I hope you had a great week. had 54 students attend. Bible lessons, crafts, and music are on the agenda. This is the first article I have written • Sr. Kathy will lead an 8 a.m. prayer service on for The Spirit. My initial five August 15, Feast of the Assumption. This Feast months here at St. Clare have celebrates that the Immaculate Mother of God, flown by just like the summer. I the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the would like to start by thanking Fr. course of her earthly life, was assumed body Blondell and Fr. Orchard for being and soul into heavenly glory. To attend a com- with us on the weekends while Fr. plete Mass please visit one of our neighboring Andrew is away. Please pray for parishes. his safe travels. I would also like • Saturday, August 17, is the St. Clare class of ’69 to thank everyone who participated on August 10 in reunion. Please contact scs1969reun- the annual 5k and Pray. Project Hope brings hope ion@ mail.com for more information. and light to those who have cancer, their caregiv- • Sunday, August 18, is the feast of St. Clare. At ers, and their families and friends. Hope is real. Hope 11:00 Mass Fr. Blondell will bless the beautiful is contagious. Hope can heal. windows Ann Baxter has created for the Music Room. After all masses this weekend we ask that you sign the Michi- TODAY IS CEMETERY Upcoming Events gan Values Life petition if you SUNDAY Please join us on September 8 are a registered voter. when parishioners from St. Clare We would like to invite you to join us will travel to London Ontario by This is a citizen’s petition drive to as we continue our annual remem- coach to participate in an out- prohibit the dismemberment brance on Cemetery Sunday. As a door Mass at the Michaelite abortion procedure in Michi- parish community, rain or shine, we Fathers Retreat Centre. The gan. It is organized by Right to will gather at 3:00 p.m. (the hour of Mass is in honor of St. Michael Life of Michigan and is support- mercy) to begin our prayer service the Archangel. A valid passport ed by the Michigan Catholic at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, to pray for, or enhanced license is re- Conference. The goal is to and remember, our deceased loved quired. If you are interested, gather 400,000 signatures so it ones buried there. Bring a lawn chair please call the parish office for can be brought to the Michi- and an umbrella (in case of rain). cost details and to register. Af- gan Legislature. If both cham- We will say a prayer, recite the ter Mass a light meal will be bers approve the bill it will be- names of the deceased buried there provided for a small donation. come law without the gover- and remember and honor those that Please bring a lawn chair if you nor’s signature. have gone before us. We hope to can and an umbrella – just in see many of you there. It is an Act of case. Next Week Mercy to pray for our dead. • Bible Camp is August 12-16. Look for these events in future Ages 4 and up are invited Maps of the cemetery are available bulletins: to join us to “Walk as Chil- on the tables at the back of the • Wheels of St. Clare dren of Light”. It’s not too church. We will gather in • PTO Book Sale late to register. Last year we Section 48 • Oktoberfest continued on page 6 Parish Calendar | Parish Events Monday 8:00 AM Monday Morning Mass Church 8/12/2019 9:00 AM Monday Morning Faith Formation Whittier Room 9:30 AM Bible Camp Faculty Room | Social Hall 7:00 PM EEV Board Meeting Church Social Hall-Rooms 1 and 2 7:00 PM Intercessory Prayer Group Rectory Chapel Tuesday 9:30 AM Bible Camp Faculty Room | Social Hall 8/13/2019 9:30 AM Motor City Mitten Mission Church Social Hall-Rooms 1 and 2 9:30 AM Legion of Mary Meeting Whittier Room 1:30 PM Parish Visioning Team (PVT) Meeting Faculty Room 4:00 PM Silent Meditation Rectory Chapel 6:30 PM Tuesday Evening Mass & St. Michael Devotion Church 7:30 PM Al-anon Parish Offices 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus Council Meeting Church Social Hall-Rooms 1 and 2 Wednesday 8:00 AM Wednesday Morning Mass (Summer) Church 8/14/2019 9:00 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study Whittier Room 9:30 AM Bible Camp Faculty Room | Social Hall 6:00 PM Exposition and Adoration Church 6:30 PM Stephen Ministry Continuing Ed. (7:15 actual start) Church Social Hall-Rooms 1 and 2 7:00 PM EEV General Meeting Church Social Hall - All 7:00 PM Legion of Mary Rosary Church Thursday 8:00 AM No Mass - Prayer Service Church 8/15/2019 9:30 AM Bible Camp Faculty Room | Social Hall 9:30 AM Motor City Mitten Mission Church Social Hall-Rooms 1 and 2 Friday 8:00 AM Friday Morning Mass Church 8/16/2019 9:00 AM Friday Morning Bible Study Whittier Room 9:30 AM Bible Camp Faculty Room | Social Hall Saturday 2:30 PM Saturday Confessions Church 8/17/2019 4:00 PM Saturday Mass Church 5:00 PM St. Clare School Class of 1969 