VOL. VIII UNIVERSITY OF HAWAil, HONOLULU, FRIDAY, MAY 16, · 1930 No. 30 FOX CONNER =---A-ss_oc_ia_t_e _E_d~_·to_r__,!l Final Review Wakaba ..Kai to '--:-B_ar_bo_u_rs_c_ho_Ia_r ---~' CLASS DAY · INSPECTS .U Held in.Honor Present Books EXERCISES CADET UNIT Of President To UH Library: ANNOUNCED Congratulates Corps Graduati!lg Officers in Are Translations S~heduled for May 31, on Excellent Pretty Saber Classics of Saturday After­ Showing Ceremony Japan noon Marques The final R. 0 . T . C. review of the To acquaint the students and pro­ H. Declar~d school year was held on Monday fessors of the University of Hawaii Governor Judd to Give Varsity's Best morning at 7:45 on Cooke Field in with the impo1·tant phases of the honor of President D. L. Crawford. Commencement Soldier At this formation the outgoing offi­ rich Japanese culture and to encour~ Address cers of the R. o. T. C., in ceremonial age them to study the works of Jap­ The annual tourna.meqt, inspec­ style, passed over their sabers and an's greatest writers, the members of With the date for the close of this tion and test in training of the Uni­ their command to the incoming the Wakaba. Kat, Japanese women officers. term only three weeks off, plans for versity R. 0. T. c. · was held at 1 :15 society, headed by Miss Mildred Nerio, p. m. Friday, May 9, in honor of Cadet Colonel M. Whitman turned che commencement exercis~ are well Maj.-Gen. Fox Conner. his saber· over to Captain A. Hansen wiil, at· the A.S.U.H. meeting today, under way concerning the various After the inspection and tourna­ as cadet colonel of the corps for next present to the University Libra.ry a 1enior activities. Class Day Will be ment, the major general, in his re-· year. Lieut.-Col. Clement Judd and set of books amounting to a total held on Saturday, May ·31; Baccalau­ _________...,;;...;.;,;,;;;;...;;.;;;;; • . Maj . Leong Fong passed their sabers ':'eate · Services on Sunday, June 1, marks tO President D. L. Crawford, value of nearly fifty dollars. said that he was highly enthusiastic ;----------------·Ito First Lieuts. Richard Worcester 'lnd Commencement on Monday, June Being practically all t~·anslations of 2, with Governor Lawrence M. Judd with the general appearance and per­ and Jack King as second in command Helen Clmn, senior wllo has been formance of the cadet corps and in­ 1\l.ildred Nerio, Ka Palapala.'s of the unit and regimental adjutant, Japanese classics, the books are granted a Barbour Scholarship. delivering the address. energetic editor. respectively. timated that this fine showing was l "Oenji Monogatari" Waley's Transla­ In the early part of Saturday after­ Maj. K1m Fan Chong, Dal Ho Chun due to the excellence of the Varsity tion •in four volumes, "Hundred Verses noon, the seniors and alumni mem­ miUtary staff and the cooperation of .ty LI.StS. _ and Harry Murakami turned their' bers will spend an afternoon of ath­ the individual cadets. Varsl _ commands over to Cadet Capt. Sid- !rom Old Japan" by Porter, "Tosa A. W.S. Hears , letic events on the campus. At 4 "This was unquestionably- one of ney Carlson, Cadet First Lieut.. Wil- Diat·y" by Porter, and "Miscellany of o'clock the class will conduct its the best trained· and best looking Ham Tsuji and Cadet Capt. Kiyoto a Japanese Priest" by Porter. "Hiza­ ;:eremonies which are traditional to Tsubaki, l'espectively. corps that I have ever seen," Total Of 203 kurige" by Satchell; this · book in Sinclair and ~ he University, such as planting of said the major general. "I like par­ After the ceremonies President D. the ivy, passing of the torch, passing Japanese is the work of Ikku Jep­ ticularly that part of my inspection . rm Courses L. Crawford and Lieut.-Col. Adna G. of the quill, reading of the class will, where the cadets stood · erect, eyes Te Clarke spoke to the cadets. Prest- pensha. Kurata's "Priest and his Dis­ Lorna Jarrett prophecy and history. In the even- straight to · the front and gave ine . dent Crawford congratulated them on ciples" by Glenn. Shaw, and Kikuchi's ing the. senior banquet wlll be held their fine showing 'for the year and the tmpre&!!ion that they are all men "Tojlro's Love" by the same transla­ when the class poem will be read and remarked that ·military training was 1n the making." · • .D e a d Languages ~ or. Soseki's "Within my Gla9S Doors" Women In Literary the class gift presented. by PhUlp No . one of the best training for the de- Best SolcUer by I. Masuhara and E. I. Iglehart. Westgate, president of the. class, to The final stages of the platoon 'T o Be Taught velopment of confidence and a man- Field Are . the University. ly appearance. Other book<> include Isobe's "Tales precision drill and best soldier con­ from