Gordon-Conwell Th eological Seminary 2011/12 CATALOG CHARLOTTE CAMPUS www.gordonconwell.edu/charlotte admissions: [email protected] 14542 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC 28273 704.527.9909 ~ 800.600.1212 Contents CATALOG 2011/12 GORDON-CONWELL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY–CHARLOTTE 1 Introduction 38 Degree Programs 3 History and Accreditation 41 Master of Divinity 4 President’s Message 42 Master of Arts 6 Our Vision and Mission 44 Master of Arts in Religion 8 Statement of Faith 44 Doctor of Ministry 10 Community Life Statement 45 Graduate Certifi cates 46 Online Programs 11 Faculty 48 Checksheets 26 Board of Trustees 26 Emeriti 60 Seminary Resources 61 The Harold John Ockenga Institute 27 Admissions 61 Semlink 29 Tuition Charges 66 Campus Ethos and Resources 30 Financial Assistance 70 Associated Study Opportunities 34 Other Campuses 73 Course Descriptions 74 Division of Biblical Studies 79 Division of Christian Thought 82 Division of the Ministry of the Church 87 Calendar 2011-2012 2 INTRODUCTION HISTORY Gordon-Conwell Theological Sem i nary has a rich heritage, span ning more than a cen tu ry. The school’s roots are found in two institutions which have long provided evangelical leadership for the Christian church in a variety of min is tries. The Conwell School of Theology was founded in Phil a del phia in 1884 by the Rev. Russell Conwell, a prom i nent Baptist minister. In 1889, out of a desire to equip “men and women in practical re li gious work...and to furnish them with a thor ough ly biblical train ing,” the Boston Missionary Train ing School was founded by another prominent Baptist minister, the Rev. Adoniram J. Gordon. The Conwell School of Theology and Gordon Divinity School merged in 1969 through the efforts of phi lan thro pist J. Howard Pew, Dr. Harold J. Ockenga and Dr. Billy Graham. Their vision was to “establish within a strong evan gel i cal framework, an in de pen dent, in ter de nom i na tion al seminary.” The united schools became known as Gor don-Conwell Theo log i cal Sem i nary and Dr. Ockenga, the long-time pas tor of Boston’s historic Park Street Church, became the in sti tu tion’s fi rst president and served until 1979. In 1981, Dr. Robert E. Cooley was in au gu rat ed as the second president and under his leadership Gordon-Conwell strength ened its on-cam pus program, ex pand ed seminary hous ing, and completed the campus learning com plex, in clud ing the Chapel and a 41,000 square foot Ac a dem ic Center. During the 1991-1992 ac a dem ic year, the es tab lish ment of two branch cam pus es was for- mal ized: the Boston campus, and the Char lotte, North Carolina, campus. In February 2006, Gordon-Conwell launched it’s Jacksonville, FL extension site. of Dr. Cooley current ly serves as President Emeritus. Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., well-known biblical scholar, author, Bible teacher and preacher, served as the third president of the merged school from 1997-2006. Dr. James Emery White became the fourth president of Gordon-Conwell in July 2006. Dr. Haddon W. Robinson was named Acting President in May, 2007. In 2008, Dr. Dennis P. Hollinger was ap- pointed Gordon-Conwell’s sixth President. Dr. Billy Graham con tin ues his re la tion ship with the school as Chairman Emer i tus of the Board of Trustees. ACCREDITATION Gordon-Conwell operates under a charter of the Board of Higher Education of the Com mon wealth of Massachusetts. The seminary is a member of The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. Gor don-Conwell Theo log i cal Sem i nary is accredited by the New England As so ci a tion of Schools and Colleges, Inc. The sem i nary is certi- fi ed by the United States Government for the training of veterans and the education of chap lains for military service and for the enrolling of foreign students. Degree program(s) of study offered by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary—Charlotte have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 116-15(d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from li cen sure is not based upon any assessment of pro gram quality under established licensing standards. 