"I Ht ~tH~tl; I ~LAl;t fUH IHt tXU Ill; tX~tHI~N~~ YUU ~V~H HAD" N ewari Cuisine is not only popular for deliciousness but also richness. In a typical Newari feast, more than twenty varieties of dishes are served. Newari Cuisine at its best Now you can savour all these authentic and relishing dishes in addition to various types of unique Newari tHHH snacks at the 'Lajana' - the exclusive Newari restaurant. Enjoying the ambience you will never forget ..... Enjoy the Legendary Newari delicacies at Restaurant Lajana & Every evening colourful Nepali Cultural Show in Traditional Fashion. Near Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: 413874 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.nepalifood.com/lajana .,. CONTENTS Page Letters 3 News Notes 4 Briefs 6 Quole Unquole 7 orf The Record 8 From Satya Harishchandra to Darpan Chhaya, the Nepalese film induslrY has come a long way. But the PJlh ahead is more COMMENTARY: Frank Comments 9 chall enging Page 16 SAARC CONFERENCE: Public-Private Partnership 11 ENVIRONMENT: Age Is The Bar 12 PARLIAMENT: On A Collision Course 13 L>\UDA JET: Flying Low 14 URISM INDUSTRY: Future Uncertain 15 PROPERTY RIGHT: Unequal Half 24 CIllEF JUSTICE: Under Attack By targeting Chief Justice Upadhyay and killinginnocentpeople PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Space Matters 25 Maoist rebels seem to be deviating from the so-called 'people's war' Page 10 THE BOTTOM LINE 27 VIEW POINT: Rup Khadka 28 INTERVIEW: BISHWONATH SAPKOTA PASTIME 29 The Secretary at the Mini stry Water Resource, Sapkota LEISURE 30 about the need ( 0 harness water resource for economic efit. FORUM: Santa Bahadur Pun 32 SPOTLIG HT/FEBRUARY 9, 2001 SPOTLIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE THE NATIONAL NEWSMc.A.:.:Gc.AZ=INc:E'---_-----. V~. 20, No.30, February 9,2001 (Magh 27, 2057) I he secretary level talks between Nepal and India on Ihe review of the hi ghl y controversial Treaty of Peace and Fri endship of 1950 could be Chief Editor And Publisher Madhav Kumar Rima! said to be long delayed step in the right direction. Since the beleaguered Rana Prime Minister who was under big stress to save his authoritarian Editor regime from tottering, it had to be unequal. When sOI11eofhis very close Sarita Rimal erconfidanls(this scribe's very close relations) entreated him not 10 sign the treaty, Mohan Managing Editor Shamsher. the last Rana ruler of Nepal silenced them saying. "you don', know. It is a Keshab Poude! quid pro quo". And poor chap. four months after signing the treaty he was dethroned Associate Editor wi th the acti ve collaboration of Nchru government of India. He got his quid pro quo. Bhagirath Yogi Since it would be uller foolishness to cry over spilt milk, a reasonable has to be round Senior Reporter to correct the harassing situation. That Nepal has succeeded to make India agreeable.&.. Sanjaya Dhakal review the treaty could be taken as a big achievement in itself. h is, indeed. v ~ gratifying to note from reports that the Nepalese foreign secretary Narayan Thapa has Reporter Akshay Sharma maintained a strong stand that the treaty should be re viewed to make it more compatible in the present context and to set the tone for mature relations in future. The repon has Design and Layout further said that although India did give a positive response to the Nepalese stand, she Jyo11 Singh has requested for more Lime on their side to discuss the issue. as if fifty years was not Photographer quite sufficient. Since Nepal is at the receiving end, she has no alternative but to Nishchal Chapagain acquiesce. Since neither contracting parties have abided by the terms of the treaty, any Art delay in reviewing. amending or scrapping it would make little difference. More M.S. Khokna important than the treaty has become th e issue of the open border between Nepal and Legal Advisor India. India's serious apprehensions that her enemies are threatening her integrit y Advocate Lok Bhakta Rana through this open border and Nepal, if nol abetting is doin g very little 10 check such activ it ies. is becoming as unbearable situation for her. Even in Nepal' s long-term Marketing/Advertisement Sarit Rimal (USA) intere~ts. the open border between the two countries has to be sealed as soon as possible. We trust Nepal will not fail to initiate appropriate steps without undue delay. Marketing bo1adan KaJi Basnet * * * Navin Kumar Maharjan The United States ambassador RaJph Frank was quite frank, as hi s name suggests, and Madan Raj Poude! forthright in stating his concern at the current atmosphere ofdislrust and negati visI11 that Editorial Office seems to be resulting in an increasing clim ate of violence in expressing political di GPO