NOTICC TO RIAOCR: WImd yen flidib fMdfais thla miosto* rlao « Ic Maav <B thla noUr*. mail the maculoe. and tt «U1 be pUeid U tfea banda e( our MttUers or tallon dtatinad ta procaad o*er*Ma#. Ni JUNE8J913 wraaaar. Na addnaa—A. & BUBLESON. Poatmaata Gonenl. ONTBE LETEUCa^TBE SQUARE ' tui uiMltMumw JUNE IL1118 You Save Money =RINGS STREETMEN CAN SElL-= We've got a lot of Gold Plated lUuga. act with aassirted StutiisM. alxait 13 styles, tliat almost in both the pur<-hase price and knock your eje out for attractiveueaa and general getup. May aound Uka a fairy tale, but we r -.n |iasa freight by buj.iig our these Kings along to you In limited grots lot* fur. Per Cress. $7.36. Sample Dona, 75e. Slaflt STEEL FRAME Sample, 25c. Lot No. 129. NON-BREAKABLE I THEATER CHAIRS We carry a large stock | and can ship Immediately. r: Revera! lots of Second CANDY Hand Chairs for sale at especially low prices. Also seat¬ ing for out-of-door use. Address Dept. B, hb h CARNIVALS STEEL FURNITURE COMPANY , AND PARKS Grand Ra’pids, Mich. .\SK ANY CONCKS.^ION a IKK New York Office, 28 E. 22d SL THAT IS BUY ING FUOM I S Big Landscape OPc Chocolates, I Berognizing the acute buying sense of Rtreetmen. wa are keen to have you sea a copy of our now Look.6 like ‘J-lb. box. ^ BUYERS' GUIDE—FREE TO YOU. CHOCOLATES Stick a postal in the mail and he glad you did. TRY A SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO. -^-Ib. Boxes, - 25^ 106 Wesleyan Avenue, PROVIDENCE. R. I. REO BOX CHOCOLATES Loukn like one pound. FULL POUND We will preMY f one-ib. boxes of 06 UBS. TO CASE) WANTED-A WRESTLER I Also Lidj- thtt r»n wiwtie about throe matrhM a week. MKrTT COMKKJ*. With the MURDOCK BROS.' Lendscepe Cbocelates or receipt HALF POUND 1 ! BIC MEDICINE SHOW (tha Real Show. All Vaudeville. Real OutSt. with Real Mediclaee. Kateaka). Win. of (72 yi LBS. TO CASE) A • I burne. Penniylvanla. mi. Write for catalog of our 5, 10, 13 and SEHD DEPOSIT- ASK FOR PRICE LIST OPEN EARLY AUGUST, PUYING LONG SEASON, COAST AND FAR WEST. 25c specialfl. CIGABS, CANDIES & ICE CREAM CONES GRAMERCY CHOC. CO. LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS SAM GRIFFIN'S Original PREMIER MINSTRELS 76-84 Watts Street, NEW YORK 1224 OAK ST. KANSAS CITY, MO. -—- ALL WHITE--- PLAYING RECOGNIZED THEATRES ONLY WANT MINSTREL PEOPLE IN ALL LINES THE CHAIRS WANTED A-l nOVANCC MAN. COMEDIANS. SINGERS. DANCERS (Van put on danrea). FEATURE, ainxic ron- edy and NOVELTY ACTS. A-l BUGLER. SOLO CORNET, lead Band. CELLO, double Band. A-l VIOLINIST, AERIAL Bowlingdame MO aubstantlal Portable and Folding, for flat floor; 3.56 Iron Frame, or otherwise, for flat floor: 424 Iron double Clarinet or Comet. Band. MUSICIANS, double B. AO., SIGNERS, DANCERS, double Band. PYame. or otherwise, for inclined floor. WANT good CHORUS, Inside Ends or Drum Corps. State all ran do, wlto with laaL a<e, draft position and luweat aalan. chairs, no pink. 8«nd deecrlptlou and lowest price F. 1 pay all. Want only those with abUitr, food rliararter and pleasmi appewrance. Addresa O. B. Lyoni. Kansas. GEO. LANTZ, 116 West Com¬ SAM GRIFFIN'S PREMIER MINSTRELS. Meehanle'a Bulldlni. S48 Market