Station WPRZ-FM 88.1 9:30AM MF P.S

Station WPRZ-FM 88.1 9:30AM MF P.S

INTERNET GNR-IM 9:08AM MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 3:08PM MF BONUS 04/06/2015 7/29/15 11:08PM MF BONUS 04/06/2015 7/29/15 GRAC-IM ROS 7X P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 JOUR-IM ROS MF P.S. 04/20/2015 4/20/15 RFLF-IM ROS SS BONUS 04/13/2015 4/13/15 6:27AM MF P.S. 04/13/2015 4/13/15 SATELLITE NETWORKS Bott Radio Network BRN-SM BRN ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Moody Satellite Net MBN1-SM MBN 5:17PM MF P.S. 10/05/2015 10/5/15 VCY Satellite VCY-SM VCY 9:26AM MF P.S. 08/14/2017 8/14/17 AB Buffalo Head CIAM-FMT 95.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Caribou Mountain CIAM-FMT 104.3 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Chateh CIAM-FMT 96.9 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Cleardale CIAM-FMT 91.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Fort Chipewyan CIAM-FMT 95.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Ft.Vermilion CIAM-FM 92.3 ROS 7X P.S. 01/01/2016 1/1/16 High Level CIAM-FMT 94.1 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Hines Creek CIAM-FMT 94.7 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Manning CIAM-FMT 95.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Manning CIAM-FMT 95.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Meander River CIAM-FMT 95.9 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Peace River CIAM-FMT 101.7 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Peerless Lake CIAM-FMT 96.9 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Red Earth CIAM-FMT 94.1 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Slave Lake CIAM-FMT 107.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Wabasca CIAM-FMT 95.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 ALABAMA Alexander City WLBF-FMT FBI 94.1 ROS 7X 12/17/2015 12/17/15 Andalusia WSTF-FM FBI 91.5 ROS 7X P.S. 12/17/2015 12/17/15 Brewton WSTF-FMT FBI 92.1 ROS 7X 12/17/2015 12/17/15 Dothan WDYF-FM FBI 90.3 ROS 7X P.S. 12/17/2015 12/17/15 Eufaula WLBF-FMT FBI 91.9 ROS 7X 12/17/2015 12/17/15 Hazelgreen WBXR-AMT WCN 101.3 ROS MF 08/28/2017 8/28/17 Huntsville/Hazel Grn WBXR-AM WCN 1140 ROS MF P.S. 08/28/2017 8/28/17 Jemison/Thorsby WLBF-FMT FBI 96.9 ROS 7X 12/17/2015 12/17/15 Mobile WIJD-AMT WCN 95.7 ROS 7X 04/25/2017 4/25/17 Mobile WIJD-AM WCN 1270 ROS 7X P.S. 04/25/2017 4/25/17 Montgomery WLBF-FM FBI 89.1 ROS 7X P.S. 12/17/2015 12/17/15 Sylacauga WLBF-FMT FBI 94.1 ROS 7X 12/17/2015 12/17/15 ALASKA Anchor Point MBN1-SMS MBN 107.1 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Anchor Point MBN1-SMS MBN 107.1 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Copper River Valley KCAM-FM 88.7 8:45AM MF P.S. 03/26/2018 3/26/18 4:35PM MF BONUS 03/26/2018 3/26/18 Delta Junction MBN1-SMS MBN 99.3 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Glennallen KCAM-AM 790 ROS MF P.S. 03/26/2018 3/26/18 Homer MBN1-SMS MBN 95.3 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Juneau MBN1-SMS MBN 96.7 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Kachemak City MBN1-SMS MBN 96.5 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Kenai MBN1-SMS MBN 95.3 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Ketchikan MBN1-SMS MBN 91.9 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Kodiak MBN1-SMS MBN 107.1 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Soldotna MBN1-SMS MBN 97.7 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Unalaska MBN1-SMS MBN 88.3 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 Valdez MBN1-SMS MBN 91.9 2:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 ARIZONA Casa Grande KVNG-FM 91.1 ROS MF P.S. 05/01/2015 5/1/15 Clifton MBN1-SMS MBN 88.7 4:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 ARKANSAS Eureka Springs KAYH-FMT BRN 95.3 ROS MF 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Fayetteville KAYH-FM BRN 89.3 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Fayetteville KOFC-AM BRN 1250 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Fort Smith KAOW-FM BRN 88.9 ROS MF P.S. 06/01/2017 6/1/17 Jonesboro KWCV-FM BRN 88.9 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Jonesboro KWCV-FM BRN 88.9 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Little Rock KDIS-FM SAL 99.5 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Mena KAWX-FM 95.5 ROS MF P.S. 05/01/2015 5/1/15 Mena MBN1-SMS MBN 91.1 5:17PM MF 10/05/2015 10/5/15 West Memphis KWCV-FMT BRN 90.5 ROS MF 04/06/2015 4/6/15 BC Fort St John CIAM-FMT 92.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 Vanderhoof CIAM-FMT 98.5 ROS 7X 01/01/2016 1/1/16 CALIFORNIA Bakersfield KFHL-FM ROM 91.7 ROS 7X P.S. 05/11/2015 5/11/15 Fairfield KASK-FM ROM 91.5 ROS 7X P.S. 05/11/2015 5/11/15 Fresno/Modesto KCIV-FM BRN 99.9 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Merced KAMB-FM 101.5 6:50AM MF P.S. 04/20/2015 4/20/15 Modesto KGCE-FM 106.1 ROS 7X P.S. 09/22/2016 9/22/16 SanFrancisco/Vallejo KDIA-AM 1640 ROS MF P.S. 07/17/2017 7/17/17 Sonora KCIV-FMT BRN 107.7 ROS MF 04/06/2015 4/6/15 COLORADO Colorado Springs KFCS-AM PCI 1580 ROS 7X P.S. 11/16/2015 11/16/15 Delta KJYE-AM 1400 ROS MF P.S. 01/18/2016 1/18/16 Grand Junction KJOL-AMT 99.5 ROS MF 01/18/2016 1/18/16 Grand Junction KJOL-AM 620 ROS MF P.S. 01/18/2016 1/18/16 Grand Junction KJOL-AM 620 ROS MF P.S. 01/18/2016 1/18/16 Montrose KJOL-FM 91.9 ROS MF P.S. 01/18/2016 1/18/16 Paonia/Hotchkiss KJOL-FMT 91.3 ROS MF 01/18/2016 1/18/16 CONNECTICUT Hartford WSDK-AMT BCI 95.3 9:30AM MF 04/17/2017 4/17/17 Hartford WSDK-AM BCI 1550 9:30AM MF P.S. 04/17/2017 4/17/17 Middletown WIHS-FM 104.9 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Milford WFIF-AMT BCI 101.7 9:30AM MF 04/17/2017 4/17/17 Milford WFIF-AM BCI 1500 9:30AM MF P.S. 04/17/2017 4/17/17 FLORIDA Cocoa WWBC-AM 1510 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Cocoa/Melbourne WMIE-FM 91.5 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Eastpoint WZFR-FM FRN 104.5 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Emeralda WGTT-FM ROM 91.5 ROS 7X P.S. 05/11/2015 5/11/15 Fort Pierce WRMB-FMT MBN 100.5 ROS MF 04/13/2015 4/13/15 Gainesville/Ocala WRGE-FM 97.9 1:00AM MF BONUS 03/13/2017 3/13/17 6:00AM MF P.S. 03/13/2017 3/13/17 1:00PM MF BONUS 03/13/2017 3/13/17 6:00PM MF BONUS 03/13/2017 3/13/17 Jacksonville/Orng Pk WAYR-AM CRF 550 8:58PM MF P.S. 03/13/2017 3/13/17 CRF ROS MF BONUS 03/13/2017 3/13/17 Lake City WOLR-FM FRN 91.3 ROS MF P.S. 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Okeechobee WRMB-FMT MBN 91.5 ROS MF 04/13/2015 4/13/15 Palatka WHIF-FM 91.3 4:20AM 7X P.S. 07/09/2015 7/9/15 6:20PM 7X BONUS 07/09/2015 7/9/15 Palatka WHIF-FM 91.3 4:20AM 7X P.S. 07/09/2015 7/9/15 6:20PM 7X BONUS 07/09/2015 7/9/15 Pensacola WNVY-AM WCN 1070 ROS 7X P.S. 04/19/2017 4/19/17 Pensacola WVTJ-AM WCN 610 ROS 7X P.S. 04/18/2017 4/18/17 Sebring WITS-AM 1340 ROS 7X P.S. 10/10/2016 10/10/16 Stuart WRMB-FMT MBN 90.3 ROS MF 04/13/2015 4/13/15 Tallahassee WAFT-FMT CRF 98.3 6:55AM MF 05/30/2016 5/30/16 CRF 5:15PM MF 05/30/2016 7/26/16 Tallahassee WFRF-FMT FRN 94.3 ROS MF 04/06/2015 4/6/15 Tallahassee WFRF-FM FRN 105.7 ROS MF P.S.

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