call of patriotism, nor would there Ijo if other professional athletes adopted a similar SONGS AND jRirfimonilCim^-Pi^pntrl) course, as they usually do. Tall or short, SAWS the professional athlete is apt to set so high hmTwth' I NOW YOU GIT TO WORK! a MrthlSit'" a store on his well-devoloped body that lie Take Chincr. One of the Day's Beat Cartoons. Of course, ~ SK1 TUB TIMES, Founded 1S8S will uot endanger it out of the lino of busi- you cannot always make .E ¦""""" A THB DISPATCH, Founded 1S30 ness, and not one or ruore of play Just as you'd like to. infrequently For oft, when sliding safe to base, PW°alyi.Ma TSVMry his organs are so hypertrophied that he A cruel fate will spike you. would collapse in the early stages of a hard But yet a man that scoots for home, Pabltohrd etfrr ilty In the year by Thr Tlmrn- Whene'er luck Dtiyalrk Publishing Company, Inc. Address nit campaign. seems to beckon, roaiRtialralloni to Whether tall or men make the Although lie's tagged before he scores, War News Years TKK TIMES-DISPATCH, short better Is bettor off. 1 reckon. Fifty Ago Ilmea-Dlapatch Hulldlnc, 10 South Tenth Street. soldiers is, the authorities say. a purely Than (!. rom the Richmond Dec. Richmond* Vn. he who lingers on tho bng, Dispatch, 21, 18»}<4.) academic question. The nverage Scotch Afraid of risks or chances. Highlander is long in the limb, and is spokeu ! Such dubs as he will ne'er be wooed Tho rumor on the streets yesterday that tho TELEPHONE. RAMHILI'II 1 By tickle fortune's glances. Dutch Gap 'Canal had boon finished, and that of respectfully as a lighting man. On the ' Publication Office 10 South Tenth Street *°'"K tlirouKh without j other hand, the Japanese are undersized, from troubletroubh. provednrov ?'i ?"to fCrelhe absolutely untrue. Since South Hlrhnnnd 1020 Hull Street the Tlio I'rNitlnil.it Snym of 100 North Western standard, and yet they, too, can ! Out my we sniaHhlnx the'biff iitenm dredge by our Pflmlrnrc Sycamore Street way get fltte telephone scrvico on cannon but very little work has l.*-nclll)urat 21H Eighth Street claim their share of reputation as fearless Sunday afternoons. Sometimes it doesn't take been done and efficient men-at-arms. The same holds more than fifteen minutes to attract the enemy's batteries around Petersburg and the atten¬ the true among the generals. mili¬ tion of the operator. along Cheatorfltld lines were kept very HASDnOOK, STORY Jfc BROOKS. INC.. Napoleon's actl\e yesterday, a. tremendous cannonading Special Advertising Representatives. tary genius was in inverse ratio to his height. uU ,,ay' but our works A Jlonitiirc of Precaution. wn ,"P proved ,\err York 200 Fifth Avenue Lord Kitchener, although not a Napoleon. is . fllclent.«K ^ and two kilted and less than a half a is It Philadelphia Mutunt I.lfe lliilldlni? conceded to be one of the greatest living She.Why that men are ' nr,<1 Ul"8C hvcon- t;ni» always accusing women of be- LtHult^,iM»°il,nstituted tjio damugrc.i' Chtcaso People'* ItulliliuK military commanders, and lie towers above ing gossips? the man of fl««t of ironclads and heavllv average size, which appears to 11c.Probably because they i A> P0>Yerful l«rt SIDSCRIPTION HATKS be want to do ^'""'sports Hampton Road* dhy five feet and six inches when men below what they can to '0;'<'t:dbefore jesterday, headed southward. It Is gen¬ RY MAIL One Six Three that height express their views, and five feet discourage the practice ami so erally supposed they are destined to PORTAGE PAID Year. Moa. Mob. keep their own sins and trans- Wilmington and nine inches when the possessors of great gressions j t!onst» lhn object being Dally and Sunday....90.00 ?:>.00 ?1.V» from being scat- ioto ilandh ^°r,,hfederalVarol,,mtroops down there to make altitude air their opinions. tered through the neighbor¬ lheir Dally only 4.00 2.0t» l.Ofl hood. way to the railway lines and cut them Sunday only 2.00 1.01) -BO Possibly the truth of the matter is that bo ns to break up transportation to and from short men make better soldiers than tall the South. , ones, I'or because they are usually anxious to prove I'urpo.neM of ItlnllnctltiD. \V1teller's cavalry battalion Dy Tlmen-DUpntch Carrier Delivery Service In "Say, dad." attackedlieutenant-Colonel Richmond (and suburbs) nnd Petersburg*. that lack of inches almost invariably breeds "What's on the enemy several days ago at Ad kin?, your mind now?" \ a., and drove thc-m several mllos. However, Daily with Sunday, one week 15 ccnts that sort of concealed bad temper which is "What do people tneati when a they talk about the enemy has burned all of the railroad bridges Dally Ttithout Sunday, one week 10 cents always spoiling for a light. white Christmas?" and stations "That, son. is between Wythcvllle and Glade Sunday only 5 cents my an adjective applied to the hprlng. and it Is supposed they have also holiday to distinguish it properly from bluo the New Year, when wo destroyed Confederate furnaces at the lead Horses for National Guard Field Artillery arc trying to keep good III 1IICS. Entered January 27, 11)03, at Richmond, Vn.. n» resolutions and pay the Christmas bills at the aecond-clasa matter under net of Con>,."»