B H ENTERPRISES 68 Meadow Road

B H ENTERPRISES 68 Meadow Road

Price £1.00 B H ENTERPRISES 68 Meadow Road Garston Herts WD25 0JA ( 01923-672809 (Please phone after 7.00pm) Please Note: Due to low demand, we no longer accept fax Website www.bhenterprises.co.uk E mail [email protected] CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST OF ITEMS PRODUCED OR MARKETED BY OURSELVES Monday, 31 December 2018 This list supercedes any previous versions issued SECTIONS 1 MULTIPLE UNIT KITS 2 COACH WAGON AND CONVERSION KITS 3 LOCO AND TENDER KITS 4 COMPONENTS FROM COACH AND UNIT KITS 5 ITEMS OF USE TO THE SCRATCH BUILDER AND KIT BASHER 6 TRANSFERS AND SIGNAGE 7 N SCENE 8 SOLDERS FLUXES AND ELECTRICS 9 THAMESHEAD MODELS 10 JOHN GREY WAGON KITS 11. THAMESHEAD TRANSPORT KITS 1 PART 1 - MULTIPLE UNIT KITS Ref No Old Description Cost Ref Complete Complete Etched No Kits 2 Kits 1 Sides Only DIESEL MULTIPLE UNITS DMU1 Gloucester single unit and trailer (Class 122) 22.50 £15.50 £7.00 DMU2 Pressed Steel single unit and trailer (Class 121) 22.50 15.50 7.00 DMU3 Cravens 2-car (Class 105) 22.50 15.50 7.00 DMU4 Derby 3-car high density (Class 116) 34.00 23.50 10.50 DMU5 Swindon 3-car cross country (Class 120) 34.00 23.50 10.50 DMU6 Gloucester 3-car cross country (Class 119) 34.00 23.50 10.50 DMU7 Derby long 2-car cross country (Class 114) 22.50 15.50 7.00 DMU8 Derby short 2-car cross country (Class 108) EARLY ENDS 22.50 15.50 7.00 DMU8A Derby short 2-car cross country (Class 108) LATE ENDS 22.50 15.50 7.00 DMU9 Gloucester Parcels unit (Class 128) 12.00 8.00 3.50 DMU10 Cravens Parcels unit (Class 129) 12.00 8.00 3.50 DEMU11 3H 3-car Hampshire DEMU (Class 205) 34.00 23.50 9.50 DEMU12 3D 3-car East Sussex or Oxted DEMU (Class 207) 34.00 23.50 9.500 DMU13 Swindon 4-car InterCity (Class 123) 45.00 32.00 14.00 DMU14 Pressed Steel 3-car high density (Class 117) 34.00 23.50 9.00 DMU15 BRCW 3-car high density (Class 118) 34.00 23.50 9.00 ELECTRIC MULTIPLE UNITS EMU1 4-CIG (Class 421) 45.00 32.00 14.00 EMU2 4-BIG (Class 420) 45 .00 32.00 14.00 EMU3 4-VEP (Class 423) 45.00 32.00 14.00 EMU4 4-REP (Class 430) 45.00 32.00 14.00 EMU5 4-TC (Class 491) 45.00 32.00 14.00 EMU6 4-CEP (Class 411) 45.00 32.00 14.00 EMU7 4-BEP (Class 410) O/stock o/stock o/stock EMU8 2-EPB (Class 416/2) 22.50 15.50 7.00 EMU9 2-HAP (Class 414) 22.50 15.50 7.00 EMU10 4-EPB (Class 415/2) 45.00 32.00 14 .00 1 Complete Kits comprise of plastic body sides to correct profile, plastic roofs and floors, cast white metal ends and etched brass sides, no bogies. Full instructions are included together with practical suggestions for motorising. To achieve the best possible results, we would suggest that you examine the list of additional accessories available in Part 4. 2 As above but fitted with Grafar bogies. DUE TO PRODUCTION DIFFICULTIES DELIVERY ON THE ABOVE ITEMS MAY BE EXTENDED PLEASE RING TO CHECK AVAILABILTY ON ALL KITS AFTER 7:30PM ON PAGES 2-4 2 PART 2 - COACH, WAGON AND CONVERSION KITS Ref No Old Description Cost Ref Complete Complete Etched No Kits 2 Kits 1 Sides Only WHITE METAL KITS K1 S13 6-wheel Full Brake Coach NYA N/A K2 S14 6-wheel Brake Third Coach 8.75 N/A K3 S15 6-wheel Composite Coach 8.75 N/A ETCHED SIDES FOR SOUTHERN COACHES SR1 Bulleid 64'6" Corridor 1st (Diag. 2552) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR2 Bulleid 64'6" Corridor 3rd (Diag. 2019) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR3 Bulleid 64'6" 3rd Kitchen Restaur ant (Diag. 2660) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR4 Bulleid 64'6" Brake Corridor Composite (Diag. 2405) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR5 Bulleid 64'6" Brake Open 3rd (Diag. 2406) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR6 Bulleid 64'6" Corridor Composite (Diag. 2318) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR7 Bulleid 64'6" Open 3rd (Diag. 2017) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR8 Bulleid 59' Brake Corridor 3rd (Diag. 2121) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR9 Bulleid 59' Corridor Composite (Diag. 2122) 10.25 7.25 3.00 SR10 Bulleid 59' 3 -car set (2 SR8 plus SR9) 26.75 19.25 10.00 ETCHED SIDES FOR GREAT WESTERN COACHES GWR1 Hawksworth Full Brake (Diag K45) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR2 Hawksworth Corridor Composite (Diag.E163) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR3 Hawksworth Brake 3rd (Diag D133) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR4 Hawksworth Corridor 3r d (Diag. C.82) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR5 Hawksworth Corridor First (Diag. A.23) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR6 Collett Restaurant Open (Diag. H.33) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR7 Collett Suburban 3rd (Diag. C.61) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR8 Collett Suburban Brake 3rd (Dia g. D.109) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a GWR9 Hawksworth Brake Composite ( Diag E164) 12.00 9.00 4.50 a ETCHED SIDES FOR LNER COACHES LNER1 52'6" Gresley Vestibule 3rd NYA NYA 3.00 LNER2 52'6" Gresley Corridor 3rd NYA NYA 3.00 LNER3 52'6" Gre sley Brake Corridor 3rd NYA NYA 3.00 LNER4 52'6" Gresley Open Buffet NYA NYA 3.00 LNER5 63' Thompson Full Brake type II (planked sides) NYA NYA 3.00 LNER6 61'6" Gresley Full Brake NYA NYA 3.00 LNER7 63' Thompson Brake Corridor 3rd 12.00 9.00 4. 