QUID NOVI Université McGill, McGill University, Faculté de Droit Faculty of Law Volume 31, no. 17 Volume 31, no. 17 30 mars 20 10 March 3 0th, 2 010 QUID NOVI IN THIS ISSUE... Editorial/Éditorial QUIDNOVI by Courtney Retter 3661 Peel Street 3.J.D./LL.B. Montréal, Québec (LAW II) H2A 1X1 3. A Year on Pedagogy (514) 398-4430 http://quid.mcgill.ca/ Reflections on Rejection 4. Animal Law Caleb Cushing, Attorney General to Editors-in-Chief 6. Traffic Act 4 President Franklin Pierce, said the fol- Courtney Retter Chanel Sterie lowing in consideration of the function 6. Passing the Quebec Bar - part 5 of rejection: “It is impossible, in my In-House Diva mind, to distinguish between the refusal Charlie Feldman 12. Court of Sartorial Appeal to receive a petition, or its summary re- Webmaster jection by some general order, and the Ryan Schwartz 15. A Chinese Masterpiece denial of the right of petition.” Rejection is allegedly a human necessity; it pro- Layout Editors 17. Third Year Class President Report vides individuals with an opportunity for James Nowlan Lexi Pace self-assessment that otherwise would be unavailable. No matter the type of Associate Editors rejection or the reason for being re- Stefanie Carsley Eliza Cohen jected, all rejections are unified by the Michelle Felsky following fundamental reality: it sucks. Andrea Girardin Faizel Gulamhussein But hey, rejection loves company. Fred Daniel Haboucha Astaire was called, “balding, skinny, can Allison Jaskolka dance little” at his first audition. Albert Bonnie King Ilya Kirtsman Einstein’s parents feared he was sub- Mathieu Kissin VISITTHENEWLY-UP- normal. Walt Disney was fired for “lack- Marie-Pier Leduc Carrie Levitt DATED QUIDWEBSITE ing ideas”. And perhaps, most famous Corey Omer of all, Michael Jordan was cut from his Evan Paperman high school basketball team. I spent the Brett Pedvis http://quid.mcgill.ca/ David Rapps last weekend assessing the benefits of Christina Sauro being denied what one ultimately wants Laura Scheim Nikita Stepin (Thanks to Webmaster Ryan and, subsequently, asked both friends Lucinda Tang Schwartz!!) and family members what they saw as Eva Warden Krista Zeman the potential advantages of being re- jected. Staff Writers Featuring: ISSUESIN Chase Bartlét PDF!!!! Andrea Girardin Michael Shortt Continued on p. 17 Marc Tacheji C’est tellement incroyable! The Quid Novi is published weekly by the students of the Faculty of Law at McGill University. Production is made possible through the direct support of students. All contents copyright 2010 Quid Novi. Les opinions exprimées sont propres aux auteurs et ne réflètent pas nécessairement celles de l’équipe du Quid Novi. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views of the McGill Law Students’ Association or of McGill University. Envoyez vos commentaires ou articles avant jeudi 5pm à l’adresse: [email protected] Toute contribution doit indiquer l’auteur et son origine et n’est publiée qu’à la discrétion du comité de rédaction, qui basera sa décision sur la politique de rédaction telle que décrite à l’adresse: http://quid.mcgill.ca/edpolicy.php Contributions should preferably be submitted as a .doc attachment (and not, for instance, a “.docx.”). Contributions should also include the student year of the contributor. 2 30 MARS 2010 J.D./LL.B. by Malcolm Lavoie (LAW I) The J.D.-LL.B. Committee of the L.S.A. “legal laws” doesn’t make any sense, is anything resembling a regard for the recently released its final report, which being fairly obviously redundant. Our faculty’s link with the British legal tradi- purported to provide “basic information common law degree is, of course, a tion. One gets the impression that stu- pertaining to the possible conversion of Bachelor of Laws. The two L’s stand for dents would just as soon change the McGill’s Faculty of Law LL.B. designation “laws.” name of the degree to “Super Xtreme to a J.D. designation.” At least one piece Law Doctor!” if they thought it would of basic information seems to have Unfortunately, this is symptomatic of help them get jobs in New York. Maybe been neglected, though. On page 1, in the perfunctory treatment given to the they would. Maybe the fix is in. But let’s bold type, the title reads “The Juris cultural heritage represented by our at least demonstrate enough historical Doctor and the Bachelor of Legal Laws.” humble common law degree in the con- awareness to get the name of our de- The “Bachelor of Legal Laws” is then version debate so far. Nowhere among gree right. discussed in greater detail. Yet the term the “major considerations” in the report A Year on Pedagogy by Prof. Piper, Chair Curriculum Committee The Faculty of Law’s Curriculum Com- when feedback is received early and nificant time this year investigating the mittee undertook a process this year of often (exams, graded assignments, experience of students in second year involving members of Faculty in think- etc.); and when students are engaged at the Faculty. As part of this effort, the ing and learning