■s. > c J l'il I y DAY MISSIONS R a h '! Th e Thirty-first Annual Report „ i of the Boated of Foreign missions of the United Presbyterian Church. X-j •. I 1889-1890. I " % \ ' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9 0 0 2 0 9 9 1 2 2 2 2 9 Organized May, 1859. Incorporated April, 1866. fy DAY missions ijBR THE THIRTY-FIRST A n n u a l R e p o r t O F T H E ------ 00/AyRD OF pOI^EIGhl MlSSlOjMS O F T H E - UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH O F - NORTH AMERICA. Presented to the General Assembly, May 28t h , 1890. PHILADELPHIA: Edward Patteson, Steam Power Printer, 18 S. Third St, 1890. THE BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. ZF0 3 R , 1 8 8 9 - 9 0 . OFFICERS. P r e s id e n t, R e v . W. W. BARR, D.D., 1425 Christian St., Philadelphia, Pa. • Recording Secretary, R e v . D. W. COLLINS, D.D., 1522 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary, R ev. J. B. DALES, D ’D., 136 North 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. T r e a s u r e r , JOS. D. M cKEE, Howard and Harrison Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. MEMBERS. R e v . W. W. BARR, D.D., « JAMES CROW E, “ D. W. COLLINS, D.D., “ M. G. KYLE, “ W. M. GIBSON, D.D., JOS. D. McKEE, THOMAS STINSON, WM. NEELEY, ROBERT T. ELLIOTT. Stated meeting on the Second Monday of each month, at 2 p. m. MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES. EGYPT R e v . S. C. E w in g , D .D., j- A l e x a n d r ia . M iss Mary A. Frazier, R ev. Gulian Lansing, D .D .,* ‘ ‘ A n d r e w W a t s o n , D . D . , * “ William Harvey, “ J . 0 . A s h e n h u r s t , “ E . M . G i f f e n , s C a ir o . “ J o h n G i f f e n , M iss A n n a Y. T h o m p so n , “ Marg’t A. Smith, “ H a r r ie t M . C o n n e r , “ A de l l a A. B r o w n , r R e v . T h o m a s J . F in n e y , “ W . M . N ic h o l , 1 M o n so o r a . M is s M a t il d a S t r a n g , R e v . J . R . A l e x a n d e r , “ J . K . G i f f e n , “ Hope W. Hogg, “ J. Kruidenier, > A s s io o t . M is s M . J . M c K o w n , “ E l l a O . K y l e , “ J e s s ie J . H o g g , R e v . C . M u r c h , }L u x o r . INDIA Mrss Elizabeth G. Gordon, “ Elizabeth McCahon, Rev. R. Stewart, D.D., “ D. S . L y t l e , S ia l k o t . “ J. H. Martin, “ T . F. C u m m ings, M aria W hite, M .D., R e v . J. P. M c K e e , “ G . W . M o r r is o n , Miss Rosa A. M cCullough,* )■ Gujranwala. “ Josephine L. W hite, “ V . J . M c G a h e y , R e v . A . B . C a l d w e l l , “ T . E . H o l l id a y , j- G u r d a s p u r . M is s C y n t h ia E . W il s o n , “ R o sa T . W il s o n , Rev. James S. Barr, D.D., Miss Mary J. Campbell, 1 Z a f a r w a l . “ K a t e M. C o r b e t t , R e v . T h e o d o r e L . S c o t t , “ E . E. F i f e , M is s E m m a D . A n d e r s o n , ^ J h e l u m . “ A n n ie F. G iv e n , M r s S . E . J o h n so n , M .D .,- Rev. Samuel M artin, D .D ., ^ P a s r u r . * Now in this country. ACT OF INCORPORATION. A n A c t t o I n c o r p o r a t e t h e B o a r d o f F o r e ig n M is s io n s o f t h e U n it e d P resbyterian C h u r c h o f N o r t h A m e r ic a . W h e r e a s , The General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church of North America have a Board of Foreign Missions composed of ministers and layman, members of the said church, the design of which is the establishing and conducting Christian Missions among the unevan­ gelized or pagan nations, and the general diffusion of Christianity: And W hereas, The aforesaid Board of Foreign Missions labors under serious disadvantages as to receiving donations and bequests, and as to the management of funds entrusted to them for the purpose designated in their Constitution, and in accordance with the benevolent intentions of those from whom such bequests and donations are received; there­ fore, Section i. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa­ tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same: That James Presjley, John B. I)ales, Francis Church, Thomas H. Hanna, Samuel C. Huey, William Getty, Thomas Stinscn and William W. Barr, citizens of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and their successors, are hereby constituted and declared to be a body politic and corporate, which shall henceforth be known by the name of the B oard of F oreign M issions of th e U n ited P resby- tfrian C hurch of N orth A merica, and as such shall have perpetual suc­ cession, and be able to sue and be sued in all courts of record and else­ where, and to purchase and receive, take and hold to them and their suc­ cessors forever, lands, tenements, hereditaments, money, goods and chat­ tels and all kinds of estate which may be devised, bequeathed or given to them, and the same to sell, alien, demise and convey, also to make and use a common Seal, and the same to alter and renew at their pleasure, and also to make such rules, by laws, and ordinances as may be needful for the government of the said Corporation, and not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State. Provided always, that the clear and annual income of the real and personal estate held by this Corporation shall not at any time exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars. The Corporation or persons above named shall hold their officers for three years from the date of this act, and until their suc­ cessors are duly qualified to take their places, who shall be chosen at such times and in such way and planner as shall be prescribed by the said General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. The said Board hereby incorporated and their successors shall be subject to the direction of said General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, have full power to manage the funds and property committed to their care in such manner as shall be most advan­ tageous, not being contrary to law. Ja m e s R. K e l l y , Speaker of the House of Representatives. D. F le m in g , Speaker of the Senate. Approved the Twelfth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. A. G. C u r t in . T h ir t y -fir st A n n u a l R epor t O F T H E BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. OTHING is more evident than that our Lord Jesus Christ, who is “ the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world,” will have His gospel preached in all the world and to every creature. His word commands this. His spirit moves it. His love constrains it. His Providence opens the way for it. His enriching blessing upon efforts for it incontes- tibly shows it in that He never lets labor for it be in vain in the Lord. Signally has all this been manifested in the history and work of our United Presbyterian Church on behalf of Foreign Missions— and scarcely ever in any single year more than during the past one. Almost every department of the work has enjoyed marked tokens of the Divine favor. A gratifying interest in it, and a disposition to sustain it have been shown in almost all parts of our church and among all classes and conditions of our people. Very fully it is felt will all this appear in the Annual Report which now, for the Thirty-first time, the Board presents and earnestly commends to the attention of the Assembly and of all the members of our church, with the urgent suggestion also that grateful thanksgivings will be offered to God for all the favors vouchsafed us in manifold ways throughout the year.
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