HICKHB & CO., an: 3 T P. Y CON -?- v. ; :- PS V ,, BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT. 13rfoge Street, •tftot&esag S^w €MMl Q/&#<£ &, wwmebu /$$ tfdee/d dube ' 'aAeb, mem aaaWM dunlea m mk; ana &dimmed /e mafoa, Jtfo 3d So, ecctoa 2/de {m&6e wuwMea m a nea ^ Igt/ 33 Q^iu/m yfm/ BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. ROYAL HOTEL FIRST-CLASS, Opposite the Pier. Table d'Hote Breakfast, Luncheon and Table oV Rote Dinner, Open to Non-Besidents. Telephone No, 44. Moderate Tariff. JOHN MACKAY, Proprietor. M aekinlay's TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Fronting the Pier. Splendid Outlook from Sitting-Room Windows. HOTEL MADEIRA, Opposite the Band Stand, Rothesay. This First- Class Temperance Hotel is best situated, and commands unrivalled view of the Bay and Cowal Hills. Fitted throughout with all Modern Improvements. DAVID LAWSON, Jun., Proprietor. Entrance—Tower Street. Telephone 0198. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. Shorthand, Typewriting, Esperanto, and Business Methods. MR HIGGIE'S CLASSES FOR PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION are cenducted during the six months from October till March. SllOPthand. will continue to be taught with a view to its subsequent use- fulness and not for any other purpose. In Typewriting? special attention will be devoted to Punctuation and •Capitalisation, a thorough knowledge of which is absolutely necessary in Practical Printing, and cannot longer be neglected by those aspiring to be First-Class Typists. Esperanto.—This wonderful International Language is already o used for Business and Pleasure in all parts of the world. Business Methods.—Instruction given in other Up-to-Date Business Methods. Advertisement Writing is a Enviable Profession, and the ground-work and minutsea are familiar to the experienced Printer and Journalist. Engagements booked at 22 Bridge Street, Rothesay. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT. ATHLETES, usiness Men, Brain Workers and all who undergo prolonged Mental or Physical Exertion SHOULD TAKE Nervetonine IT is an absolute specific for Mental Exhaustion and Depression, Lack of Energy and Sleeplessness, whether caused by overwork, worry, or depres- sing climate, for Neuralgia and all Nerve Pains, Nervous Indigstion and Loss of "Appetite Anaemia, and all Debility forms of Weakness, and Loss _ of Power. See you get Nervetonine, as many substitutes are offered. Prices—1/9, 2/9, 4/6 and lis. Post 2d f r COMFORT t°he FEET Corns and Bunions may be removed, and enlarged Toe Joints reduced, by using Thompson's Mar7ellous Corn Plaster. Sole Proprietor—M. F. THOMPSON, Homoeopathic Chemist, 17 Gordon Street, Glasgow, from whom the Plaster may be had in packets, by post, for 14 Stamps. Those who are troubled with the discomfort of Corns, &c. , will be glad to have attention called to this remedy. It is a simple Plaster, thin as silk, and comfortable to the foot. Lady Maude M. F, THOMPSON, Homoeopathic & Dispensing1 Chemist, [.P.S., 17 GORDON ISTREET, GLASGOW. SOUVENIR OF THOMPSON'S EXQUISITE PERFUME- SCOTLAND. /SCOTCH| MOUNTAIN HEATHER Post Free—2s 3d, 3s 9d, and 5s 9d. Published Annually. Price, One Shilling*. THE BUTE COUNTY | DIRECTORY Fop 1906-7 . «£ * USEFUL «*§ COUNTY and BURGHAL INFORMATION, ^ ANNIVERSARIES, &c., || OFFICIALS, j¥ HOUSEHOLDERS, #- and TRADERS. #> * ROTHESAY: V- HIGGIE & CO., PUBLISHERS. 3 ^^^ ^«|^ ^^^^^«^«|^^^^«|^«^^»«^«^t|^i^^«^iXt^i«^it^i^ \ -ha*, v w ) ' BUTEMAP OF PREFACE TO 1906-7 EDITION. WE have again much pleasure in giving the honours of the Press to a new issue of this useful Buteshire reference book—thoroughly overhauled and brought up to date- All the previous sections are continued, and to facili- tate the search for information the different portions are printed on distinct coloured papers—an innovation of acknowledged service. Our Advertising friends and the Pronainent Business Firms in the District have appreciated the distribution of their announcements facing the text of the book, and we hope the continued prompt receipt of orders will enable us to make this benefit permanent Our desire is to overlook no one, and with that view we respectfully solicit notices of alterations or additions as early as possible, so that they may be given effect to. This Directory is a more important publication than many imagine. It is not only found at all times throughout the county, but also in the libraries of Glasgow, Edin- burgh, London, Dublin, Cambridge, Oxford, &c, and in numerous business houses and agencies in busy centres throughout the kingdom, so we are particularly anxious that nothing of benefit to Buteshire be omitted, but that every interest has a good show, and everything is up to date. Our best thanks are again extended to those who have in any way helped us in this compilation. It takes long and careful vigilance to ascertain and give effect to the eontinual changes, and prompt information and orders are, consequently, particularly acceptable and valuable. [The extra list of Householders arranged in Streets, held in readiness for several years, we have reluctantly had to abandon]. HIGGIE & CO., Publishers. Rothesay, July, 1906. CON TE NTS. Papt I. LOCAL CALENDAR, 5—16 Papt II.