Pensacola Yacht Club February 2011 PYC’S DODGE REES OLYMPIC HOPEFUL STA--NOTES ON THE HORIZON IN FEBRUARY... FLAG OFFICERS :[LWOLU:\JO`.LULYHS4HUHNLY Tuesday, February 1 ALAN MCMILLAN c 449-3101 h 456-6264 Membership Committee – 6pm Commodore [email protected] Prospective Member Night – 7pm JERE ALLEN c 529-0927 h 916-4480 Wednesday, February 2 Vice Commodore/Facilities [email protected] Club Seminar - 7pm EPA/Community Relations Thursday, February 3 SUSAN MCKINNON c 450-0703 h 477-9951 Hospitality Meeting – 12noon Rear Commodore/Membership [email protected] February 4 – 6 Flying Tigers East Coast Championship JOHN BUZIAK c 291-2115 h 457-4142 Fleet Captain/GYA Coordinator [email protected] Saturday, February 5 PYC Mardi Gras Regatta BERNIE KNIGHT c 516-6218 w 995-1452 Tuesday, February 8 Secretary/By-laws [email protected] Junior Board Meeting - 6pm DAN SMITHSON c 449-7843 h 968-1260 Thursday, February 10 Treasurer/Finance [email protected] Entertainment Committee – 5:30pm FL Commodore’s Association – 6:30pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS February 12-13 SAM FOREMAN c 748-0498 h 470-0866 Raft Up at Pirates Cove Commodore Emeritus/ [email protected] Tuesday, February 15 Endowment Fund Ham Radio Club – 7pm LEE HARGROVE c 292-4783 Wednesday, February 16 Marina & Dry Storage [email protected] PYC Board Meeting - 6:30pm FR. JACK GRAY w 452-2341 ex 3116 c 449-5966 Thursday, February 17 Fleet Chaplain [email protected] General Membership Meeting - 6pm CONRAD HAMILTON c 516-0959 h 934-6625 Saturday, February 19 Development [email protected] PYC Board & Flag Officer Meeting - 1pm Thursday, February 24 BRUCE PARTINGTON h 433-7208 Cooking Demo & Wine Pairing - 6:30pm Junior Sailing [email protected] or Reservations“Promoting Required the Finest Homes in [email protected] Florida” COMING UP IN MARCH.. ROBERT LEIDNER h 433-6323 Wednesday, March 2 Entertainment [email protected] Club Seminar – 7pm LINDA WHITMAN c 572-2956 h 944-3272 Thursday, March 3 Risk Management [email protected] Hospitality Meeting – 12noon [email protected] Saturday, March 5 – 6 Flying Tigers National Championship PYC MANAGEMENT Saturday, March 5 JIM WARWICK 433-8804 ex 104 Maxine Series #1 General Manager [email protected] Tuesday, March 8 DEON BOATMAN 433-8804 ex 101 Junior Board Meeting - 6pm Office Manager [email protected] Wednesday, March 9 JENNIFER LANGHAM 433-8804 ex 100 FCA Board Meeting – 12noon Accounts Payable/Webmaster [email protected] Friday, March 11 KELLY RING 433-8804 ex 102 Family Movie Night – 8pm Event Coordinator [email protected] Reservations Required for Babysitting GREG SPITZER 433-8804Preview ex Property 108 Specialist Tuesday, March 15 Call 850-572-1944 Dockmaster [email protected] Ham Radio Club Meeting - 7pm [email protected] Wednesday, March 16 STEPHEN WAGNER 433-8804 ex 111 PYC Board Meeting - 6:30pm Sailing Director [email protected] Thursday, March 17 - ST. PATRICK’S DAY DEBBIE BLOCKER 433-8804 ex 112 Cooking Demo & Wine Pairing - 6:30pm Dining Room Supervisor [email protected] (DFK2I¿FHLV,QGHSHQGHQWO\ Reservations Required RESERVATION LINE 433-1382 Owned and Operated Saturday, March 19 MAIN BAR 433-8804 ex 105 or 432-7006 Maxine Series #3 Page 2 • February ‘11 *6446+69,»:*644,5;: (3(54*4033(5 2010 was a good year for PYC with Commodore Sam and Anna Foreman leading us successfully through a number of challenges. I thanked them in last month’s article and do so again this month. PYC also measures its success in financial terms. As a private club we need to meet and exceed member expectations and we need to do so in a financially sound manner. We ended 2010 with positive cash on hand, no outstanding balance on our line of credit and in the black for total operations. Our two outstanding loans, the “Ivan” loan will be paid off in early 2013 and the Ballroom expansion loan in 2019. Both our Board and Treasurer Dan Smithson has kept an eye on our collective financial stewardship and we will continue to manage in that manner. Our new General Manager Jim Warwick is on board and I hope most of you have met him. If you have, you know that Jim is very outgoing! When we asked him about his management style during the interview process, he described himself as “hands on.” Boy was that an understatement! Jim is everywhere meeting members, moving tables, carrying food orders, attending Board and Committee meetings. Jim is settling in to life at the “South’s Finest Yacht Club” very quickly. One of our priorities for 2011 is membership. To that end, we will propose several changes to our By-Laws at the PYC General Membership meeting on February 17. We are proposing to reestablish the Non-Resident Membership category. This was a successful membership category many years ago and