COLLEGE CIRCUIT / USWCA NEWS / HAWAII CURLING / 70TH ANNIVERSARY Official publication of the United States Curling Association Established 1945 Inside this edition: • Aiming For Excellence, P. 4 • Cedar Rapids to Host National Event, P. 10 • Athletes, Team of the Year Named, P. 12 • Thank You, Donors! P. 25-27 Dedicated to the Cause Norfolk’s Mary Fanette 6.50 named 2014 USA Curling $ Volunteer of the Year Fall 2014 Fall 2014 Volume 70 Issue 1 By David Garber, P. 13 www.usacurl.org Official publication of the United States Curling Association Established 1945 EDITOR Terry Kolesar, [email protected] USA CURLING NATIONAL OFFICE AMERICAN CURLING ASSOCIATE EDITOR Rick Patzke 5525 Clem’s Way, Stevens Point, WI 54482 FOUNDATION & MUSEUM EMERITUS EDITOR David Garber Office: 715-344-1199 // Fax: 715-344-2279 The Museum is located at the Chicago Curling Club, DESIGN Terry Kolesar [email protected] // www.usacurl.org 555 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 UNITED STATES CURLING ASSOCIATION NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF USCA HALL OF FAME OFFICERS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD David Carlson ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The United States Curling Association Hall of Fame SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE BOARD Rick Patzke Jenny Biadasz, [email protected] is located at the national office, 5525 Clem’s Way, TREASURER Vic Huebner INTERIM CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Stevens Point, WI 54482. SECRETARY Gordon Maclean Rick Patzke, [email protected] DIRECTORS CONTROLLER U.S. WOMEN’S CURLING ASSOCIATION Sandy Robinson, [email protected] Craig Brown [Athletes Advisory Council, 2016] OFFICERS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE David Carlson [Wisconsin, 2016] PRESIDENT Jeannie Borland Christy Hering, [email protected] Maureen Clark [Athletes Advisory Council, 2016] FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Donna Pearson DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Dave Flippo [Alaska & At-Large, 2016] SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Carol Stevenson Terry Kolesar, [email protected] Dean Gemmell [Athletes Advisory Council, 2016] SECRETARY Mary Jane Maisonville DIRECTOR OF GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Jeff Hannon [Grand National, 2015] TREASURER Mary Glowacki Kim Nawyn, [email protected] Cyndee Johnson [Minnesota, 2016] USCA LIAISON Jennifer Stannard EVENT SERVICES MANAGER Nick Kitinski [Mountain Pacific, 2015] COMMUNICATIONS Nancy Wilhelm Open job position Gwen Krailo-Lyons [Grand National, 2016] PROMOTIONS Nancy Seitz Rich Lepping [Wisconsin, 2015] DIRECTOR OF PHILANTHROPY Next editorial deadline: Oct. 31, 2014 Michelle Schleibaum, [email protected] James Pleasants [Washington, 2015] Please send all correspondence for submission to Allison Pottinger [Athletes Advisory Council, 2016] OFF-SITE NATIONAL STAFF Editor, U.S. Curling News, 5525 Clem’s Way, Courtney Schmidt [Great Lakes, 2016] Stevens Point, WI 54482 or via e-mail to DIRECTOR OF HIGH PERFORMANCE Sean Silver [Illinois, 2016] [email protected]. Derek Brown, [email protected] Chris Sjue [North Dakota, 2015] The United States Curling News (ISSN 1064-3001; US: +1 715-254-5024 // UK: +44 7793 099668 Jennifer Stannard [USWCA & WCF, 2016] USPS 392-020) is published quarterly by the United NATIONAL COACHES Scott Stevinson [Mid America, 2016] States Curling Association, 5525 Clem’s Way, Stevens John Benton, [email protected] Nick Wellen [Minnesota, 2015] Point, WI 54482. Subscription price for non-USCA Phill Drobnick, [email protected] Jared Zezel [Athletes Advisory Council, 2016] members: $24.95 per year (North America), $34.95 Pete Fenson, [email protected] Voice, no vote: per year (overseas), payable in US currency. Single Wally Henry, [email protected] Leland Rich [WCF, 2015] copy price: $6.50. Advertising rates on request. Estab- Ann Swisshelm, [email protected] Mark Swandby [WCF, 2016] lished 1945. Periodicals postage paid at Stevens Point, NATIONAL WHEELCHAIR COACH Beau Welling [WCF, 2015] Wis., and additional offices. Postmaster sends address Steve Brown, [email protected] Operational Committee Chairpersons: changes to U.S. Curling News, 5525 Clem’s Way, NATIONAL WHEELCHAIR ASSISTANT COACH Member Development: Gordon Maclean Stevens Point, WI 54482. Download the Curling News Rusty Schieber, [email protected] Organizational Development: Leland Rich app for iPhone, iPad, Android, NATIONAL WHEELCHAIR CURLING Grassroots Competitions: Sam Williams and Kindle Fire HD. OUTREACH DEVELOPM ENT DIRECTOR Standing Committee Chairpersons: Marc DePerno, [email protected] Audit/Finance: Sean Silver HEAD ICE TECHNICIAN Human Resources: Chris Sjue Dave Staveteig, [email protected] Judicial: Kent Beadle 701-772-0705 Ethics: Michael Shalhoub Nominating/Governance: Leland Rich CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS // USCA NEWS 04-05 // GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 06-09 // CAPTION CONTEST 07 // COURSE LISTING 08 // COLLEGE CURLING 09 // CHAMPIONSHIPS 10-13 // USWCA NEWS 16-21 // CERTIFICATIONS 08, 30 Bonspiel Results // COMICS 13 23 // HIGH PERFORMANCE 22 // ROCKET EXHAUST 23 // BONSPIEL RESULTS 23 // BONSPIEL