P.O. Box 407, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, Phone 790-6518, 786-6125, www.bonairereporter.com email: [email protected] Since 1994 Printed every fortnight On-line every day, 24/7 Bonaire Reporter columnist Siomara Albertus with her mother, fabric artist Maria Johnita "Jo" Albertus-Marcera, at Dia di Arte. Bonaire Reporter- July 16-30, 2010 Page 1 he Police Dutch Table of Contents Bonaire Government photo Traffic Minister of T This Week’s Stories Department Transport recorded 368 Camiel Runway repair 2 collisions in Eurlings Power Plus For Bonaire II -Pollution 3 the first six (right in Yes/No/Nothing-Referendum 3 month of 2010, more or less two photo) Preserving Island Culture-Papiamentu 3 a day. There were 92 injuries, launched the Parrot watch-Hard Times for chicks 6 two of them serious, but no renovation Weight Loss Winners –Tina Woodley 6 Letters to the Editor-Crime Lament 7 deaths. Most of the accidents of the Fla- were because drivers did not Internet photo In Memorium-Albert Romijn 8 mingo Air- Posada Para Mira 8 maintain a proper distance be- port run- Dia di Arte-Art Day– 18th 10 tween vehicles and couldn’t stop ceremony to dismantle the way on Essence Opens 11 in time. Country of the Netherlands Monday, Soccer Training f for Kids 11 Thirty-four of the incidents were Antilles on October 10. The July 5. Groupers Eat Lionfish 11 “hit and run,” and 14 of these royal couple announced this dur- The renova- Sebiki Winners at Mangazina 11 were solved by the Traffic De- ing the customary annual gather- tion is a Miss Bonaire Beach Pageant 15 partment. April (69) and March ing with the Dutch media in collabora- Bondy on the Ball– World Cup Final 17 High School Poetry Winners 18 (65) were the peak months. Kaya Wassenaar, the Netherlands, last tion between Korona had the most incidents week. PWA Windsurfing Lanzarote 20 the Antil- (39), followed by Gobernador N. The Crown Prince and Princess lean Central Departments Debrot Boulevard (20) and Julio said the dismantling of the Neth- Government Flotsam & Jetsam 2 A. Abraham Boulevard (13). erlands Antilles, the creation of and Island On The Island Since (Walter & Lynne Cross streets Kaya Grandi/Kaya Countries Curaçao and St. Territory of Bonaire and the Netherlands and is funded by the Bentsen ) 4 Carlos A. Nicolaas, Kaya Maarten and the integration of Dutch government through the Ministry of Transport. The launch Picture Yourself—Zambia 7 Korona/Kaya Neerlandia and Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba took place on the airport’s runway with the symbolic handing Sudoku Puzzle 7 Kaya Papa Cornes/Hanchi Am- as public entities of the Nether- over of a shovel by Minister Eurlings to George Soliana, Director Bon Quiz #33 (Charcoal) 8 boina each had three accidents. lands is an historic process. The Bonaire On Wheels-Ford Transit 9 of Bonaire Holding Maatschappij NV (BHM). What’s Happening 12 royal pair said they considered it Reporter Masthead 12 THE HAGUE--The Dutch important to be present in Cura- According to a report by the Netherlands Airport Consult- Cruise Ships 12 First Chamber unanimously çao on October 10. They will ant (NACO) the Flamingo Airport runway is in poor condi- Classifieds 13 approved the package of 10 probably not have time to visit tion. The last time the runway was renovated it was paid for by Tide Table, Sunrise & Sunset Times, Moon Phase 13 Kingdom Consensus Laws, all the Dutch Caribbean islands. the Island Government and served as the spark that ignited Bon- including an amendment to the Further details about their visit or Shopping & Service Guides 14 aire’s economic recovery but depleted the funds for island road Body Talk – Manage Ph Levels 16 Charter, last Tuesday, essen- plans to come to Bonaire were repair. The contracts are signed and the renovation will begin Panchito Puzzles 16 tially confirming the integra- not available at press time. early next year and require several weeks. The airport will not Panchito Answers 17 tion of the BES islands Bon- close during the renovation. In recent decades, Flamingo Airport Bon Quiz Answer 17 aire, St. Eustatius and Saba as The Bonaire Government has grown from a small airport with a runway of 1430 meters to Sudoku Solution 17 Pet of the Week (Queenie & Kittens) 18 public entities of the Nether- has resolved to take the neces- a more useful airport with a runway 2880 meters long. lands and granting Curaçao sary diligence to promote ac- Sky Park (Scorpius) 19 The Stars Have It (astrology) 19 and St. Maarten the status of cessibility to public buildings Internet photo country within the Kingdom or services for disabled per- In this How to contact us effective October 10, 2010. sons. The Executive Council image made Letters to the Editor: The approval was overshadowed recognizes this as a problem area from televi- [email