~ht tid,rttt· Jtpllrttr. A Trl.weekly Newsp.per P.~lIs"e4 by tdeall.r the tit Ualve Ity.r I• .,• . VOL. 29. IOWA CITY. IOWA, SATURDAY. MAY 1 1897 ANOTHE.ft VICTORY. Blatherwick IIle In ceoter Held. ·1 . nalA'l r Wyco tT nd ' tapl WOo • 0 L· out to Quinn. Mohr to fir I. on Thoma ' tor Kirklan d, 1I1ler, , I.tlhl , !'Int. ONCE MOUE WE DEFEAT OUJl OLD erl'or. Blathel'wick cores . )fo re zl ngr r nnd Orov al () llartlcl (ltLl d In RIVAL - 18 TO 10 . hits. Railey Illes oo t. LInd I~y too th dls(~u Ion. The hili w l 10 til ' 810w making firaL . Large day, mall crowd, except 00 Ninth lonlog. Hubbard ba on the teool court. A wlod blowing 0 balls. Thoma a are hit. MaytuOl 88 to make out fl eldiog rather dim· ba e on ball '. IRelnrrl d 8Lrlke out . cult. Marsh bit to hor t top O'CQ nn or First Ioolng. BI'own tap a two hlte low aod goes ouL. Another Scientific Publication. base hit io left fi eld. Brown score . Davl smaahes out t.o ~1a y tuUl . :ar· Hubbard gets to thll'd on Lind ay 's gent hit 10 lett fi eld.' hepard fi le error. Hubbard scores on a wild pitch. out to Reynold. argeot goe tv Thomas out on an ea sy hit. May1um third 00 Reyoold' wild throw. B1ath· a base 00 balls. Mack hit · ea y, ao· erwlck and oggeshall both rall out. otber wild throw to ft r t . May tum The followlog I thesumm ary. and Mack botb sco re. Marsh hase on balls. O'Connor base on ball . Rey· GRINNELL. AD It nn " 0 A E Raley, I b .......... l: nold strikes out. Marsh thrown out :! 1 1:1 I 2 at tbird . Lind8ay, s ",j 2 I 0 2 tl • Railey ba 'e on ball. Lindsay Davi ,p,3b .... .... ,) I :1 0 makes a uase hiL in centel' fi eld . Rail· Sargent, 2 U ........ 5 2 7 2 0 Ice· Shepard, r r, p . .. .. 5 0 J 0 0 ey and Lindsay both score on wild Propr. throwing. Davi ' out on an easy hit. Blatherwick, a h, r f j 0 "2 1 Sargent scores on a single hit. hep· Coggeshall, 1 r . .... .j () 0 1 0 () Ird drives a two bagger. Blatherwiok Mohr, c .. .. ... .... a I I 3 :I 0 rans. Coggeshall fan s. Tart, cr ............ 0 0 0 0 3 Second Inning. Lowry ba e on dead Mores, c r ... .... .... :! I 1 (I 0 balJ. Brown hit to third, take sec· ------ Total ........ 7 27 17 J2 ood on ao error. Lowry scores. nub­ ... "0 10 bard a sare hit in hallow field. Brown • U. I. All It )lIT PO A B scores. Thomas taps an easy one out Brown, 3 b .. .. .. ... 6 3 1 0 2 to Sargent. May tum a three bagger Hubbard, 2 b .... .. 6 3 3 3 1 2 In right fI~ld. Mack a safe hit. May· Tbomas, 1 b .... .. 6 2 :I 7 0 1 tum scores. Mack thrown out at ec· May tum, p ......... oj 4 1 1 ond. Marsh a ate hit, but is throwo Mack, r r ............ "j ) I 2 0 0 out at second. Marsh,8 .......... j 0 2 1 oj 1 Mohr out on slow hit. 'I'aft rans. O'Connor, e ..... ~ .. 0 2 1 9 1 1 Railey first on Mar h's errol'. Lind­ Reynold9, c fl ....... 5 0 3 0 J say hits out. Lowry, It .......... I 2 0 0 0 0 Tblrd Inning. O'Connor cores on Quinn, p ........... 2 0 0 1 0 0 IVa.hln,rtnn St. a Bingle and an errol' by center fielder. Reinrord, r f. : ....•. 0 0 0 0 0 Reynolds base on ball . Brown first on an error. Hubbard a safe hit. Rey· Total .... .. ....... -17 1 15 27 0 nolds and Lowry score on It. Tbomas Three base hits-May tum 2, Railey. a safe Ilingle. Muytum another one Two base bits-Brown, hepard. just like it. Hubbard score. Mack Stolen basC8- Balley, Hubbard. hits to third and out. Thomas and Struck out-By May tum 6,by uino May tum score on a wild throw. Marsh 3, by Davis I, by hepard 1. blt~ out. O'Connor drives out to first Bases 011 ball - OIT Davi 4,oIT hep­ base. ard 2, off May tum 1, oft' Quion I. Grinnell goes out In one, two, tbree order; two ot them being truck out. Score 15 to 3. HI ...o" Law Senate. Fourtb inniog. K O. I. out io oDe, A very interesting program "a two, tbree order, Reynolds dying on rendered last evening I:-y the member 'bird. Playing better. ot the Hammond Law en ate in their Quinn take box. May tum in lert room in tbe Ceotral building. The field. Coggeshall fou Is ou t to Th om Erodelphiao were pre ent in a body as. Mohr a single to center. Tart in response to a special invitation Inla,. rans and Mohr thrown \Jut at second. giveo two weeks ago. The program A good Ized audieoet\ Ii teoed \0 Good playing. was opened by music reodered by the &n excellent pr ram in tbe orlb with a house Fifth inning. S. U. !. out in OI'der High School Mandolin Club, arter Ha.llla I, ev olng, It is our again. Only feature a safe bit by wbich the following program wa A rter a declamation given by lem· cannot be May tum. given: ents In a mo t pIing fashloo, Ro­ but the Bailey a tbree bagger in rigbt field. Speech ................ Sen. O'Connor delivered an oratloo on Laoi r' " , ng you when Lindsay tries to bunt and is out. Davis Declamation . ....... .. .. Sen. Camp of America," taking up each clau of goes out on a bit to Brown. Sargent Blogra.phy............ en. McConnell the 10 pi ring hymn aod howing i Olea out to Reynolds. Oration. ... .... eo. McGulte application our glori ou" repu hllc. Sixth ioning. hepard in the box. Recitation ............. .. Sen. Alleo It w amoug the bes\ oration he' rd Davis 00 third. No sCOre's. One ElCtemporaneous Speech .. Seo. Miller In Irvlog flail tbi year. strike out by Quinn. Senate B!lI No. 370: "Be It resolv· 'i'be question, "R oh'ed that Ne­ D 10 l dig. Seventh inniog. Rul.bard a pretty ed uy tbe Hammond Law Sena.te tbat vada hould be deprived of her tate­ hit. Thomas Rnother ooe as pretty. Art. 1, Sec. 2 of the Coo tltutloo of hood, ' was affirmed by witter and Bicycle Hubbard out at . econd. May tum the United States be amended to read tull, denied by Bond aod M nat. Scores on past ball. Mack hlte slow as rollow.: 'rhe Hou e or Represen~· After an unu ually pirit.ed dl. eu Ion While tbe Cornell ieotlnc party and out. Marsh fouls out. tives shall be composed or member two of the judges decided tha the at· w In r nland III t ummer, a coi­ Mohr gets fir t on a llit and a wild obosen every second year by the peo· flrmRtlve had the best of It. I tioo or botanical pecimen ... tbrow Moores base on balls. nailry pie of tbe .everal !'tat.es. and the el ec· AD ex ellent poocb by Blum on mad wh ieb 00 cl illcatlon prOf. hits out to 1Iack. Lindsay first on tors shall have tbe qualification the ubjcct, " 1 tbe Lawyer Liar," to contain everal bundred rare aod Hubbard'8 error. Mohl', Davis and which COnjlre8S may from time to In which he paid tribute to the gr t aluable peclea. Dupllca~ peclmen Lindsay 1IC0re. Sargent fl ie out, ' hep­ time prescribe aod wblch hall be lawyer of the past, cll) ed the It r· will be rurni,bed to several mUAeuml. ard fan8. unitorm througbout all tbe State." ary program, arter which Prof r The collection Includes peclmeDs or Eighth Inniol(. S. U. T. retlrll8 in Tbe bill was supported by Senators Edward executed two or bi delight­ tull grown forest. treeJ wblcb are leas qulok order. Probasco aDd Brady, and denied by rul plaoo 80101. 'tbao tbree iocbeslD bel,bt.. THE VIDkTTE - aEPORTEa. two mlln 11'1.1 h hll Lots For Sale. 'o~ building lot bllt lut of Durable, Dre y und , tylleh I.... " fro. 'h If".tl/ou OI1~ .. ult for pring war. IN... ,.,I •• 't",t , ..,. TOUI". TIIU ..I" AID UTUIDAl , .. "., 'h CoI,.,I." Y•., ., t •• Suits,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. U., .."It. of I.,.a. Thut will [uld .'101 hand tyle to your A pp arance. Btl"". If·Cllul. Xu. D 1. ONI. talom nt r nlly ntertnlololl. Suits" ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. M....,.,., BilJwr. hav' aid til t til program W That will will jtratlfy your P rsonal Prld and win Q)m· COltA OOltOAl. JltPJ'ltRIOH A VltRII. J. R. FltA1LItY. F . W. 8ltC".A 10111{. To til s I might L r pll d mend allons or your friend . JOKH C. PRALL. AIIII"ie Ed".,. that til alldl n 'j' iliad t.1l program AIIIKMII Btillwr. IonIC r than It w lot 'od d to b by Suits" ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. BUTHA BLU.. W.. AHIU·NltV. CHA•• O. IUIt. MABltL Fo TltR. ncor. 'OD- That will pI & . YOllf Fancy and ustalo your r('plltalloo a8 M . L . FltR 0 • MAX. O. LORK % & GOOD DRE. SElt. lo" •• M CUT'1l1t a gr at many /J#p4rl ..,., Bi,/wr. I. P.'nRBIIItRGItIl. La. J:!qQrl ..m. amat lIf produ tiona alung the mlo- III.
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