R'-J --vfl ff ■'vefl - -I m ■ 'I / WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER tS, 1960 'TAGE TWEKTY-EiGHT dlanirl|i«atifr O w nin g AT«ng9 DaQjr Net Pres* Ron Thff WMtiMr Fer thS W M k Kndoi ratoeaat a t V . B HtellMF MfiiffB i < J S^rtOAitOM Chmtg, nOs as fffitolp 1 A spaghetti supper and social Lawren'ce A. Herzog, 82 Vernon prepared by the National CotincU Classes to Start of Churches, entitled "Literacy Un­ Gibbons Assembly algOit. tm r -mass- 99. - sponsored by the walther League 8L, a senior at the University of 13,220 elougy tineemw wtto aai About Town of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Connecticut, has received a cita­ locking .the Bible." He described ehhwm. BOgh near 79. Church will be held Saturday at tion naming him a "distinguished In Boat Handling the efforts of Christian missions to Plans Card Party NT at Mm Aadtt The board of directors of Man­ 6:80 p.m. at the church. For reser­ military student” at the univer­ teach Bible concepts while teach­ loC' M anche8t€r~^A C ity o f VU lagi'Cfutrm chester Girl Scouts, Inc., will meet vations, those Interested may call sity. He is an Army ROTC cadet., • ’The Hartford Power ’ Squadron ing illiterates to read. Such a pro­ Gibbons Assembly, Catholic gram, he said, strengthens both ' - •4'^' . / at the Gin Scout olBce next TUes- Howard Hansen, 21 Bremen Rd., will agsdn conduct classes in pi­ Ladles of Columbus, will sponsors: ''.""" ---------------r - -------------------- ---------------- ■ ' " " V ' *■* day at 7:30 p.tn. reading and evangelism. What U military whist and setback party K f f C B I I K O (OIXMlIlad AdvarlMag am Toga N ) by tomorrow evening. The sewing group of Emanuel loting and small boat handling at (TWBNTY-FOUR PAGBS-^IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCBESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBBR.29, 1960 PRICE FITE G U m Church Women will meet tomor­ most needed, he added, is a supply Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the K of C T O t . L X XD L NO. lOT William N. Knight, son of Mr. Manchester High School. CTasaea of Christian literature through mis­ Home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Army Spe’ciailst 4 Alex Tom- row at' 10 a.m. at Emanuel Lu­ ivery Friday Night At 8 P.M.' and Mrs. N. WUllam Knight, 66 theran Church. The group will start tqplifRt at 7:30 In rooms sions set up for its dissemination. McKeever will be host and hoet- White S t, has been named to the kunas. 24. son of Mr. and Mrs. 109 and 225. Mrs.. C. Chester Bigelow reported ess. AlfX 'Tomkunas, 20 Joseph St., re­ meet every Thursday 'morning dean’s list for the first semester during October to prepare articles The classes are open to anyone on available reading materials for' Tickets may be obtained from KNI8HTS OF COLUMBUS HOME at Amherst College, Amherst, cently participated with the 8th Interested In safe boat handling,. Fellowship members and suggested the co-chairmen, Mrs. Edward division’s 26th Infantry In Exer­ for a sale in November, Members State News Mass., where he Is a senior and are to bring their own lunch, and There is no tuition fee. and regis­ Initiation of new reading circles. Dupre, 136 Greenwood Dr., or 138 MAIN STREET— MANCHtSTES American Families I v l cise Light Foot in Germany. The tration may be made at the class English major. He qualified as a coffee will be served. Mts. Howard C. Angell Jr.. Chris- Mrs. Frank Zarboj 165 Brent Rd., candidate for English department two-day exercise' Included a .10- tonight. ! Han stewardship chairman, out­ or from any member of their mile road march. Specialist Tom- honors by having his thesis pro­ A district meeting of American lined duties of that grouo. committee, Refreshments will be Roundup kunae is a squad leader. In the In­ posal accepted on Henry James, Legion .posts and aiixiliarie's to he Miss Lillian Grant reported as a served. Told to Leave Cuba * * Anglo-American novelist and ea- fantry's combat siipport jeompany. He entered the Army in October ■held Friday evening will start at Wonieii Can Help . rcpre.sentatlve to the Manchester Appointment of committee chair­ s a j^ t T:'30 Instead of 8 o'clock, as previ­ Council of Church Women. Named men, announced by Mrs. James 1958, and arrived overseas in April Foley, president, follows: CC Hearing Set 1959. ■ ' ously announced. Legion men will Meet Illiteracy as chairmen of the supper commit­ the A candidates rally will be held meet at the Legion Home, and tee for the new season were Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Juros and Mrs. Ed­ INVESTMEN'IRPROBLEMS WMhiwtM., Sept Government of Cuba toward the by the East Hartford GOP Mon­ aiixiliary members will convene at Stephen' Grotta and