Cwreef News Ifentt About Our Servicemen 4##«####« # 4 # Marine IM. W. L. Bishop, son I of Mr. and Mrs C. F. Bishop — of 200 Washington St., Lowell. Established June. I8V3 LOWELL MICH.. THUtSDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1954 Number 25 jwho arrived San Francisco, CttnatflMtton «• the new aohool Oct 7 aboard the attack 'rans- building in progresHlng slow- France* Jefferies C«H Hhoti. 70 Man Alice Dey, » cen of the Week 1 ^ 3-9 6 8 d Pan I Kel low. 55 , purt Menard, after servUng 14 ly because of the unfavorable After Irief Wness ' • - H>U*vrr SfrcS.S'rocf >• BiocKToppmu • months in the Far East ^ ith 1st weather conditions and gcar- Gets Appoinlnient I'assen Sudden I v Marine Division, will undergo cUy of masonry help However, Carl Thum, 70. well known j The bid uf $11,313.96 made bv about five days of adn nistrat- the roof is being put on this i Howard Powell of Rl. Rockfora : ive processing at the Treasure At Grand Chapter Lowell resident, died at Butter- j Funeral Friday 1 week and it is expei led the heat- worth hospital Monday afternoon' | has been aeeepted by the villagt- Island Naval Station before be- ing plant and windows will also Mrs. Franoes J cileries was ap- about four o-clock. He had been i council for the consuuction of i ing released on leax-e. be installed. pointed Publicity Chairman for taken to the hospital that morn- j blacktop surfacing and other the year 1954K by Worthy John T. Loganbach, 22, son of Present outlook it that the ing following a heart attack. work neccssary on Grindle Drive ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Logan- children may move Into their Grand Matron Grace Richards, Mr Thuiu was born in Ger-1 from Jackson to Division Sts. and and Worthy Grand Patron Dr. i bach, Rl, Saranac, recently was new sohool home within a many and came to tills country i on Hunt St. from Hudson to Ver- ' promoted to corporal while sen - Grant E. Dorn, at the annual couple of weeks. w hen he was 25 years old. first j gennes Rd. I ing in Germany with the 5th In- * * * meeting of the Grand Chapter of making his home in Grand Rap-! Work is to be started at onci Michigan Order of the Eastern ' fantry Division. The "Red Dia- An attempted break-In at Ham- ids. More than thirty years a^o, j and will be fimshed this fall ill Slur, held this week lu Chic Aud mond' dMsion is receiving in- mond's Cale some time Monday he came to Lowell and WUH un, 11 he weuther conditions permit. iU.riu n in Grand Rapids The ] tensive training in southern Ger night was discovered Tuesday engineer at the Lowell Li^ht session opened Tuesday evening 1 many as pan of the U. S. Sev- morning, and the try was ap- Se Power plant until his retire- at 8 o'clock and will continue Odd FeMow Grand Lod9e en! h Army. Corporal Logan- parently unsuccessful. That ment about a year ago. through Thursday when the in- Rebekah Assembly Plan bach. a gunner in Company H of In 1931 he was married to Mir. name night two gas stations in stallation of the new officers and the division's 11th Infantry R.egi- Hannah Delbie. who survives Anneal Session Oct. 18 Ionia were broken Into and rob- committee members will take tnent. arrived in Europe last Jan- bed of candy bais. rlgarets and place. him. Other survivors are two Over 475 Odd Fellows and 600 uary. He entered the Army in small change. It has happened step-sons. Eddie Deible of Lowell j Rebekahs have registered as del- July. 1953. and - ompleted basic- before that Lowell and Ionia and Edgar of Grand Rapids: two 1 egates and an additkmai 2,000 vis- training at Fori Knox, Ky. had unwelcome visitors the same step-daughters. Mrs. Chas. Wood- 1 iiors will attend the Michigan night man of Lowell, and Mrs. Clara Private Fredrkk L. Zerbe. son ' Odd Fellow and Rebekah annual of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Zerbe of Officers state the footprints Boyd of Columbus, Ohio. 1 convention to be held in Civic Alto, was recently assigned to were small which might Indi- Funeral services will be held I Auditorium in Grand Rapius, Company "A' 773rd Tank Battal- cate Juveniles are «t work. at Roth Funeral Home. Thurs- ; Oil. 18-19*20. ion of the Combat Training Com- day afternoon at 2 o'clod:.. the * * * Representing Island City Re mand, Fort Benning. Ga. Pvt. Rev. Keith Mclver officiating Ray Cornell has completed an- : bekah Lodge in Lowell will be Paul Kellogg, lifelong resident Zerbe's unit, which supports the and