AMERICAN STRING TEACHER August 2007 | Volume 57 | Number 3 AUGUST 2007 AUGUST Back to School Issue: The Use of Tartini Tones in Teaching Music Room Basics: Budget Battles Set-up: Fitting the Instrument to the Body, When All Bodies Are Different plus... String Industry Council Directory American String Teachers Association 3 www.astaweb.com AMERICAN STRING TEACHER CONTENTS August 2007 | Volume 57 | Number 3 Features and Forums The Use of Tartini Tones in Teaching What are all of those weird noises that appear and disappear when you play double stops? 32 If you’ve never heard them, you might want to close your eyes and stop reading immediately. But for those of you already familiar with TTs, you might not realize the exciting teaching tool you have in your grasp, and how it can inspire a deeper understanding of intonation, tone color, and bow control. by Fritz Gearhart Music Room Basics: Budget Battles 36 Did you know that some of your students are going to stay in school and continue their educa- tion because of a single teacher or a single class? The unfortunate truth is that some students are barely hanging on by a single thread and are almost “looking for” any excuse to quit. Especially in high school, kids are facing serious challenges today that are tremendously stressful. by L. Dalton Potter Set-up: Fitting the Instrument to the Body, When All Bodies Are Different! 38 One prevalent issue among private and public school string teachers is setting up violin and viola students with a good shoulder rest/chin rest combination. There are many products on WKHPDUNHWDQGPRVWWHDFKHUVZRXOGDJUHHQRVLQJOHSURGXFWÀWVDOOVWXGHQWV:KDWFDQD teacher do if he has limited time to get a classroom full of kids set-up well? by Liz Dinwiddie Cello Forum: 66 Order of Importance: A Cellist’s Perspective $FHOORLVDEHDXWLIXOH[SHQVLYHJORULÀHGQRLVHPDNHUWKDWFDQLIWKHSOD\HULVVNLOOHGDQG motivated to do so, give expressive sounds to music. Its range and timbre more closely paral- OHOVWKDWRIWKHKXPDQYRLFHWKDQGRHVDQ\RWKHUDUWLÀFLDOO\FRQVWUXFWHGLQVWUXPHQW by Edward Laut Viola Forum: Viola Music by Women Composers In recent years there has been a tremendous interest in learning more about music by women 68 composers. Many works that were thought to have been by male composers are now believed to have been composed by women. by Carolyn Waters Broe www.astaweb.com | 5 AMERICAN STRING TEACHER CONTENTS August 2007 | Volume 57 | Number 3 Columns Special 10 Inspirations by Donna Sizemore Hale Sections 24 Member2Member 18 ASTA Award Winners In the Beginning: In Tune 42 2008 Conference Preview by Sondra Simmons 52 2007 String Industry A Priceless Lesson Council Directory by John Jarboe 92 Special Rostropovich Tribute 80 Teaching Tips Eight Tips for the Traveling Teacher’s Survival by Jennifer Kessler Mission Statement The American String Teachers Association 104 My Turn promotes excellence in string and orchestra Improvisation in the Classroom: teaching and playing. ASTA pursues its mis- Watering the Seeds sion through: DQRSHQVKDULQJRILGHDV by Matt Turner EHQHÀWVVHUYLFHVDQGDFWLYLWLHVUHVSRQVLYH WRWKHQHHGVRIDOOPHPEHUV GHYHORSPHQWRIVWURQJVWDWHOHDGHUVKLS DQGFKDSWHUV Departments HQKDQFLQJWKHLPDJHDQGYLVLELOLW\RIVWULQJ WHDFKLQJDQGVWXG\ DGYRFDF\IRUVWULQJHGXFDWLRQDQG 14 Association News DQLQFOXVLYHFRPPXQLW\RIVWULQJWHDFKHUV Message from the President, award and grant and players. announcements, new publications, and other American String Teacher (ISSN: 0003-1313) association-related information is published quarterly by the American String Teachers Association (ASTA). American String Teacher (AST) is available exclusively to ASTA Notes PHPEHUVWKHDQQXDOVXEVFULSWLRQSULFHLV 84 included in membership dues ($96). Known News of people, places, and events of interest to RIÀFHRISXEOLFDWLRQLV$PHULFDQ6WULQJ string teachers and players Teachers Association, 4153 Chain Bridge Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030. Periodicals postage paid at Fairfax, Virginia 22030 and additional 90 Showcase PDLOLQJRIÀFHV The latest news from members of the String POLICY: As the primary means of profes- Industry Council sional communication of ASTA, the American String TeacherUHSUHVHQWVDQGUHÁHFWVWKHPLV- sion of the association. It is not the intention 96 Reviews of AST to promote or endorse any particular Of books, music, software, and videos person or commercial product. The ideas and opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ASTA or AST. ASTA reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. No article or editorial matter Every Issue in AST may be photocopied or reprinted without written permission from ASTA. Visit www.copyright.com for more information. 86 ASTA Publications Library POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 88 Membership Application American String Teacher Journal, 4153 Chain Leadership Directory Bridge Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030. © 2007 by 94 American String Teachers Association. 