Concard 2011 Observing List Evening of 2012 Mar 23 at Karoo Starparty Sunset 18:38, Twilight ends 19:53, Twilight begins 05:12, Sunrise 06:26, Moon rise 07:57, Moon set 18:52 Completely dark from 19:53 to 05:12. New Moon. All times local (GMT+2). Listing All Classes visible above the perfect horizon and in complete darkness after 19:53 and before 05:12. Cls Primary ID Alternate ID Con Mag Size Distance RA 2000 Dec 2000 Begin Optimum End S.A. Ur. 2 PSA Difficulty Optimum EP Gal NGC 2997 MCG -5-23-12 Ant 10.1 9.8'x 6.8' 09h45m38.8s -31°11'28" 19:34 22:05 01:53 20 170 39 detectable Ultima 42mm DVar Delta 1 Aps Delta 1 Aps Aps 4.8 770 ly 16h20m20.8s -78°41'45" 22:47 04:40 05:54 26 216 60 obvious Ultima 42mm Glob NGC 6101 Aps 9.2 5.0' 68000 ly 16h25m49.0s -72°12'06" 23:01 04:43 05:31 26 207 60 detectable Ultima 42mm PNe NGC 7293 Helix Aqr 6.3 16.0' 530 ly 22h29m38.5s -20°50'14" 04:55 05:19 05:31 23 142 77 detectable Ultima 42mm Glob NGC 6981 M 72 Aqr 9.2 6.6' 68000 ly 20h53m28.0s -12°32'12" 05:02 05:14 05:28 16 124 66 difficult Ultima 42mm PNe NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula Aqr 8.3 28" 3200 ly 21h04m10.9s -11°21'48" 03:48 05:16 05:39 16 123 77 obvious Plössl 10mm Glob NGC 7089 M 2 Aqr 6.6 16.0' 49000 ly 21h33m27.0s -00°49'24" 04:53 05:18 05:30 17 103 77 detectable Ultima 42mm Dark B 133 LDN 531 Aql 6.0 19h06m10.0s -06°53'45" 03:29 05:15 05:53 16 125 67 unknown Plössl 4mm PNe NGC 6781 PN G041.8-02.9 Aql 11.8 1.9' 2500 ly 19h18m28.1s +06°32'19" 04:27 05:13 05:27 16 85 65 challenging E-Lux 2" 40mm 2.0x Open NGC 6709 Collinder 392 Aql 7.4 14.0' 3500 ly 18h51m18.0s +10°19'06" 04:06 05:12 05:32 16 85 65 detectable Ultima 42mm Dark B 142 Aql 5.0 40.0' 19h39m42.0s +10°31'00" 04:56 05:16 05:31 16 85 64 difficult Celestron Plössl 15mm Dark B 143 Barnard's E Aql 6.0 30.0' 19h40m42.0s +10°57'00" 04:59 05:15 05:31 16 85 64 not visible Celestron Plössl 32mm Open NGC 6738 Collinder 396 Aql 8.3 15.0' 19h01m21.0s +11°36'54" 04:23 05:12 05:30 16 85 65 detectable Ultima 42mm Open NGC 6208 Collinder 313 Ara 9.5 18.0' 3100 ly 16h49m28.0s -53°43'42" 02:52 04:57 05:24 26 196 58 very challenging Ultima 42mm Glob NGC 6397 Ara 5.3 31.0' 6500 ly 17h40m42.0s -53°40'24" 00:47 05:04 05:33 26 195 58 easy Celestron Plössl 32mm Open IC 4651 Collinder 327 Ara 8.0 10.0' 2900 ly 17h24m49.0s -49°56'00" 00:46 05:04 05:35 22 181 58 easy Ultima 42mm Open NGC 6193 Collinder 310 Ara 5.4 14.0' 3800 ly 16h41m20.0s -48°45'48" 23:50 04:55 05:37 22 182 58 obvious Ultima 42mm Doub 30 Ari HR 764 Ari 7.1 130 ly 02h36m57.9s +24°38'53" 19:11 19:26 19:38 4 79 4 obvious Ultima 42mm Open NGC 2099 M 37 Aur 6.2 14.0' 4500 ly 05h52m18.0s +32°33'12" 19:30 19:50 21:13 5 59 12 easy Ultima 42mm Open NGC 1960 M 36 Aur 6.5 10.0' 4300 ly 05h36m18.0s +34°08'24" 19:28 19:48 21:00 5 59 12 easy Ultima 42mm Open NGC 1912 M 38 Aur 6.8 20.0' 3500 ly 05h28m40.0s +35°50'54" 19:33 19:47 20:31 5 59 12 detectable Ultima 42mm Doub Epsilon Boo 36 Boo Boo 2.4 210 ly 14h44m59.2s +27°04'27" 01:51 03:04 04:16 7 70 44 obvious Celestron Plössl 9mm 2.0x Glob NGC 5466 Boo 9.2 9.0' 52000 ly 14h05m27.0s +28°32'06" 01:36 02:24 03:12 7 70 44 challenging Ultima 42mm DVar Mu 1 Boo 51 Boo Boo 4.3 120 ly 15h24m29.3s +37°22'39" 00:07 03:43 05:53 7 51 53 obvious Ultima 42mm DVar Gamma 1 Cae HR 1652 Cae 4.6 180 ly 05h04m24.5s -35°28'59" 19:03 19:49 22:16 19 173 18 obvious Plössl 10mm 2.0x Gal NGC 1679 MCG -5-12-4 Cae 12.2 2.9'x 2.0' 04h49m55.6s -31°58'02" 19:36 19:53 21:24 19 173 18 difficult Celestron Plössl 32mm 2.0x Open NGC 2682 M 67 Cnc 7.4 25.0' 3000 ly 08h51m18.0s +11°48'00" 19:36 21:11 23:55 12 94 24 detectable Ultima 42mm Open NGC 2632 M 44 Cnc 3.9 70.0' 610 ly 08h40m24.0s +19°40'00" 19:32 21:01 23:18 6 74 24 easy E-Lux 2" 26mm Glob NGC 5272 M 3 CVn 6.3 18.0' 42000 ly 13h42m11.0s +28°22'42" 01:10 02:01 02:53 7 71 44 detectable Ultima 42mm Gal NGC 4736 M 94 CVn 8.7 10.0'x 8.7' 17.0 Mly 12h50m53.1s +41°07'12" 23:11 01:10 03:09 7 37 43 detectable Ultima 42mm Open NGC 2362 Collinder 136 CMa 3.8 5.0' 4500 ly 07h18m41.0s -24°57'18" 19:21 20:01 00:11 19 154 27 obvious E-Lux 2" 40mm Open NGC 2287 M 41 CMa 5.0 39.0' 2300 ly 06h46m01.0s -20°45'24" 19:30 19:57 23:24 19 154 27 easy Celestron Plössl 32mm 2.0x Doub Eta CMi 5 CMi CMi 5.2 350 ly 07h28m02.1s +06°56'31" 19:09 20:00 23:03 12 95 25 obvious Plössl 6mm Open Dolidze 26 OCL 516 CMi 23.0' 07h30m06.0s +11°54'00" - - - 12 95 24 unknown Ultima 42mm Glob NGC 7099 M 30 Cap 6.9 12.0' 39000 ly 21h40m22.0s -23°10'42" 04:28 05:16 05:30 23 143 77 detectable Ultima 42mm Cls Primary ID Alternate ID Con Mag Size Distance RA 2000 Dec 2000 Begin Optimum End S.A. Ur. 2 PSA Difficulty Optimum EP DVar Alpha 1 Cap 5 Cap Cap 4.3 690 ly 20h17m38.9s -12°30'30" 04:27 05:17 05:53 16 124 66 obvious Ultima 42mm Glob NGC 2808 Car 6.2 14.0' 26000 ly 09h12m03.0s -64°51'48" 19:30 21:31 03:04 25 210 40 easy Ultima 42mm Open IC 2602 Collinder 229 Car 1.6 100.0' 520 ly 10h42m58.0s -64°24'00" 19:29 23:02 04:35 25 210 40 obvious Plössl 4mm Open NGC 2516 Collinder 172 Car 3.3 30.0' 1300 ly 07h58m04.0s -60°45'12" 19:27 20:19 01:44 24 200 30 obvious