HOLY NAME SOCIETY EVERY ISilTM CHINA HALF CATHOLIC IN BISH0.P VEHR DECLAKES 50 YEARS IS EXPECTATION HIS WISH IN ADDRESS P E W HNIYEHSin MAN AI MASS IN CATHEBHAL Professor Visits Canon City and Denver— Rumor Reappoints Consultors— Pastoral of Education Abbot Cyprian May Join Faculty Likely— Standardized School of Oriental School Holidays — "/■... The startling statement that if the Catholic university of The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Bishop of Denver, Peking, China, is given the funds necessary for its development, The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. declared last Sunday morning from the Cathedral pulpit that and the other missionary work now under way is continued, We Have AUo Our Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the he wishes to have the Holy Name society in every Colorado the vast Chinese nation will be half Catholic within fifty years, Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service parish. was made to' The Register this week by the Rev. Boniface Speaking at a Mass when a group of Holy Name men went Martin, O.S.B., for the past three years a member of the fac­ VOL. XXVI. No. 52. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931. $2.00 PER YEAR to •Communion, His Excellency declared the Holy Name society ulty of the university, who has been named by Archbishop to be "one of the greatest achievements of the Church in the Celso Costantini, Apostolic Delegate to China, as American di­ United States. It is a work unquestionably blessed by God. I rector of a movement to finance the university from this country. Patriotic Propaganda Issued for Blind would like to see a well-organized and flourishing Holy Name Father Martin came here this week to meet the Rev. Clifford society in every church of this diocese.” King, S.V.D., famous missionary to China, whose mother lives Coninltort Reappointed here. He visited at the Cathedral rectory and at Holy Cross Bishop Vehr on Thursday sent let­ abbey. Canon City. The new book by John F. Moore, ters of reappointment for the can­ The movement for the develop­ a Protestant, “ Will America Become onical term to each of the consultors of the diocese. The board is com­ John Stanko Wins ment of the university at Peking has Catholic?” reviewed at length in the been taken because of the direct urg­ early week edition of The Register, posed of the following gentlemen: ing of His Holiness, Pope Pius XI. should give Catholics plenty of tim­ The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Godfrey Bishop of Denver The institution is one of his favorite ber for thought, Mr. Moore shows Raber, Colorado Springs; Fathers M. projects. It was founded by the Amer­ that, far from grabbing political con­ F. Callanan, William O’Ryan, H. L. K. of C Scholarship ican Benedictines under the direc­ trol in' America as the anti-Catholic McMenamin and J. J. Donnelly, Den­ tion of the late Archabbot Aurelius press is fond of charging, Catholics ver; G. Joseph LaJeunesse, Fort Col­ Stehle of St. Vincent’s, Latrobe, Pa., e the most slimly represented of lins. The consultors, whose term of Will Attend Rites all large bodies in public life. The office extended over from the Bishop and the Benedictines have been asked Tihen regime pending the action of at Catholic Univ. by the Holy See to furnish a man book is valuable as an answer to dis­ from each of their American Cassi- honest charges against the Church; Bishop Vehr, held their first meet­ nese abbeys to promote the financial nevertheless we Catholics cannot ing with Bishop Vehr 'Tuesday. Their at Reno Angnst 19 campaign. Holy Cross abbey, at feel gratified over the fact that there new appointments are fo r three One of Only Three Who Canon City, will .be among those to is not a single Catholic Governor in years. furnish a man. the Union, there are only 35 Cath­ Putoral on Education Ever Got Summa Cum There is a rumor in Benedictine olics among 435 Congressmen, an^ The Bishop is understood to be GreatTurnout Expected Circles, not yet verified, that the re­ there are only 6 among 89 United preparing a pastoral letter on Cath­ Laude at Regis signed Abbot of Holy Cross abbey, the States Senators, We do not want olic education, which will be read at Installation of Rt. ,Rev. Cyprian Bradley, will be the Church in politics. We do not in the pulpits just before the open­ Pueblo.