Liturgical Year 2020 of the Celtic Orthodox Church Wednesday 1st January 2020 Holy Name of Jesus Circumcision of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea of Palestine, Father of the Church (379) Beoc of Lough Derg, Donegal (5th or 6th c.) Connat, Abbess of St. Brigid’s convent at Kildare, Ireland (590) Ossene of Clonmore, Ireland (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 3:10-19 Eph 3:1-7 Lk 6:5-11 Holy Name of Jesus: ♦ Vespers: Ps 8 and 19 ♦ 1st Nocturn: Ps 64 1Tm 2:1-6 Lk 6:16-22 ♦ 3rd Nocturn: Ps 71 and 134 Phil 2:6-11 ♦ Matins: Jn 10:9-16 ♦ Liturgy: Gn 17:1-14 Ps 112 Col 2:8-12 Lk 2:20-21 ♦ Sext: Ps 53 ♦ None: Ps 148 1 Thursday 2 January 2020 Seraphim, priest-monk of Sarov (1833) Adalard, Abbot of Corbie, Founder of New Corbie (827) John of Kronstadt, priest and confessor (1908) Seiriol, Welsh monk and hermit at Anglesey, off the coast of north Wales (early 6th c.) Munchin, monk, Patron of Limerick, Ireland (7th c.) The thousand Lichfield Christians martyred during the reign of Diocletian (c. 333) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 4:1-6 Eph 3:8-13 Lk 8:24-36 Friday 3 January 2020 Genevieve, virgin, Patroness of Paris (502) Blimont, monk of Luxeuil, 3rd Abbot of Leuconay (673) Malachi, prophet (c. 515 BC) Finlugh, Abbot of Derry (6th c.) Fintan, Abbot and Patron Saint of Doon, Limerick, Ireland (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 4:7-14a Eph 3:14-21 Lk 6:46-49 Saturday 4 January 2020 70 Disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ Gregory, Bishop of Langres (540) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 4:14b-20 Eph 4:1-16 Lk 7:1-10 70 Disciples: Lk 10:1-5 2 Sunday 5 January 2020 (Forefeast of the Epiphany) Syncletica, hermit in Egypt (c. 350) Convoyon, Abbot-Founder of St. Savior Monastery near Redon (868), and Tedwin, priest-monk Cera, nun, Foundress-Abbess at Kilkeary, Ireland (679) ♦ Matins: Jn 20:1-18 ♦ Liturgy: Is 61:1-3, 9a; 62:11-12a Eph 4:20-28 Lk 2:41-52 ♦ Vespers: Ps 92 Forefeast of the Epiphany ♦ Vespers: Ps 67 (vs 29-36) and 71 ♦ 3rd Nocturn: Nm 24:15-25 2K 6:1-7 ♦ Liturgy: Is 49:8-13 2Co 4:6-7 Lk 3:23-38 Monday 6 January 2020 (St Apollinarius, Church of Ravenna) Epiphany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (The Three Kings) Melanius, Bishop of Rennes (530) Schottin, hermit of Kilkenny (6th c.) Diman Dubh, student of St Columba, Bishop of Connor (658) Edeyrn, recluse in Brittany, companion of King Arthur (6th c.) Merinus, hermit, Patron of Paisley, Scotland (620) 3 Hywyn, founder of Aberdaron in Gwynedd, Wales (516) Peter, 1st Abbot of the monastery of Sts. Peter and Paul at Canterbury (607) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 5:1-5 Eph 4:17-25a Lk 7:11-16 Epiphany – Three Kings ♦ 3rd Nocturn: Nm 24:15-25 ♦ Liturgy: Is 60:1-16 Ap 21:9-11, 23-27 Mt 2:1-12 Tuesday 7 January 2020 Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov (1696) Tillo, Abbot of Solignac (702) Kentigerna, hermitess of Loch Lomond (734) Cronan Beg, Bishop of Aendrum, County Down, Ireland (7th c.) Cedd of Lastingham, Bishop of Essex, 1st Abbot of Lastingham (664) Brannock of Braunton, Wales (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 5:6-14 Eph 4:25-32 Lk 7:31-35 Wednesday 8 January 2020 Agathon, hermit in Egypt (c. 435) Frodobert, monk of Luxeuil, Founder of Moutier-la-Celle (673) Albert and Erhard, of Ireland, Bishop-missionary en Bavaria (686) Lucian, 1st Bishop, Maximian and Julian, martyrs at Beauvais (286) Gudula, virgin, Patroness