Reunion Church Social Hall - All Sunday 9:00 AM Sunday Mass (Feast of St. Clare) Church 8/18/2019 10:00 AM K of C Doughnut Social Church Yard | Church Steps 11:00 AM Sunday Mass (Feast of St. Clare) Church Dates To Remember Sat. Aug. 10: ............................................................................... Project Hope 5k & Pray Sun. Aug 11: ......................................................................................... Cemetery Sunday Event info: Mon-Fri (Aug12-16):..................................................................... Vacation Bible School https://stclarem.org/event-tickets Sun. Aug. 25: .................................................................................. Back to School Picnic Tues. Sept. 3: ........................................................................................ First Day of School Register for Bible School Wed-Sun (Sept 11-15): .............................................................................. PTO Book Sale https://stclarem.org/online-registration-form Sat-Sun (Oct. 18-20) ...................................................................................... Oktoberfest 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 August 11, 2019 Our Parish Community St. Clare of Montefalco Catholic Service Appeal St. Vincent de Paul National Collections Spirituality, Friendship, Service Gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal fund our local Church’s annual contribution to six national collections of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The bishops in the United States created national collections so dioceses could SUMMER UPDATE combine resources and more effectively carry out our mission as Catholics. Each FOOD PANTRY: Summer is a busy time for the pantry and like Old collection represents our community of Mother Hubbard, our cupboards are almost bare. Please consid- faith at work in our country and around er dropping off a donation in the brown wicker bins near church the world. entrances and the Family Room. CSA gifts are given to the collections for • Tuna - Canned Meats the Catholic University of America, Catho- • Sausage - no refrigeration needed lic Communication Campaign, Holy Land, • Macaroni and Cheese Church in Latin America, Catholic Home • Canned Stew Missions Appeal, and Black and Indian Mis- • Jelly (plastic jar) sions. • Cereal, Breakfast Bars, Instant Breakfast • Hot Cereal: Oatmeal or Grits For more information about CSA-funded • Pancake or Bisquick Mix and Syrup ministries, programs, and services, go to • Juices – Shelf Stable Milk aod.org. • Spaghetti or Pasta Sauce (plastic, can or dry mix) • Pizza Kits – Pepperoni – Pizza Crust - Sauce • Velveeta Cheese • Rice • Rice Mixes • Potato Mixes • Mexican Taco Kits – Tortilla Chips – Salsa MOBILE APP • Salad Dressing • Mustard - Ketchup - Miracle Whip - Mayo Stay connected throughout • Facial Tissue - Bathroom Tissue - Paper Towels your week! • Toothpaste - Toothbrushes • Laundry Soap - Dish Soap - Hand Soap Download our parish app. • Baby Formula • Diapers & Wipes • Ensure Download the app and search for “St. Clare of Montefalco” DONATION BINS: There are two blue bins located between the church and school to accept your soft donations (clothing, bed- • View the bulletin ding, shoes, etc.) In addition to your items stocking the SvDP • Check the calendar for upcoming stores, we receive store vouchers to give to clients each month events because of your generosity. • View readings • Join a chat group THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Diane McCloskey SVdP Vice President & Pantry Coordinator St. Clare of Montefalco, Grosse Pointe Park, MI Page 3 The Congregation of Saint Michael Archangel Our Parish Community St. Clare School News St. Clare Athletics Don’t forget: Fall Sports Information • Back to School wel- come picnic is Sun- Soccer: day, August 25 from 2 th th th -5 in gazebo area of • Boys and girls, grades 5 -8 , begins Tuesday, August 13 church. Please bring at 7:00 pm at St. Clare’s field (next to gym). lawn chairs or a blan- • The first two weeks of practice will be 8/13-8/23, going ket to rest on. Bring a snack to share Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 7:00-8:30 pm. and then go around and meet your fel- • If you have questions, please contact Coach Austin Price low school families, our new Principal, at (313) 938-7971 or email [email protected]. Ms. Ann Crowley and Assistant Principal, Ms. Samantha Cooley. Please welcome new families and teachers. Volleyball: • The fantastic St. Clare Used Book Sale is • Girls, grades 4th-8th, begins Wednesday, August 14th at St. scheduled for September 11-15. A lot of Clare’s gym. help is needed to make this a successful • The first two weeks of practice will be 8/14-8/16, and event. Sorting takes place every Tues- 8/19-8/23.
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