*» of experts and military men gen¬ same time." There is no truth in the report from Washlng- °n that Bavannah had fallen into Sherman's Starch 3, 1S70. MILITARYerally did not require, even before (lie From th« New Orlean* outbreak of Confo<K*rato War Department had Tlmeii-I'lcnyune. hostilities in Europe, to be in¬ t'nlqur. onlclal; dispatchesT,he from Savannah yesterday structed in the value of mobile field artil¬ Doting Mother.Our Willie's teacher has MONDAY. DECEMBER "1, 1914. him a high paid afternoon, and all was well there at that time. in modern but the compliment. lery warfare, conspicuous Sympathetic Friend.How was Arrangements are being mado to furnish all such in I »ot in that? or Lees army around and part artillery has played the great it Mother.Why, she wrote me that Wil¬ Petersburg Hlchmond now lie's was with at least one sumptuous Christmas dinner struggle raging has carried the lesson spelling quite remarkable, and that l-our «'". b"'h in ».M, who hint that by that A WORTH-WHILE GIFT.You can make she had never known of carloads of turkeys, chickens, sausase. an""," time Senato home to ih.» nonexpert and ob¬ anything quite like It. "h° """"" .Martin, who has made a your friends hnppy every day In th»? unmllitary sparerlhs, etc., have been started from Wilming¬ tH. II,?h, unique recofi server. The man. a If l.nKuairJ ir for long and useful service In the yenr by sending them n subscription wayfaring though fool, ton, and tho Yankees don't catch them they Sen cannot fail to understand these Still Another. will reach In good time. ate, may retire to his Albemarle Count to THE RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH teachings of , The Petersburg ,ho*° ""<¦ ancients, though thev knew it not, It >" estate, like Thomas Jefferson of ol<! experience. Possessed a lucky star-- Is believed by many that the transports ao'r.i "-Vuwi sr, ? and leave Governor now leaving Old Point and headed to tho South Stuart and Con Virginia is fortunate in being provided They never had to wade through mud gressman Flood to llRht for bin toga To board a near-side car. are carrying large bodies of reinforcements to r r:"^s«»s.*!»*.» hi. This with a battalion of field but far-away figuring has left ou . h artillery, these " tierman, the hope of the Federals that . 'I m bnttf,ri»,-:. THE TATTLER. 1 being oi.lnl,.,,, """ one of the ablest of them all.Congress training is hampered sadly by the they will reach him at Savannah. Pol. ,a., 'nit ,h."a name man Andrew Jackson fact that are not with horses. dropped from ihC and Montague th they supplied The Confederate Congress will take a holiday Governor who put Virginia's now Con Horses are hired for and recess after to-morrow's proceedings. None of »«r standing in n,° dominant? K?°'1 party. into effect. parades encamp¬ i ..«» V. th'"' .stltution As an authorlt ments. On other occasions officers and men the members, however, will leave the city for Krcatcnt on international law Mr. Montague ha Chats With their and want to voting \T-'ir«>(,,rs Rlchmonders*if ever saw won In have no of Virginia Editors homes, Just why they take «5U. .1. brief space a unique opportunity acquiring proficiency a for more than one in the standlnj Topaz's in "Even holiday day no one knows. House. When Just out of th »5H handling their guns as they would be the merriest Christmas may be marred 'jovernor s chair he PRtrrv by a crossed sword can handled in battle. They learn how to load chronic grouch." says the James River with Senator Martin for the Senate i "TtXJ of "prln* <*»«etlon a and fire, and that is about all. Clnrlon, Dillwyn, whose motto at this season [ memorable, campaign in which ther CO A LOT OF is I for .Maj or ind m... T of th" was some The bill now obviously something like "Down with bitterness over charges o SHOPPtfNG (P army appropriation pending tho Council; tht-'r" w-Is a [?.? primary for boBslsm and machine in a Scrooges." Consrress unri' .
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