Softball: Crystal River opens season in style /B1 WEDNESDAY CITRUS COUNTY TODAY & Thursday morning HIGH Partly sunny with winds 75 at 5 to 10 mph. LOW PAGE A4 51 www.chronicleonline.com FEBRUARY 8, 2012 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOLUME 117 ISSUE 185 INSIDE BROOKSVILLE BUST: Female DUIs on the rise Last Survey points to possible SURVEY SAYS to 18 percent of women who said they drink alo- known thinking behind increase ■ Twelve percent of men cholic beverages 2 to 3 said they drink alcoholic times a week A.B. SIDIBE being charged declined beverages daily, equal to ■ In the past 12 months, Staff Writer nearly 11 percent for the the 11 percent of 13 percent of men said WWI same period. women who said they they have been concerned $1M in assets Nationally, between 2001 In Citrus County from drink daily for a female friend and/or and 2010, the number of 2009 to 2010, the numbers family member’s safety seized ■ Twenty-eight percent of women arrested for driving either stayed the same or who seemed to be Authorities arrest money under the influence has men said they drink al- veteran fell by a person among fe- intoxicated. laundering suspects, jumped 36 percent, accord- males, but held to form coholic beverages 2 to 3 find underground ing to Federal Bureau of with the national figures times a week, compared —SOURCE: AAA tunnel./Page A4 Investigations (FBI) data. among males. While more men than An American Automo- respondents (66 percent) DUI than women. dies at women get arrested for bile Association (AAA) sur- still believe men are more NEWS DUI, the number of males vey indicated two-thirds of likely to be charged with See DUI/Page A8 BRIEFS 110 Three Sisters workshop Associated Press today LONDON — Florence The workshop to Green never saw the front get the ball rolling on lines. Her war was spent Sidewalk a no-no? serving food, not dodging a sometimes contro- bullets. versial plan to turn But Green, who has died Three Sisters aged 110, was the last Springs into an eco- known surviving veteran of tourist draw is World War I. She was serv- Wednesday at ing with the Women’s Royal 6 p.m. Air Force as a waitress at an The conceptual air base in eastern England landscape blueprint when the guns fell silent on transforms the 57- Nov. 11, 1918. acre urban parcel It was not until 2010 that into trails, parking she was officially recog- areas, a possible off- nized as a veteran after a site visitor center, researcher found her serv- manatee viewing ice record in Britain’s Na- areas and a kayak tional Archives. landing/launch. Green died Saturday at But some ele- the Briar House Care Home ments of the plan in King’s Lynn, eastern Eng- have drawn the ire of land, two weeks before her residents of the area, 111th birthday, the home said. who are seeking Retired Air Vice-Marshal changes to the plan Peter Dye, director-general they deem intrusive. of the RAF Museum, said it This is the second was fitting that the last sur- workshop in as many vivor of the first global war months to address was someone who had the concerns of served on the home front. those residents. “In a way, that the last vet- Those who oppose eran should be a lady and the plan were told to CATHY KAPULKA/Chronicle someone who served on the come up with con- ABOVE: From left, Lehman and Sandra Strickland and Ann and Dave McLaughlin exit the Withlacoochee State Trail home front is something crete alternatives so in Floral City and head to Hampton’s Edge Trailside Bicycles in Floral City. BELOW: Regis Hampton talks with cus- that reminds me that war- the work on the tomers in front of Hampton’s Edge Trailside Bicycles as two bicyclists use the sidewalk leading from his business fare is not confined to the property stays within to the Withlacoochee State Trail to head south. trenches,” Dye said. the bounds of man- “It reminds us of the dates set by the Great War, and all warfare major benefactors in Bicycle shop’s concrete walkway causes stir with state since then has been some- the public/private thing that involved every- deal that helped NANCY KENNEDY they cracked. one. It’s a collective save the land from Staff Writer Then he had another idea. experience ... Sadly, whether you are in New becoming a residen- “We had just bought the building York, in London, or in Kan- tial development. FLORAL CITY — File this under and put a new roof on it, and back “No good deed goes unpunished.” in