CALENDAR 28-29 COLUMNS // FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK 05 // REPORTS FROM THE WARM ROOM 06 // TRAINING TIPS FROM JON 08-09 // TALES FROM SHEET NINE 31 DIGITAL EDITION, BONUS PAGES // HONOLULU CURLING 33 // CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR 34 Wheelchair Curling 31 Camp in N.Y. USA CURLING SPONSORS 12 Athletes, Team 10 Iowa to host On the cover: Mary Fanette of the Norfolk (Conn.) Curling Club has been of the Year Named Arena Nationals honored as USA Curling's Volunteer of the Year for 2014. Photo by Bruce Frisch INSIDE USA CURLING USCA aiming for excellence in the U.S. and beyond MESSAGE FROM matches and exceeds those of the other nations with which we are competing. CHAIR OF THE Our athletes and the technical sta certainly have the passion and they have the potential. BOARD What TEAM USA Curling lacks in comparison with the rest of the nations who are winning Dear Curlers, medals is depth of the nancial support. Many As a result of the Members’ adoption of the of our international competitors have anywhere new bylaws for the USCA, a new Board of Di- from four to 10 times the amount of annual - rectors was seated at the August 2014 meeting nancial support available to them compared to in Boston, Mass. Also, the Standing Commit- our teams. is is our challenge as a board, as tee positions were lled by election at the board standing committees, as a sta, and as a curling meeting, and chairs of the Standing Committees community. e challenge is to work to over- were designated. come this nancial resources imbalance so we e new board presently has 19 directors. will be proud to be a part of TEAM USA Curling e new bylaws allow for up to four additional as we achieve competitive excellence. board-elected independent directors (See Terry What can you do? Kolesar’s story on the next page). e new Nomi- • You can support TEAM USA Curling by vol- nating/Governance Standing Committee is unteering with the USCA. tasked to make a review of the skills of the cur- comparison with the world, these results did not • You can support the development of young rent directors and seek out independent direc- make me proud. Rather, it was both embarrass- and aspiring competitive curlers in your clubs, tor candidates with skill sets needed on the new ing and a forceful statement of what work USA states and regions. board. e rst skill set for which the Nominat- Curling has before it to consistently achieve com- • You can support TEAM USA Curling by per- ing/Governance Standing Committee is seeking petitive excellence. sonally making donations and acting as a liaison is an individual with extensive background in is competitive excellence may be realisti- to your curling and non-curling friends to seek nance in a business or professional setting. cally achieved only through the wide support their support of our athletes and technical sta e 19 board members and the 13 non-direc- from the curling community in the USA. e as they train to represent TEAM USA Curling in tor Standing Committee members are all pas- new governance has laid a foundation for build- international competitions. sionate about curling and bring a diverse per- ing this competitive excellence. However, the • Look on the USA Curling website for the do- spective from across the nation. I am honored to constructive support by all of us in the curling nation page; or contact USA Curling’s Director of have been elected as the rst chair of the USCA community through our volunteers, through our Philanthropy, Michelle Schliebaum, or the oce to lead this group of individuals as members of cheers, and through our generous nancial sup- in Stevens Point. TEAM USA Curling. port both personally and as a liaison to the pub- I recently attended the World Curling Federa- lic is required. Our athletes who are representing Good curling, tion (WCF) annual Members Congress in Reno, TEAM USA Curling in the Worlds, Olympics David Carlson Nev. ere are many initiatives being explored and Paralympics need the level of support that Chair of USCA Board and implemented at the world level. e WCF is also undergoing a governance change with its board and ocers. It is clear that the passion for curling and the pursuit of competitive excellence is worldwide. ank you! e level of competitive excellence worldwide was evidenced by a report given by Keith Wen- dorf, Director of Competition and Development USA Curling’s High Performance Program (HPP) is delighted to have BalancePlus as with the WCF. its ocial equipment supplier. BalancePlus has been supplying the USCA HPP teams with At the WCF Congress, Wendorf reviewed brooms and other equipment since 2011 and their generosity is set to continue. All 29 High the medals won in the 12 world champion- Performance athletes received a new broom during the recent camp at the National Train- ships, Olympics and Paralympics contested in ing Center in Blaine, Minn. e brooms also came with a generous supply of BalancePlus’s the 2013-14 season. Out of the 36 medals pos- revolutionary EQ heads, which takes sweeping to the next level. Other equipment supplied sible, Canada claimed eight, Scotland claimed included shoes, pants, gloves, mitts and anti-sliders.
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