INTERVIEW HOW TO BE… UK BAT DR SANDY KNAPP ON HER AN EXPERT SPECIES FASCINATION WITH PLANTS WITNESS 18 EXPLAINED THE SOCIETY OF BIOLOGY MAGAZINE ⁄www.societyofbiology.org ISSN 0006-3347 • Vol 62 No 3 • Jun/Jul 2015 LIFE ON THE REEF Unravelling the mysteries of coral NEWNEWNEW FROMFROM FROM GARLANDGARLAND GARLAND SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE CellCellCell MembranesMembranes Membranes NEW FROM GARLANDLukasLukasLukas K.K. K. Buehler,Buehler, Buehler, SouthwesternSouthwestern Southwestern College, College, College, USA USASCIENCE USA CellCell CellMembranes Membranes Membranes offers offers offers a solida solid a solidfoundation foundation foundation for for for NEW FROM GARLANDunderstandingunderstandingunderstanding the the structurethe structure structure andSCIENCE and functionand function function of biologicalof ofbiological biological NEW FROM GARLANDmembranes.membranes.membranes. SCIENCE The book explores the composition and dynamics of cell TheThe book book explores explores the the composition composition and and dynamics dynamics of cellof cell membranes—discussing the molecular and biological NEW FROM GARLANDmembranes—discussingmembranes—discussing theSCIENCE the molecular molecular and and biological biological diversity of its lipid and protein components and how the diversitydiversity of itsof itslipid lipid and and protein protein components components and and how how the the combinatorialcombinatorial richness richness of both of bothcomponents components explains explains the the Cell Membranes chemical,combinatorial mechanical, richness and of self-renewing both components properties explains of cellthe chemical, mechanical, and self-renewing properties of cell membranes.chemical, mechanical, and self-renewing properties of cell Cell Membranes membranes.membranes. Cell Membranes is a valuable resource for advanced Cell Membranes CellCell Membranes Membranes is a is valuable a valuable resource resource for for advanced advanced undergraduateundergraduate students, students, graduate graduate students, students, and and professionals.undergraduate students, graduate students, and June 2015 • Paperback professionals. Lukas K. Buehler, SouthwesternJune 2015 • Paperback College, USA professionals. Cell MembranesJune400pp 2015 • 263 • Paperback illus 400pp • 263 illus 400pp978-0-8153-4196-3 • 263 illus £55.00978-0-8153-4196-3 Lukas K. Buehler, Southwestern978-0-8153-4196-3£55.00 College, USA £55.00 Lukas K. Buehler, SouthwesternContents: College, USA Contents: Contents:Part I The Outer Limits of Life: The Structure Part II The Living Membrane: The Function Part I The Outer Limits of Life: The Structure Part II The Living Membrane: The Function Lukas K. Buehler, SouthwesternPartand IDynamics The Outer of Limits Cell Membranes of Life: The StructureCollege, ofPart Cell II Membranes The Living Membrane: TheUSA Function and Dynamics of Cell Membranes of Cell Membranes andChapter Dynamics 1: The of Role Cell of Membranes Membranes in Cells Chapterof Cell Membranes6: Separation: Membranes as Chapter 1: The Role of Membranes in Cells Chapter 6: Separation: Membranes as Chapter 1: The and RoleOrganisms of Membranes in Cells Chapter 6: Surface Separation: and Interface Membranes as Cell Membranes and Organisms offers Surface anda Interface solid foundation for Chapter 2: andThe MolecularOrganisms Organization of Chapter 7: Exchange: Surface andMembrane Interface Crossings Chapter 2: The Molecular Organization of Chapter 7: Exchange: Membrane Crossings Chapter 2: The Cell MolecularMembranes Organization of ChapterChapter 8: 7: Integration: Exchange: MembraneMembranes Crossingsas Cell Membranes Chapter 8: Integration: Membranes as Cell Chapter Membranes 3: CellThe StructureMembranes of Membrane Chapteroffers 8: Gatekeepers Integration: of InformationaMembranes solid as foundation for Chapter Proteins3: The Structure of Membrane Chapter 9: Metabolism: Gatekeepers Growing of Information understandingChapter 3: The Structure of Membrane the structure Gatekeepers of Information and function of biological CellChapter Membranes 4: The Proteins Biological Diversity of offersChapter Membranes, 9: Metabolism: Sustaininga Growingsolid Cells foundation for Proteins Chapter 9: Metabolism: Growing Chapter Membrane4: The Biological Lipids Diversity of Membranes, Sustaining Cells understandingChapter 4: The Biological Diversity of the structure Membranes, Sustaining Cells and function of biological CellChapter Membranes 5: The Membrane Shape of Membranes Lipids and offers a solid foundation for understandingmembranes. Chapter Membrane Their5: The Transformations Shape Lipids of Membranes andthe structure and function of biological Chapter 5: The Their Shape Transformations of Membranes and membranes. About the TheirAuthor: Transformations