3 INTRODUCTION PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE WELCOME Greetings from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary! Thank you for taking the time to learn about our school. Gordon-Con- well combines a rich tradition with cutting-edge educational innovation. Rooted in the gospel and God’s Word, the seminary seeks to develop Christian leaders who are thoughtful, globally aware, spiritually mature and ready for a broad array of ministries. What can you expect from Gordon-Conwell? You can anticipate being pushed to think in ways you never imagined, for the Church needs thinking Christians who can address our contexts from a Christian worldview. You will be prodded to deep- en your walk with Christ, while looking outward to the needs of the world. You will meet professors and fellow students who may think differently about those parts of our faith that are secondary to the core. They will expand your own theological and spiritual horizons. You will find world-renowned professors who give them- selves personally to your needs and concerns. You will be encouraged to have a passion for a world without Christ, while giving attention to the needs of the whole person and the whole of society. You will sometimes be nudged beyond your com- fort zone to become prepared to serve Christ wherever He calls you. Whether you sense a leading to pastoral ministry, cross-cultural ministries, teaching ministries, counseling or as a lay person serving Christ in the marketplace, I encourage you to consider Gordon-Conwell, a seminary helping the Church to think and live. DENNIS HOLLINGER, PH.D. PRESIDENT & PROFESSOR OF CHRISTIAN ETHICS 4 INTRODUCTION 5 INTRODUCTION THE GORDON-CONWELL CHARLOTTE VISION The Charlotte and Jacksonville campuses desire to train men and women for ministry at home and abroad and to impart to them a biblically rich and cul tur al ly sensitive vision of min is try. Foundational to all of this is unswerv- ing fi delity to Gordon-Conwell’s Mission Statement and to its clas si cal ly evangelical Basis of Faith. The specifi c vision for the southeastern campuses is driven by three commitments: 1. The campus is to have a strong thrust toward the theological engagement of modern culture in its North American setting. How biblical truth relates to cul ture—theologically and practically—is an underlying concern in Charlotte’s education, for those serving Christ need to understand how Christian faith has been infl uenced by the culture as well as how it should seek to infl uence the culture. 2. The campus is to embrace fully the partner- ships in ministry which helped launch it. This entails a con cert ed effort to involve the local church and local min is tries in the educational experience of its students. An important aspect of the M.Div. degree at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary—Charlotte is the emphasis placed on mentored ministry and integrative seminars. In both oc ca sions, students are engaged in theological/practical integration, which is essential for a seminary education. 3. The campus is to employ the adult model of education and expects students to take signifi cant re spon si- bil i ty in the shaping of their own ed u ca tion al experience. The Charlotte program is designed to address the needs of students, many of whom are actively engaged in ministry. They may be full-time pastors, bivoca- tional pastors or non-ordained staff with limited theological training. Students within a two-to-three hour radius of Charlotte will have access to quality contextualized theological education and hands-on training for parish ministry, without leaving their employment or ministry for the duration of their studies. STATEMENT OF MISSION Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary is an edu ca tion al in sti tu tion serving the Lord and his Church. Its mission is to prepare men and women for ministry at home and abroad. The seminary undertakes this task as a training partner with the Church so that what is learned on cam pus may be com ple ment ed by the spiri tu al nurture and the ex ercise of min istry avail able through our mentoring programs in the Church. Those who work and study at Gordon-Conwell are united in the common belief that the abid ing truth of God’s written Word and the centrality of Christ’s saving work are foun da tion al to the sem i nary’s mission. These prin ci ples structure the seminary’s life and values, inform its cur ric u lum and activities, and de ter mine the evan gel i cal perspective in which it sees its responsibilities in pre par ing stu dents for ministry in the modern world. Gordon-Conwell’s mission arises out of God’s redemptive work in this world effected in Jesus Christ, un- der stood through the biblical Word and mediated by the Holy Spirit. As a theo log i cal seminary, it provides learn ing, resources and train ing through which men and women may ac quire knowl edge, gain skills and 6 develop attitudes needed in Christ’s min is try. INTRODUCTION THE GORDON-CONWELL CHARLOTTE MISSION Article 1 To encourage students to become knowledgeable in God’s inerrant Word and competent in its interpretation, proclamation and application in the contemporary world.
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