burial will be made in Oak' other new home on North Center I Mrs. Minnie Huffman and Mrs. ol Lowc-U and prominent in busi- activities of tiie world famous In- St., which is now open for in- wood cemetery. Mary Alice Dry, 16. Lowell Hign School sen.or. chosen Sarah Chrouch as delegates Mrs. ness and industrial interests, suf- fantry School, demonstrates bat- spection. These homes which tcen-of- the -week, holds position in principal's office, has top Chrouch will act on both the pub- fered a fatal heart attack early tle-tested techniques to students Mr. Cornell builds sell as fast as Godwin to Meet grades in classes, and heads long list of extra-curricular activ- hvity and banquet tommirtees. Tuesday morning at his home on from every area in the United he can get them ready. lies. Ida Mullen and Bessie Clarke Vergennes Rd. He had been in States and from many allied na- Still another houne has been his usual health before the at- Red Arrows Here Last week, in a bcautilui cere- Mary Alice. 1G, the daughter will serve on the reception com- tions. started in that vicinity. mittee. tack and his death was entirely- * * * mony. Bethel No. 14. of the Inter- cf Mr, aud !,!rs. George E. Dey, The session will open Monday unexpected. On'ille Seaman lias been trans- On Friday Night national Order of Job's Daugh- was born in Grand Rapids, on ferred from Keesler AFB, Missis- American Legion Memorial morning at nine o'clock. The Born in Lowell Sept. 24. 1899, This week Friday night the ters. installed, among other offi- Drreriber 2. 1J37. Ilor elemen sippi, to Great Falls AFB. in Building i£ most attractive with cers. Mary Alice Dey. this week's ten schooling was received at I annuaJ general membership ban Mr. Kellogg, received his early- its new white coat and window- Red Arrows will meet the God- training here and was a gradu- Montana. His new address will win Wolverines on the home grid Teen of the Week, as Honored AV; '.r School in Grand Rapids I qu* be held in the Pantlind bp; AJc Orville A. Seaman. HQ trim of dark green. It is a de- yueen. and Honey Creek School in Ada. ""ballroo" " m at ~5:30 . to be followeJ " d" ate of the local high school. At cided improvement to the ap- iron at "Recreation park for a by the third degree being con- j the retirement of his father. 29th Air Dh.. Great Falls AFB tough football battle under the after wiikh she came to Lowell Montana. jearance of Lowell's East Main Iffhe eighth grade. Xerred on 150 candidates at 8:00. i John Kellogg, in 1924 he became Street. Plans for the landscap- new lights. Last Friday Godwin Also the Prayer for Peace by the I president of the Kellogg Vinegar trounced the Rockford Rams Man- Alice is pictured above, Pfc. Jack Pattengill is spend- ing of the grounds are under Mrs. Jefferies has been active Crowded Scboois Rebekahs will be held in Ihcl Co.. and is a .member of the to 7. and promise to be a formid- serving as oilice girl to Mr. Nis- ing a leave with Mr. and Mrs. way. jin Eastern Star work since her main ballroom of the auditorium. boards of directors of Universal able foe for the Arrows to over bet, a post which she has held Will Huffman after having serv- ftpnue is left at the frtn*. v*initia l ion in Red Cedar Chapter Sprayer Co. of Saranac and Kal- ed in Korea for the past fourteen come. Bring Questions for three years. She is one of Tuesday evening starting at the building for a memorial in East Lansing in 192« and has the group of gU'ls who give up an 7:00 and open to the public will be amazoo Furnace & Appliance months. He will be stationed at Lost to Grandville, 18-12 plaque. held many offices and worked on hour each day to help our busy .he conferring of the Degree of Co of Kslamazoo. He also was Great Lakes when his leave ex- At last Friday night's football * * important committees. She trans- For Discussion prin-Ipal with many of his hun- Cliivalry- on a large class of Re- a member of Cascade Country- pires. ferred to Cyclamen Chapter in game the Lowdl Red Arrows club of Grand Rapids and Penin- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martin In last ween s i^eoger you read .dreds of jobs. l>ekahs for outstanding services Lowell in 1931 and served as bowed to the Grandville Bulidogs. sular club of Grand Rapids. Low- Cpi. Howard Hobbs who has have purchased the Verne Keim about the o v e r c r o w d i n g of Mary Alice's list of activities.
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