CAL IF O R N I A P O l Y TÉ CH NIC STATE UNIVERSITY,. SAN LUIS OBISPO Vandalized in Idaho: Monday, February 28,2000 iMeTi’s baskethaWs Big West tournament chances dimijiish, 8 Message in a Cradle: Stars shine in 'Cradle Will Rock, www.mustangdaily.calpoly.educalpoly.eduustane Æ k ^ ^ ^ H igh: 58» Low: 4 9 ° " > A I I V r r r - Younger Bush visits Poly By Karin Driesen that change. relatives. He said he has considered MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER Push also mentioned some of his fx)litics, and may do something on the uncle’s qualities, such as his emphasis local level, hut that the presidential Hie nephew ot Republican presi­ on the impxirtance of family and his level is too intense. dential candidate George W. Bush leadership abilities. “I’m just a normal 23-year-old just came to Cal Poly Saturday to talk “My uncle is a leader,’’ he said. “He out ot college worried about what kind aK)ut his uncles carnpaijjn and to rally has a record of accomplishment.” of job I’m going to get,” he said. the student vote. TTie younger Bush’s own priority is He spent three months campaigning Get)ir;e P Rush, 23, jjave a brief education, and he said that his uncle in New Hampshire and three weeks in speech in the University Union, and asked for his help working on issues California. Cal Poly is his 11 college a then answeted questions and spoke relating to it. out of 15 in this state. He has been with students. The oldest grandson of Bush graduated from Rice traveling with his best friend from former President Getirge Rush and son University in Texas in 1998 withHimston, and will travel with his uncle of Florida Gov. Jeh Bush has been trav­ degrees in history and political science. the last few days before the March 7 eling the country to speak about the After college, he taught in a high primary. presidential race, and his uncle s values schcHil program designed for students The event was t>rganized by the San and positions on issues. He nt)ted the who are at a high risk of dropping out. Luis Obispo County Young ‘F:-' Vi inqHirtance ot getting younger genera­ He is currently waiting to hear hack Republicans in conjunction with the tions involved in politics. from the 12 law schools to which he Cal Poly College Republicans. Most of Rush started with one of Plato’s has applied. the 20 students at the speech were ideas, saying that the consequence of “All of G.W.’s brothers and sisters members ot these clubs. not getting involved in ¡xilitics Ls the are campaigning for him, hut I’m the “We did it to spread the conserva­ danger ot being ruled by one’s inferiors. only one from my generation because tive voice on campus and let people get He .said that in the last presidential I’m out of school now,’’ Bush said. an up-close feel about the candidates,” KARIN DRIESEN/MUSTANG DAILY election, only 24 percent of l8-to 24- Bush does not think he will become said Tamas Simon, Cal Poly College George P. Bush, the nephew of Republican presidential candidate year-olds voted, and he wants to see as politically involved as some of his Rebublicans president. George W. Bush, came to Cal Poly Saturday to rally the student vote. m Donors shower local wildlife By Kimberly Tahsuda MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER Pacific Wildlife CJare hekl .i wildlife baby shower Sunday to raise money tor tix>d and products needed Visitors had to properlv rehabilitate sick, inpired and oq>haned V tne opportu­ wildlife. nity to meet PWe' IS .1 nonprofit volunteer oigani:ation ot Sunshine, a 7- trained individuals who provide treatment to rehabil­ year-old red- itate animals back to health tor re-introduction intti tail hawk at the wild Tlie organization is dependent on memK'r- the Pacific ships and donations, and is licensed by the California Wildlife Care's IVpartment ot Fish Game and the U.S. Fi.sh and wildlife baby Wildlife Service. shower “This annual event is called Baby Shower because Sunday. The so much is needed for young animals in rehab,” PWC shower raised i i member Vivian Thompson said. “The money raised money for ffic today will go to f»H>d and supplies given directly to food and anim.ils and birds in rehab.” products The event was held at the University CiHvperative needed to Extension Audittirium and featured tables with inlor- properly reha­ M r '‘ matum about mammals, birds, raptors and reptiles. bilitate sick, The baby shower also included an activity table tor injured and children, along with wildlife videos. orphaned k. __ rfri V'isitors had the opportunity to meet Sunshine, a wildlife. 