San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1931 Special Libraries, 1930s 1-1-1931 Special Libraries, January 1931 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, January 1931" (1931). Special Libraries, 1931. 1. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1931/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1931 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 22 January, 1931 No. 1 Art Departments in City Libraries Research Library and the Research Librarian A Classified Catalog in the University Library S. L. A. CONFERENCE CLEVELAND, OHIO JUNE 10-12, 1931 Enter03 UI mndelm matter st the Pout OfEm. Pmvidenm, R. I., under the Act of March 8. 1879. Aeosphnce for rnPtllng at .pedal nta of postage provided lor In neatJon 1108, Act 01 October 8, 1817. authorilad October 22, 1927. R.h: $6.00 a yar, Foreign $6.50: slngle mpiea 50 can& Contents Adaptability of a Classified Catalog to the Univer- sity Library. By Eleanor S. Upton ..................... 16 Art Departments of City Libraries. By Etheldred Abbott ..................................................12 Research Library and the Research Librarian. By Hollis W. Hering. ............................................ 7 DEPAR'IMENTS Associations ................. 25 Editorials ..................... I5 Classification and In- Events and Publica- dexing ........................ 16 tiom ......................... 27 Digest of Business Personal Notes ........... 29 Book Reviews ....... 19 President's Message .... 14 NOTES- John Cotton Dana ...... 15 Research in Industry . 18 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to April, bl-monthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office, 11 Nisbet Street, Providence, R. I. All payments should be made to Special Libraries Association, 11 Nirbtt Street, Providence, R. I. 2 * SPECIAL LIBRARIES January, 1931 Institutional Members California hlassachusetts State Library, Boston California Academy of Science, San Francisco Metcalf & Eddy, Boston 'Californla State ~ibrar~,sacramento Social Law Library, Boston Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles United Fruit Company, Boston Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco Michigan Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco Technical Book Co., San Francisco Detroit News, Detroit Detroit Public Library, Detroit General Motors Corporation, Detroit Connecticut Un~versityof Detroit, Detroit 'Hartford Public Library Business Branch, Hartford Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford Yale University Llbrary, New Haven Kansas City Power & Light Company, Kansas City Delaware New Jeraey du Pont de Nemours, E. I., Wilmington Bakelite Corporation, Bloomfield. Cornbustion Utihties Corporation, Linden Illinois N. J. Byllesby & Co., H. M., Chicago Montclair Free Public Library, Mon tclair Chicago Tribune, Chicago New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, Newark Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago Newark Public Library, Business Branch, Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chi- Newark cago Public Service Corporation of New Jerocy, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Newark Insurance Library of Chicago R. C. A. Radiotron Co., Inc., Harrison Middle West Utilities Co., Chicago Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago United States Rubber Co., Passaic Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co., Chicago New York Indiana Alexander Hamilton Institute, New York Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort Amer~canBankers' Association, New York Wayne American Electric Railway Association, New , Maryland York American Geographical Society, New York Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Co., Baltimore American Institute of Accountants, New York Maryland Casualty Co , Baltimore American Museum of Natural Hiatory. New York Massachusetts American Society of Mechanical Engineen, New York Baker Library-Harvard School of Busmess American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Administration, Boston Library, New York Boston Elevated Railway, Boeton American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law Boston Globe, Boston Christ~anScience Monitor, Boston Library, New York Edison Electric Tlluminatlng Co., Boston Association of Life Insurance Presidents, New Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Y ork Fmt National Bank, Boston Baker & Taylor Co., New York Insurance Library Associat~onof Boston Bankers Trust Co., New York Jackson & Moreland, Boston Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, New York Massachusetts Inst~tuteof Technology, Li- Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York brary, Cambridge Blackman Co., New York Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., British Library of Information, New York Springfield Brooklyn Edison Co., Brooklyn *New members joined eince laat uvlue of Spmal Librarlu January, 1931 SPECIAL LIBRARIES New York Brookmire Economic Service, New York Ohio Oil Co , Findlay Child Study Association, New York Procter & Gamble, Cincinnat~ Cleanliness Institute L~brary,New York Consolidated Gas Co of New York Davisson, Manwe, New York Doherty, Henry L. & Co., New York Oklahoma Electr~cBond & Share Co , New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York U. S. Bureau of Mines, Bartleaville Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York General Electric Co., Main Library, Sche- nectady Grant Co., W. T , New York Grosvenor Library, Buffalo Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster Guaranty Company of New York Franklin Institute, Philadetphia Haskins & Sells, New York Houghton, E. F. & Co., Philadelphia Industrial Book Company, New York Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh Industrial Relations Counselors, New York Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh International Telephone & Telegraph Co., New Jersey Zinc Co , Palmerton New York Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, John Prlce Jones Corporation, New York Phdadelphia Library Bureau Divis~on, Remington Rand Philadelphia Company, Pittsburgh Business Service, New York Philadelph~aElectric Company, Philadelphia McCall Company, New York Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, Phila- delphia McGraw-HIII Publrshing Co., Inc., New York Philadelphia Record, Philadelphia Merchants Association of New York Pittsburgh Railways Company, P~ttsburgh Metropolltan Life Insurance Company, New Provident Mutual Lde Insurance Co., Phlla- York delphia Municipal Reference Library, New York School of Fine Arts, Univ. Penna., Philadelphia National Aniline & Chemical Co., Inc., New West~nghouseElectric Research Library, E. York Pittsburgh National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, Wyomissing Trade School, Wyomissing New York National City Financial Library, New York National Investors Corporation, New York Rhode Ialand New Jersey Zinc Company, New York Rhode Inland State Library, Providence New York Telephone Company, New York New York Times, The, New York North American Company, New York Port of h'ew York Authority, The, New York Price, Waterhouse & Co., New York First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwnukee *Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, Stevens Putnam's Sons, G. P., New York Point Railway & Utilities Investing Corp., New Kimberly-Clark Corp , Kimberly York Marshall Ilsley Bank, Milwaukee Russell Sage Foundation, New York Selected Industries, Inc., New York Sinclair Refining Co., New York Canada Standard Brands, Inc., New York Standard Statistics Company, New York Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontario, Toronto Time, Inc., New York Imperial Life Assurance Co, of Canada, Toronto Western Union Telegraph Company, New York Insurance Institute of Montreal, Montreal White & Kemble, New York Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal Wilson Co., H. W., New York Sun Life Assurance Co., Montreal *New members Joined since lust laaue of Sysmal Libraries. 8 SPECIAL LIBRARIES January, 1931 and fall with the steam of the boiling as to how best to accomplish given ends, water before watchful James Watt Obviously, the ideal librarian must be realized therein the possibilities of high- ever on the hunt for better ways and powered locomotives-and of other dan- tried methods of presenting his materials. gerous things. This leads us straight to a third char- What kind of a mind, then, makes acteristic, namely: possible a research library? Or, what 3. Willingness to endure the in- should be looked for in the ideal research evitable drudgery involved in keeping librarian? May we glance briefly at four the machinery of the library running characteristics, in particular- effectively. And there is drudgery. For 1. First, vision as to the scope of one thing, there must be eternal vigilance the library. What a vexed question is as to what is appearing in all quarters that of scope! Regardless of who may of the globe on his given subjects. No be the ultimate czar, the judgment of matter how many people may help in the librarian should surely here be suggesting titles for purchase, in the prophetic. No one else is in such a final analysis it is the research librarian strategic position to sense possibilities who is responsible for seeing that the in outreach; to no one else is it so important publications are added to important to hold a sane balance under the shelves And no matter how high the pressure of the various demands may be one's ideals, reading book-lists,
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