Mrs. Henry ward Moriarty, publicity; Mrs. American reudenta J Ih Cuba ^ Pay Television Prof. J. ^taurlc■e Hohlfeld told 60 Howard Hampton, program; Mrs. United States as oftsn sxprssssd day night at the Masonic Temple, The ladies auxiliary to Manches­ Manchester High .School Kt:hn. A wor.ship service was led have been advised to send by the Cubsn Prime Minister (Fi­ 784"'Main St, East Hartford. ter Chapter. Disabled American members of the Women’s Fello'.v- Jerome Walsh, hospitality; Mrs. Our office Is open Thursday ^pT^iifs from 1 to 9 o'clock for Khrushciiev Shouts by Mrs. Robert Coe. Thadeua Kiejna, cheer; Mrs. your convenlenco. If yon grntt, wo wlD havo ono.of our capaWo their wives and ehildren to the del Oestro) and other high Cuban Washington, Sept. 29 {IP)— Among the speakers will be Ken ■Veterans, will sponsor a cigarette The Covenant Women's Guild of ship of Center Congregational Geyer of Wethersfield, senatorial social for patients at Rocky Hill George Willard, Girl Scouts; and registered reprooentattyce call on you, at your OTUvenlwice, to United States In view of the officials. ^ ; ’he. pros and'cons of a pro- Coveiiant Congregational Church Church last night of the need for a Miss Mary Fraher, Catholic Book assist you. Whothea-^our problem tavolvee one thousand or a 'The United SUtes government candidate from the Fourth Dis­ Veterans Hospital tonight at 7:30. will hold a riimmage aal? .Satiirday supply of Christian literature in un­ Archivists to Meet Castro' regime’s attitude to­ osed trial pay television plan Homemade cakes and ice cream shelf. million dollars, » y r ^ y o the facilities to render yon eompleto oonslders that^other American res- trict! and Thomas Brennan , of from 9 a m. to noon at the Com­ derdeveloped parts of the world. ward this country and its rec- Identa in Cuba would bs wall ad­ n the Hartford, Conn., area Wethersfield, who is the party’s will be served by Mrs. Cora Blow, Washington—About 40 Latln- The organizatipn.meets the third s o ^ c e . munity Y. The head of the linguistics de­ Tuesday of each month. Program ord of treatment of U.S. citi­ vised to take similar action and Will be debated before the Fed­ congressional candidate from the hospitality chairman, and her com­ partment at Kennedy School of American archl'vists are expected mittee. The group will also deliver plans for future months Include a zens. have BO Informed them.” eral Communications Com-' Red 'iKiin ips Table. , First District A Vesper service and Evening Missions. Hartford Seminary to join United States and Canad' 300 gauze pads made by the mcm- tan experts in the first inter' business meeting Oct. 18; dinner lEARSON, HAMMILL S CO. Disclosing this today, the Stats mission at a public hearing Office ®f Prayer will be held at Con- Foundation, discussed the literacy dance Oct. 22, a memorial Mass- Havana, Sept. 29 iff) — Fidel bera American seminar on the basic or­ DepaDepartment said there are about leginning Oct. 24. ordla Lutheran Church, Winter program in undcrdevelc^ed lands for deceased members,.- Nov. 8; I Ne» Tw4 fadiwis* 4,600 Americans in Cuba other than Castro mads clear at a welcome at the potiuck and first fall meet­ ganization of archives and the Contrary to the usual procedure and Garden Sts., tomorrow at 7 :30 initiation of new members, Nov. 15^ *10 Main Mmiehosfor • MHehoH S-U F I official Mrsonnel. home celebration last night that a Members of Zion Evangelical p.m.. St.'Michael and All Angels ing of the W h e n 's Fellowship.' ' training of ^hivists, to be held Christmas Bazaar. Nov. 19, legal showdown is coming over the of first placing a proposal 'before StalKs OutixoLHaU ■UB. Embassy offiesrs snd em­ an F(X: examiner, the Hartford Lutheran Church are Invited to Day. He also showed a filnv-strip, in Washington in October 1961. Christmas party, Dec. 6. ployes have been encouraged for U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo. D O N 'T plan ■will get the Immediate con­ attend a missionary cnisade meet­ some time to send their dependents The homecoming was Interrupted sun pieafy of wear left la ing toimorrow- at 7 ;30 p.m. at the sideration of the entire conMnls- By RELMAN HblUN x horns, the department said. by two bomb explosions that did shoes wbea brought here for church. sioh. expert repairing. .. As to the reasons for the action, no damage. United Nations, N. Y ., Sept. 29 (^P)— Britain’sJPrime Minis­ Press Officer Francis W. Tully Within three hours after, re­ The test is proposed by Hart­ ter Harold Macmillan uxgedi the United Nations today to m ate ' Open Mondays All D ij ford Phoneviaion Co., a subsidiary declared that eihee last Jan. 1 more turning from the U.N.
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