October or November we de- dahar, warfare touches all The Crystal River of our lives.” City Council is ex- Or, file it under “Grit your teeth cided to put in a sidewalk from the and just go through all the bureau- She was born Florence pected to give a final shop to the trail,” Hampton said. “I cratic red tape rigmarole that did it for the convenience and the Beatrice Patterson in Lon- vote on the issue at everyone hates and save yourself don on Feb. 19, 1901, and its next regular meet- safety of people so they don’t have some grief.” to go out on the street.” joined the newly formed ing Feb. 13. Either way you look at it, Regis He spent $860 and hired some- Women’s Royal Air Force in Valentine’s Hampton is learning the hard way one to construct the concrete walk- September 1918 at the age Day: Yea or that living in a society with rules way, even adding an artistic touch of 17. and regulations is a fact of life. with decorative bike tracks run- The service trained Nay? Hampton owns Hampton’s Edge ning the length of it and bicycle women to work as mechan- Trailside Bicycles, 8294 E. Orange gears embedded in it. ics, drivers and in other jobs Here’s your oppor- to free men for front-line tunity to tell us how Avenue in Floral City, right next to As sidewalks go, it’s a short one the Withlacoochee State Trail. — about 44 feet. duty. Green went to work as you really feel about a steward in the officers’ Valentine’s Day. For the two and a half years, he The problem is, only part of the and co-owner Cindy Messer have mess, first at the Narbor- We’re looking for sidewalk is Hampton’s property. been in that location. People riding ough aerodrome and then at people who love the Less than half of it is an easement bikes on the trail who want to come to use the street — this is a busy, belonging to the state. RAF Marham in eastern holiday and those to the shop had a choice: walk their bad intersection (County Road 48 All was well, until he got a letter England, and was serving who don’t. Holiday bikes through sand or use the and U.S. 41), and cars come whip- signed by Harry Mitchell, Withla- there when the war ended. lovers: Why do you street. ping around the corner. coochee State Trail park manager, Decades later, Green re- love Valentine’s “When people come off the trail So he had an idea. based at Fort Cooper State Park, membered her wartime Day? with their bikes, the tires get all full He put patio stones down for which spells out a list of things service with affection. Holiday haters: of sand, and the sand gets carried people to walk on. But then people “I met dozens of pilots What soured you to into the shop,” Hampton said. “And parked their cars on them and See SIDEWALK/Page A8 and would go on dates,” she the day dedicated to said in an interview in 2008. love and romance? “I had the opportunity to go Tell us your story up in one of the planes but I by emailing Nancy was scared of flying. I would Kennedy at work every hour God sent. nkennedy@ But I had dozens of friends chronicleonline.com. Teen suspected of armed burglary on the base, and we had a great deal of fun in our —From staff reports A.B. SIDIBE auto, burglary becoming spare time. In many ways, I Staff Writer armed, armed trespass and had the time of my life.” carrying a concealed After the war she stayed INDEX HERNANDO — A high- firearm. Bond is $53,000. in the area, raising three children with her husband, Comics . .C7 school student who MacDonald, a was caught shoot- Lecanto High Bob Green. Community . .C5 Once her service record Crossword . .C6 ing a gun he al- School senior, re- was rediscovered, the RAF Editorial . .A12 legedly swiped portedly entered Entertainment . .B6 from a vehicle he the garage of a resi- embraced the centenarian Horoscope . .B6 reportedly stole dence with the Her- veteran, marking her 110th Lottery Numbers . .B4 thought the weapon nando homeowner birthday in February 2011 Lottery Payouts . .B6 was “cool,” accord- inside and jumped with a cake. Movies . .C7 ing to the Citrus into the man’s vehi- Asked what it was like to Obituaries . .A5 County Sheriff ’s Of- Jason cle and drove off. be 110, Green said “It’s not Classifieds . .C8 fice report. MacDonald The vehicle had a much different to being 109.” TV Listings . .C6 Jason Michael MacDon- loaded semi-automatic pis- RON KORNATOWSKI/Special to the Chronicle ald, 18, 16 S.
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