15 th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, (21-23 January, 2019) The Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) Convention is a flagship event for engagement of the Government with the overseas Indian community. The event has been organized every year by the erstwhile Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs. During the 13th Edition of PBD Convention, which was held in January 2015 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, it was decided that the PBD Convention would be held once in two years. Accordingly, the next subsequent PBD Convention i.e. the 14th Edition was held from 7 – 9 January, 2017 in Bengaluru, Karnataka. 15th PBD Convention 2019 was organized in Varanasi in association with Government of Uttar Pradesh. In reverence to sentiments expressed by the larger Diaspora, Indian Organizations, community & elected leaders abroad on account of Kumbh Snan, this time PBD Convention was held during 21-23 January, 2019. The PBD Convention featured the Youth Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (YPBD) on 21st January, which enables the Government to connect with the young overseas Indians. The Minister of State for Youth Affairs & sports (IC) was the co-Chair of this event along with Hon’ble EAM. A parallel session of UP PBD was held on 21st January, 2019. On 22nd January, Prime Minister inaugurated the PBD Convention. On 23rd January, the President conferred the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards on 30 Overseas Indians/organizations and delivered the valedictory address. PBD Delegates were given the opportunity to participate in the Kumbh Snan at Prayagraj on 24 January and Republic Day Parade at the New Delhi on 26 January, 2019. The Prime Minister of Mauritius Shri Pravind Kumar Jugnauth accepted our invitation to be the Chief Guest for the PBD Convention. There is a tradition of Indian origin leaders or prominent persons being invited as the Chief Guest. On 21st January at the YPBD, Shri Himanshu Gulati, Member of Parliament, Norway was the Special Guest. Shri Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, Member of Parliament, New Zealand was the Guest of Honour for the Youth PBD. In addition, there was participation of high rank dignitaries from all over the globle. The theme of the PBD Convention in 2019 was ‘Role of Indian Diaspora in building a New India’. Under this theme, there was 7 Plenary Sessions held over three days at which overseas Indians and domain experts from within India participated. Ministry had also invited overseas Indians, domain experts and resident Indians who are well versed with the subjects to be covered in the Plenary Sessions at the PBD Convention. The complete Programme details of the 15th Pbd Convention is placed below: Programme for PBD 2019 held on 21-23 January, 2019 at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh ***** 21 January 2019 – !onday "outh Pravasi Bharatiya Divas $ime %ession/Programme Venue 0920 'll delegates to be seated Trade 0930 hrs )ighting of )am* Facilitation Centre 0931-093+ ,el-ome .emar/s by Shri Dnyaneshwar hrs Mulay, Secretary (OIA&CPV), Ministry o! "#ternal A$airs 093+-09+0 'ddress by Shri %a&ya'ardhan Sin(h %athore, hrs Minister o! State (Inde)endent Char(e !or *outh A$airs and S)orts 09+0- 'ddress by Shri *o(i Adityanath, Chie! Minister 100+hrs o! +ttar Pradesh 100+-101+ 'ddress by S)ecial Guest -.". Mr. Himanshu hrs Gulati, Me/ber o! Parlia/ent, 0orway 101+- 'ddress by Guest o! Honour -.". Mr. 1anwaljit 102+hrs Sin(h 2a3shi, Me/ber o! Parlia/ent, 0ew 4ealand 102+-100+ Inaugural 'ddress by S/t. Sush/a Swaraj, hrs Minister !or "#ternal Affairs 100+-10+0 Vote of Than/s by S/t. +)/a Chawdhry, hrs Secretary, De)art/ent o! *outh A$airs, Ministry o! *outh Affairs and S)orts 10+0-1130 $ea Brea/ hrs 1130-1300 Plenary %ession 12 3ngagement 4ith younger Trade hrs members of Indian Dias*ora Facilitation Centre %ession 5oordinator2 Shri %a'eesh 1u/ar, JS (XP 5o--hair7 Shri %ajya'ardhan Sin(h %athore, MOS (*outh Affairs & S)orts 1300-1000 )un-h hosted (y Shri %ajya'ardhan Sin(h Trade hrs %athore, Minister o! State (Inde)endent Char(e Facilitation !or *outh Affairs and S)orts Centre 1000- Uttar Pradesh PBD 7%imultaneous e#ent8 1600hrs Trade Facilitation Centre 1030-2100 Visit of "outh PBD Parti-i*ants to B9U for 2-+ hrs