Running head: TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS 1 TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS Daniella M. Sasaki Master’s thesis Digital Culture University of Jyväskylä Department of Art and Culture Studies Jyväskylä 2012 TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS 2 JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO Tiedekunta - Faculty Laitos - Department Faculty of Humanities Department of Art and Culture Studies Tekijä - Author Daniella Matsunaga Sasaki Työn nimi - Title Transmedia Storytelling and Lost path to Success Oppiaine - Subject Työn laji - Level MA Degree Programme in Digital Culture Master’s Thesis Aika - Month and year Sivumäärä - Number of pages May 2012 118 pages + 19 pages appendices Tiivistelmä - Abstract This thesis analyses the transmedia storytelling strategy applied to promote the TV series Lost. As transmedia storytelling one may understand it as a story told throughout different media, with exclusive content pointing back to the main narrative, working as a potential new audience entry-point. “Which transmedia elements of the Lost formula could be transferable to other cases?” is the research question proposed and in order to answer it, all Lost transmedia events and other marketing elements are discussed and analysed. Alternate Reality Games (ARG) were the main part of this transmedia strategy, counting five in total. Added to ARG, there were mobisodes/websodes and a pseudo- documentary. Beside the transmedia, the following marketing elements are also analysed: a video game, a web game-style narrative, official podcasts, and DVDs/Blu-rays. Fandom is also discussed, as it is inevitable to talk about a TV show success without touching the subject. Transmedia elements are analysed based on the very transmedia storytelling concept, (a) the medium utilised; (b) strategy applied/objective(s); (c) how much it affected the viewser’s knowledge compared to the main narrative; (d) where did the transmedia event led the viewser; and finally, (e) if this transmedia event could actually work as an inviting entry-point to new audience. Based on the mentioned characteristics, it is possible to see that Lost transmedia elements were indeed successful and it could be applied, with appropriated changes, to other cases taking in consideration their particular features. Asiasanat - Keywords Alternate Reality Game, Convergence Culture, Lost, Television, Transmedia Storytelling. Säilytyspaikka -Depository University of Jyväskylä TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS 3 JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO Tiedekunta - Faculty Laitos - Department Humanistinen tiedekunta Taiteiden ja kulttuurintutkimuksen laitos Tekijä - Author Daniella Matsunaga Sasaki Työn nimi - Title Kadonnut polku suosioon - transmedia- tarinankerronta TV-sarjassa Lost Oppiaine - Subject Työn laji - Level Digitaalinen kulttuuri Pro gradu -tutkielma Aika - Month and year Sivumäärä - Number of pages Toukokuu 2012 118 sivua + 19 sivua liitteitä Tiivistelmä: Tämä tutkimus analysoi transmedia-tarinankerrontaa, jota on käytetty promotoimaan TV- sarjaa Lost. Transmedia-tarinankerronnan voi ymmärtää tarinana, joka kerrotaan yksinoikeudella eri medioiden välityksellä, tarkoituksena tavoitella lisää potentiaalisia yleisöjä. "Mitkä Lostin transmedia-elementit voisivat olla käyttökelpoisia myös muissa yhteyksissä?" on tutkimuskysymyksenä, ja jotta siihen voitaisiin vastata, kaikki Lostiin liittyvät transmedia-tapaukset ja muut markkinointiin liittyvät seikat ovat tarkastelun alla ja analysoitavana. Pääasiallisena strategiana on Alternate Reality Games (ARG), josta viisi esimerkkiä, ja lisäksi mobisodeja/webosodeja [mobisodes/webosodes], sekä pseudodokumentti. Transmedian lisäksi analysoidaan seuraavia markkinointielementtejä: videopeli, nettipelimäinen narratiivi, viralliset podcastit, ja DVDt/blu-rayt. Myös faniudesta keskustellaan, koska ilman tätä keskustelua olisi mahdotonta puhua TV-sarjan menestyksestä. Transmedia-elementtejä tarkastellaan transmedia-konseptin näkökulmasta: a) mediumin hyödyntäminen, b) strategia/päämäärät, c) kuinka paljon lisäsi katsojan tietämystä verrattuna päänarratiivin tarjoamaan tietoon, d) minne transmedia-tapaus johdatti katsojan, ja lopulta e) voisiko tämä transmedia-tapaus toimia johdattavana tekijänä uusille yleisöille. Perustuen näihin mainittuihin ominaisuuksiin, on mahdollista nähdä että Lostin transmedia-elementit olivat todellakin onnistuneita, ja voisivat olla hyödynnettävissä muissa yhteyksissä, asiaankuuluvin muutoksin ja huomioonottaen niiden ominaispiirteet. Asiasanat - Keywords Alternate Reality Games, lähentymisen kulttuuri, Lost, televisio, transmedia- tarinankerronta Säilytyspaikka -Depository Jyväskylän Yliopisto TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my profound gratitude to Professor Raine Koskimaa and to Professor Susanna Paasonen, who guided me through this thesis, providing priceless comments - without which I would not be able to complete it. I also would like to thank my parents for their unconditional support. TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract...................................................................................................................................2 Acknowledgments...................................................................................................................4 Table of Contents....................................................................................................................5 1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................7 1.1. Is there a formula to become a successful transmedia franchise?......................12 1.2. Research Methodology.......................................................................................14 1.3. Further chapters..................................................................................................16 2. Discussing the Transmedia Storytelling and other concepts.............................................18 2.1. Television has changed.......................................................................................22 2.2. Cultural Convergence, Participatory Culture and Media Engagement..............24 2.3. Authorship..........................................................................................................28 2.4. The Art of World-Making...................................................................................30 2.5. Guerrilla Marketing............................................................................................31 2.5.1. Viral Marketing and Viral Videos........................................................32 2.5.2. Alternate Reality Game.......................................................................34 3. Lost and its Transmedia Events.........................................................................................38 3.1. Alternate Reality Games (ARGs).......................................................................43 3.1.1. The Lost Experience............................................................................46 3.1.2. Find 815...............................................................................................52 3.1.3. Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project...................................................55 3.1.4. Lost University....................................................................................59 TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS 6 3.1.5. Damon, Carlton and a Polar Bear........................................................65 3.2. Lost: Missing Pieces (Mobisodes/Websodes)....................................................69 3.3. Mysteries of the Universe: The Dharma Initiative (web pseudo-documentary)72 4. Pure marketing or part of the grand Lost Transmedia Storytelling...................................77 4.1. Lost: Via Domus (game)....................................................................................77 4.2. Lost: The Untold.................................................................................................81 4.3. Official Podcasts.................................................................................................84 4.4. DVDs and Lost Merchandise.............................................................................87 4.5. Fans’ Websites and Blogs...................................................................................91 5. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................98 References...........................................................................................................................108 Appendix A: The Narrative.................................................................................................119 Appendix B: Lost: Missing Pieces (Mobisodes/Websodes) - Episode Guide....................134 TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING AND LOST PATH TO SUCCESS 7 1. Introduction When I watched Lost (Abrams et al., 2004) for the first time I could not imagine how hooked I would be from the first episode. And more, that I would be part of a worldwide legion of viewers that would follow the TV series throughout its six seasons trying to solve puzzles not entirely answered even with the show’s end. At the same time, this particular show reminded me how different entertainment today seems slightly different than over a decade ago. It was 1993 when The X-Files (Carter
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