17Chapter 17 Heritage C h a p t e r 1 7 H e r i t a g e consult with relevant agencies as early as possible in designated under EU Habitats directive (92/43/EEC) which was 17 Heritage relation to designated sites, recorded monuments, transposed into Irish Law in the European Communities (Natural places and protected structures. Habitats) Regulations, 1997. In total Kildare has 7 Special Areas of 17.1 (A) General Heritage Conservation, 23 National Heritage Areas and 1 Nature Reserve. HP 3 To prepare a Heritage Plan for the county and liaise with [See tables 17.1 and 17.2] 17.1.1 Background all relevant agencies and community groups in its County Kildare boasts a unique and diverse heritage, which is preparation and implementation. The designation of these sites at a national level is the responsibility acknowledged by Kildare County Council through the County of the National Parks and Wildlife Division of the Department of Development Plan. As this heritage is valuable, non-renewable it is HP 4 To work with other relevant agencies in promoting Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The designation of important that its contribution to our quality of life is recognised. awareness and pride in the natural, architectural and these sites is an ongoing process as boundaries are revised and archaeological heritage of the county and to develop adjusted and new sites added. The Council will take cognisance of Heritage is defined by the Heritage Act 1995 as including codes of best practice in relation to the conservation of any change in boundaries, that may occur in designated sites monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects, architectural this heritage. within the life of this plan. heritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes, wreck, seascapes, heritage gardens & parks, geology and inland HP 5 To seek to actively encourage participation by heritage It is the policy of the council: waterways. groups, community associations and local people in the NH 1 To facilitate the protection of all designated wildlife sites, identification, protection, conservation and enhancement including any additions or alterations to these, from any 17.1.2 Goal of the heritage of the County. To conserve and protect Kildare’s built, natural, archeological and development that would adversely affect their cultural heritage and to afford identified sites, species, HP 6 To support the work of various organisations concerned conservation value. monuments, artefacts and particular areas relevant statutory with the protection and promotion of heritage in the protection. County. NH 2 To ensure that any development proposal, within the vicinity of or having an effect on a designated site, will 17.1.3 Objectives provide sufficient detail illustrating how it will impact upon (1) To consider all aspects of heritage in all Council activities. 17.2 (B) Natural Heritage the designated site, and will include proposals for (2) To seek to conserve, protect and enhance in general the appropriate amelioration. In all such cases, the Council character of the county as defined by its natural heritage and 17.2.1 Background shall consult with the National Parks and Wildlife Section biodiversity, built environment, landscape and culture. There is a great diversity of natural and semi-natural habitats with of the DoEHLG. (3) To create awareness of the heritage of the County. County Kildare, including woodland, grassland, peatland, fen, upland, lake and river habitats. This diversity, however, is coming 17.2.4 Pollardstown Fen Nature Reserve The following principles will guide the Council’s heritage under increasing threat as the development pressure intensifies NH 3 To recognise the National and International importance of objectives and policies as set out in the County Development and the demand for land for new development increases. A Pollardstown Fen and its designation as a wildlife site. Plan: sustainable approach is needed to protect and conserve this The Council will facilitate the protection and conservation • To avoid unnecessary harm to heritage. natural heritage. of the Fen. The Council will consult with The National • To mitigate the effects of harm where it can not be avoided. Parks and Wildlife Section of the DOEHLG in relation to • To promote appropriate enhancement as an integral part of any proposed development within or in the vicinity of the 17.2.2 Objective any development. Fen. To protect, conserve and enhance County Kildare’s bio-diversity and natural heritage. 