7-year-old red-tail hawk, and Miss Lu, a 3-year-old opossum. Sun.shine will be in captivity for the rest of MARKUS SCHNEIDER/ MUSTANG DAILY see WILDLIFE, page 2 Avila residents see future of town in booklet By Megan Shearn of the Front Street Enhancement The yacht club will still hold its place leaf trees. “I’m hoping it won’t become a MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER Project, created after U n c K a l exca­ on the pier, and people can still have “There’' nothing nicer than broad- Santa Barbara," said six-year resident vated 400,000 gallons of oil under the a good time at The Custom House le.it trees to bring a neighborhinxl Monica Davies. “It can only hold so In a booklet made available by beach and tore up Avila’s Front and Mr. Ricks. together,” Avila resident Mardel many people,” she said. UniKal, Avila Reach residents can Street. Plans for the enhancement Phelan said she made some sugges­ Salsburv said. She hopes .Avila won’t lose its see what their town's new face-lift project include a pedestrian plaza, a tions about the project to the com S.ilsbiiry sat in on several meetings small-town attitude as well. will eventually loi'k like. So tar, the fountain, stepped seating areas that mittee. to put tn her suggestions of the pro­ “It’s like a family without a bliuKl rtsjxmse has Ix'en a mixed bag otcurve into the sand, a rebuilt Avila “I wanted to see more trees, curb.s, ject. She traveled to different beach connection,” .she said. emotions. Pier, new restrooms and a community sidewalks and gutters,” she said. towns to bring ideas hack to Avila. Robert Martin, a fifth generation “1 think It’s just wonderful, just park. A committee of Avila residents Phelan got her wish. Though the response has been Ax’ila resident, said she hopes the wonderful,” said Evelyn Phelan, a 50- helped design the project. The sidewalks are wider, making praiseworthy, some residents are wor­ new look won’t make his hometown year resident of .Avila. Many old features will still be the street more pedestrian-friendly, ried that their little beach town may The booklet features color pictures around, but with some tucks and lifts. and the streets are lined with broad- not Ise so little anymore. see AVILA, page 2 2 Monday, February 28,2000 N ew s Mustang Daily Propositions would re^pave road to political office By Adam Jarman option. Party literature explains that Corporations would no longer he taking into consideration the reasons in the House of Representatives more MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER these votes are mm-hinding, meaning allowed to contribute. why past initiatives were disqualified. than three terms (six years) or in the they are not counted in determining In order to fill the voids left hy “We are trying to restrict the influ­ Senate for two terms (12 years). California voters will have the the winner. The Green Party feels these limits, public funding would he ence of political action committee These declarations will he placed on chance to vote on three propositions election reform is available for candi­ money hy limiting it,” he said. the ballot. March 7 that could change voters’ needed, hut should dates and ballot mea­ A1 Landeen, communications Dwight Filley of the California i>ptions on the ballot, limit how much come hy way of sure committees. ELECTION director for Tax Payers for Fair Term Limit Committee said this money candidates can get from one proportional repre­ Under this proposi­ Elections said, “This is not true cam­ allows candidates to show voters they source and limit the amount of time sentation to give a tion, top contributors paign finance reform ... this will he will abide hy the proposition that officials stay in Ct)ngress. larger number of to candidate or ballot the first time that taxpayers are paying already passed. Proposition asks voters if they voters a candidate measure campaigns for political ads.” would like the optitm of voting h)r to .support. would he listed in the Landeen said this proposition Activist George E. Martinez said in “none of the above” in state and fed­ Nevada is the Voter Information claims to he leveling the playing field, literature that this proposition will let eral elections, except in electing only state with the Guide. hut actually makes it worse because voters know if candidates plan to Supreme Court or appellate court “none of the “The system is bro­ there are no legal ways to limit per­ spend a career in Congress, or are judges. Although this type of vote above” statute. 2 0 0 0 ken and needs to he sonal spending on a campai<?n.
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