— John Stanko, son of Mrs. ing of the new school term. An in­ asked to join the faculty of the uni­ want control. But we do want at Mary Stanko of Pueblo, is one of the Bishop Gorman versity. He is now in Cottonwood, least ordinary justice and it is plain novation in the parish school system three students ever to earn a “ summa Idaho, recovering from a breakdown that we are not getting it. this year will be the standardizing The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D. in health. Abbot Cyprian is a keen of opening and closing dates and cum laude” citation with a degree D., Bishop of Denver, will leave next scholar, with years of teaching ex­ Especially since the Klan wave. holidays for all the schools. It is from Regis college, Denver. He has Monday afternoon for Reno, Nevada, perience, and would ornament the Catholics who desire to serve in pub­ likely that after a year or so a priest, been given a four-year scholarship to especially trained for the work, will where he will be present Wednes­ university. lic life and who are fitted for it the Catholic university at Washing­ have been at a disadvantage. The be named diocesan superintendent of day morning at the formal erection Father Martin declared that the ton, D. C. He will leave in Septem­ of the new diocese and the installa­ political party dictators have avoided schools.. In the meantime, it is ru­ university needs $150,000 a year, to ber to take up his studies with the in­ tion of the first Bishop, the Most handle its operating expenses and them. Indeed we do not need to go mored in well-informed circles. Bishop Rev. Thomas K. Gorman, D. Sc. supply funds for needed buildings. baeic to only so recent a time as the Vehr will call representatives; of the tention of securing a degree of Doc­ Hist., D. D., formerly editor of The It granted its first degrees just a few Klan wave. It has been a genera­ various teaching communities and tor of Science. Stanko was graduated V tion since there has been a Cath­ the pastors together and discuss such Tidings, Los Angeles. He will re­ days ago. There are more than 700 ..'J from Pueblo Central high school in main in Reno Wednesday and Thurs­ students, of whom all but 175’ are olic in the President’s cabinet. Wood- matters as standardization of text­ 1927, leading his class in scholarship day and will return Saturday morn­ pagans. The pagans show an intense row Wilson underwent a constant books for the parish school system. all four years. At Regis, he studied ing, making the trip over the Union interest in it because the word has persecution for keeping a Catholic The ground ■will thus be prepared for under the Rev. A. W. Forstall, S.J., Pacific and the Southern Pacific gone all through China that this in secretary. In Colorado we have never the superintendent’s work. As su­ one of the most eminent scientists of lines. stitution has the best discipline of had a Catholic Governor nor United perintendent of the great Cincinnati the country, and secured unusual ’ Bishop V'ehr is to be accompanied any in tbe nation. The pagans usu­ States Senator. We have had only Catholic school system, Bishop Vehr training in mathematics and science. * as hare look-in on other important gained experience which will make by Father Matthew Smith of The ally come with a desire for educa­ To attain the “ summa cum laude” elective jobs at the State House, and his ideas very valuable in Colorado. Register,,* who has made arrange­ tion but with an anti-foreign feeling, citation, Stanko secured an aver­ I'' have nobody, there now in an fxecn- Promotion of Vocation* ments to discuss future diocesan edi­ which is engendered by the commer­ ' 4k- age in the four years’ course of more tions of the paper with three of the cial exploitation their people have tiv4 position. In Denver no Csithelic The address given by Bishop Vehr hnsl ever been mayor nor had a fight­ at the banquet following Moesignor than 94 per cent. Several thousand Bishops who will be at the Reno cele­ undergone from aliens. After a MUt Dorothea E. JennJnfTfiWf’Wtthlngt^n,. D. C., a Catholic blind students took the necessary competi­ bration. In its Superior California- time in the university, they see that ing chance %t the office. Raber’s jubilee Mass in Cblorado girl, who it in charge of all the Braille reading mattee being tent nut by Springs was taken by all the clei*gy- tive examination for the scholarship Nevada edition, The Register enters the faculty has no selfish designs on the George Wathington Bi-Centenaial committion in preparation for the All this has not been because of to 'the Catholic university at Wash­ them, but is there merely to help men present as art indication of His all the Catholic homes of Reno and celebration of the 200th annivertary of the hirA of Wathington.
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