THE JEW IS H PUB LICATIO N S O CIETY O F AMER ICA TWENTY- FIFTH ANNIVE RSARY A PRIL FIFT H A ND S IXT H NINET EEN HUND R ED A ND T HIRT EEN PHILA DELPHIA PHILAD ELPHIA TII II JEWISH PUBLICATION S OCIETY O F AM ERICA 1913 nu c m‘ 13 B Y C o , 19 . Tn: tunPU B LI CA T I ON So currv or AuaCA CONTENTS 1 91 2 -1 91 3 Officers and Committees , Introductory Note Israel and His Book . Poem by Felix N . Gerson Programme of the Celebration 5 a Authors Evening, Saturday, April . Chairm n , Professor 19-42 Jacob H . Hollander ss Do c Addre : Jewish Authorship . By the Reverend tor David Philipson 2 1 Wolf 4 3- 84 r 6 . Mo ning Session , Sunday, April Chairman , Edwin c . 43 Prayer. By the Reverend Do tor Maurice H Harris Papers : The Origin and Growth of the Society. By Ephraim Lederer How the Publication Committee Do es Its Work . By Henrietta Szold n l a Th 6 . e After oon Session , Sunday, Apri Chairm n, Hon orabl 8 5- 1 55 e Simon W . Rosendale : s Papers The Bible Tran lation . By Doctor Cyrus Adler ’ The Society s Publications . By the Reverend Doctor Samuel Schulman 1 08 “1 33-1 55 Addresses from Foreign and American Organizations . v 6 . The The Banquet , Sunday E ening, April Toastmaster , Honorable Mayer Sulzberger : Addresses The Bible. By Doctor S . Schechter e The Materializatio n of the I d al . By Louis Marshall The Society and the Colleges . By Doc tor Israel Friedlaender Charter and B y- Laws 1 8 88 - 1 91 3 List of Publications , ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE i 2 2 L ebman Adler , author of Sabbath Hours Dembitz Lewis Naphtali , author of Jewish Services in Syna gogue and Home C Bernhard Felsenthal , member of the Publication ommittee , 1 8 8 8 - 1 90 8 o f Heinrich Graetz , author History of the Jews i 1 8 8 8 Marcus Jastrow, member of the Publ cation Committee , 1 903 o f Moritz Lazarus , author Ethics of Judaism i S mon Adler Stern , member of the Publication Committee , 1 88 8 - 1 90 4 Martha Wolfenstein , author of Idyls of the Gass First Seal used by The Jewish Publication Society of America page OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES 1 91 2-1 913 PRE SIDE NT EDWIN WOLF, Philadelphia FIRST VICE -PRE SIDE NT DR . HENRY M . LEIPZIGER , New York SE COND VICE-PRE SIDE NT S IMON MILLER , Philadelphia TREASURE R E FE R NB E R GE R H NRY , Philadelphia E N X l a B JAMIN ALE ANDER, Phi adelphi ASSISTANT SE CRETARY DOB S E VAGE l a I . GEORGE , Philade phi SE CRETARY To TH E PUB LICATION COMMITTEE HENRIETTA SZOLD , New York TRUSTEE S DR Y U . C R S Philadelphia CHARLE S EISE NMAN Cleveland Philadelphia Philadelphia . New York E P E a JOS H H . HAG DORN Philadelphi Philadelphia DR E Y LEIPZI CER . H NR M . New York SIMON MILLE R Philadelphia . New York JULIUS ROSE NWALD Chicago . Baltimore T HORA CE S ERN . Philadelphia SAMUEL S TRAUSS New York. 10 TH E JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIE TY OF AMERI CA - E A T U . S LIGM N J . S RA SS Wilkes Barre , Pa CY S ULZRE RGER RUS L. New York H O YE B E E i N . MA R SULZ RG R Ph ladelphia Pittsburg HARR IS W EINSTO CK . Sacramento EDWIN WOLF Philadelphia HONORARY VICE -PRE SIDE NTS E EI ISAAC W . B RNH M Louisville R E V DR . E Y C E . H NR OH N Galveston T i LOUIS K . GU MAN Balt more R V E E DR . MA X LE . H L R New Orleans MISS ELLA JACOB S Philadelphia i . Wash ngton R E . V DR T . E YE R . MAR IN A M San Francisco H O E L N E . SIMON W . ROS NDA Albany , N Y MURRAY S E A S O N GOOD C incinnati H O N C O i . M . SL SS San Franc sco R EV DR EP T C . JOS H S OLZ hicago H ON . C . SIMON WOLF Washington , D PUB LICATION COMMITTEE H O E E i N Y B E Charman . i . MA R SULZ RG R, Philadelph a DR CY E . RUS ADL R Philadelphia R E V E Y E W T d i DR . H NR B RKO I Z . Phila elph a D R C . E i S . SOLIS OH N Ph ladelphia D E RB E R DE N W A LD . R . H RT F I E New York DR E FRI E DLA E NDER . ISRA L New York FE X E . i LI N . G RSON Ph ladelphia R E V DR . MA X E E . H LL R New Orleans DR . B E JACO H . HOLLAND R Baltimore D EP R . JOS H JACOB S New York R EV DR . E . J . L