to Geo Clapham of Batley, Butcher in £50. WHEREASs Geo Clapham by Inda. of L 4 R 7 April, 1743, demised to Thos. and Isaac Smith of Adwalton 3 closes, the "Three Ryecrofts", 8 days' work, then in possession Thos. and Isaac Smith, for term of 11 years, rent £7 p.a. William Fretwell bound.to pay the yearly rent of £7 for or during the tern. 8s Copy of Will of George Clapha* of Batley, Butcher, made 6 Dec. 1755 Eldeat aon 0ohb...left 3 closes in Adwalton, now in possession Wm. Fretwell. For tern of his natural life...«any arrangements for after hie decease. Other eones George, Doseph, Robert. Daughterss Hannah, wife of Benj. Crowther; Elizabeth, wife of W*. Stanthrope* Martha, wife of Matthew Woodheed. continued MD 292 Page 2 8 (cont»d)s Further property, with names of occupants, listed# Much information# Exors wife and Robert Clapham# 9: 31 August, 12 Geo 3, 1772*. Bet Geo Clapham of Gomersall, Yeo and John Clapham of same. Clothier, and Geo Clapham of Batley, Butcher (sons of George Clapham) 1st; Um# Faber of Leeds, Currier, Other# Cons £100 Two Plessuages, Dwellinghouses or Tenaments with Barns, Stables, Workshops and OBa in GOMERSALL now in several possessions of Geo Clapham, the father, and John Clapham# AND 3 closes in ADUALTON, "Ryecrofts", otherwise "Common Closes", 6A now in possession William and Widow Fretwell, together with etc# Term 1,000 years# Provision for Redemption# More# 10: 24 May, 14 Geo 3, 1774# "Deed for securing a further sum" Bet Geo# Clapham of Gomersall, Yeo; John Clapham, City of London, Yeo; Geo Clapham of Gomersall, Butcher (sons of Geo Clapham) 1st; Dm# Faber of Leeds, Currier, Other# WHEREAS Ind# of Demise 31 Aug 1772, for £100 • •••property as in No# 9##.....Geo Clapham the father, and John and Geo Clapham the sons have paid all interest on the £100 to Witu Faber but the £100 is still owing* THIS IND* In cons £60 by Wm# Faber at interest of 5% (interest on the £100 at 4^6).••••Provision for redemption* 11: 3 September, 16 Geo 3, 1776* "Conveyance of mortgage in Fee made redeemable on payment by Mr# John Clapham of £200 and interest." Bet. Geo Clapham of Bolton, Bradford, Butcher, 1st; John Clapham of Batley, Woolstapler 2nd; Rev. Thos. Faber, Vicar of Calverley and Um. Faber of Leeds, Surgeon (exors in will of their father, Wm. Faber of Leeds, Currier) 3rd# WHEREAS, Ind 1 August 1772###..«property as in No# 9##### History##•• THIS IND# Cons £40 to Geo Clapham the son by Wm# Faber - and further financial arrangements - confirms to Thos Faber undivided half - the 2 into two eQual parts to be divided •••••much more information 12: 7 January, 25 Geo 3, 1785, Bet Thos* Crooke of Stump Cross in Morley, Parish Batley, Yeo (Trustee for sale of the closes and heridits under last will of George Clapham, late of little horton, Parish Bradford, Inspector of Broad Woollen Cloths, Dec) and John Clapham of Brownhill, parish Batley, Clothier, son and heir of George Clapham, 1st; John Tempest of Adwalton, Yeo, Other* Cons 5/- apiece* Three closes in Adwalton, the "Rye Crofts", otherwise "Common Closes" 6A in several possessions William and Widow Fretwell, but now or late in tenure Richard Best, together with etc* Lease for a Year* 13: 8 January, 25 Geo 3, 1785* Bet Thos* Crooke of Stump Cross, Plorley (Trustee, as in No 12) 1st; John Clapham,(eldest son and heir