Waterbirds in Western Port: trends & conservation Richard H. Loyn, Eco Insights 45 years of community monitoring & climatic flux BirdLife Australia Western Port survey This ppt modified from earlier ppt, partly based on ppts by Birgita Hansen, Peter Menkhorst, Peter Dann & RHL BLA count sites Ranking importance of sites Site Ranking Pioneer Bay / Stockyard Pt / GMH 1 drain Barrallier Island / NW French Island 2 Bunyip River / Yallock Creek 3 Reef Island / Bass Bay 4 Fairhaven 5 Tortoise Head 6 Observation Point 7 Sandy Point / Hanns Inlet 8 Warneet 9 Rams Island 10 Tooradin 11 Long Island 12 Settlement Rd 13 Blue Gum Pt (French Island) 14 Dwyers Rd swamp 15 Hastings 16 Churchill Island 17 Queensferry 18 Newhaven 19 Shorebirds photo Danny Rogers photo Jan van der Kam photo ChungYu Chiang East Asian-Australasian Flyway Transequatorial 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 16/12/73 16/12/74 16/12/75 16/12/76 16/12/77 16/12/78 16/12/79 16/12/80 Migratory Shorebirds (all species) (all Shorebirds Migratory 16/12/81 16/12/82 16/12/83 16/12/84 16/12/85 16/12/86 16/12/87 16/12/88 16/12/89 16/12/90 16/12/91 16/12/92 16/12/93 16/12/94 16/12/95 16/12/96 16/12/97 16/12/98 16/12/99 16/12/00 16/12/01 16/12/02 16/12/03 16/12/04 16/12/05 16/12/06 16/12/07 16/12/08 16/12/09 16/12/10 16/12/11 16/12/12 16/12/13 Australasian Breeding Shorebirds (all species) (all Shorebirds Breeding Australasian 1000 1500 2000 2500 500 0 16/12/73 16/12/74 16/12/75 16/12/76 16/12/77 16/12/78 16/12/79 16/12/80 16/12/81 16/12/82 16/12/83 16/12/84 16/12/85 16/12/86 16/12/87 16/12/88 16/12/89 16/12/90 16/12/91 16/12/92 16/12/93 16/12/94 16/12/95 16/12/96 16/12/97 16/12/98 16/12/99 16/12/00 16/12/01 16/12/02 16/12/03 16/12/04 16/12/05 16/12/06 16/12/07 16/12/08 16/12/09 16/12/10 16/12/11 16/12/12 16/12/13 Cormorants (all species) & Pelican & species) (all Cormorants 1000 1200 1400 200 400 600 800 0 16/12/73 16/12/74 16/12/75 16/12/76 16/12/77 16/12/78 16/12/79 16/12/80 16/12/81 16/12/82 16/12/83 16/12/84 16/12/85 16/12/86 16/12/87 16/12/88 16/12/89 16/12/90 16/12/91 16/12/92 16/12/93 16/12/94 16/12/95 16/12/96 16/12/97 16/12/98 16/12/99 16/12/00 16/12/01 16/12/02 16/12/03 16/12/04 16/12/05 16/12/06 16/12/07 16/12/08 16/12/09 16/12/10 16/12/11 16/12/12 16/12/13 Declining species in Western Port Many fish-eaters, e.g. Little Pied Cormorant, Great Cormorant, Australian Pelican, Crested Tern, Fairy Tern, White-faced Heron [but NOT Pied Cormorant] Many transequatorial migratory shorebirds, e.g. Eastern Curlew, Grey-tailed Tattler, Curlew Sandpiper, Pacific Golden Plover [but NOT Red-necked Stint, the most common species] Some Australasian breeding shorebirds, gulls & ibis, e.g. Masked Lapwing, Silver Gull, Aus. White Ibis 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 Abundance 20000 10000 0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Little Pied Cormorant Pied Little 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 16/12/73 16/12/74 16/12/75 16/12/76 16/12/77 16/12/78 16/12/79 16/12/80 16/12/81 16/12/82 16/12/83 16/12/84 16/12/85 16/12/86 16/12/87 16/12/88 CORMORANT LITTLE PIED 16/12/89 16/12/90 16/12/91 16/12/92 16/12/93 16/12/94 16/12/95 16/12/96 16/12/97 16/12/98 16/12/99 16/12/00 16/12/01 16/12/02 16/12/03 16/12/04 16/12/05 16/12/06 16/12/07 16/12/08 16/12/09 16/12/10 16/12/11 16/12/12 16/12/13 Australian Pelican Australian 100 150 200 250 300 50 0 16/12/73 16/12/74 16/12/75 16/12/76 16/12/77 16/12/78 16/12/79 16/12/80 16/12/81 16/12/82 16/12/83 16/12/84 16/12/85 16/12/86 16/12/87 16/12/88 16/12/89 16/12/90 16/12/91 16/12/92 16/12/93 16/12/94 16/12/95 16/12/96 16/12/97 16/12/98 16/12/99 16/12/00 16/12/01 16/12/02 16/12/03 16/12/04 16/12/05 16/12/06 16/12/07 16/12/08 16/12/09 16/12/10 16/12/11 16/12/12 16/12/13 Crested Tern Crested 1000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 16/12/73 16/12/74 16/12/75 16/12/76 16/12/77 16/12/78 16/12/79 16/12/80 16/12/81 16/12/82 16/12/83 16/12/84 16/12/85 16/12/86 16/12/87 16/12/88 16/12/89 16/12/90 16/12/91 16/12/92 16/12/93 16/12/94 16/12/95 16/12/96 16/12/97 16/12/98 16/12/99 16/12/00 16/12/01 16/12/02 16/12/03 16/12/04 16/12/05 16/12/06 16/12/07 16/12/08 16/12/09 16/12/10 16/12/11 16/12/12 16/12/13 White 1000 1200 1400 200 400 600 800 0 16/12/73 16/12/74 - 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necked Stint necked 16/12/74 16/12/75
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