MAGN S New York E MO I S S E L ON S . IFF New York R E V P DR . DAVID PH ILI SON Cincinnati D R . SOLOMON SCHE CHTE R New York R E V DR . SAMUEL SCHU LMAN New York H O N S 'I RA . OSCAR S . U S New York SAMUE L STRAUSS New York INTRODUCTORY NOTE The twenty- fifth anniversary of the founding of The Jewish Publication Society Of America was celebrated in the city of 5 6 191 3 Philadelphia, Saturday, April , and Sunday, April , , two with an Authors Evening on Saturday, meetings on Sun f . day, morning and a ternoon, and a banquet Sunday evening The Authors Evening and the two meetings on Sunday, all three public sessions, were held in the Assembly Hall of the Dro sie n at p College for Hebrew and Cognate Lear ing, Broad and York Streets, and the banquet was tendered by the Phila delphia members to the out- Of- town members of the Society s a and other gue ts , in Mercantile Hall, Broad Street bove Mas ter Street . The Assembly Hall of the Drop sie College was hung with the portraits Of persons connected in one way or another with the work and aims Of the Society : Rabbi Li ebman Of c Adler, the author Sabbath Hours , published by the So iety ( courtesy of his daughter, Miss Celia Adler, of Chicago, Rabbi Bernhard Felsenthal , a member of the Publi Oi 1 88 8 - 1 908 Of Z cation Committee the Society, ( courtesy ion a a r Congreg tion, Chic go, P ofessor Heinrich Graetz , the a uthor of History of the Jews, published in translation by the Society ( courtesy o f the Jewish Theological Seminary Of astrow of c America) Rabbi Marcus J , a member the Publi a mi c 1 8 8 8 - 190 3 - in tion Com ttee of the So iety, , and Edito r Of Chief the Bible Translation (courtesy of his daughters, the astrow e Misses J ) Rabbi Alexander Kohut, a memb r of the 12 THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA e the 1890 - 18 94 Publication Committe of Society, (courtesy of the Jewish Theological Seminary Of America) Isaac Lee e ser, the found r of the first Jewish Publication So ciety in the e United States (court sy of the Jewish Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa Newbur er ) ; Morris g , the first President of the Society Keneseth a (courtesy of Isr el Congregation, Philadelphia, Pa t 18 98 ) ; Lewis W . S einbach, Secretary of the Society, a . 91 t . 1 3 . (cour esy of Mr S S Fleisher, of Philadelphi , Pa ) e a Simon A . St rn, member of the Publication Committee of 1 88 8 - 1 904 s of a the Society, (courte y the Jewish Hospit l, Phila m rt aPa. b delphi , ) Rab i Benj a in Szold (cou esy of his wife, o Yo . M rs . S phie Szold, of New rk City) Rabbi Isaac M Wise oo (courtesy of the Benjamin H . Teller Memorial Sch l of the d i t a . Ro e Shalom Congregation, Ph ladelphi , Pa ) and Martha o s e Of Grass W lfen t in, the author Idyls of the , and A Renegade s h o t co and Other T ale , bot bo ks published by the Socie y ( urtesy o of her father, the Reverend Doctor S . W lfenstein, of Cleve o . land, Ohi ) All the members of the Society were invited indi vidually to take part in the celebration exercises . Special invitations were issued to distinguished ladi es and gentlemen in the Am c to e erican Jewish ommunity, representatives of for ign Jewish communities sojourning in this country at the time ur of the celebration, to organizations at home and abroad p suing purposes ki ndred to that of The Jewish Publication a all Society of Americ , and, in particular, to those persons who, as writers or in other capacities, had rendered services the and o to literary executive departments of the S ciety . The Assembly Hall of the Dropsie College was well filled the e at all sessions, gu sts to the number of about one hundred and twenty- fi ve having come from cities and towns outside THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANN IVERSARY of Philadelphia . Numerous letters of regret were received by e Co ee o A a e e e e o e c th mmittt f rr ng m nts from m mb rs f th So iety unable to at end the celebration .
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