50 a LNER8 63' Thompson Corridor 3rd 12.00 9.00 4.50 a LNER9 59'6" Thompson Corridor Composite 12.00 9.00 4.50 a LNER10 63' Thompson Corridor 1st 12.00 9.00 4.50 a LNER11 63' Thompson Brake Corridor Composite 12.00 9.00 4.50 a LNER12 63' Thompson Full Brake 12.00 9.00 4.50 a LNER13 63' Thompson Full Brake 10.25 7.25 3.00 3 ETCHED SIDES FOR LMS COACHES KITS DUE FOR RELEASE IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS LISTED BELOW LMS250 57FT Suburban 3 rd Beading Period 1/2 3.50 LMS251 57FT Suburban Composite Beading Period 1/2 3.50 LMS252 57FT Suburban Brake 3 rd Beading Period 1/2 3.50 LMS313 60FT Open 1st Period 3 3.50 LMS320 60FT Corridor Composite Period 3 3.50 LMS321 57FT Open Composite Peri od 3 3.50 LMS330 57FT Corridor 3 rd Period 3 3.50 LMS350 57FT Suburban 3 rd Period 3 3.50 LMS351 57FT Suburban Composite Period 3 3.50 LMS352 57FT Suburban Brake 3 rd Period 3 3.50 LMS360 50FT Full Passenger Brake Period 3 3.50 LMS410 57FT Corridor 1 st Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS411S 65ft Open 1 st Period 3 Late Short 3.50 LMS412 57FT Corridor Brake 1st Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS413 60FT Open 1 st Period 3 late 3.50 LMS 420 60FT Corridor Composite Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS421 57FT Open Composite Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS430 57FT Corridor 3rd Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS431 57FT Open 3rd Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS432 57FT Corridor Brake 3 rd Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS441 60FT Kitchen 1 st Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS450 57FT Suburban 3 rd Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS451 57FT Suburban Composite Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS452 57FT Suburban Brake 3 rd Period 3 Late 3.50 LMS510 57FT Corridor 1 st (BR Built) 3.50 LMS511 S 65FT Open 1 st( BR Built) SHORT 3.50 LMS512 57FT Corridor Brake 1st (BR Built) 3.50 LMS513 60FT Open 1 st (BR Built) 3.50 LMS520 60FT Corridor Composite (BR Built) 3.50 LMS521 57FT Open Composite (BR Built) 3.50 LMS530 57FT Corridor 3rd (BR Built) 3.50 LMS531 57FT Open 3rd ( BR Built) 3.50 LMS532 57FT Corridor Brake 3 rd (BR Built) 3.50 901 B R Carmine & Cream Livery Template 3.50 ETCHED SIDES FOR BR COACHES Ref No Old Description Cost Ref Complete Complet Etched No Kits 2 e Sides Only Kits 1 BR1 Post Office Sorting Van (POS) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR2 Post Office Stowage Van (POT) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR3 General Utility Van (GUV) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR4 Full Brake (BG) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR5 Mk1 Corridor 1st (FK) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR6 Mk1 Corrid or Composite (CK) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR7 Mk1 Corridor Brake 2nd (BSK) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR8 Mk1 Sleeper (SL) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR9 Mk1 Buffet (RB) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR10 Mk1 Open 1st (FO) 10.25 7.25 3.00 BR11 Mk2 Brake Open 2nd (BSO) N/A N/A 1.50 b BR12 Mk2 Open 2nd (SO) N/A N/A 1.50 b 4 KITS DUE FOR RELEASE IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS LISTED BELOW MK211 MK2 A First 3.50 MK212 MK2 A Second 3.50 MK213 MK2 A Brake First 3.50 MK221 MK2 B First 3.50 MK222 MK2 B Second 3.50 MK223 MK2 B Brake First 3.50 MK231 MK 2 C First 3.50 MK232 MK 2 C Second 3.50 MK233 MK 2 C Brake 1 st 3.50 MK234 MK 2 C Brake 2 nd 3.50 MK241 MK 2 D/E/F First 3.50 MK242 MK 2 D/E/F Brake First 3.50 MK243 MK244 MK 2 D/E/F Brake Second 3.50 MK245 MK 2 Driving Brake Second 3.50 MK246 MK 2 F Micro Buffett First 3.50 MK247 MK 2 F Micro Buffett Second 3.50 1 Complete Kits comprise of plastic body sides to correct profile, plastic roofs and floors, cast white metal ends and etched brass sides, no bogies,.

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