protected] Story tip or idea: somewhat by the Dutch national and a shortcoming in the service sion, Sergei [email protected] soccer team reaching the finals and asks the attention and coop- Gorbunov The Publisher: [email protected] of the World Cup in for the first eration of the service and depart- helps Boni- Box 407, Bonaire, time in 32 years by beating Uru- ment heads. face, the Neth. Antilles. guay. In fact, the latter may have dachshund Phone 790-8988 helped get the Senate’s approval Under the new proposed edu- Phone 790-6518 / 786-6518 (tekkel) dog, Available on-line at: in The Hague, as the laws were cation system, effective August as he is www.bonairereporter.com passed quickly before the game 1, 2011, for the BES Islands learning started, because all those in- students have a right to study how to Printed Every Fortnight, volved undoubtedly wanted to on their own island, another scuba-dive, in a special scuba diving suit before an underwater On-line Every day, 24/7 watch the historic match as well. BES island, another island be- dive in the Pacific Ocean on a beach near the settlement of Next edition printing on longing to the Kingdom Slavyanka, some 50 km (31 miles) from Russia's Far Eastern July 27 , 2010 THE HAGUE--Crown (Aruba, Curaçao and St. city of Vladivostok. Boniface is learning how to scuba dive in a Prince Willem Alexander and Maarten), in the Netherlands, specially made dive suit, complete with helmet, and he seems Story and Ad deadline: his wife Princess Máxima will the US and countries in the excited when being prepared for his dive. July 24, 2010, 12 noon be in Curaçao for the formal (Continued on page 8) SCOOTER & BIKE SALES & REPAIR Peugeot, Kymco Loekie, Giant Gazelle Brands Parts and accessories for any brand scooter or bike Bike Clothes for Everyone •Transport of Money •Vehicle patrols Kaya Grandi #61 and Valuables •Burglar Alarms In Business Across from INPO Over 26 years •Private Investigations •Fire Alarm Systems Open: 8:30-12:30, 2:00-5:30 Owner Operated Kaya Nikiboko Nord 37A, PO Box 225 Tel: (599) 717- 8125 [email protected] Fax (599) 717- 6125 E-mail [email protected] Page 2 Bonaire Reporter- July 16-30, 2010 Rincon he are really three choices for a T voter to make in the upcoming September Referendum: Yes, No, and Not Vote. The Referendum, which cannot, in any case, change the course set for Bon- aire to become a “special” municipality of the Netherlands, is to get the opinion of the local people about the deal struck with the Netherlands that integrates Bonaire with BOPEC Holland. The voters will be able to answer Yes or No to the statement: “I agree with the content and outcome of negotiations on the planned political structure of Bon- want a better agreement and true equality Location of the power plant aire.” All political parties on the Bonaire for the BES Island people. Island Council voted unanimously to hold a Not voting, they say, will “punish” the offi- Referendum. cials who have spun the deal to integrate hile not totally pollution free Plants of Less Than 50MW among other up But the new-born Bonaire political party, Bonaire into Holland on October 10, 2010, W Bonaire’s new power plant -to-date standards for noise, vibration, sew- the PHU (Partido pro Hustisia & Union– because if fewer than 50% of the eligible meets current European pollution stan- age, nitrites and others. Justice & Unity Party) is advising Bonaire- voters vote, the referendum is invalid. The dards. And in normal operation, with much An electric generating plant can have ans to boycott the Referendum. Boycotting Referendum is tentatively set for Friday, of the island’s electricity supplied by the other pollution factors beyond what comes the Referendum, they imply, could make as September 3, 2010. wind turbines, it will make Bonaireans one out of its stacks. There are considerations effective a statement as a Yes or No since The Reporter believes that all eligible of the least polluting users of electricity in about delivery of the fuel to the plant (by 50% of the eligible voters must take part in voters should choose Yes or No. It’s the world. truck from BOPEC), the disposal of its the Referendum to make it valid. The PHU wrong to ignore an agreement drafted by Analysis of the specifications for the en- waste products from the fuel pre-treatment says not voting would be a protest against conscientious people over the last five gines that run the generators show that the operation to lubrication waste of the engines the deception and confusion sowed by the years because “even the experts don’t concern of some environmentalists that the themselves (to BOPEC for off-island dis- political parties in power, the PDB and know.” A thousand opinions are not worth smokestack emissions of the plant exceeded posal).
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