Celestron Plössl 32mm 2.0x Open NGC 3114 Collinder 215 Car 4.5 35.0' 3000 ly 10h02m36.0s -60°07'12" 19:31 22:22 03:49 25 199 40 obvious Celestron Plössl 32mm 2.0x Neb NGC 3372 Eta Carinae Nebula Car 3.0 120.0' 10h45m06.0s -59°52'00" 19:30 23:04 04:32 25 199 38 obvious Ultima 42mm Open NGC 3532 Collinder 238 Car 3.4 50.0' 1600 ly 11h05m39.0s -58°45'12" 19:29 23:25 04:50 25 198 38 obvious Celestron Plössl 32mm Open NGC 3324 Collinder 225 Car 6.7 12.0' 7600 ly 10h37m20.0s -58°38'30" 19:31 22:57 04:22 25 199 38 easy Ultima 42mm PNe NGC 2867 He 2-27 Car 9.7 12" 6100 ly 09h21m25.3s -58°18'41" 19:23 21:41 03:04 25 199 39 obvious Celestron Plössl 9mm 2.0x Open NGC 3293 Collinder 224 Car 6.2 6.0' 7600 ly 10h35m51.0s -58°13'48" 19:26 22:56 04:19 25 199 38 obvious Ultima 42mm Open IC 2581 Collinder 222 Car 5.3 5.0' 8000 ly 10h27m29.0s -57°37'00" 19:25 22:47 04:10 25 199 39 obvious E-Lux 2" 40mm Open NGC 5281 Melotte 120 Cen 8.2 7.0' 3600 ly 13h46m35.0s -62°55'00" 20:35 02:06 05:33 25 208 50 easy Ultima 42mm DVar Proxima Centauri V645 Cen Cen 10.8 4 ly 14h29m36.2s -62°40'37" 21:18 02:49 05:52 25 208 50 obvious Ultima 2" LX 17 mm 2.0x Open NGC 3766 Collinder 248 Cen 4.6 9.3' 7200 ly 11h36m14.0s -61°36'30" 19:26 23:56 05:25 25 198 40 obvious Ultima 42mm DVar Rigel Kentaurus Alpha 1 Cen Cen 0.0 4 ly 14h39m30.3s -60°49'56" 21:32 02:59 06:07 25 197 50 obvious Ultima 2" LX 17 mm 2.0x PNe NGC 3918 Blue Planetary Cen 8.4 12" 4600 ly 11h50m17.7s -57°10'57" 19:23 00:09 05:32 25 198 38 obvious Celestron Plössl 9mm 2.0x Open NGC 5662 Collinder 284 Cen 7.7 29.0' 2200 ly 14h35m37.0s -56°37'06" 23:16 02:55 05:26 25 197 48 difficult Celestron Plössl 32mm 2.0x Glob NGC 5286 Cen 7.4 11.0' 39000 ly 13h46m27.0s -51°22'24" 21:11 02:06 05:31 21 183 48 easy Ultima 42mm Gal NGC 4945 ESO 219 24 Cen 9.3 20.4'x 4.3' 15.0 Mly 13h05m26.2s -49°28'15" 21:01 01:24 05:23 21 184 49 detectable Celestron Plössl 9mm Open NGC 5460 Collinder 280 Cen 6.1 35.0' 2200 ly 14h07m27.0s -48°20'36" 21:56 02:26 05:29 21 183 48 easy Celestron Plössl 32mm 2.0x Glob NGC 5139 Omega Centauri Cen 3.9 55.0' 16000 ly 13h26m46.0s -47°28'36" 20:37 01:46 05:32 21 184 49 easy E-Lux 2" 26mm Gal NGC 5128 Centaurus A Cen 7.8 27.5'x 18.2' 12.0 Mly 13h25m27.7s -43°01'07" 21:17 01:45 05:27 21 184 49 detectable Ultima 42mm Gal NGC 247 MCG -4-3-5 Cet 9.7 20.0'x 5.0' 8.1 Mly 00h47m08.6s -20°45'38" 19:21 19:33 19:47 18 158 7 not visible E-Lux 2" 26mm Gal NGC 1068 M 77 Cet 9.7 6.6'x 5.8' 70.0 Mly 02h42m40.8s -00°00'48" 19:33 19:46 20:05 10 119 6 detectable Ultima 42mm PNe NGC 3195 