JANUARY•2003 Nauvoo Temple Money hen President Gordon B. WHinckley announced the construction of the Nauvoo Temple, everyone was excited. He said that members could give money to help build the temple, and I wanted to help. I had been saving my money for a long time to buy a new pet that I wanted, but I decided to give that money for the temple, just like the children did when the first temple was built there. When I gave the envelope to the bishop, I felt great, knowing that someday I will visit the Nauvoo Temple with my family. Eric Smith, age 9 Provo, Utah Keeping a Journal have been trying to follow I the counsel of the prophets by keeping a journal. When I started, I hadn’t yet learned to read or write. I’d Joshua 1:9. It says, “Have not I commanded thee? Be save something, like a pamphlet or strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be ticket from an activity we had gone to, thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whith- and put it in my journal. My mom then helped me write ersoever thou goest.” the things I remembered beside the item. I love to go When I go to bed now, I think of back through my journal and remember all the different “Be not afraid, . God is with thee.” things I have done. I have kept my journal for over a This helps me go to sleep without year now. I am now learning to read and write, and I being afraid. love to write down memories for myself. Cassie Fernelius, age 8 Rachel Averett, age 6 Shippensburg, Pennsylvania Waterloo, Iowa The Friend welcomes your letters sharing a spiritual experience, your Joshua 1:9 testimony, or your feelings about the Friend magazine. Send them to Childviews, Friend, 24th Floor, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, ometimes when I go to bed at night, I am afraid. Utah 84150–3226. Please include a picture of yourself and your name, age, and address. Submissions may be edited for length SI pray to go to sleep quickly and to not have bad and clarity. dreams. One day when my sister Courtney gave a family home evening lesson, she used the scripture NAUVOO TEMPLE PHOTO BY WELDEN C. ANDERSEN COINS PHOTOS © PHOTOSPIN Volume 33 Number 1 Stories and Features January 2003 IFC Childviews The First Presidency Gordon B. Hinckley 2 Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice: Covenants / President James E. Faust Thomas S. Monson James E. Faust 4Brother Dan The Council of the Twelve Boyd K. Packer 7 Special Witness: Baptism / Elder Robert D. Hales L. Tom Perry David B. Haight Neal A. Maxwell 8Friend to Friend: If We Do What’s Right, All Will Be Well! / Elder L.Whitney Clayton Russell M. Nelson Dallin H. Oaks 10 New Testament Stories: The Ten Virgins; The Talents M. Russell Ballard Joseph B. Wirthlin 20 Making Friends: Darla Miles of El Centro, California Richard G. Scott Robert D. Hales Jeffrey R. Holland 27 To Do His Best Henry B. Eyring 30 Trying to Be Like Jesus Editor Dennis B. Neuenschwander 32 Sharing Time: I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ Advisers J. Kent Jolley W. R o lfe Kerr 35 Friends in the News Stephen A. West Curriculum Department 36 From the Life of President John Taylor: Preparing for the Call Administrators Managing Director 38 Great-grandma’s Funeral Ronald L. Knighton Planning and Editorial Director 40 Our Creative Friends Victor D. Cave Graphics Director 42 Poster Article: Members of the Savior’s Church Allan R. Loyborg 44 How Do You Know It’s True? Magazine Staff Managing Editor Vivian Paulsen 46 I Will! I Will! Assistant Managing Editor Julie Wardell IBC Guide to the Friend Associate Editors Carol J. Mullan Melvin Leavitt For Little Friends Design Staff Magazine Graphics Manager 16 Jaden Goes Shopping M.M. Kawasaki Art Director 17 Grandma’s Gift Mark W. Robison Senior Designer 18 Places in Which We Worship Brad Teare Production 18 Snow Art Kerry Lynn C. Herrin 19 Winter Fun Printing and Distribution Printing Director Kay W. Briggs Distribution Director (Subscriptions) Verse Kris T. Christensen 6 When Peter Went Fishing © 2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. The Friend (ISSN 0009-4102) is pub- lished monthly by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 East North Temple, Salt Things to Make and Do Lake City, Utah 84150-3226. