UGANDA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS SCHEDULE OF COMPULSORY UGANDA STANDARDS AS AT 31 MARCH 2019 1 | P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ........................................................................................ 1 ELECTROTECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS ....................................................................... 36 METROLOGY ............................................................................................................ 70 ENGINEERING PRODUCTS ...................................................................................... 73 CHEMICAL AND CONSUMER PRODUCTS .............................................................. 112 MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ...................................................................................... 155 INDEX ..................................................................................................................... 172 i | P a g e FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 6. US EAS 6:2017, Fresh pineapple — Specification This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, 1. US EAS 1:2017, Wheat flour — Specification (2nd sampling and test methods for commercial varieties of Edition) pineapple grown from Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. of This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, the Bromeliaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the sampling and test methods for wheat flour prepared consumer. This standard does not apply to pineapple from common wheat, Triticum aestivum L. or club for ornamental use or industrial processing. (This wheat, Triticum compactum Host, or mixtures thereof Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 2:2015, intended for human consumption. It does not apply to Fresh pineapple — Specification which has been wheat flour obtained from Triticum durum and technically revised). fortified wheat flour. (This standard cancels and 7. US EAS 8:2010 Raw cane sugar – Specification replaces US EAS 1:2013, Wheat flour — Specification This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, (1st Edition), that has been technically revised). methods of sampling and test for raw sugar produced 2. US EAS 2:2017, Maize grains — Specification (3rd from sugarcane and intended for further processing to Edition) make it fit for human consumption. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, 8. US EAS 12:2014, Potable water — Specification sampling and test methods for maize grains of This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and varieties grown from common maize grains, Zea methods of sampling and test for potable water mays indentata L. and/or Zea mays indurata L. or (treated potable water and natural potable water). (This their hybrids intended for human consumption. (This standard cancels and replaces US 201:2008, Drinking standard cancels and replaces US EAS 2:2013, (potable) water – Specification, which has been Maize grains — Specification (2nd Edition), that has technically revised). been technically revised). 9. US EAS 13: 2018, Packaged mineral waters — 3. US CODEX STAN 3:1981, Standard for canned Specification (2nd Edition) salmon This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for This Uganda Standard applies to canned salmon. packaged mineral waters for human consumption. 4. US EAS 4:2013, Infant formula – Specification [This standard cancels and replaces US EAS 13: This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and 2014, Packaged natural mineral water — methods of sampling and test for infant formula in Specification (1st Edition), which has been technically liquid or powdered form intended for use, where revised]. necessary, as a substitute for human milk in meeting 10. US 14:2002 Standard specification for pulses the normal nutritional requirements of infants. (This (excluding beans) Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US CODEX This Uganda Standard applies to the whole, shelled or STAN 72:1981, Standards for infant formula). split pulses which are intended for direct human 5. US EAS 5:2009 Refined white sugar – Specification consumption. This Uganda Standard applies to refined white sugar, 11. US EAS 14:2000 Specification for margarine obtained by processing raw sugars, which is intended This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, for human consumption. (This Uganda Standard is an methods of sampling and test for margarine. adoption of the East African Standard, EAS 5:2009, 12. US CAC/RCP 15:1976, Code of hygienic practice and it cancels and replaces US 30:1993, Refined white for eggs and egg products sugar - Specification). 1 | P a g e This Code of Hygienic Practice for eggs and egg 19. US 28:2002 Code of practice for hygiene in the food products is intended to provide guidance for the safe and drink manufacturing industry production of eggs and egg products. This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum 13. US EAS 16:2009, Plantation (mill) white sugar – requirements for factories and employees engaged in Specification the manufacture, processing, packaging, storage, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, handling, treatment and delivery of foods intended for methods of sampling and testing for plantation or mill human consumption. white sugar intended for human consumption. 20. US 31:1999 Standard specification for jam (fruits 14. US CODEX STAN 17:1981, Standard for canned preserves) and jellies applesauce This Uganda Standard applies to a class of fruit This Uganda Standard applies to canned applesauce spreads commonly known as jams and jellies which offered for direct consumption, including for catering are prepared from single fruits or from two or more purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply fruits. to the product when indicated as being intended for 21. US 32:1999 Specifications for citrus marmalade further processing. This Uganda Standard applies to marmalade prepared 15. US 18:2004 Honey – Specification (Second edition)/ from citrus fruit. Corrigendum 1 2012-11-29 22. US 33:2017, Edible ices and ice mixes — This Uganda Standard applies to all honeys produced Specification (2nd Edition) by honeybees and covers all styles of honey This Uganda standard specifies the requirements, presentations which are processed and ultimately methods of sampling and test for edible ices ready for intended for direct consumption. It also covers honey human consumption and ice mixes in liquid or for industrial uses or as an ingredient in other foods, powdered/dried form (This Uganda Standard cancels and honey which is packed for sale in bulk containers, and replaces US 33:2002, Standard specification for which may be repacked into retail packs edible ices and ice mixes, which has been technically 16. US EAS 19:2017, Fresh avocado — Specification revised). This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, 23. US EAS 33:2006 Yoghurt — Specification sampling and test methods for avocados (Persea This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements and americana Gartner or P. Grattisima mill) fruits of the methods of sampling and test for yoghurt. family Lauraceae to be supplied fresh to the 24. US EAS 35:2012, Fortified food grade salt — consumer. This standard does not apply to avocados Specification for industrial processing. (This Uganda Standard This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and cancels and replaces US 3:2015, Fresh avocado — methods of sampling and test for fortified food grade Specification which has been technically revised). salt: coarse salt, crushed salt and table salt intended for 17. US EAS 22:2006 Butter — Specification human consumption. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and 25. US CODEX STAN 36:1981, Standard for quick methods of sampling and test for butter intended for frozen finfish, eviscerated or un-eviscerated direct consumption or for further processing. This Uganda Standard applies to frozen finfish 18. US EAS 27:2006 UHT milk – Specification eviscerated and un-eviscerated. This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements and 26. US CODEX STAN 37:1981, Standard for canned methods of sampling and test for UHT milk. shrimps or prawns This standard applies to canned shrimps or canned prawns. It does not apply to specialty products where 2 | P a g e shrimp constitutes less than 50 % (m/m) of the 33. US EAS 44:2017, Milled maize (corn) products — contents. Specification (2nd Edition) 27. US EAS 38:2013, Labelling of pre-packaged foods This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, — General requirements sampling and test methods for whole maize meal, This Uganda standard applies to the labelling of all granulated maize meal, sifted maize meal, maize grits prepackaged foods to be offered as such to the and maize flour from the grains of common maize consumer or for catering purposes and to certain (Zea mays L.) intended for human consumption. aspects relating to the presentation thereof. (This Maize grits intended for brewing, manufacturing of standard cancels and replaces US 7:2002, General starch and any other industrial use are not covered. standard for labelling of pre-packaged foods, which (This standard cancels and replaces US EAS 44:2011, has been technically revised). Milled maize (corn) products — Specification (1st 28. US CAC/RCP 39:1993, Code of hygienic practice Edition), that has been technically revised). for precooked and cooked foods in mass catering 34. US 45: 2019, General standard for food additives This Code of hygienic practice deals with the hygienic (7th edition) requirements for cooking raw foods and handling This Uganda Standard specifies the guidelines for the cooked and precooked foods intended for feeding use of food additives and lists the food additives that large groups of people, such as children
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