Box 7256, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, in Nepal. Coming from a country where politicians practice extreme tolerance Tel: (977-1) 423127, Fax: (977-1) 417845 seldom transgress the limits of human dignity and patience, his frustrations over the Chief Editor's : 435594 E-mail: [email protected] behavior of Nepalese politicians is not at all unnatural. The example of extremc Internet Add: http://www.nepalnews.com/ forbearance was exhibited by former vice president Al Gore and his democratic party spotlight when five judges of the U. S. Supreme Court snatched away the presidency, the most Cover Design powerful position in the world, from his grasp in a partisan decision. Can anyone Wordscape im agine what would happen in our part of the world if anything like that were to take Kamal Pokhari. Ph : 410772, Fax : 432872 place? Since Nepalese politicians have developed the lOugh rhino skin, no amount of Distribution disquietude expressed by anybody in the world can make any demo They onl y Bazaar International understand the (anguage of brute force. Consequenlly, the people ofNepnl onl y can pull 228 Sanchaya Kosh Bidg. Kathmandu G.P.O Box 2480, Ph : 222983 Fax : 229437 them down. Be that as it may. we too join others in celebrating the 50th year of U. S. e-mail: [email protected] AID in Nepal. Indeed, it has contributed to building various infrastructures in our Icast developed country. We do hope the U.S. government will not lessen its interest in the Printers: Kishor offset Press (P.) Ltd. P.O. Box 4665, Galkopakha, Thamel, speedier upliftment of poor Nepalese. We also take this opportunity to express, on Kathmandu,Tel:351044(Off),351172(Res.), behalf of our poor countrymen, our heartfelt gratitude toward the American people for Fax: 977.1·351172, their help and support. • E-mail : [email protected] C.D.O. Rcgd. No 151/039-40 Postal Rcgd. No I 411057/58 . U.5. Library of Congress Madhav Kumar RimaI C<ltaloguc No. 9 1-905060 Chief Editor& Publisher 2 SPOTLlGHTIFEBRUARY 9. 200t LETTERS ______________________________________________________________ Drug Industry New Agenda Tt was interesting to read The cover story "Is your artic le "Prescription Rx" Fresh Election A Way (SPOTLIGHT January 26). It Out" (SPOTLIGHT, Feb­ is heartening to know that ruary 2) aptly indicated Nepalese pharmaceu ti cal firms arc able to manufacture that in the given circum­ 80 percent of essential stances the opposition drugs. Given proper in itia­ should have called for a tives, th e indus try can also fresh election. It is strange start exportin g drugs. Defi­ to filld the UML hellt on nitely, the auth ori ti es need to prov id e protection to the do­ removing Prime Minister mestic pharmaceutical indus­ Koirala but not calling try in the face of stiff compe­ for an electioll. It is diffi­ tition from Indian drug manu­ cult to judge what is all facturers. their lIlilld. All/he oppo­ Kirtlll Shrestha Sanera sition parties shollld give serious second-ThoughT to Safala's Search For their present proposition Justice al/d idelllif)' a constitll­ The artic le "Justice De­ Tional manner ill ..... ·hich layed Is Justice Denied" the Koirala govemmelll (SPOTLIGHT January 26) call be removed. exposed the weaknesses of the Yagya Raj Slzarma Nepalese judicial system. Bala}1I The search for justi ce has turned out to be one long and arduous exercise for many Take Him To Task forces with the opposition par­ si lver lining in th e dark clouds. people like Safal. Shreslha. The opposition parties ti es in pulling the plug from Some private entrepreneurs The loopholes in the justice ou ld join their hand s to oust th e Koirala government. In ha ve come forward with good delivery mechanisms have the Koirala government .If the fact. thi s is a chance for the prospects in thi s sector and the proved cost ly fo r th em. prime minister is indeed in­ dissidenls la show to the growi ng use of IT in Nepal The concern ed auth orities volved in corruption, no sto ne Nepalese people that they arc also enco urages them to fur­ from the judiciary, including should be left unturned by the again st co rrupti on. 8 ut if they ther enhance their bu sine ss. judges and lawyers. need to opposition in ousting him. For toe Koiral a's line. then their The govern men t deserves seri ously study thi s problem far too long, high-level offi­ co mmitments would be ex­ praise for recognizing IT as a and come ou t with an effi­ ciaJs have engaged in co rrup­ posed as being holl ow and major tool for empl oyment cient system. tion with impunity . This is send­ without substance. generation and economi c Mohall KC inga very wrong message about Rajesh Bista growth.
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