intera-tion 1600-1900 5ultural *rogramme (Showcasin( dance and Trade hrs /usic o! +P Facilitation Centre 1930 hrs Dinner 8 hosted by Shri *o(i Adityanath, Chie! Trade Minister o! +P Facilitation Centre 22 January 2019 - $uesday Inauguration of 15th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention 2019 $ime %ession/Programme Venue 1000 hrs All dele(ates to be seated 1020 hrs Arrival o! Shri 0arendra Modi, Prime Minister o! India 102+-1029 hrs The/e son( by Artists !ro/ All India %adio 9 Mins (:.9; 1030-103+ hrs 'ddress by S/t. Sush/a Swaraj, Minister !or "#ternal A$airs 103+-1000 hrs 'ddress by Shri *o(i Adityanath Chie! Minister o! +ttar Pradesh 1000-10++ hrs :eynote 'ddress by -.". Shri Pra'ind Ju(nauth, Prime Minister o! Mauritius 10++-110+ hrs <2harat 1o Janiye =uiz? Award cere/ony & (rou) )hoto 110+-110+ hrs 'ddress by Shri 0arendra Modi, Prime Minister o! India Stadiu/ 110+ hrs Vote of Than/s by Gen. (Dr. V.1. Sin(h, Minister o! State !or "#ternal A$airs 11+0 hrs Pri/e Minister@s Mo'e/ent to Loun(e 11++ hrs Chie! Guest, Mr. Pra'indJu(nauth@s Mo'e/ent to Loun(e 1200-1220 hrs 2ilateral Meetin( 1220-1300 hrs PhotoBo) session, with !ollowin( (rou)s o! Pra'asis. CDDEBCDD: - MinistersFMPs !ro/ Malaysia CDD:BCDDG - Minister !ro/ Fiji CDDGBCDDH - MP !ro/ 0orway CDDHBCD:C - MP !ro/ 0ew 4ealand CD:CBCD:9 – MP !ro/ "uro)ean Parlia/ent C::9BCD:I - GOPIO International CD:IBCD9E - GOPIO Malaysia CD9EBCD9: - Indian Peo)le@s Foru/, Dubai CD9:BCD9G - Indians in Dubai CD9GBCD9H - Mauritius PIO CD9HBCD;C - PIOCCI CD;CBCD;9 - P2D SecretariatBMalaysian Go't. 1300-1030 hrs )un-h hosted by Shri 0arendra Modi, Prime Minister o! India 1200 -1030 )un-h !or dele(ates TFC hrs 1+00-1;30 hrs Plenary %ession 112 .ole of India Dias*ora in Trade -a*a-ity (uilding for a<ordable solar *o4er Facilitation %ession 5oordinator2 Shri ,. Centre 2alasubra/anian, JS ("J 1;30-1;0+ hrs $ea Brea/ 1;0+-161+ hrs Plenary %ession 1112 =iving ba-/ to India2 Trade >**ortunities and 5hallenges Facilitation %ession 5oordinator2 Shri Mano& 1 2harti, Centre AS(ED) 5o--hair2 S/t. Sush/a Swaraj, "#ternal A$airs Minister 1900-2030 hrs 5ultural Programme (Or(anised by Indian Stadiu/ Council !or Cultural %elations 2030 hrs Dinner hosted by S/t. Sush/a Swaraj, Stadiu/ on4ards Minister !or "#ternal Affairs 23 January 2019 - ,ednesday 15th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention $ime %ession/Programme Venue 0900-101+ Plenary %ession IV2 Indian 5ommunity hrs Organi?ations 4or/ing for Indian nationals in distressed situation %ession 5oordinator2 Shri A/it 0aran(, 5S (CPV) 101+-1030 $ea Brea/ hrs 1030-110+ Plenary %ession V2 .ole of Indian Dias*ora in hrs -a*a-ity building for a<ordable 4aste management Trade %ession 5oordinator2 Shri Manoj 1 2harti, Facilitation AS(ED) Centre 5o--hair7 Sushree +/a 2harati, MDJ&S 1200-131+ Plenary %ession V1: Indian Dias*ora@s role in hrs -a*a-ity building of 'rtiA-ial Intelligen-e in India %ession 5oordinator2 Shri +)ender Sin(h %awat, JS (EG&IT 5o--hair2 Shri %a'i Shan3ar Prasad, M"IT* 1330-100+ )un-h hosted by Shri %a/ 0aik, HonKble hrs Go'ernor o! +P 1+00-1;1+ Plenary %ession V112 De#elo*ing -yber hrs -a*a-ity of India %esson 5oordinator2 Shri +)ender Sin(h %awat, JS (EG&IT 5o--hair2 Shri %a'i Shan3ar Prasad, M"IT*& Law & Justice 1;1+-1B00 Mo'e/ent o! Partici)ants to A.2. Va&)ayee hrs Sabha(har 1B00-1600 Valedi-tory %ession and Pravasi Bharatiya Stadiu/ hrs %amman '4ards 5eremony By 1;+0 hrs All dele(ates to be seated 1B00 hrs Arrival o! Shri %a/ 0ath 1o'ind, HonKble President o! India at 'enue 1B01-1B02 0ational Anthe/ hrs 1B02-1B06 ,el-ome 'ddress by S/t. Sush/a Swaraj, hrs Minister !or "#ternal A$airs 1B06-1B1+hrs .emar/s by Shri *o(i Adityanath, Chie! Minister o! +ttar Pradesh 1B1+-1B0+ 5onferment of Pravasi Bharatiya %amman hrs '4ards by Shri %a/ 0ath 1o'ind, HonKble President o! IndiaL at the /iddle o! the con!er/ent B'--e*tan-e %*ee-h by one o! the Sa//an Awardees 1B0+-1B++ Valedi-tory 'ddress by Shri %a/ 0ath 1o'ind, hrs HonKble President o! India 1B++-1600 Vote of Than/s by Gen. (Dr. V.1. Sin(h, hrs Minister o! State !or "#ternal Affairs 1+th Pra#asi Bharatiya Divas 5on#ention -on-ludes 2000 hrs Dinner hosted by Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, Trade President, ICC% Facilitation Centre *****.
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