of Brussels (712) Athelm, Archbishop of Canterbury (923) Ergnad of Ulster, nun (5th c.) Wulsin, Bishop of Sherborne (1005) Nathalan, Bishop of Aberdeenshire, Scotland (678) 4 ♦ Liturgy: Wis 5:15-23 Eph 5:1-8a Lk 7:36-50 Thursday 9 January 2020 Peter II, Bishop of Sebaste (391) Faolan [Fillan], abbot of Stathfillan, hermit at Pittenween (750) Brithwald, Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, Archbishop of Canterbury (731) Paschasia, virgin and martyr near Dijon (178) Adrian, Abbot of St Augustine’s, Canterbury (710) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 6:1-11 Eph 5:8b-21 Lk 8:5-15 Friday 10 January 2020 Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, Father of the Church (394) Sethrida, 2nd abbess of Faremoutiers (660) Dermot, Abbot of Innis-Clotran Island, Ireland (6th c.) Thomian, Archbishop of Armagh (7th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 6:12-25 Eph 5:25-33 Lk 8:16-21 Saturday 11 January 2020 (Closing of the Nativity – (Forefeast of the Theophany) Theodosius the Cenobiarch, Abbot-Hermit in Palestine (529) Theodosius, Abbot-Founder in Cilicia (412) Ethne and Fedelma of Connaught, virgins (433) Theodosius of Antioch, monk and founder (412) ♦ Liturgy: Is 12:3-6 Ac 13:25-33 5 Jn 1:29-34 ♦ Vespers: Ps 28 and 113 ♦ 1st Nocturn: Ps 26 Ex 15:22 – 16:1 Jos 3:7-8, 15-17 Sunday 12 January 2020 Theophany Tatiana, deaconess at Rome, martyr (225) Caesaria, Abbess at Arles (540) Benedict Biscop, Abbot of Wearmouth (690) 38 Monks of Iona martyred by the Vikings (806) Alan ab Erbin, King of Cornwall (480) ♦ 2nd Nocturn: Ps 73 2K 2:19-22 Is 12:3-6 Ac 13:25-33 ♦ 3rd Nocturn: Ps 22 1Co 10:1-4 ♦ Matins: Is 35:1-10 ♦ Liturgy: 2K 5:9-14 Rm 6:3-11 Mt 3:13-17 6 Monday 13 January 2020 James, Bishop of Nisibis, Father of the Church (350) Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Father of the Church (368) Kentigern, Bishop-Abbot of Glasgow (603) Elian of Llanelian, Anglesey, Wales (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 7:1-14 Eph 6:1-9 Lk 8:22-25 Tuesday 14 January 2020 Nina, hermit in Georgia (325) Sava I, Patriarch of Serbia (1237) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 7:15-21 Eph 6:10-17 Lk 8:26-39 Wednesday 15 January 2020 Paul, The First Hermit in Thebes (342) Ita, princess of Ireland, abbess of Killeedy (570) John Calabytes (“the Hut-Dweller”), monk of the Acemetes (450) Ceolwulf of Lindisfarne, King of Northumbria (765) Lleudadd, Abbot of Bardsey, Gwynedd, Wales (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 7:22 – 8:1 Eph 6:18-24 Lk 9:37-43a Thursday 16 January 2020 Fursey, from Ireland, Bishop-Founder of Lagny (650) Honoratus, abbot of Lerins, Bishop of Arles (429) James of Syria, 1st Bishop of Tarentaise (429) Dunchaid O’Braoin, hermit, Abbot on Clonmacnoise, near Westmeath, Ireland (988) 7 ♦ Liturgy: Wis 8:2-8 Phil 1:1-11 Lk 9:43a-48 Friday 17 January 2020 Anthony the Great, abbot-founder in the Thebaid (356) Mildgytha, princess of Mercia, abbess of Wenlock (676) Nennius, one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland (ca. 6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 8:9-16 Phil 1:12-20a Lk 9:49-56 Saturday 18 January 2020 (Beginning of Christian Unity Week) Deicola [Desle], Abbot-Founder of Lure (625) Prisca, martyr at Rome (250) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 8:17-21 Phil 1:20b-30 Lk 9:57-62 Beginning of Christian Unity Week: ♦ Liturgy: Eph 4:1-7, 13-21 Jn 17:1, 11-23 8 Sunday 19 January 2020 (Wedding at Cana) Macarius the Great, priest-monk of Scetes (391) Blathmac and companions, monks at Iona, martyrs (824) Branwallader, of Cornwall, Bishop in Jersey (6th c.) Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester (1095) ♦ Matins: Mt 28:1-15 ♦ Liturgy: Nm 20:1-13 Rm 8:22-27 Jn 2:1-11 Monday 20 January 2020 Euthymius the Great, abbot in Palestine (471) Sebastian, martyr at Rome (288) Fechin, Founder and 1st Abbot of Fobhar Monastery, Westmeath, Ireland (665) Molagga, Founder and 1st Abbot of Fermoy Monastery, Wales (655) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 9:1-8 Phil 2:1-11 Lk 10:1-15 Tuesday 21 January 2020 Agnes, martyr at Rome (304) Patroclus, 1st Bishop of Troyes, martyr (259) Meinrad, monk of Reichenau, hermit at Einsiedeln (861) Vimin, Scottish bishop, Founder of Holywood Monastery (6th c.) 9 Brigid of Kilbride (6th c.) Maccallin, Founder of Waulsort Abbey, near Dinant, Belgium (978) Lawdog of Wales (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 10:1-8 Phil 2:12-18 Lk 10:16-24 Wednesday 22 January 2020 Solen or Solemnis, from Ireland, Bishop of Chartres (509) Timothy, disciple, Bishop of Ephesus, martyr (97) Vincent, deacon of Saragossa, martyr (304) Brithwold, Bishop of Ramsbury, See moved later to Old Sarum (1045) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 10:9-14 Phil 2:19-30 Lk 10:24-37 Thursday 23 January 2020 Maimbod, from Ireland, martyr at Dampierre (c. 880) John the Almoner, Pope of Alexandria (619) Barnard, founder of Romans-sur-Isère, Bishop of Vienne (842) Theophan the Recluse, Bishop of Tambov (1894) Colman, Abbot-Bishop of the monastery of Lismore, Ireland (702) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 10:15 – 11:3 Phil 3:1-8a Lk 10:38-42 Friday 24 January 2020 Cadoc, hermit at Etel, abbot-founder of Llancarfan, martyr (588) Ebertram, monk of Luxeuil, founder of Saint Quentin (7th c.) Guasacht, Bishop of Granard, Ireland (5th c.) Manach, Founder of Lemonaghan Monastery, Ireland (664) 10 ♦ Liturgy: Wis 11:4-14 Phil 3:8b-19 Lk 11:1-8 Saturday 25 January 2020 Conversion of Saint Paul Gregory the Theologian (also called Gregory Nazianzus), Patriarch of Constantinople, Father of the Church (380) Dwynwen, hermitess of Llanddwyn Island, off the coast of Anglesey, Wales (5th c.) Eochod, Apostle of the Picts of Galloway, Scotland (697) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 11:15-20 Phil 3:20 – 4:9 Lk 11:9-13 Conversion of St Paul: ♦ Liturgy: Si 2:1-11 Ac 9:1-22 Jn 13:34-35; 14:2-4 Sunday 26 January 2020 ♦ Matins: Mk 16:1-8 ♦ Liturgy: Is 6:1-10 1Co 1:26-31 Lk 4:16-22 11 Monday 27 January 2020 Julian, 1st Bishop of Le Mans (3rd c.) Peter the Egyptian, hermit in Syria (400) Natalis, monk and abbot of Ireland (564) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 11:21 – 12:2 Phil 4:10-23 Lk 11:14-23 Tuesday 28 January 2020 Ephrem the Syrian, Father of the Church (378) Isaac the Syrian, Bishop of Nineveh, Father of the Church (7th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 12:3:11a Col 1:1-12 Lk 11:23-28 Wednesday 29 January 2020 Gildas the Wise, founder of Rhuys (570) Valerius, 2nd Bishop of Trèves (320) Sulpicius, Bishop of Bourges (7th c.) Dallán Forghaill, martyr, scholar, poet (598) Blath, cook at St Brigid’s convent in Kildare (523) Voloc, Irish missionary bishop in Scotland (724) Triphina of Brittany, nun (6th c.) ♦ Liturgy: Wis 12:11b-18 Col 1:13-20 Lk 11:29-32 12 Thursday 30 January 2020 Bathildis,
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