understandingAbout the Author: the structure and function of biological membranes.AboutLukas theK. Buehler Author: received his PhD in biochemistry from the University of Basel in Switzerland.Lukas K. Buehler He is a Professor received ofhis Biology PhD in atbiochemistry Southwestern from College, the University Chula Vista, of California,Basel in LukasteachingSwitzerland. K. Buehler general He biology,received is a Professor cell his biology, PhD of in Biology humanbiochemistry at physiology, Southwestern from and the bioinformatics. UniversityCollege, Chula of Basel Vista,His researchin California, Themembranes.Switzerland.interestteaching book is in general Hebiological is a Professorbiology, membranesexplores cell of biology,Biology and how athuman Southwesternmembrane physiology, the transport College, and proteinsbioinformatics. compositionChula Vista,from diverse California, His research and dynamics of cell teachingorganisms—frominterest general is in biological biology, bacteria cell membranesto humans—function. biology, human and how physiology, membrane and transport bioinformatics. proteins fromHis research diverse interestorganisms—from is in biological bacteria membranes to humans—function. and how membrane transport proteins from diverse Theorganisms—from book bacteria explores to humans—function. the composition and dynamics of cell Themembranes—discussing book explores the compositionwww.garlandscience.com the molecular and and dynamics biological of cell Cell Membranes with Bleed.indd 1 www.garlandscience.com15/05/2015 15:36:24 membranes—discussingwww.garlandscience.com the molecular and biological diversityTheCell Membranes book with Bleed.indd 1 of explores its lipid theand composition protein15/05/2015 components 15:36:24 and dynamics and how of cellthe membranes—discussingCell Membranes with Bleed.indd 1 the molecular15/05/2015 15:36:24 and biological diversity of its lipid and protein components and how the diversitycombinatorialmembranes—discussing of its richnesslipid and ofprotein the both molecular componentscomponents and biological explainsand how the the combinatorial richness of both components explains the NEW FROM GARLANDcombinatorialchemical,diversity of mechanical, its richnesslipid and SCIENCE and ofprotein both self-renewing componentscomponents properties explainsand how theof the cell NEW FROM GARLANDchemical, mechanical, SCIENCE and self-renewing properties of cell chemical,membranes.combinatorial mechanical, richness and of both self-renewing components properties explains theof cell membranes. Cell Membranesmembranes.chemical, mechanical, and self-renewing properties of cell Cell MembranesCellmembranes. Membranes is a valuable resource for advanced Cell Membranes is a valuable resource for advanced Lukas K. Buehler, SouthwesternCellundergraduate Membranes College, students, is a valuable graduate USA resource students, for advanced and undergraduate students, graduate students, and Lukas K. Buehler, Southwesternundergraduateprofessionals.Cell Membranes College, students, is a valuable graduate USA resource students, for advanced and June 2015 • Paperback professionals. 400ppJune 2015 • 263 • Paperbackillus professionals.undergraduate students, graduate students, and 978-0-8153-4196-3400ppJune 2015 • 263 • Paperbackillus professionals.Cell Membranes offers a solid foundation for £55.00978-0-8153-4196-3June400pp 2015 • 263 • Paperbackillus understandingCell Membranes the offers structure a solid and foundation function offor biological £55.00400pp978-0-8153-4196-3 • 263 illus 978-0-8153-4196-3£55.00 membranes.understanding the structure and function of biological Contents:£55.00 membranes. Contents: Contents:Part I The Outer Limits of Life: The TheStructure book explores Part II Thethe compositionLiving Membrane: and dynamics The Function of cell Part I The Outer Limits of Life: The TheStructure book explores Part II Thethe compositionLiving Membrane: and dynamics The Function of cell PartandContents: DynamicsI The Outer of Limits Cell Membranes of Life: The membranes—discussingStructure Partof Cell II TheMembranes Living the molecular Membrane: and The biological Function and Dynamics of Cell Membranes membranes—discussingof Cell Membranes the molecular and biological andChapterPart DynamicsI The 1: Outer The of Role Limits Cell of Membranes Membranesof Life: The diversity Structurein Cells of itsofChapterPart lipidCell II The Membranesand 6: LivingSeparation:protein Membrane: components Membranes The and Function howas the Chapter 1: The Role of Membranesdiversity in Cells of itsChapter lipid and 6: Separation:protein components Membranes and howas the Chapter and Dynamics 1: Theand of RoleOrganisms Cell of Membranes Membranescombinatorial in Cells Chapter of richnessCell
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