—Officials. COUNTY OF BUTE 17 ISLE OF BUTE, 31 Parish and Burgh of Rothesay ... 35 Parish of North Bute ... ... 59 Parish of Kingarth ... ... 63 ISLE OF ARRAN ... 67 Parish of Kilbride... ... ... 69 Parish of Kilmory ... ... 73 THE CUMBRAES ... 75 Burgh of Millport ... ... 79 Part III.—Householders. ISLE OF BUTE : Rothesay ... ... ... 81 North Bute... ... ... ...119 Kingarth ... ... ... 125 Papt IV.—Tpadeps. Rothesay ..: 129 North Bute... 137 Kingarth 139 ISLE OF CUMBRAE : Millport, 140 MISCELLANEOUS. Postal Information, . 57 Useful Memoranda, . 143-4 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY. PART I. July, 1906. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. 1 Sun 1 French Cadet Ship in Rothesay Bay, 1;M>5. ');;. 2 Mori Steamboat boycott of Millport [three day<], I . 3 Tues Opening of A and Ph Society's Museum, Chapel!. ill, I 874. 4 Wed American Independence declared, 1776. 5 Thur Formation of Bute Cycling Club, 1895. 6 Fri Marquis of Bute married, 1905. 7 Sat (6) Duke of Rothesay married, 1893. 8 Sun Rothesay Parish Church re-opened after restoration, 1906.] 9 Mon Roth. West U. F. Church entered their tabernacle, 1905. 10 Tues Lord Bute brought his bride to Mountstuart, 1905. 11 Wed (14) Rothesay Pier New Waiting Rooms opened, 1904. 12 Thur Heritors agreed to excamb St. Mary's Chapel, Roth., 1880. 13 Fri United Free Parish Church opened by Dr Guthrie, 1845. 14 Sat Inauguration of Albert Memorial Fountain, Rothesay, .1864. 15 Sun Saint Swithin's day. (14)Kilchattan Bay Pier opened, 1880 16 Mon (15) Captain Harding appointed Chief Constable, 1898. 17 Tues (16) Cromwell entered Scotland, 1650. 18 Wed Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.—Pope 19 Thur (20) Captain Webb swam in the Clyde, 188 . 20 Fri Saint Bruix day fair instituted, 1585. 21 Sat Robert Burns died, 1796. 22 Sun Rev John Saunders, Kingarth, inducted, 1879. 23 Mon (22) Stout Stuart of Bute killed at Falkirk, 1298. 24 Tues 25 Wed Rev D. M*Cormick, Chapel'l U. F. Ch., Ry., inducted, 1877, 26 Thur (25) St Blane's Bowling Green, Kilchattan Bay opened, 1903 27 Fri 28 Sat Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?- -Marlowe. 29 Sun 30 Mon Poll Tax for building Rothesay Parish Church, 1692 31 Tues Annual Game and Gun licenses expire. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Aug. 1906. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc II Wed House of Lords decided in favour of Wee Frees, 1904. 2 Thur (1) St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Millport, opened, 1848. 3 'Fri (2) Slavery ceased in British Dominion, 1838. 4 Sat First book printed, 1457. 5 Sun Chief of Bute Family appointed hereditary keeper of Rothe- 6 Mon esay Castle, 1498. 7 Tues Dugald M'Corkindale, J.P., Glendermot died, 1903. 8 Wed A work of real merit finds favour at last.—Alcott 9 Thur King's Coronation (postponed from 26th June), 1902. 10 Fri St Blane canonised, 1000. 11 Sat Rev Jas. Graham ordained first dissenter in Rothesay, 1784. 12 Sun Grouse Shooting begins. 13 Mon Ballard Fountain, West Esplanade, presented, 1861. 14 Tues Rothesay Electric Tramways Inspected by Bd of Trade, 1902. 15 Wed Sir Walter Scott born, 1771. 16 Thur King's first visit to Rothesay, 1847. 17 Fri (16) Rothesay Esplanade Band Stand opened, 1873. 18 Sat Electric Lighting Act passed, 1882. 19 Sun Rothesay Electric Tramways Opened for Traffic, 1902. 20 Mon Black Game shooting begins. 21 Tues Archd. Brown, banker, Rothesay, died, 1903. 22 Wed Presbyterianism established in Scotland, 1567. 23 Thur Sir William Wallace beheaded, 1305. 24 Fri First Telegram received in Rothesay, 1 865. 25 Sat Port-Bannatyne United Free Church opened, 1879. 26|Sun Market Cross removed from Rothesay Tolbooth, 1768. 27,Mon Sheep Dog Exhibition before the King in Arran, 1902. 28 Tues God helps them that help themselves.—Franklin 29|Wed Rev. James E. Mackay, Craigmore Parish Cnurch died, 1902. SOffhur Death of P. B. Ferguson, journalist, London, 1905. 31 Fri He's armed without that's armed within. —Pope BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY. Sept. 1906. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. Sat Princess Louise and Marquis of Lome visited Rothesay, 1874. Sun (1) Partridge shooting begins. Mon Freedom of Rothsy. to A. B. Stewart and Thos. Russell, 1875. Tues James M'lndoe, New Zealand settler, died 1905. Wed Royal Charter to Fullertons of Arran, 1400.' Thur Scottish Rebellion began, 1715. Fri Committees appointed to promote Sabbath observance, 1837 Sat Nativity of Mary. 9 Sun Chapelhill Free Gaelic Church, Rothesay, opened, 1860. 10 Mon The confidence of ability is ability. —Maclaren. 11 Tues Colonel Campbell, Southall, died 1905. 12 Wed Rothesay public street lighting by electricity, 1899. 13 fhur Chapelhill bought by Town Council, 1858. 14 Fri Ro'say Tn. Council accepted Lord Bute's gift of Meadows, '3. 15 Sat Institution of Rothsy. Parliamentary Debating Assoc, 1880, 16 Sun St.
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