""-- 'It 4ff. 1 1 I'lHlliHItllll HP "EX HIIIMSI , J gjtfP HVItIM AI'lllKNIHIN J I 1 IPHi .1 UliJriH A Ml I.VI 11 fflift I'Villl'r ttSII.lt. HAWAIIAN STAR. J IN AIIV.ISOIU J 9 VOL ill. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 13. 1894 NO 69. 3IISS L1D1K 31. WHST. A FAIR HESSIAN. The Hawaiian Star. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. BISHOP & CO., Do You Use AN OBEDIENT BOY. In WW. l'rlnr, . AIU Mny Smup It llinprr.. Agent to 7'tUr Atknowltdgtmcnts. tty A I'nlhi-r'- Wlw I'lnii I ,.r II, ttlnz IllOInn. Any of the if ltil.l.l. ey llilfk. I'rlnetwi lUmm' 1. ' PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON BANKERS. Olllce: Factory. Alix of to li married "Henry, my Imy," enlil kind father, Honolulu Carriage Kauai. tlnio In tho coming nutntiin to tho tl. SUNDAY Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Following .oiiio laying hi. Imnri on the .houldrr of the only EXCEPT Bere-tiinl- .i IIaiiiui-o- Him-fd- vnorisu.y.iii Hesidence: coiner Punchbowl and Our Mil. O. II. will re- crnrowlti! ni sou who hwl htt--n pride ot his 11V THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- rut: uormixituxT of mi Innu the DRAW EXCHANOE ON streets. UOl'Om turn from the Garden Island in Articles ? nnd hlf tho llltf, "hove you nt )et hat any thmiKlit ol PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. court of l'.nropn mnrrlairet" TIIH HAWAIIAN lSt.AXD.1 SAN about two week. We trust our - THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, FRANCIS If you do, call on us nrt- Iwnmlhi; with ThejimiiK tnan thoughtfully lifted hit - EDITOR. Honolulu patrons will not fafl to Rmtulfttlon. ARTHUR JOHNSTONE, AND Tlinlll AIIKNTS IN J. S. EMEU SON, nntl examine same, oct IiphiI, and hi. frnnk face rnywl Ht once fend In their orders at once the hnppy the nohlenenM of hi. characterlt at lie firmly New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris, here- MtBWItllTIoN I1ATI.M. ENOINEEU AND SUIIVEYOK, and vc know quality repliisl: "No, father, I have only been MESSRS. N, M, ROTHCHILO & SONS, LOHQQN, by n petty (termini -- Nothing more Mriotit thAU this Pet Venr In Advance. - oriiCE anil prices will suit you. prlmi'M 1, lu FHANKrOIlT-ON-TIIE-MAI- lint ever entered my thonghtt." -- With W. V., Remember, Put Jlontu In Advance, C'OU.NCI- Howell, ny tho cnn.ort "Then," father, ot great KXKCUTIYK I- The Commercial Hanking Co. of Hyilncy, is Paints and Oil. the mid lilt a look per Yonr In Advance, - 12.00 Olllce Public ;Vorks. That this an opportunity never of tho Joiiiik limn j "nothing rniclgu, (lov- - N. a. W. At of satisfaction coming Into hit face, i. II. Dole, President of tho Provisional Tho Hank of Now Zenland, Auckland, and SU-t- f before offered the owners of Pianos bark "Nautilus" we have added to who, If hu lives, could he more fortunate. Although I have IIATKN! Islands. will 0110 AllVKIlTISIHIJ eminent of the Hawaiian its branches in Christcliurrli, Diiuedlti in this city, tohavosamo put in Jirnt dur large stocks in this line. Good day I) long considered well to do, my son, I F. M. Hatch, Minister ot Korelun Affairs. of nil lii Unlet lor trnintcnt nnd regular advertising nnd WelliiiKton. vhtM mmlitimi, cur the luiiat tell jou the truth. With the exc.p-liii- llrltl-l- nnd Mr. Harrisons work, will soon in i cull bo obtained at Hie publication ulllcu. J. A. Kln, Mlulsler ot the Interior. The Ilanknf i Ciilunibla, Victoria, M. S. (JlUiVHAUM & CO. weather set and you mid lord of the houe I hnte placed In your Its bronchos, Vnncoiirrr, Nauainio, r, slinnks for lis self, wblidi Is tin, secure prompt nil lulvertlse-luc-nt 4, M. Daman, Minister of Finance. li.t rillVCK" Al.lt. pnrnniDiint of thu name. Itself heavily mortgaged, lo lnxoitlon H. , and l'ortlnnd, Orvgun, Ltnillpd. will want to paint your house, and dcqtlnlcH mother's IV. O. Smith, Atlorne)-(!enera- l. 0 in world. Hvoh mid of million uimhi mil must ho delivered nttho liuslncss Azores Mndelrn advertisement the nothing emnint of my vatt fortune Imt n The nnd Islands. 