U. & NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA(n1 lVol. 33 No. 80 The Navy' onig kone-baled daily Thursday, April 27, 1978 ) 1-1 Senate votes Dateline. approval MOGADISHU (UPI) -- Fidel Castro said Cuban troops will stay in Ethiopia for fiscal indefinitely, 1979 and he said budget he won't discuss Cuba's military involvement in Africa with the United States. Castro spoke before what Havana Radio said was 1 million people gath- WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- The Senate signal committees ered to honor a visiting Ethiopian official. as they consider late yesterday approved a $409 bil- The U.S. is demanding that Cuba withdraw bills between now and Oct.l. its estimated 37,000 troops lion federal budget from Africa. for fiscal 1979. On that date, the figures will Although the Senate rejected all become binding limits on spending Castro's announcement came as a rebel Eritrean spokesman claimed that proposed cuts, the budget still and tax Cuban pilots have begun flying bombing missions cuts for the succeeding 12 in the Ethiopia-Eretrea falls $500 War. million short of Presi- months. dent Jimmy Carter's proposal, and Also on the The statement, released in Somalis, declared that "The Cubans are economic front, the would bring adeficit of more than Labor playing a major role" in the war. Department announced the my- $55.5 billion. rage urban family of four in the It includes a smaller tax cut U.S. must earn $16,106 a year to WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Former President Gerald Ford charged yesterday that than President Carter proposed, maintain President Carter's military policy is weakening the U.S. a middle-level standard of strategic po- $19.5 billion sition around the world. to Carter's $24 bil- living. lion. In its annual report on urban In an interview taped for broadcast (by NBC) last night, Ford sharply The plan was approved 64 to 27 family income, the department said criticized Carter's decision to cancel production of the B-1 bomber and and sent to the House for its con- the typical noted there have been slowdowns in missile four-person family has production and construction sideration. of Trident submarines. to make $10,481 a year to maintain The House and Senate have until the government's hypothetical "low- May 15 to agree on a tentative bud- er level" standard of living and WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A Senate-House conference committee yesterday ap- get. $25,202 to proved a compromise farm bill tailored to win the approval enjoy a "higher level" of President The figures will guide Congres- Jimmy Carter. standard. The legislation gives the administration discretionary power to raise support target prices for major crops in years when federal acreage reduction programs are in effect. DETROIT (UPI) -- Chrysler Corporation yesterday blamed slack sales, high production costs and inflation for a loss of nearly $120 million in the first quarter of this year. DayanlVance discuss It's the second straight quarter in which the number three U.S. automaker reported a big financial loss. ROME (UPI) -- An anonymous call saying kidnapped ex-premier Aldo Moro had been tossed alive from a speeding car sent hundreds of Italian po- lice rushing to a spot southeast of Rome yesterday. Middle East agreement The search produced nothing, and Moro's Red Brigades kidnappers re- mained silent about his threatened execution last Saturday. WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- Israeli For- mission to Congress, some Congres- CAIRO (UPI) -- Egypt said it has arrested 24 international eign terrorists Minister Moshe Dayan spent four sional leaders asked for a delay. who were planning to sabotage Israeli-Egyptian peace talks in Cairo. hours with Secretary of State Cyrus They said they needed more time The late Palestinian terrorist leader, Wadie Haddad, had masterminded Vance yesterday, discussing what for discussions. the alleged plot to hit the hotel where negotiation Dayan called were going on last "a peace agreement with So Carter agreed to a brief delay December. Egypt." -- until no later than the first of The attack never materialized. Dayan said they reached no conclu- next week. sions. Spokesman Jody Powell conceded he WASHINGTON (UPI) -- As much as four inches of snow covered parts of They apparently set aside for cannot say the odds are in favor of the Middle Atlantic states yesterday while heavy rains later discussion prompted flood the U.S.