AUGUST, 1910 10 CENTS NEW THOUGHT A Journal of Practical Idealism Edited by William Walker Atkinson CONTENTS Statement of Truth . Prentice Mulford Attainment . Henry Victor Morgan Chips from the Old liloik William Walker Atkinson Mental Healing - Sidney A. Weltmer Zoroastrianism William Walker Atkinson Something Better - Frederic W. Burry The W ise Men Felicia Blake Reincarnation • L. M. Hughes True Kinship Henry Harrison Brown Telepathy Department V Ernest Weltmer V EDITORIAL CHAT: W'hat is New Thought? Tolerance. Elizabeth's Rejoinder. Shelton of Denver. Philadelphia Activity. The Crime of Credulity. The Liar. Presence of Mind. The Fnnny Man Again. Heavenly Gloom. Salvation. Paying the Price. Orthodoxy Stated. THE LETTER BOX: The Old. Old Story. Life and Death. Kind Words. “Simply Lovely.” Telepathy or Genius. Color Therapy. NEW THOUGHT NEWS: The Nevada‘Convention. Detroit News. Seventy Years Young. News from Hastings. Florida: Aspen, Colorado: Little Hock, Arkansas; New Zealand; etc. “Doctor Alice.” Henry Victor Morgan, litc., etc. BOOK REVIEW AND MISCELLANY. THOUGHT PUBLISHING CO.. 2310 Calumet Ave., Chica£o, 111. * Suggestive Therapeutics in the Cure of Organic Diseases 10 CUBIC INCHES OF TISSUE REBUILT IN Institute at some future day under more favorable FIVE WEEKS. conditions and listen to your teachings so dear Mr. W. H. Cowgill, a prominent real estate to m y heart. agent, of Holdredge, Neb., had a leg ulcer, two If my testimony will help the good cause along, years old. caused from a dog bite, very painful, 16 you are at liberty to use it as you like. inches around and from % to 1 inch de^p. Sur With deep thankfulness, I a\n geons feared blood poison and hydrophobia; wanted Your sincere friend, to remove the arteries, and fully expected am puta (Mother of Elsa Mayer.) MRS. G. F. MAYER. tion would become necessary. The expense, dan ger and suffering would have been enormous. His U ndercliffe, Colo., M arch 27, 1910. wife having been healed of (dancer six years before, I now weigh 106 pounds and am enjoying per he came to us, with result that three treatm ents fect health, the first time for three years. If my dispelled the pain; under treatment five weeks, correspondence should at any time be of benefit to free from pain and danger, happy all tl time, a n y a ilin g p erso n , you a re a t lib e rty to use the same. entirely healed. Mr. Cowgill has since been elected Wishing you much success, Sincerely. Railway Commissioner of Nebraska, and now lives ELSA MAYER. at Lincoln. PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY — TRAUMATIC STIFF NECK AND CYSTITIS. WIFE:— CATARACT — UN-OPERABLE—SEVERE HEAD NERVOUS PROSTRATION — TOTAL ACHE—TOTAL BLINDNESS THREATENED. PARALYSIS—MULTIPLE NEURITIS. Miss Geneva Hudson, formerly of Barry, Ills., Prof. S. A. W eltmer, Nevada, Mo. but now employed in the offices of the New Dear Sir: Wishing to encourage the suffering to Thought Magazine, consulted the best surgeons come to you for treatment, I would state the great and physicians in Quincy, Ills., Omaha, Neb., and good I’ve received from your able assistants. I've St. Louis, Mo., with the Result that not one of been cured of Prostatic trouble of fifteen years them would attempt an operation, and not one of standing, besides being healed of bladder ailment them offered any hope, but all agreed that she which had baffled the skill of many practitioners would be totally blind in a few weeks. We here of Medicine. with reproduce a brief note she wrote home on a My wife accompanied me to your Institute and postal to the man who recommended the Insti she experienced great relief, and she can walk tute to her; five miles without weariness. My wife had always "I thank you a thousand times for telling me of suffered from Neuralgia. Before you gave her a Prof. Weltmer. When I came here last June I treatment she was perfectly helpless, by no means had, nearly lost my mind. I was having terrible able to walk, not able to stand alone. If friends headaches, my right eye was totally blind, the held her up she would simply faint. Her case was Specialists said I would lose the other and would one of General Nervous Prostration, accompanied not even operate. During six weeks here the by Multiple Neuritis. The paroxysms were so Cataract Just simply disappeared, and I have been violent, as a result of these nervous complications, using my eyes steadily ever since. I am perfectly that she would be thrown Into deliriums lasting well. They cure everything here. I never saw from two to five hours. This continued for more such a place.