Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Volleyball Ironwood loses to Redsautosales.com Bayfield SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, October 8, 2019 Mostly sunny yourdailyglobe.com | High: 64 | Low: 48 | Details, page 2 Centennial groups celebrate together By TOM LAVENTURE strived to make positive changes There will also be Quilts of 1967 to 1970. He currently is the available to elaborate and answer [email protected] to support the people of Besse- Valor exhibit organized by Shar- commander of the American questions. BESSEMER – Three organiza- mer and the Gogebic Range,” said lene Shaffer and Pauline Borgan. Legion Post 27. The second veter- The American Legion Post tion are combining patriotic Sue Abelman of the Bessemer Shaffer is a member of North- an, Donna Frello, will be present- 27/American Legion Auxiliary events Wednesday to celebrate Womens Club. ern Lights Quilt Guild and leads ed with a quilt at 6 p.m. She Unit 27 provided services and 100 years of serving the Bessemer A 100 Letter Tribute will run the Quilts of Valor effort in this served in the U.S. Air Force from resources for veterans, Abelman community. from 1 to 8 p.m., she said. The area, Abelman said. Borgan, of 1979 to 1995. She was stationed said. The Bessemer Womens Washington Elementary three organizations are collabo- Rhinelander, Wisconsin, is with in South Korea, Germany, and Club came together to support School, American Legion Post rating to send 100 letters to active the Pieced for Peace group and stateside, and is the commander their community through activi- 27/American Legion Auxiliary duty servicemen and women and will be accepting donations for of the Veterans of Foreign Wars ties that helped people of all ages Unit 27, and Bessemer Womens veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces signature blocks to complete Post 3673 and is a member of and worked to effect social and Club are each 100-years-old in as a fall activity. Letters will be future quilts for veterans, she American Legion Post 27. civic changes, she said. 2019 and each will hold an event written during the event to help said. Frello will join the choir of the The Washington Elementary on Wednesday, Oct. 10 to cele- meet the goal, she said. “Both ladies are affiliated with Bessemer Area School District in School educated many genera- brate a patriotic theme together Bessemer Area Schools stu- the Quilts of Valor Foundation,” singing the National Anthem, tions of students in Bessemer, she at the Bessemer City Hall audito- dents of art teacher Jen Werner, Abelman said. “The women will under the direction of Sandra said. It was accomplished with rium. The all-ages open house are contributing patriotic draw- present two veterans with quilts.” Genisot. quality instruction, administra- event is free and open to the pub- ings to be included with the mail- The first veteran, Charles Tir- The three organizations will tive planning, and the dedication lic. ings, Abelman said. A 100 food pik, will receive a quilt at 1:30 also have displays highlighting “Activists through the items collection will be given to a p.m. He served in the U.S. Army service over the last century. decades, these organizations local food pantry, she said. during the Vietnam War from Members of the groups will be 100 YEARS — page 5 GCC board CATCHING AIR addresses conflict By TOM LAVENTURE [email protected] IRONWOOD – At a special meeting Monday, the Gogebic Community College Board of Trustees corrected a procedural vote from a previous meeting to address a potential conflict of interest. The board on Monday 5-0 approved a correction to a proce- dural issue related to the unani- mous 7-0 procedural vote to approve a construction media- tion agreement at the Sept. 24 regular meeting. Board members Eric Fitting and Robert Burchell, who had voted Sept. 24, obtained from voting Monday after declar- ing conflicts on interest. The Sept. 24 action was to release $4,925 of the outstanding receivable as the terms of a medi- ation agreement to complete the 2019 construction home project with the GCC Construction Tech- nology program and close the contract. The program contracts with individuals for construction of homes and other structures Kim E. Strom/Daily Globe during the school year to provide NATHAN LAESSIG, of Ironwood, catches air on a table top aerial on the quarter pipe at the new skatepark located at Bluff Valley the students with a realistic work Park in Bessemer. The skatepark was delivered Sunday night by the Mission Skate Park owner and several volunteers. It is an experience. anonymous donation to the city from Rhinelander. The city of Bessemer recently approved its installation. Fitting, who didn’t declare a conflict of interest at the Sept. 24 meeting, was the contracted party for the house that was the ROADWORK subject of the mediation agree- Bessemer council Trial date set ment. “I am a party to the contract,” talks city hall for Ironwood Fitting said. Burchell, who also voted at man the Sept. 24 meeting, declared a accessibility conflict on Monday for being Fit- By KIM E. STROM BESSEMER – A trial date has ting’s father-in-law. [email protected] been set in the case of an Iron- “My daughter