St.. Sen Franelton. Ctl. mercial 8l. Lyons, Kansas. V$10.00 VELVET DROPS and STAGE SETTINGS UlAUTtn ^°‘*^** GARDNER FRALEY’S-Hu>f n Beautiful colors, any size. Rentals and easy terma. For CoRplote Outfit BEAUMONf VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. ITnil ILU Big 10 and 20c Show Under Canvas OR 3 SETS FOR $2S.M. 246 Was! Forty-aixtk Street, > New York City. A-l Novelty Act. Specialty Team. Character .kctor, Boss Canvasman. Sleep ois car. Board yourself. Join on Peofe over J6 and get a larfe 933 Market Strest, • • San Francisco, CaJ. wire. Ticketa If we know you. Acent that knows Texaa and Oklahoma. prlxe. Pint aet up antomatlrally GARDNER A FRALEY, Central OtIIvnry, Ardmnrt, Oklahnaia. Collapalbis for shipping Nothing to get out at order. The btgmei game on the market at lowest SCENERY > price poaslblc. Diamond Dye. Oil or Water CMora. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUMBUS, OHIO. INDIAN JOE DAVIS WANTS GOOD INDIAN ACTRESS | A B iRFNTS making lane f4»"^4v ■ • proflta aeiltng Aerial Who ran play the piano, slny or have some specialty. Will be in Atlanta for a muple of weeks, then yn to i Bow ling Game to Cluba. Cafta. North and South Carolina. I wish all fIh>w people the beet of lurk and aucceo. Will be plea-sed to hear frum I ■r etc. all my friends. Address rare The Bllllioard. ClnrinnatL Ohio. ' WANTED FOR MEDICINE SHOW O. DEVANY A-l SONG AND DANCE MAN TeU aU you can da Address MRS. NEVA VUR. 1347 BreMway. NEW YORjt PILLAT. Hazlatoa Hetal, Hazlaton, Pa. P. S.—Hava six large two-bumer American Showman's Gasoline WANTED FOR THESTARNES STOCK CO. Immps. No. 777, and four one-bumer American Lan- tema. No. 335. In flrst-clai,s condition and with A-l Comedian with Specialties and Soubrette with Specialties. Week stands AT LIBERTY extra fittings eoraplete. lioxed ss bsggsge for ship¬ under canvas. Address, as per route, ALEXANDER STARNES, week Jun« 3, ment. Will sell cheap for $25.00. Bridgeport, III.; week June 10, Lawrenceville, III. WANTED QUICK—llano Player, prefer men that can Orchestra Leader do straights in afterpleres. Go<jd single 3Iale Per¬ LOCATE OR TRAVEU formers that (liange for week: Trap Dnimmer that Violin, double Eh narineL or Clarinet. B. A 0. Ei- doubies stage. I have outfit, also man to help with Wanted Another PIANO PLAYER etnpt from draft. BH library mualc. A. r M. WTfa canvas and props. All must help up and down with CAN t'SE a food Performer that doul)lea piar.n We hare two. Can u»a on* more, or will plaoa firat-rlaas Pl¬ Orrhestra I'lantst. Second Buatneaa. Sperialttaa. Joint nutfit once a week. State ail and your salary. If you ano Plai-er, to play Plane and I'na-Fon. only. P. L. MOOSE. JOT Cblrayo St., kllrhlian aty, exn't join, don’t write. Disappointment cause of tlUa MURDOCK BROS.' BIG MEDICINE SHOW (Bitter. Better than Evnr. Sami Shaw). Wlabarat. Pa. Indiana. ad ALVIN KIRBY. Falrdale, IlllnoU. WANTED QUICK De Rue Bros.' Minstrels—Wanted AT LIBERTY NOW A-I Musical Team: man must be aide to do single specialties, such as Irish. Blackface. Song and Dance; To join upon receipt of adre. Trap Dnimmer, for R. A O., and baaa and Tuba Playen. A