of Geo Clapham Dec); Geo Clapham of Bolton, Parish Bradford, Butcher; Robert Clapham of Brownhill, Clothier; Thos Clapham of Birstall, Clothier; John Armitage of Thornhill, Clothier and nary his wife (late nary Clapham, spinster) and Samuel Clapham of Leeds, Stuffmaker (which John, Geo, Rbt* Thos, nary and Samuel are all children of Geo Clapham Dec) 2nd; Rev* Thoa Faber of Calverley, Clerk and Wm* Faber of Leeds, Surgeon and Apothecary (exora of last will of Mm* Faber, late of Leeds, Currier, Dec) 3rd* John Tempest of Adwalton, Yeo 4th; Mm* Tempest of Adwalton, Teo* person named by end on behalf of the said John Tempest 5th* WHEREAS, Ind 31 August, 1772 Three closes "The Rye Crofts" in Adwalton othsrwise "Common Closes" 6A etc • ••much history.**#THIS IND. in purs# of agreement and cans £160 to Thos* and Wm. Faber by John Tempeat - other financial arrangement8 - The 3 closes in Trust. Very much more information. no 292 Pag» 3. CLECKHEATONI Se* under "HUNSWORTH k CLECKHEATON» G O f l E R S H - See also Nos. 10, 1t 14s 8 & 9 Nova«bar, 1699 to 20 nerch, 1784« Schedula af Title Deade of an Estate at Goneraal belonging to nr# 3ohn Taylor* Nine document*, including 1 Kill* listed* 15} 9 September, 2 Ifni* and Mary, 1690* Bat Dames Tayler of Keighley Yeo., son and haire of Uni* Taylor, late of Gt. Gomersall, Yeo. Dec* 1st; John Fletcher of Chapell Allerton, Gent, Other* Cons £140. nessuage or Tenament "The Newhouae" with apts in Gt. Gomersall, now in tenure John Taylor (brother of James) which was lately erected and doth adjoin to the East end of one Ancient Messuage on Gt. Gomersall wherein him. Taylor, Dec (late father of James Taylor) did dwell etc (given to James Taylor by will of Urn. Taylor) Also Upper Bawsincliffe, Nether Bawsincliffe, Fusden Ing closes uith apts in Gt. Gomersal, in tenure John Taylor. AND two other closes, "Netherfields" in tenure Judith Taylor, widow. For ever. Attached: 8 September, 1690. Parties and property as above. Cons 5/—. Lease for a year. Also attached: Receipt for £140....James Taylor of John Fletcher. Also attached: 9 September, 1690 BOND. James Taylor bound to John Fletcher in £280 to perform agreements in L and R. same date. Outside: "James Taylor’s Mortgage" 16: 30 October, 12 Wm. 3, 1700. Bet Josias Farrer of Robertowne, Yeo 1st; John Taylor of Gt, Gomersall, Yeo Other. WHEREAS Richard Brooke and Mary his wife; James Taylor and Jane his wife, and Thos. Ellison and Sarah his wife, in Trinity Term last past at Westminster Levied one Fine etc. unto the said Josias Farrer etc, amongst other Lands and Tenaments, upon the Newhouse, with apts. in Gt. Gomersall, now in tenure John Taylor, which was lately erected and doth adjoin to the East end of one ancient messuage wherein Andrew Taylor doth now dwell, with apts, and closes Bawsincliffe, Nether Bawsincliffe, Fusden Ing, now in tenure John Taylor, and 2 closes, Netherfields in Gt. Gomersall also in tenure James Taylor, bv the several names of 3 Messuages, 1 Shopp, 4 barnes, 4 stables, 4 gardens, 4 orchards, 60A land 60A meadow, 60A pasture, common of pasture etc....it is covenanted and concluded, and fully agreed upon between the said partyes to these presents.....property to use of John Taylor for Ever, and to no other use or uses whatsoever.
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