YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY EX CLUSIVE INTERVieW The Minister of Youth and Sports, Suat Kılıç shared his views on Turkey’s future in sports. MARCH-APRIL 2013 ISSUE 15 ECONOMY BUSINESS FOREIGN TRADE ANALYSIS TURKEY SPRINTS TOWARD THE GOLD As it reignites its athletic culture through investments and by hosting world-class sporting events, Turkey now aims for the top as a candidate host for the 2020 Summer Olympics. TURKISH EXPORTERS ASSEMBLY IS WORKING T O R E A C H T U R K E Y ’ S 2023 EXPORT TARGET OF 500 BILLION DOLLARS The Turkish Perspective 01 Contents 05 | Africa: The New Address for Exporters 38 IN DEPTH 06 | SCO a Significant Export Market TURKEY GetS ActIVE 07 | Fastest in the World From tennis to skiing, swimming, 07 | Automotive Industry Export and golf, Turkey is hosting Champion for January numerous sports tournaments 08 | Turkey Enters Top Ten in the on an international scale. With Gold League investments and its young 09 | Turkish Airlines’ Passenger population, Turkey is preparing for Volume Grows 23% in January a strong future in sports. 09 | European Investment Bank Grants Turkey Credit 09 | Turkey and India Collaborate on Investment 30 COVER TURKEY SPRıntS TOWARD THE GOLD Having hosted a great number of incredibly successful sporting events, Turkey now aims for the very top with 08 candidacy for the 2020 Summer Olympics. 38 10 PANORAMA 12 BRIEFING T HE NEED FOR ManageRS (and 12 | MedicaL INDUSTRY DRAWS 22 | TURKEY CLimBS TO THE 12 IndiVidUALS) WitH GLOBAL MindS TOURISTS TO TURKEY TOP IN Egg EXPORTS Prof. Nakiye Boyacıgiller, PhD, Medical tourism, lately one of The Turkish egg industry’s export discusses the need for “global Turkey’s rising stars in the export figures cause it to raise the bar minds” to shape the future of of services, could be one of the with the addition of new markets management. country’s greatest playing cards in every year. reaching its 2023 targets. 24 | The ASian Finance GIANT’S 18 | TURKISH FURnitURE MAKERS PLanS FOR TURKEY PhillipCapital became the first Stand UP TO ChinA East Asian investor in the Turkish The furniture industry, a driving finance with its acquisition of Hak force of Turkey’s economy, Menkul Kıymetler. continued to develop as a critical component of Turkey’s exports 26 | TURKISH AIRLineS AimS with the positive performance it FOR WORLD LEADERShip exhibited in 2012. Turkish Airlines aims to expand its flight network to 110 destinations 20 E| TURKEY R WRiting THE in 2013. RULES OF THE AUTO GamE With a total export of $19 billion 28 | NEW MARKetS CRiticaL 18 in 2012, the Turkish automotive FOR 2023 TARgeT industry is growing constantly. For exporters to achieve the $500 billion export target for 2023, they must attain sustainable growth in 10 new markets. 26 02 Content 52 ın depth 52 | TURKISH FOOD ChaiNS GO WORLDWide With FRanchiSing MANAGEMENT The dozens of Turkish food PUBLISHER ON BEHALF OF TURKISH EXPORT- chains that have grown through ERS ASSEMBLY/ CHAIRMAN OF THE TURKISH franchising have set their eyes EXPORTERS ASSEMBLY abroad. These companies now MEHMET BÜYÜKEKŞİ have the Middle East, Europe, MANAGER IN CHARGE and America in their sights. İSMET YALÇIN PhD PUBLICATION BOARD 48 EXCLUSIVE InteRVieW M. İLKER AYcı, BÜLENT AYMEN, İBRAHİM BURKAY, MUSTAFA ÇIKRIKÇIOĞLU PhD, 48 | MASteR OF the SeAS ALİ NEDİM GÜRELİ, AHMET KELEŞ, TEMEL KOTİL PhD, ŞAHİN OKTAY, Following on the heels of TAHSİN ÖZTİRYAKİ its acquisition of marinas in Croatia, D-Marin, Doğuş 44 EXCLUSIVE InteRVieW PUBLICATION MANAGEMENT Group’s marina-industry brand, PRESIDENT SeRKAN ÜNAL has partnered with the largest “THE NEXT GAME CHANGER MAY BE ENERGY STORAGE GROUP COORDINATOR marina chain in Greece. Having TECHNOLOGY” Mehmet MücaHİD Demİr doubled its capacity in a short Carl D. Hughes has been the Global Industry Leader FINANCE COORDINATOR time, D-Marin today possesses for Energy and Resources at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu SeLİM KaRA the largest international Limited (DTTL) since 2011. After leading Deloitte UK’s EdıtORıaL marina chain of the Eastern Energy and Resources practice for ten years, Mr. Hughes EDITOR IN CHIEF Mediterranean Basin and now works with established and emerging companies SeRDAR TURAN Adriatic Sea. delivering market-leading projects, across all of Deloitte’s EdITORS services including auditing, tax work, finance, risk AYNUR ŞenOL ALTUN, management, and consulting. NESRİN KOçaSLan, Can GÜRSU, 58 BRand HÜLYA KESKİN, ALTAN ORHON 58 | SaRAR GetS ReadY TO DESign SURPRISE DESIGN DIREctOR Founded in 1944, Sarar was 58 65 ÖZKAN ORAL passed down from grandfather DEPUTY DESIGN DIREctOR to grandson. Now representing AHMET ÇELİK PINAR GÜVEN the third generation in the PHOTO EdITOR company’s administration, CEO ŞEREF YILMAZ Emre Sarar spoke about this nearly century-long journey and COntRIBUTORS PROF. naKİYE BOYacıGİLLER (PhD) its milestones. ELNUR KULİYEV, GÜZİN GÜZEY, GİZEM GÜZEY 61 | THE UnSTOppaBLE RiSE OF PAREX PRıntıng Founded two years ago as a BİLNET MATBAACILIK BİLTUR marketing company, Parex is BASIM YAYIN VE HİZMET A.