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, Utah, and to additional 23 Funstuf mailing offices. Canada Post Information: Publication Agreement #40017431. U.S. sub- 26 Funstuf scription rate is $8.00 a year in advance. Non- U.S. subscription rate is the U.S. equivalent in local currency. Sixty days’ notice required for change of address. Please include your mailing Poster label from a recent issue of the magazine when sending a change of address. Address changes cannot be made unless the old address as well Insert I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the new is included. The Friend welcomes unsolicited manuscripts but is not responsible for them. Rejected manuscripts will not be Music returned unless a stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. 24 I’ll Follow Him in Faith Send manuscripts to the Friend, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150- 3226. Send e-mail to cur-editorial- Cover by Paul Mann [email protected]. Send subscrip- HIDDEN CTR RING tions to Distribution Services, Church Magazines, P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, Utah 84126-0368. POSTMASTER: Send The Savior is our great address changes to Distribution Services, Church Magazines, P.O. Box 26368, Salt example, and we try to Lake City, Utah 84126-0368. follow Him by the Subscription helpline: 1-800-537-5971. Credit card orders (American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, Visa) may be things we do every day. In taken by phone. each issue of the Friend this All materials may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use unless identified with a © and the year, we have hidden a CTR copyright holder’s name. Other uses require permission of the copyright ring to remind us to always owner. A children’s magazine published by choose the right and follow The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Jesus Christ. Look for it in this issue. Covenants BY PRESIDENT JAMES E. FAUST with us (see D&C 20:77, 79). If we partake Second Counselor in the First Presidency of the sacrament regularly and are faithful e should always honor and keep to these covenants, the law will be in our sacred the saving covenants we inward parts and written in our hearts. Let Wmake with the Lord. If we do, He me illustrate this with a story from the has promised, “Thou shalt receive revela- Church News: President James E. Faust has made tion upon revelation, knowledge upon “A group of religion instructors [were] it clear that knowledge, that thou mayest know the taking a summer course on the life of the covenants are not mysteries and peaceable things—that Savior and focusing particularly on the just words we which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life parables. speak. If we keep eternal” (D&C 42:61). “When the final exam time came, . our covenants, Many covenants [have to be made and the students arrived at the classroom to they will change kept in order to have] happiness here and find a note that the exam would be given our lives for the better. hereafter. Among the most important are in another building across campus. More- the marriage covenants made between over, the note said, it must be finished husband and wife. From these covenants within the two-hour time period that was flow the greatest joys of life. starting almost at that moment. The covenant of baptism, with its ordi- “The students hurried across campus. nance of confirmation, opens the gate for On the way they passed a little girl crying eternal life. over a flat tire on her new bike. An old Te mple covenants are the basis for at- man hobbled painfully toward the library taining the greatest blessings the Lord has with a cane in one hand, spilling books for us. from a stack he was trying to manage with We have the great privilege of partaking the other. On a bench by the union build- of the sacrament, the Lord’s Supper. Re- ing sat a shabbily dressed, bearded man [in newing our baptismal covenants as we par- obvious distress]. take of the sacrament protects us against “Rushing into the other classroom, the all manner of evil. As we worthily partake students were met by the professor, who of the bread and water in remembrance of announced they had all flunked the final the Savior’s sacrifice, we witness unto God exam. the Father that we are willing to take upon “The only true test of whether they un- us the name of His Son and always remem- derstood the Savior’s life and teaching, he ber Him and to keep His commandments said, was how they treated people in need. which He has given us. If we do these “Their weeks of study at the feet of a ca- things, we will always have His Spirit to be pable professor had taught them a great 2 ILLUSTRATED BY R. SCOTT SNOW deal of what Christ had said and done.” They learned he was arrayed [dressed] in beautiful garments when the letter but not the spirit.
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