Kojiki," Wa-kameda's "Kokin­ Praised Dr. Kerrison Juniper will deliver test were held -with Company K un­ H ere Colonel Clarke was also highly en- the address at the Baccalaureate Ser­ thused over the showing of the cadets shiu" or "Early Japanese Poets," der the command of Cadet Capt. A. "Daughter of Samurai," and "Story A schedule of classes to be given. for the year and remarked that this Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote in her ·vices at 11 a. m . at Central Union R. ·Moore capturing the Dawkins Ben­ of Ancient Japan." church, on June 1. at the University of Hawaii tor the , was one of the best years the kitchen and produced a piece of art ny's Trophy. H Company, under or The various committee chairmen Cadet Capt. A. Hansen, and L Com­ first term of 1931 shows 203 differ- corps. He was profuse in his thanks Besides these volumes, the Wakaba when she published her "Uncle Tom's . · to the cade.ts for their cooperation, Kat will. subscri'pe for the library, who have been appointed to take pany, under Cadet Capt. T. Tsubaki,, Cabin" said Prof. Gregg Sinclair when charge of the senior activities are: secoml and third, respectively. · ent courses under 33 mam subjects. , .to the president for his interest and publications of the Astatic Society; President David L. crawford saysl hearty support, and to the sponsors which will mail copies for a long pe­ he spoke on the topic "Women in .Moku Gittel, program; Mac ·Whitman, In the best soldier .contest Cadet banquet; Janet Haughs, · decorations; Sgt. Harold Marques was declared the that the mere ' listln~ of these main , for their help ·in all matters concern­ riod as the donors planned to renew Literary Work" before the Associated the subscription annually. Dal Ho Chun, history; Thomas Ku­ best Varsity soldier. Sgts. Y. Katsuki subje·cts gives some idea of tlle i_ng the R.O.T.C. Women Student of the University last rihara, will; Winifred Webster, proph­ and Edwin Chinn, second and third, variety and scope of. Instruction _____..._. _____ Presentation of the books wlll take Tuesday noon: "Women are grad­ place today at the A.S.U.H. meeting. ecy; Misayo Ishiza.ki, poem, and resp~tively. offered . by the University, and re- ually exploding the theory that they Ada Forbes, gift. ·At the conclusion of the tourna­ veals some differences between in- As·uu Student Miss Mildred Nerio, president, wlll ex­ plain the purpose of the gift. The cannot write, cannot express them-. The seniors may obtain their caps ment .trophies and other insignia. of struction at the University of Hawaii · · · and gowns from the business office victory were presented to the victors books wm later be placed in circula­ selves in their kitchens. Today they ~:ndd~imilar institutions on the main- tion by the librarians. on Wednesday, May -28, for a rental by the mUitary staff with the aid of Boards Chosen are ready to do things, in fact big fee of $1.00, the caps and gowns' to be Selection and purchase of the books the sponsors. Captain Rudellus read The main subjects are as follows: things. Outside of Galsworthy, can returned soon after the commence­ the names of those to receive em­ were suggested by Professors Sinclair, agriculture, art, botany, chemistry, Harada, and Kunitomo. A part of there be found novelists aild essay­ ment exercises. The women members blems of victory. A summary of the At Electl.ODS of the class decided at a meeting to Chinese, economics, business educa- .the proceeds from the dance which ists who are equal to or more su­ winners in the various divisions of tion, civil engineering, machine de- · wear white Peter Pan collars, sun tan the tournament is as follows: was sponsored by the Wakaba Kai perior than Rebecca West or Sheila sign, mechanical engineering, Eng­ some time ago will be designated to hose, and the gowns six inches from Tournament Winners K. Smith. lish, French, German, Hawaiian, Jap­ Sinclair Is Advisor of buy books !or the University Library the floor. A sample of the collar 1s Ormiston Trophy for Indoor Rifle anese, geography, geology, history, "As to the opportunities !or wo­ in Dean Bilger's office. Match ·went 'to Howitzer Company, each year. home economics, mathematics, 111111- .the Ex ecu ti ve men in the literary field, there is With K and M Companies second and tary science, physical education, (Continued on pa:ge 4) physics, political science, ·psychology, 'Committee much local color in Hawaii for stories Another Barbour sociology, Spanish, sugar technology, and nqvels, especially based on the Scholarship Goes zoology. As a result of the elections held Espenshade Is problem of the· mixture of the races.
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