Ş. 63 | A VOYage Leading FROM the 68 AGENDA DUDULLU ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 1. CAddE NO: 16, continuing to grow rapidly ESENKENT – ÜMRANİYE 34476 - İSTANBUL GRand BazaaR TO the WORLD TEL: (0216) 444 44 03 • www.bilnet.net.tr following its partnership with FAIRS, EXHIBITIONS, SUMMITS, AND Digicom. As the company’s 65 | THE 40-YeaR StORY OF A CUP MEETINGS IN THE NEXT TWO MONTHS market share grows constantly OF COffeE: KaHVE DünYASI every month, it stands head- After opening its first branch in 70 FIGURES to-head with global players on London, Kahve Dünyası started THE FINAL INDICATORS OF TURKEY supermarket shelves. seeking new markets. Today, it is IN 2012 planning to open branches in New York, Boston, Vienna, the Gulf countries, and the Turkic CONTAct [email protected] republics. www.infomagyayincilik.com Neither text nor photographs from this publication may be reproduced in full or summary without acknowledging the source and without prior permission from the publisher. MARCH-APRIL 2013 ISSUE 15 The Turkish Perspective 03 Editorial MEHMET BÜYÜKEKŞi PRESIDENT (TIM) 2012 World Short Course Swimming Championships ISTANBUL SPRINTS TOWARD 2011-2013 WTA Tour Championships 2012 Euroleague Final Four THE OLYMPICS As a city that emerged from all of these 2020 large events with flying colors, we believe As the world observes Turkey’s accomplishments, ambitious Istanbul has great chances for 2020. undertakings, and continued economic success in awe and Dear readers: I would also like to briefly mention economic expectations for the surprise, the country is mobilizing to have Istanbul—saddling year 2013. Although Turkey has been fol- two continents, a confluence of cultures and a commercial lowing a successful path in both exports hub as important today as it was centuries ago—host the and employment, 2012 was quite a chal- lenging year for the world’s economies. 32nd Summer Olympic Games in 2020. A period occurred in which economic stagnancy put several developed countries STANBUL IS A MEMBER OF a rare of the greatest advantages has in these into dire straits and consumer confidence I breed of metropolises, attracting the Olympics is its young population. Fur- plummeted. We are receiving positive attention of the entire world to every- thermore, the importance Turkey gives signals that this pessimistic picture will thing from its rich historical backdrop to to sports and the great support provided change at least somewhat in 2013. The its natural beauty, nonpareil geographic by our Prime Minister and our govern- IMF and World Trade Organization pre- position that connects two continents, ment to the Olympics bear emphatic dict 5% growth in global trade for 2013, and vibrant culture. mention as well. while the World Bank predicts 6%. This Istanbul is also the heart of the Turkey is a country that has passed the indicates a general worldwide recovery of economy of Turkey, accounting for half trials of many such large sporting events, sorts. of Turkey’s foreign trade on its own. With some of which are listed below: We are of the opinion that in the year its polyphonic culture and tourism, too, 2005 UEFA Champions League 2013, which will be more hospitable to Istanbul is Turkey’s greatest, leading city. Final, world trade relative to 2012, Turkey, too, We dedicated the cover story of this 2009 UEFA Cup Final will utilize this positive atmosphere as issue of our magazine to a matter that 2010 World Basketball best as it can. concerns Istanbul, Turkey, and the entire Championships Once again, I wish for 2013 to be a year world: Istanbul’s candidacy to host the 2012 World Indoor Athletics in which economic prosperity increases, 2020 Olympics. Championships wars end, and peace prevails worldwide. Yes, it is true that besides our own beautiful Istanbul, Madrid and Tokyo are also candidates for the 2020 Olympics. We believe that Turkey—meaning Istan- bul—will finish this challenging race as the victor. And this is no mere wish; for us, it is a reality: in recent years, Istanbul has been climbing to the top as a rising star of a city, and Turkey has also been shining brightly in the world with the reforms and progress it achieved in every area from democracy to its economy. The entire world is discussing the accomplishments of Turkey, from its success in exports to its rapid growth, and from its rising employment to its political and economic stability. And one 5 Content: SCO a Significant Export MarketP6 Automotive Industry Export Champion for January P7 The World Under Your Wings P8 Turkish Airlines’ Passenger Volume Grows 23% in January P9 Editor: Can Gürsu First FOREIGN TRADE, FUEL, AVIATION, SPORTS, BANKS, FINANCE, ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION, AUTOMOTIVE... Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, “We want to establish a lasting coop- AFRICA: THE NEW ADDRESS eration with Africa.
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