about teaching. We in collaborative experiences. The dis- Committee supported a student pro- thought that you might be interested in cussion during the workshop explored posal from Stefan Hoffman to increase hearing about some of those activities. how to achieve these objectives in the the credit weight of Legal Meth II, pass- The Curriculum Committee comprises law classroom. ing a resolution at Faculty Council to in- five professors (Piper, Brooks, Mégret, crease it from 2 to 3 credits. This Lametti, Van Praagh), two Assistant Workshop #2 “Methods of Evalua- change will reflect the importance and Deans (Strategic Planning and Student tion”: Professors Ellis, Fox-Decent, the effort that students invest in the Life and Learning), two student repre- Leckey and Brooks each presented their course. The course will also be re- sentatives (Stefan Hoffman and Sarah experiences with methods (other than named to emphasize a focus on profes- Goldbaum), Mtre. Boyer (Head Librar- 100% final examinations) that they use sional responsibility. This inquiry into ian) and Ms. Czemmel from the SAO. to assess student learning. Twenty-two the second year will continue next aca- The Committee manages and initiates faculty members attended the event demic year. A sub-committee has been curricular reform and this past aca- which included a discussion that em- formed of Associate Dean Lametti, Prof. demic year was given a specific man- phasized that effective assessment Piper and Stefan Hoffman that has met date by Dean Jutras to consider should be formative and allow students with the Dean and over the next year pedagogy at the Faculty. To do this, the to see their improvement, and that will be gathering information from stu- Committee designed and held three courses should ideally include multiple dents and professors about how to im- workshops: opportunities for assessment. prove the second year experience. Workshop #1 “Active Learning Workshop #3 “Teaching Technolo- The Committee also undertook a num- Strategies”: Professors Campbell, Van gies”: Professors Mégret and Piper ber of other activities (reviewing intern- Praagh, Anker and Manderson pre- hosted a roundtable session on teach- ships, course credits and course sented their experiences and specific ing technologies which nineteen profes- evaluation procedures) many of which examples of in-class techniques to en- sors attended. It was held in the new are ongoing. The Committee invites gage students in learning, to a full au- active and collaborative learning class- your thoughts and comments on any of dience of twenty-seven other faculty room, Education 627. It focused on how these initiatives. In particular we en- members. Teaching and learning spe- professors can use technologies in the courage you to continue providing feed- cialists we had invited discussed why classroom to provide feedback, encour- back through completing formal course active learning strategies are important age active learning and enhance com- evaluations (which can be immensely to student learning highlighting that we munication with students. helpful) as well as sharing your learn best when new knowledge is con- thoughts through formal and informal nected to existing knowledge; when the Improving the Second Year Expe- channels. attention of the learner is focused; rience: The Committee also spent sig- 3 QUID NOVI McGill Symposium & Exhibit on Animal Law by Ashlyn O’Mara (LAW III) & Sophie Gaillard (LAW II) Many students here might be sur- attendees were McGill and Concordia tween the audience and the speakers. prised to know that animal law is a se- students, students from the Faculty of The issue that dominated these dis- rious field of study and practice in the Law at the University of Ottawa, McGill cussions was how to further animal United States and, after the recent Alumni and Faculty members, officials protection in Canada, a country that is symposium on animal law here at the from the Ministry of Agriculture, staff generally recognized as lagging behind Faculty, it is now clear that this is rap- from the Canadian Federation of Hu- the rest of the Western world in this idly becoming the case in Canada as mane Societies, national media, and area. well. After over a year of planning, the the Swiss Consulate General. Student Animal Legal Defense Fund at SALDF would like to take this opportu- McGill (SALDF) brought together Attendees were given the opportunity nity to thank the Law Students’ Associ- renowned experts in animal law from to learn from several notable partici- ation, the Dean’s Discretionary Fund Switzerland, the United States, and pants. Dr. Antoine Goetschel traveled as well as the Students’ Society of Canada as well as a prominent Cana- all the way from Zurich, Switzerland to McGill University for their generous fi- dian photographer for the McGill Sym- discuss the particularities of his job as nancial support in helping to make this posium and Exhibit on Animal Law.
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