-Israeli the administration reaching an waters in Virginia and the dispute Carolinas. over President Jimmy Car- agreement with members of Congress Rain was blamed for the death of a three-year-old girl when a car ter's proposed sale of American war- that would avoid a tough battle over plowed through floodwaters and went out of control near Raleigh, N.C. planes to the Arabs. the sales. High Israeli officials meanwhile The administration's plans call ST. PAUL, MINN. (AP) -- Groups opposed to anti-discrimination laws for told Washington reporters that Isra- for selling 75 F-16s and 15 F-15s homosexuals are getting ready for repeal votes next month in Kansas and el will accept the sale of jet to Israel, 60 F-15s to Saudi Arabia Oregon. fighters to Saudi Arabia and Egypt and 50 F-5Es to Egypt. This follows the repeal Tuesday of a homosexual rights ordinance in if it must do so to preserve its Israel's supporters in the Senate St. Paul. share in the deal. have warned the Carter Administra- On May 9, Wichita, Kan. will vote whether to repeal its ordinance, The White House also notified Con- tion the jet fighter sale package which has been in effect since last September. gress that the package was to be must be revised or face rejection. And on May 23, Eugene, Ore. will hold a similar vote on an ordinance submitted to Congres tomorrow. Senator Jacob Javits, R-N.Y., said, passed last November. President Carter said the whole "I believe personally that if the deal must be approved, or all of it President persists in saying 'Take TOLEDO, OHIO (AP) -- Striking public school employees in Toledo, will be withdrawn. it all or leave it all,' the chances charged with contempt of court failed to show up for a hearing yester- But when Carter announced the sub- are we may leave it all." day. So, the judge, instead, ordered strikers and the board of education to resume contract negotiations. According to the judge, "This community is waiting for a settlement, and it is not going to happen in court." The strike, which began April 10, involves 3,400 employees of the 52,000 student Toledo Public School System. Pentagon proposes cut back WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nixon White House aide John Ehrlichman will walk out of the Swift Trail Federal Prison in Arizona today after serving 18 months of his original eight-year Watergate term. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Pentagon pro- months to conduct required studies Ehrilichman was convicted of conspiring to hide White House involve- posed yesterday cutting back and and other preliminary actions before ment in the Watergate burglary and lying about it under oath. combining operations at 107 military reaching a final decision on carry- installations from coast to coast to ing out the plan. ATLANTA, GA. (AP) -- Former Budget Director Bert Lance and two banks save an estimated $337 million a The plan already is under attack face charges of covering up questionable loans and overdrafts for Lance year. from protesting Congressmen and and his relatives. The plan would result in a net re- there are indications the Pentagon In a civil complaint filed in federal court in Atlanta, the Securi- duction of more than 23,000 jobs in delayed the announcement until af- ties and Exchange Commission and the Federal Comptroller's Office al- 31 states and the District of Colum- ter last week's Panama Canal Treaty lege that Lance was able to manipulate two banks he once headed to get bia. vote. special treatment for himself, his relatives and his gubernatorial The proposed re-alignments are Sources said the administration campaign fund. tentative, at this point. wanted to avoid losing support from Assistant Defense Secretary John senators resentful of impending base White said it will take six to 10 cutbacks in their states. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, April 27, 1978 9 I Calendar A. N ttePublic Affar. Ofice 7:30 a.m., co 630 p.,heay houhriday (excluding oliay.). D.aline for publiua.on 1 . t p,.alaa. working da~y. flaafid. .mergay a .nA,. viiiA. J1 acetdayi.Cmmuni y -- resent. rill b. pbli.shd ntl thn ek.ra fora a aA'of hroe .A,. soul ha aowaatt, ,od.,.,d,.,a AladN !na dailyalenadar .ection drig the week f theae a.nt acaA. A daerppA.Aas A.prohibited aaltouh. announceent II 1\ f AAilbA. .tafaek ril be permAittd bu liitd to tice montly. Amua eat,. for bsie.A. -caaatquliiajaana,, ppoval may Today b. aqA~aNdto provide proof oat".letter. authority. Ad. ,which dAe~ata on tahe . a aft,," . read. Colo, o ations arigin rill tbA. acaptad. Th. tA1bcAttra Scofnatt . te ihtt Deadlinesforsubmission of ballots for next year's Nursery School Nit ada a,,At.baAubA.Aaa. AT.Ayaba/DAAWaaab,4Working t,ou./ Board of AW~tA.AtWorking H~ou.). Governors, noon. Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, East Bargo Point Old Nursery School building, 7:45 p.m. (90269 or 8275). Pentecostal Prayer meeting, Pentecostal Church, Bay Hill Road, 7 p.m. THE DAY CARE Clubs and Organizations CENTER needs child- Intercommand slowpitch softball organizational meeting, Special Services ren's story books. THE GUANTANAMO BAY OFFICERS' Donations may be Conference Room, 3:30 p.m. WIVES CLUB Board will meet Monday, left at DCC or contract anyone at the center at May 1, topside at the COMO Club at 95405.
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