aummer and all win¬ A WIDE AWAKE la*’ must do singing and work In acts. For med. ter's entafvmmt. Can alfn other Minstrel talent, to open the middle of Aufust. Name lowcet lalary. wa pay ail ezpeniee. We could use Orst-class Tuba for orchestra, and will' fumtsb Instrument. Addrees DE RUE show Change for one week strong. Salary, 140.00 a weak and pay your own. Must have lot of tnstnimenta. BROS.' MINSTRELS, Juae (. Lyadaavilla. Vt.; 7. St. Jehntbary. VL: S. BradtlKd. Vt; S-IO, LIsbaa. This company works open air platform. Nothing but N. H.; II. Lmiatea. N. H.; 12. Laacaater, N. H.; 13. Celdbraak. N. H. big cities. Addrees DR. JAMES. Med. Co., Elgin. Ill. ADVANCE ACENT For anything that paya aalaiiea. Ac*. 33. 13 years' WANTED GOOD BLACKFACE COMEDIAN Wanted To Join on Wire for Domorest Stock Company ezpertenoe. Strictly imber. Swell appearsnee. Salary One that can double VIOIJN f>r DRCMS pre- your llmlL Join anywhera Write or wire. ferrcil. Slu>» opens under tent Juno l~t. Wo play Character and Heavy Man, Oeneral Business Man, Acent and General Busl* GEO. T. DUNDA8, JR.. the sticks and expect performers to help put up and ness Woman. Capable Repertoire People with specialties, write. State all Care The Alanite (Thentrlaa)) Hatal. St. Leals. Ma take down tent once a week. .Salary sure. We are first letter. Ruth Gibbs, T. A. McGinnis, Jack Davis, Bob Feagln, wire. Ad¬ traduate and licensed physicians and dentists. Of- Bco work our specialtv. No managers, booaers or dress ROBERT DEM0RE8T, Manager, Martinsville, Virginia. AT LIBERTY. worth} advisers wanted. > Address DIPJ. SCANUIN Orchestra Leader, double Ttx»mb<aie; wife. Charactws A SCANliON. Bofers. Minnesota. and HpeelaltlM. Stale salary. E. MORRIS. !»««»• Dellfery. I*iincHon. Indiana. Melville’s Comedians Want WANTED, HAWAIIANS WANT violin Player; double anything In band. Week ntands. Pay your own hotel. One parade a week. Must be exempt from draft. State age and salary. Address A tfm tBoro TlawalUn Muairlan* snd tA Urf<« lUwallan VllUf*. I^nc BMunn for iHb rUM BLACKFACE COMEDIAN BERT MELVILLE, week June 3, Eldorado, lllinoit. party Writ« at onco. GAFI20UZI 4 MAOBCAU. Dancer and Strnof Act Worker, or Sketch Team. Also car* Rubin A Chany thnwt. Tal«4«. 0._ foou Pianist. Week-stand Vaudeville Show. I pay ail. Salary low. but sure. Week June 3, Clyde. N C. T M. WILUAMS. BRUNK’S COMEDIANS WANTED PIANO PLAYER Wanted Jew Comedian WANTS Orchestra Iveadcr, Violin, Band Trap Drummer and Boss For Musical Show thit work* year round here bj And all kinds of Medirine Performera. Money stiro and good treatment. State lowest and be ready to Canvasman. Wire FRED BRUNK, Fredonia, Kansas. Fiitlsml. AIm, other umVuI Uusiral fomedy I join at onre. MGR OREGON INDIAN MEDKTNE M. J. MEANF.V, 3* Court Ht.. Boston. CO.. Heahbon, Pa. MED. PERFORMERS EASTMAN SKIN PEEL FRED CARMELO WANTS For opwi air platform show, to Join quick. Soe* snd Freckles. Pimples. Kiackbeads. Liverspot.s. etc., peel off, Musical (.'omedy People all lines to enlarge companv for summer nark date; guar¬ Dance Cotsedlan, Norelty Man and othars.
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