He 2-44 Cha 11.5 40" 6400 ly 10h09m20.9s -80°51'31" 19:31 22:28 04:27 25 217 40 detectable Plössl 10mm Doub Delta 1 Cha HR 4231 Cha 5.5 350 ly 10h45m16.6s -80°28'11" 19:11 23:04 05:02 25 217 40 obvious Plössl 4mm 2.0x DVar Gamma Cir Gamma Cir Cir 4.6 510 ly 15h23m22.6s -59°19'15" 22:17 03:42 05:56 25 196 59 obvious Plössl 4mm 2.0x Open NGC 5823 Melotte 131 Cir 8.6 12.0' 3900 ly 15h05m30.0s -55°36'12" 23:01 03:24 05:31 25 196 59 detectable Ultima 42mm Glob NGC 1851 Col 7.1 12.0' 55000 ly 05h14m06.0s -40°02'48" 19:31 19:54 22:33 19 173 18 easy Ultima 42mm Gal NGC 4254 M 99 Com 10.4 5.1'x 4.6' 70.0 Mly 12h18m49.6s +14°24'59" 21:52 00:38 03:24 13 91 45 detectable E-Lux 2" 40mm Gal NGC 4501 M 88 Com 10.2 7.8'x 4.8' 70.0 Mly 12h31m59.2s +14°25'13" 22:05 00:51 03:37 14 91 45 detectable E-Lux 2" 40mm Glob NGC 5024 M 53 Com 7.7 13.0' 65000 ly 13h12m55.0s +18°10'12" 23:06 01:32 03:59 14 71 45 detectable Ultima 42mm Gal NGC 4382 M 85 Com 10.0 7.6'x 5.9' 70.0 Mly 12h25m24.1s +18°11'28" 22:19 00:44 03:12 13 72 45 detectable Ultima 42mm Gal NGC 4826 M 64 Com 9.3 10.0'x 5.0' 12.0 Mly 12h56m43.8s +21°41'00" 23:11 01:16 03:20 7 71 45 detectable E-Lux 2" 40mm Gal NGC 4565 MCG 4-30-6 Com 10.1 14.5'x 2.3' 12h36m20.8s +25°59'15" 23:30 00:55 02:21 7 72 45 difficult E-Lux 2" 26mm 2.0x Open Collinder 256 Melotte 111 Com 2.9 120.0' 310 ly 12h25m06.0s +26°06'00" 23:19 00:45 02:10 7 72 45 easy Plössl 4mm Glob NGC 6541 CrA 6.3 15.0' 13000 ly 18h08m02.0s -43°42'54" 01:23 05:07 05:35 22 181 69 easy Ultima 42mm Dark DC 000.4-019.5 CrA 6.0 10.6' 19h10m16.1s -37°07'29" 03:04 05:10 05:32 22 163 69 not visible Ultima 42mm Neb Bernes 157 CrA 1.5' 19h01m35.2s -37°00'55" 02:26 05:10 05:35 22 163 69 unknown Celestron Plössl 15mm Neb NGC 6726 Bernes 160 CrA 2.0' 19h01m42.0s -36°53'00" 04:07 05:10 05:26 22 163 69 challenging Ultima 42mm Doub HR 6110 HD 147835 CrB 6.4 520 ly 16h22m56.5s +32°19'59" 00:51 04:41 05:51 8 51 53 obvious Ultima 42mm DVar Sigma CrB 17 CrB CrB 5.7 71 ly 16h14m40.6s +33°51'30" 00:43 04:33 05:58 8 51 53 obvious Plössl 25mm 2.0x Doub Zeta 1 CrB 7 CrB CrB 5.9 440 ly 15h39m22.2s +36°38'12" 00:23 03:57 05:51 7 51 53 obvious Plössl 10mm PNe NGC 4361 PN G294.1+43.6 Crv 10.9 1.3' 3100 ly 12h24m30.8s -18°47'06" 20:45 00:44 04:43 21 150 47 detectable Celestron Plössl 15mm Doub HD 109556 SAO 157384 Crv 8.0 360 ly 12h35m43.5s -12°01'30" 20:47 00:55 05:04 14 131 47 obvious Ultima 42mm Cls Primary ID Alternate ID Con Mag Size Distance RA 2000 Dec 2000 Begin Optimum End S.A.
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