w w w . a m h e r s t c i t i z e n . c o m • J U N E 2 2 , 2 0 1 0 • THE AMHERST CITIZEN • 17 SportsFolio Souhegan High School Senior Athletic Awards, May 13, 2010 2010 SHS Rotary Male and Female Athlete of the Year: 2010 Sportsmanship Award: Jessica Beliveau and U.S. Army Reserves National Scholar/Athlete Award: U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Brianna Gunter and DJ Petropulos Grant Raymond Steven Jellison and Stephanie Wesson Award: Emily Readdy and Michael Peret Souhegan Baseball Team Varsity Baseball Awards Baseball Academic Awards AJ Hinners Award (L to R), Alex Lyon (Most Improved Player of the Year), Kyle Beaulieu (Offensive Player of the Year), Matt Schagrin The 2010 Souhegan Baseball Academic Award winners (L-R) are The 2010 AJ Hinners award recipients are (Defensive Player of the Year), DJ Petropulos (Coaches’ Award, Sportsmanship Award), Joe Cerra (Theme Award, freshman Patrick McDeed, sophomore Robbie McCormick, junior Eric Howard (JV Team) and James DiLiegro “We must inspire others”), Terry Dugdale (Rookie of the Year), and Tim Beliveau (Graduating Seniors Underclass- Chris Almeida, and senior Alex Scribner. (Freshman Team). man Award) BILL DOD PHOTOS Souhegan High Boys lacross Sports Awards SHS SAB Speaker: Caleb Ginsberg, SHS Alumni 04’ AMHERST – At the senior Ath- then revolved around finding a way The first pitcher I caught for the letic Awards Banquet, Caleb Gins- in the door. With front office aspi- Yankees was Phil Hughes. Day one burg, an alumni of Souhegan High rations, I got to work. on the job, and Mr. Hughes comes School class of 2004, was the fea- My dream to work in baseball be- strolling out to the bullpen, quite tured speaker. The class of 2004 came a goal to work in baseball, and casual and nonchalant, and even won seven state championships that goal has changed shape many singing “You Raise Me Up” by Josh and Caleb was captain of the state times, but has remained intact, and Groban … filling me with nothing championship baseball team. a constant focus. Being a catcher but ease and confidence. I had noth- Included here are excerpts from most of my life, it was a virtually ing to worry about. Furthermore, his speech. seamless transition to sell myself as his goofy mannerisms and his enor- “So, to the seniors, I present to a Bullpen Catcher to major league mous head (honestly, the guy looks you: my instructional manual for organizations. Not only could I re- like a bobble head doll) led me to be- your next six years, entitled, “Life main on the field, catching top- lieve he was just your average, run through the EYE of a Bullpen notch pitchers everyday (which I so of the mill soft-throwing finesse Catcher.” enjoyed), but I could also begin to pitcher, with great control of all of evaluate players, and from a unique his pitches. WRONG. Pitch one Academic awards: Charlie Almeida ‘10, Kyle Robertson ‘11, Aaron Prescott Take Care of your Most Impor- ‘12, John Gottwald ‘13 perspective (from behind the plate). from Hughes, on day one of my job tant Fans: Your Family In my mind, this would lend itself with the New York Yankees, came I spent some time working for to an ultimate full time front office in at about 95 MPH w/ nasty bite at USA Baseball’s Olympic Team, as Caleb Ginsberg, 2004 SHS graduate position with a major league club, the end, and proceeded to miss my a Bullpen Catcher and Auxiliary and from there my road to General glove entirely … but no worries, my Coach. These guys were good … Manager of the Boston Red Sox was exposed right ankle bone was there the best of the best in college base- gut feeling. solidified! Not so fast. Much work to catch it! ball … all future 1st or 2nd round Have Dreams; Take Them Seri- still remained. In excruciating pain, I pretended draft picks. I did anything and ev- ously; Make Them a Priority! Do the work, take the small steps. like nothing happened, threw the erything as a part of my job– a jack To have the job you dream of, make ball back, and waited in sheer terror of all trades, but certainly a master The goal for me as long as I can achieving your dream your job. for pitch number two. Fortunately, of none. In the summer of 2006, I remember was to be a part of pro- So it goes like this, start with your I made it through the remainder of was fortunate to travel the country fessional sports. For most of my life, dreams, then make plans, carry that bullpen session relatively un- with Team USA, spend two weeks I dreamt of being a big league base- out the work you’ve planned, and scathed. After exchanging com- in Cuba for the World Games, and ball player. That dream slowly faded slowly begin to realize the original ments and questions with Hughes bring home a gold medal! But much when I eventually discovered (much dreams. and the pitching coach (all w/ a fake my dismay) that short, flat-footed, more important than that gold med- Embrace Obstacles, Know That smile to mask the throbbing pain al, was making sure that I brought slow catchers - who can’t hit, and from what I imagined was my an- back a bag of Cuban coffee for my are missing an eye - are not typically Challenges Are Coming (They kle bone sticking out of my skin), I mom. viewed as highly sought after com- are Part of the Process): made a bee line for the ice tub. Your family is the integral com- modities by major league scouts. As ponent of your support network. sad as that realization was at the To read the full speech by Caleb Ginsberg, visit: www.amherstcitizen. Varsity Awards: MVP - Brendan Laine, Coach’s Award - Matt Eusebio, NHIAA They will always be the closest thing time, it was a blessing in disguise. com, and click on the link on the homepage. Great inspiration for students, Sportsmanship - Jon Barker My focus then became working in you have to a reaffirmation of your parents and adults! inner-voice, your conscience, your baseball, not as a player. My world A-PRO CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Insured • Steam Cleaned • Available 7 Days a Week Where Health & Beauty Meet (603) 672-2205 Dave Temple, Owner Also Offer: Quality of life is important to everyone. That is why, at Amherst Village Dental, we take a holistic approach to dentistry - realizing that oral health is a window to the 244 Boston Post Road Home / Office Cleaning body's over-all health. For this reason we make every effort to work with our Amherst, NH 03031 by Karen Temple patients, helping them to make educated decisions, to assist them in attain optimal oral health. Dr. Ang and his health team provide a wide Sub Varsity: Coach’s Award - Brian McLaurin, Most Improved - Will range of dental services, including restorative Humprhies dentistry - with specialty training in TMJ issues. At Amherst Village Dental, we are committed to providing excellent care on a personal level, so that each and every patient may achieve Class I Sportsmanship Awards Announced better health. Congratulations to the baseball and girls’ lacrosse teams for being We invite you to call today & selected as one of the top three Sportsmanship teams in Class I for the experience the difference for 2010 season. The award is presented to schools that demonstrate re- yourself at 603.673.5510 spect and sportsmanship from the school’s athletes, coaches and fans. Congratulations to the two Souhegan teams that were among the best 03031 of the best in Class I ... baseball and girls’ lacrosse. One Limbo Lane . Amherst . NH . 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