*’ than a year before we attended your Institution. TUBERCULAR BRONCHITIS—MOST VIOLENT Of course I had expended much In seeking aid FITS OF COUGHING—PROFUSE HEMOR from medicine, and I had almost lost hope of RHAGES FROM LUNGS AND SUP either of us securing relief, when we heard of PRESSED MENSTRUATION. some of your wonderful cures. Undercllffe, Colo., March 27, 1910. Our stay at your Institute was pleasant and very Prof. S. A. W eltm er. profitable for health for both of us. I am prac My Dear Friend: As fitting thoughts of this tically well, and m y wife nearly well. glad Easter season, I deem it my duty to testify A b o u t th re e y e a rs ag o a ru n a w a y team throw to the wonderful cure of our daughter Elsa per me on my’ head, hurting my neck considerably. formed at your Institute. I've been greatly benefited In regard to this mis Each day I feel deeply thankful to God, to you, hap. I want one of your graduates to locate at dear friend, and to your very competent assistants o u r to w n . I w a n t m y frie n d s to h ave the benefits who have so successfully snatched our dear and of Suggestive Therapeutics. only girl from the very jaws of Death and resur My postofflee address Is Plainvlew, Texas. rected her into a new life. Words can never Most sincerely, convey my heartfelt gratitude for her recovery, M ay 8, 1910. W . C. CLEMENTS. for her cur© was indeed wonderful and marvelous. For the benefit of other discouraged sufferers INCIPIENT NEPHRITIS—HARD COrGH—NON will say, that after several able Medical Doctors RETENTION AND BLINDNESS. had exhausted their skill, she was by personal Mr. John March, a very well known gold mine ’treatment at your Institute, Nevada, Mo., re operator, of Dillon, Mont., writes: "My kidney and stored to perfect health. bladder troubles were completely cured during my I would give a pen picture of her very com stay of six weeks at your Institute. It is no plicated trouble, hut as this would bring to my longer necessary for me to be up during the night mind so vividly her past and intense suffering, and I feel good all the time. I am free from the I dislike to do so. hard cough and soreness In my stomach, throat Again I want to thank you and all the good and lungs, and best of all I am free from that friends for the very kind treatment she received a w fu l fe a r of C onsum ption. I saw Mrs. Qlbson. at your Institute and your untiring effort for her the lady I sent you. who had been totally blind for renewed and perfect health. six years; she was reading a newspaper without Maybe I will have the pleasure of visiting your glasses." The above are a few of more than 109,003 remarkable caret accomplished by The Weltmer Institute of Suggestive Therapeutics, of Nevada, Mo. 44 PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE UPON REQUEST. CHB219925 NEW TH OUGH T TABLE or CONTENTS VOL XIX AUGUST, 1910 No.8 Statement of T ruth . Prentice Mulford 323 Attainment. (P oem .) Henry Victor Morgan . 324 Chips from The Old Block William Walker Atkinson 325 Mental H ea lin g Sidney A. Weltmer 326 Philosophies of the O rie n t William Walker Atkinson 3211 Something B e tte r . Frederic W. Burry 333 The W i s e M e n Felicia Blake 335 Reincarnation . L. M. Hughes 337 Trne K i n s h i p . Henry Harrison Brown . 338 Telepathy Department . Ernest Weltmer . 342 EDITORIAL C H A T : What is New Thought? •••'•••••••• 347 Tolerance ......................................................................................................................................3 ° 1 Elizabeth's R ejoinder ............ 351 Shelton of D enver ............. 353 Philadelphia A c tiv ity .......................................................... 3 5 4 The Crime of Credulity ............ 355 The L iar .................................................................................................................................................. 3 3 7 Presence of M in d ...................................................................................................................3 3 7 The F n nny M a n A g a in ............ 357 Heavenly Gloom .............. 358 Salvation ............... 358 Paying the P rice ...................................................................................................................3 5 8 Orthodoxy S ta te d ...................................................................................................................3 5 9 THE LETTER B O X : The Old, O ld S t o r y ............. 36 1 Life and D eath .................................................................................................................................... 3 6 4 Kind W'ords ............... 365 "Simply L ovely” 3 6 5 Telepathy or G enius ............. 366 Color T herapy ........................................................................................................................... 3 6 7 NEW T H O U G H T N E W S : The Nevadn Convention. Detroit News. Seventy Years Young. Hastings, Florida. Aspen, Colorado. Little Rock, Arkansas. Seattle. Washington. Chicago Federa tion. New Zealand. “ Doctor Alice”. Henrv Victor Morgan. Rtc., etc. 368-370 Book R e v i e w ................................................................................................................... 3 7 1 - 3 7 4 EDITOR : William Walker Atkinson Yearly Subscription $1.00 (Foreign and Canadian $1.25) Single Copy 10 Cents PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE NEW THOUGHT PUBLISHING CO.
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