17.2.5 Habitat Protection Outside of Designated Areas 17.1.4 General Policy statement Many other areas in the County, which have a value in terms of the It is the Policy of the Council: Policy Statements plant and animal populations they support and the bio-diversity that lies within them, do not have formal protection under legislation. It HP 1 To incorporate objectives for the protection, conservation 17.2.3 Designated Wildlife Sites is important that these areas are managed well. and enhancement of the natural, architectural and The most important habitats in the County are afforded protection archaeological into all Local Area Plans, all council plans, under National and/or European legislation by way of designation NH 4 To identify, protect and conserve, in co-operation with the programmes and policies. as proposed Natural Heritage Areas (pNHA) and candidate Special relevant statutory authorities and other groups, a Areas of Conservation (cSAC). The pNHA sites, afforded protection representative sample of the county’s wildlife habitats of HP 2 To ensure that heritage concerns are considered early in under the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000, were formerly local or regional importance, not otherwise protected by the planning process, potential developers should designated as Areas of Scientific Interest. The SAC sites are legislation. 6 Kildare County Development Plan 2005-2011, Volume 2 C h a p t e r 1 7 H e r i t a g e NH 5 To conserve, protect and enhance wherever possible 17.2.8 Integrating Bio-diversity into Council Activities period (1st March until September 1st) as per the wildlife habitats such as rivers, streams, lakes, bog, fen, NH 11 To integrate bio-diversity considerations into all Council Wildlife (Amendment) Act, 2000. scrub and woodlands, field boundaries (hedgerows, activities. and ditches) that occur outside of designated areas. NH 12 To prepare a Bio-Diversity Plan for the County in 17.2.11 Inland Waterways Such features form part of a network of habitats and accordance with the National Bio-diversity Plan (2002), County Kildare contains stretches of the Royal and the Grand corridors, which allow wildlife to exist and flourish. and will liaise with all relevant agencies and community Canal, the Barrow Navigation System, and their feeders and links. groups in its preparation and implementation. Further policies in relation to the inland waterways are contained 17.2.6 Species Protection Outside of Designated Areas in section 13, 18 and 19 of the plan. Regard will be given to species listed in National and European 17.2.9 Tree Protection legislation2 and in other international conventions, agreements , The Council seeks to preserve and enhance the amenity and The Council will consult with Waterways Ireland and the National and processes. natural beauty of the County by preserving, in so far as possible, Parks and Wildlife Service of the DoEHLG in relation to any trees, woodlands and hedgerows. proposed development within the vicinity of the canal systems. NH 6 To identify, protect and conserve, in co-operation with the relevant statutory authorities and other groups, NH 13 To discourage the felling of mature trees to facilitate NH 20 In association with Waterways Ireland, and the National vulnerable, rare and threatened species or wild fauna development, and to encourage tree surgery rather than Parks and Wildlife Service of the DoEHLG and local and flora and their habitats. felling where possible. communities, the Council will seek to protect items of 17.2.7 Geology architectural heritage or industrial archaeological interest The Council recognises the need to identify sites of geological and NH 14 To promote the protection of trees, in particular native associated with the canal systems. geomorphological interest within the County and to protect these and broadleaf species, which are of conservation and/or sites in the interest of protecting our geological heritage. The amenity value. Development that requires the felling of NH 21 In partnership with Waterways Ireland, and the National Geological Survey of Ireland has identified Sites of Geological mature trees of species of interest, even though they Parks and Wildlife Service of the DoEHLG will seek to Importance in the County as County Geological Sites. Some of may not be listed in the Development Plan, will be preserve the quality and quantity of water in the canal these sites may be designated as NHAs in due course. discouraged. system. Sites of Geological Importance NH 15 To conduct a survey of the County to identify trees NH 7 To protect the sites of geological importance, as listed in suitable for Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) in order to 17.3 (C) Archaeological Heritage table 17.4, from inappropriate development that would protect trees of high value throughout the County. adversely affect their existence, or interpretation, and to Existing TPOs are listed in Table 17.3. 17.3.1 Background ensure that where development is allowed, its effect on County Kildare has an abundant and diverse archaeological the listed site is minimised through retention of an NH 16 To promote the planting of native hardwood species. heritage, with representative monuments and artefacts of all appropriate buffer zone. periods. The Council will ensure the setting of these monuments; 17.2.10 Hedgerow Protection that features or items of archaeological interest, and recognised NH 8 To require applications to have regard to the Irish NH 17 The Council will encourage the protection of hedgerows, areas of archaeological potential are protected and preserved Geological Institute EIS Guidelines.
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