is married to BESSEMER – Discussion at wood man facing several sex the party who has the contract,” Monday's Bessemer city council crime charges. he said. meeting centered on the issue of Jeremy James Richards, 42, John Lupino, board chair, said whether the city is in compliance will stand trial on four counts of the special meeting was neces- with the American with Disabili- first degree criminal sexual con- sary. He said he was pleased with ties Act with regard to the city duct-personal injury and one the outcome. hall. count of assault with intent to do “I think we looked at the pro- Councilman Louis Miskovich great bodily harm-strangulation. cedural issue and that was what provided several letters from res- The four-day trial is scheduled to we needed to do and we did,” idents who are disabled and can- begin on Jan. 28. Lupino said. not use most of the facilities at Each of the criminal sexual The Construction Technology the building – including paying conduct charges, the most seri- program entered into a $32,925 utility bills, voting and attending ous he faces, carries a potential contract with Fitting to provide city meetings. life sentence as the maximum the labor to build a home in the According to Miskovich, the punishment. fall 2018. Fitting joined the board city may be in compliance with Richards is accused of assault- of trustees in January 2019 to state law, but not at the federal ing an acquaintance at his house complete a term of trustee who level, which he said trumps state Tom LaVenture/Daily Globe earlier this year, according to tes- had resigned. law. KURT NASI, an employee with the Iron County Highway timony presented at his prelimi- The mediation resulted in a Department, controls traffic on Monday as co-workers nary hearing in Gogebic County patch holes along Wisconsin Highway 77/Wisconsin District Court. Avenue between Hurley and Montreal. —Richard Jenkins GCC — page 5 BESSEMER — page 5 TODAY INDEX Mostly sunny — Details, page 2 Business . .13 75 cents Monday Today’s records Classifieds . .12-14 High 58 High 83 (2007) Comics . .11 Vol. 100, No. 271 Low 42 Low 19 (1907) Community . .3 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .8 High 44 24 hours to 7 a.m. Opinion . .4 Low 37 Monday trace Sports . .9-10 l 2 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2019 NATION / WORLD THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD TODAY WEDNESDAYWEDNESDDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYFRIDDAY SATURDAY Mostly Sunny Partly CloudyClouudy Scattered Rain Rain LikelyL Rain Likely 64° 48° 65° 50°500° 63° 54° 55° 36° 40° 29° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 10-1910-19 mphmph S 11-1711-17 mphmph SSESSE 8-148-14 mphmph SSESSE 1010 mphmph SSWSSW 13-1713-17 mphmph SWSW Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 63/54 Todayy we will see mostly sunny Bergland skies, highg temperaturep of 64°, 66/50 humidhumiditydity of 49%. South wind 10 to Wakefield Ironwood 19 mph.ph. The record high temperature Saxon 65/49 64/48 Marenisco for todaytooday is 83° set in 2007. Expect 66/50 mostlyy clear skies tonight, overnight 66/49 Bessemer low ooff 48°. Upson Hurley 66/50 Watersmeet 64/48 64/48 66/47 SUNS AND MOON Mercer Associated Press 63/48 Manitowish PRESIDENT DONALD Trump winks as he listens before a trade agreement signing 66/47 SunriseSunri . ...............................................................................se .........................................................................7:08 a.m. with Japan in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Monday in Washington. Minocqua SunsetSunse . ...............................................................................et...........................................................................6:27 p.m. 66/47 MoonriseMoon . ...............................................................................nrise .......................................................................4:47 p.m. MoonsetMoon . ...............................................................................nset........................................................................1:33 a.m. Trump defends decision to ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER abandon Kurdish allies in Syria Yesterday Today Wed. Today Wed. High ......................... temperature.....58 Ashlandd 62/45 s 65/48 s ChicagoChicaago 67/50 s 68/55 s WASHINGTON (AP) – ation by late Monday. tive information on former Low ......................... temperature ......42 Duluth 64/49s 63/50 pc DallasDallas 80/61 s 86/72 pc President Donald Trump Trump, in late after- Vice President Joe Biden, a Precipitation ......................... ....... 0.00" Eau ClaireClaaire 67/46 s 69/53 s KansasKansaas City 70/53 s 71/61 mc EscanabaEscanabba 62/54s 61/56 s Los AngelesA 80/60 s 72/56 s on Monday cast his deci- noon remarks to reporters, political rival, from Grand RapidsR 62/46 s 66/50 s New YorkY 67/55 sh 64/54 ra sion to abandon Kurdish appeared largely uncon- Ukraine and other foreign MOON PHASES Green BayB 67/49s 65/51 s Orlandondo 86/74 t 83/76 t fighters in Syria as fulfill- cerned at the prospect of countries.
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