1. when you do, use Huns of people. It n prvdt-Icctlo- n union before) 1 p. lu. HONOLULU, II, pure paints, not Uoddwhnt few jiallry dollars. It hiw long lieeii my de- Btockhohn, Sweden. tho n house of Kimdik ADVisoiiv Council Tho Chartereil Hank of India, Australia nnd Commission Merchants nnd Importers some cheap article that will "peel" lnli( hni sire that ou should nlly ourself with The Hawaiian for tho homo of llio. llnth tho cznro-witz- 'i some faintly of unquestioned wealth, and 1 China. News Company, muti:oITo ca 1. Lti prln-11- , i.iki iti:coitn. The Hongkong nnd Shanghai, China; nnd of Central Merchandise. or "chalk" off in a few months. irrnuilinnthorfl wcro llewlnn now that you tell me that your heart It free V. C. Wilder. of the Pro Islon ono Yokohanin, llliip) and Nagasaki, Japan. Snn Francisco Olllce. SIS Front Ft, nnd of hU uiirle, tho Grand I believe I ma) say that 1 have found for tly the fluvermiielit Survey, l'llltllsliett al (Imennnelltof the Hawaiian Islands. And trnusuct n General Hanklnsr Husluoss. Hublmcks White lead Zinc, and Duko U mnrriod to nn elileriiUter F.. D. Serlin, you the right girl. Her father's vast pos- livery .ttnmluy. Cecil Hrown, lenney, 313-t- f of the l'rlnccft Allx. C. Ilolto, Pale Boiled Oil, have stood the test session will undoubtedly descend to her, John N'ottf II. W. SCHMIDT SONS. Of courpo thuro has Ijoen ftliico tho lie K. Allen, it in and thus ou will be Independent for life." John F.un. W. CO,, LTP these islands for years, and the tnithnl n Rood dull of llio iikuiiI folk nlmut James F. Mnri;aii, Henry W'aterhoiise, "I'ather," said the young man, Ids fae quality y is as good as when tho match heliiR purely 11 lovu nfTalr, lint sulTtised w Ith that lovable olxslleiica whtoll I'M.Sulir, A. Vounir, IMPOKTEItS AND COMMISSION nolxHly rM5 ' really takes that erlously, though J. P. Mendonca, I). II. Smith, it was first introduced. We get Is such a line attribute of manly character, Queen Honolulu, H. MERCHANTS. In this caso It outflit to Imtrtio, for com- I John Kmineluth. St., I,, "I am sine have alwaja done as ou said, these Paints and Oils direct from mon honso would forhld tho Imnni of juar-rln- and If I can please in the I will cmn. a'.Ki. si 11.05; wi C. T. HodKerB, Secretary Executive and Fort Street, Honolulu. )ou matter MJ 0.01 lictMirn thee two oitnsr jn'oplo gladly so. Hut bef" .Mull 4j.M5 Kl ME Councils. AGltNTS POR Hubbuck & Son, and thus know do who can It Tue. n.u 11 nl M K Neither of them enjoyn really Kood hiiilth. "You rememlier, Henry," replied hit fa- Kl I). III! li'J NR ATLAS inelan-cliol- IV'd :li.ll Han-Alla- they genuine. also Tho czarowltz, who It n ticnoti., " li'l K Agricultural Co., Onomea that are We ther, "the architect Hat built our house! Tim 7l:i.i si SUl'llFMB COUHT. Wal-luk- ALFRED MAGOOiN. liHikiiiR youiiK mnn of Sit. sup- S.T0.12 w.ct, ,o.i 07 Co., Ilonomn Sugar Co., J. I. "Yes, sir," said Henrj;"Ikiiowlilmwell. Frl. ta Sugar ASSURANCE COMPANY, keep Hubbuck's Green, Yellow, posed to Silt. Ml U.IOI . Sugar Co., Wnlliee Sugar Co., have eplleptlo tcndcnc'Ici, and the I have often uvu him In the back parlor on Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice. ATTORNEY nnd COUNSELOR-AT-LA- Allx on several temperature und II. Associate Justice. Miikee Sugar Co., Haleakala Haucli Mack, Oxide and Mast Color in llncesi hat ocenhiin an e cuing playing solitaire with the notes Hiirometer corroded for lion. F. liickerton. First lietn under treatment liy noted limln nnd elevation but not for latitude. Hon. V. K. Frear, fcecond Associate Justice. Co.. Kapajrila Ranch. Olllce, 42 Merchant Street, you had given him during tho day. What 251b kegs. norvo sjK'cliilUti, though tho iiaturo of her tt Henry Smith, Chief Clerk. Planters' Lino San Francisco l'acktts. Capital, - - $6,000,000 has ho to do w It It!" Honolulu, II. I. nllment has never ljiin made imhllo. good Tliles, iintl 3I0011. tleorKo Lucas, First Deputy Clerk. Clins. Iirewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Cartridges.---- if you use a The old man's form shook with Sun Neverthelesi she Is tho most attractive great Joy boy. C. F. Peterson, Second Deputy Clerk, Packets. Assets, - - $9,000,000 at he tenderly embraced Ida Hoston Hoard of Underwriters. shot gun we can give you your and wlntomo of the unmnrrfeil princes-i- t "Henry, my dear son," ho cried, "I have Sl s J. Walter Jonei, Stenographer. Agents M. MONSARRAT. - s r .r Philadelphia Hoard of Under- J. of Eurojic, aiiilnhle, Hely, (,'riireful and just heard thnt he has a marriageable daughter- - Agents choice of black or nitro powder i fc I writers. Having been appointed agents of tho nbove accomplished, hemltlvc, inipultlvo nnd s-Life. t C'MICUIT .tuiKIKS. Compani we nre now reaily Insur- cartridges, all carefully loaded. We sympnthetle, with n most dechUxl charac- ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY to elleet - ! 4 List of Officers : ter and Individuality of her own and n llun- Ho r.ut oir. Sf 3 ? First Circuit : 11. K. Cooper, W. A. Whiting, ances at the lowest ralea ot premium, have a few shells loaded with Is r- - Is ' ' PUHLIC. rcmnrknblo dower of Ger- "Nothing succeeds like success," tbo li r" P.
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