most GYA and FCYC Club’s offer non-residents some type of membership. The Board has deliberated about this issue and unanimously feels that we have a large number of potential prospective members to which this will appeal. Please read the proposed By-Law change on the member section of the website and the bulletin board at the Club. Additionally, we will make a major outreach to Young Adult Membership category. Rear Commodore and Membership Chair Susan McKinnon is passionate about the Club’s future. The changes we are proposing will greatly enhance getting and retaining younger members. Our last category of proposed By-Law changes is Honorary Members. The Board believes that a Honorary Member should not vote or hold a Board office since they do not pay dues. We propose grandfathering those already in this category, but any new Honorary Member will not be able to vote. We are proposing that any Regular member who has achieved 50 years of PYC membership will become Honorary and no longer pay dues. All of those in this category have given much to PYC over a lifetime and the Board feels that we should honor them and their lifetime commitment. Lastly, we propose that the surviving spouse of a past Commodore also be so honored. For the record, many if not most in these two categories have already be given a life Honorary membership and only a small number of others would automatically go into the newly proposed honorary categories. We are looking to an exciting Spring and Summer at the Club, so come out and join in the activities. February ‘11 • Page 3 STA--NOTES TLTILYZOPWYLWVY[ :<:(54*205565 :[LWOLU:\JO`.LULYHS4HUHNLY The membership program at PYC is gathering steam in 2011. Just last month, we have added five new members. Join me in welcoming our newest members Andrew McMillan, Jason Knoll, Margaret Biggs, Jay Jordan, and Anil Raj. Joining as a Legacy Member, Andrew McMillan has a long history at PYC having grown up sailing on the bay and teaching sailing to Junior Sailors. He is the son of Neil and Susan McMillan, as well as the nephew of Commodore and Gloria McMillan. Andrew is married to Meghan and is an active sailor in our PHRF fleet, crewing on Finesse. Also, joining as a Legacy member is Margaret Biggs. Margaret is the daughter of long time members Walter and Molly Biggs. Margaret joins with sons, William and Matthew. She is an artist having donated her beautiful seascapes to our Ladies Dinner Dance. Jason Knoll is seen often around the Club sailing Black Ice with brother John. In fact, this past year they took top honors winning the Wednesday Night Series. Jay and Maggie Jordan have rejoined PYC. Jay and Maggie were members in the late 90’s. They enjoy recreational boating aboard their powerboat, Bentley. Our newest Active Member is Naval Architect Anil Raj. Anil and wife, Sheri can be seen on Friday nights at the Club having already made many friends. Anil and wife, Sheri enjoy sailing aboard their Hunter 44, Shonti. If you have a friend or family member who is interested in joining the South’s Finest Yacht Club, invite them to our Prospective/New Member Orientation Night, February 1. We will meet upstairs in the Board Room at 7pm. At this meeting, new and prospective members will learn about the many activities the Club has to offer. This meeting will take place every other month on the first Tuesday beginning this month. Mark your calendars and plan to attend the General Membership meeting on Thursday, February 17. We will be voting on proposed by-laws changes regarding membership categories including Young Adult, Non-Resident, and Honorary Memberships. The proposed changes are posted on the Club bulletin board and website for your review. Together, let’s make 2011 a banner year for Membership! Active Member Boat Photos “PromotingApproved forthe Display Finest in Homesthe Club in Northwest Florida” Active members of the Club may now submit one 8x10 color photo of a boat (power or sail) currently owned to the PYC Trophy Committee for display in either the Clubhouse or Sailing Center. All matting, frames and captions will be made identical by Jean Russ of Creative House 1200 N. Palafox (850-434-3696), the vendor for this project. To participate submit your boat photo with a printed caption stating the boat’s name, make, model, and member/owner’s name to Creative House. Each framed photo has an estimated cost of $60 and is financial the responsibility of the member/owner. Other guidelines are as follows: 1. Boat size limit: The minimum length over all for sailboats shall be 24 feet and 30 feet for powerboats. Trophy Committee has the option to adjust the limits on a case-by-case basis with no maximum length limitation.
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