103 Advertisers Index 6 | American String Teacher | August 2007 Inspirations by Donna Sizemore Hale ASTA Board of Directors 3UHVLGHQW Mary Wagner 5833 Cove Landing Rd., #204 Burke, VA 22015 [email protected] President-Elect -HIIUH\6RORZ ASTA Adds New Services! 7914 Park Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027-2629 [email protected] Past President 5REHUW*LOOHVSLH It is hard to believe that summer is almost over, and a new school year is School of Music, Ohio State University just beyond the horizon. Before we know it, your studio will be alive with 110 Weigel Hall, 1866 College Rd. Columbus, OH 43010 the sounds of students practicing. Many of you will be busy recruiting [email protected] for the school orchestra. And industry members will be busy outfitting Secretary 'HQHVH2GHJDDUG students with instruments, bows, and accessories. 3033 38 1/2 Ave. S, Fargo, ND 58104 [email protected] Member-at-Large -XG\:%RVVXDW In September, ASTA will also launch our annual fundraising campaign, 2913 Hempstead Way, Stockton, CA “$50 for 50 New Programs.” As most of you know, the organization has [email protected] experienced tremendous growth and change during the past few years, Member-at-Large %HWK*LOEHUW 1928 E Calle De Caballos, Tempe, AZ 85284-2507 adding a variety of new programs and member services. Both the String [email protected] Teacher Enrichment Program (STEP) and Certificate Program for Strings Member-at-Large .ULVWLQ7XUQHU (CPS) programs will be officially launched this year providing avenues for 1708 N Morrison Rd., Muncie, IN 47304 professional development and growth for teachers and students. You can [email protected] read about both programs in this issue of AST. We choose the theme of Publications Chair %DUEDUD)(DGV 9509 Rustic Gate Rd., La Porte, TX 77571-3997 “$50 for 50 New Programs” to draw attention to the number of school [email protected] systems without string and orchestra programs. We are asking each String Industry Council President 1HLO/LOLHQ member to donate $50 as a symbolic gesture towards starting one new Meisel Stringed Instruments &RPPHUFH6W32%R[6SULQJÀHOG1- program in each state. We hope you will consider donating to the annual [email protected] campaign. Last year we raised the most money ever thanks to your gen- Executive Director 'RQQD6L]HPRUH+DOH erosity and support. Donors will again be invited to a special reception at $67$1DWLRQDO2IÀFH 4153 Chain Bridge Rd., Fairfax, VA 22030 the conference to say thank you. [email protected] American String Teacher A number of you have also asked how you might support the organiza- Editor0DU\-DQH'\H tion through your own estate planning. Later this year, we will unveil a Articles Editor .ULVWLQ0RUWHQVRQ planned giving program that will provide a step-by-step guide on how Reviews Editor 0DUJ6FKPLGW Design and Layout 6N\+HQGHUVRQ you can support string education through bequests and other forms of Production &RUSRUDWH3UHVV giving. Look for information on the website later this year. Advertising Representative6WHYH'L/DXUR Correspondence Subscriptions, change of address (send mailing label), individual issues, Speaking of websites, we are in the middle of a complete overhaul of the billing, membership, and other business matters VKRXOGEHGLUHFWHGWRWKH$67$1DWLRQDO2IÀFH ASTA website to make it more user friendly and easier to navigate. The &KDLQ%ULGJH5G)DLUID[9$WHO )$;(PDLO new website will be launched along with the new school year. With nearly [email protected]. 50 programs, it is hard to organize a site that reflects the organization’s $GYHUWLVLQJ'HDGOLQHVare: August issue—June 1RYHPEHULVVXH³6HSWHPEHU)HEUXDU\ complexity in a simple and effective manner. We are working with a LVVXH³'HFHPEHU0D\LVVXH³0DUFK,QTXL- ULHVVKRXOGEHGLUHFWHGWR$67$1DWLRQDO2IÀFH team of professionals who specialize in this area. Our goal is to create and &KDLQ%ULGJH5G)DLUID[9$ WHO)$; maintain an attractive and interactive site that reflects the tremendous Email: [email protected]. potential of our association. Your input and suggestions in this process are (GLWRULDOAST welcomes letters and articles from its readers. Query letters are preferred over welcomed. unsolicited manuscripts. For a copy of the AST Au- thor Guidelines, visit www.astaweb.com. Inquiries and articles should be submitted to ASTarticles@ As you prepare for the new academic year, don’t forget to mark you astaweb.com. 5HYLHZVReview materials should be sent to Marg calendars for the 2008 ASTA National Conference in New Mexico. The Schmidt, School of Music, ASU, 40 Gammage Parkway, PO Box 870405, Tempe, AZ 85287- line-up of pre-conference workshops, string sessions, world-class perfor- 0405. Requests
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