Index 141 Bewlye Coppice 80 Chester House 123 INDEX Biggin Cottage 61-62, "62 Chestnut Road "76, 123 illustrations or captions are Biggin Farm 31 China Hall 115 Biggin Hill 31, 36, 41, 43, 61·62, a62, 129 Christie, James 29 indicated by an asterisk Biggin Way 62 Chudleigh, Elizabeth 15 Bigginwood House 44, "44.62,65 Church raIl'S 91, "109 ABDUl·AZlZ, Sultan of Turkey 129 Birchanger Road a1l7, 118, 136 Church Road 40,47-48, "47,50, 57-58, °63,64· Addison Road 137 Blanchard, Samuel laman 73 65, °64,79, "79, 92, 97, °112, 123, °123, 127, Albert Road "lOO, 115, 126. 137 Blaquiere, WiIliam, 3rd Baron De Blaquiere 4J 138 Albion, The "117, 118 Blind Corner 38, -38, 118 Churches 70-71, 89-93, 101 All Nations' Bible College "87 Bloomfield 39, 45, 132 Cinemas 133, ·134 All Saints' Church 63, e'JO, 71, 73, 89·90, 92- Bloomfield Bower 39 Cintra 50 93, "112 Bloomfield Hall 39, 45, 50, 132 Cintra Park 130 All Saints' schools 71. -'72, '92, ~3. 108. 110 Boswell, James 14, 23 City of London Poor Law Union 51 All Saints' vicarage 90, "90 Bowditch, Hugh 44, 65 Clarendon Hotel °85, 106 Allerby ·52 Bradshaw, Thomas 14 Clarendon House ass, 106 Alton Cottage 43 Braham, John 56, "56 Clewlow, William 99 Ambler. John 31 Bricklayers' Anns, Chapel Road 73 Clifford Road 115 Amott, George &: Martha 57-58 Bright, John 129 Clubs 71, 110 Anderson, Arthur 110 Brighton 25, 27 Coach services 71 Anderson. John 44 British Homeand Hospital for lncurables32, Colby Road 110 Anerley su Penge 36,48,102, °103 College Green 138 Anerley Hill SO. "50, "'94. 97, 99. "99,102, "105 Brixton 16, 17 CoUiers ~~ Charcoal burners Anerley Road "53, 66 Brock's fireworks 114 Collier's Water Farm 29, °29 Anerley Tea Garden 88 Brockley 28 Collier's Water Lane 11 Angles. George 37, "37 Bromley 108 Colvin, Bassett David 33 Amulllamily 51 Brown, Captain 22 Colvin, Sir Sidney 33,129, °130 Amull's Road 37, "37,43,51, "52, 61 Browne, Hablot Knight °57 Conquering Hero, The alII, 112 Attwood, Thomas 44, "44 Bungalow Road 125 Convent Estate 138 Aubert, Sarah 55 Burgess, Mary 89 Convent of the Faithful Virgin 14, 19, °65,66, 131 Aubin, Frederick George 51, 59-60, 62-65, Burton, Decimus 81, 82, 84, °84,..87 Cooper, Samuel 13 "94,98 Bus garage SO, °80 Copgate se~ Cupgate Auckland, Lord, see Eden Byron, George, lord 11, 20, 56 Corner, lames & George 51, 97 Auckland Hill 92, 132 Council housing 132, 137-139 Auckland Road 101, 4101, 4112, 124, 127, 132 CAMBERWELL -106, 108 Coventry Road 115 Audley, Lord. set Thicknesse-Tuchet Cambridge Hotel 65, 99 Cow, Douglas 127 Ayres, lane &: Sarah 61-62, 65-66 Cambridge House 50 Cowper, Amelia 57-58 Camera Lodge 50 Cox, David 12,73 BALZAC, Honore de 87 Campbell, Thomas 84 Craven, Elizabeth, Countess of 23 Banstead 106 Canham Lodge Old People's Home °127 Crawley, John 19 Barnard's Farm 29 Canova, Antonio 53 Creasy, Abner, (& Co.) 115, °115 Barrow, John Henry 56-57 Capell-Coningsby, Catherine, Countess of Crescent Road 124 Barry, Sir Charles 122 Essex 81, 84 Crespigny, Mr 17 Bastable, Reginald -111 Capell-Coningsby, Grorge, 5th Earl of Essex 81 Croquet "85, "121 Battersea 35, 66 Carbery, Frederick -68 Crawley Lane 52 Bays, The 45, -139 Carberry Road -68 Crown Lane 48, 132, 137 Beating the bounds 7, -104 Carcases, The 126 Crown Lane End 48 Beaulieu Heights 93, -112, 122-123, -122 Carew, Richard 35 Crown Point 69 Beaumont 120, "120 Carlton House 25 Croydon 9, 61, 65, 81, °106, loa Bedford, Francis 70, 91 Carmichael Road 114 Croydon Board of Health 93, 108, 118 Bedford Arms Tavern 14 Cary, Plantagenet Pierrepoint, 11th Viscount Croydon Canal 73, 78, °78 Bedwardine Road 136 Falkland 43 Croydon Council 131, 132 Beech Cottage, 51, -52, 122 Casanova, Giacomo 15 Croydon sewage treatment works 118 Beeton, Mrs Isabella Mary 73 Castlehill Lodge 123, "123 Crystal Palace SO, 58, 64, 76, "76, -85, 87, 88, Belgrave Road a117, 118 Castlemaine Lodge 91 "'94,95, "96,97-99, "'97, "'99, 102, 106, °106• Bell, James 50 Catley, Anne 32 107, 108, 110, 122, 125, 132, 133, °133, 135 Belvedere Road 122 Catley, John 32 Crystal Palace District [mprovement Bill 108 Bensham sa Whitehorse Manor Cator, John 35 Crystal Palace District Mendicity Society 110 Berriman, William 67 Cator, John BarweU 35, 80 Crystal Palace Football Club 124, 133, °135 Besant, Annie 110 Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, William Henry, Crystal Palace Parade 7, 50 Bessemer, Sir Henry 73 4th Duke of Portland 31-32, 41 Crystal Palace Railway 64 Best, William Draper, Lord Wynlord 41, 56 Central Hall Picture Palace °134 Cubiti, Sir William 73 Beulah Hill 6, 31, -34, 36, 40, 47, 51, 53, aS3, Central Hill °15, 47, -49, 50, 53, 71, 76, 106, Cumberlow 118 87-88, -87,92, rn, llD, 112,. "112, 121, 127, 123, "123, 132, 136, 139 CUMingham, Sir William 23 131,132,136,138,139 Central Hill Baptist Church °100, 101 Cupgate 31, 36--38, ·36, 43-45, 67 Beulah Park 57 Central Hill House 45 Curtis Brothers °31 Beulah Retreat 110 Central lodge 49-50 BeulahSpa 13,80-81, a81, -82,84, a85, a86, 87 Central London School 51, 64-65 DANCE, George 25 88, "88, 102, liD, 113, 121, 138 Chadwick, Edwin 60-61 Daniell, John Frederic 48 Beulah Spa Hotel 71, 73, -81, 84, -84, °85, 102 Chapel Road 67, 70, °109 Daniell, Thomas and WllIiam 12 Beulah Spa Villa 120 Charcoal burners 9-11,"'9 DOl/id Coppufidd 57, -57 Bewly's Farm 29, 80 Charles Dickens Court 115 Davies, Rev. Reynolds 17 142 Index Davis, Mary see Nesbitt Gipsy Hill 11, 13, 51, 97, -*98, 101 Holdemess House 53 Day, William 38 Gipsy House 39, 45 Holland, Henry 25, 27 De Blaquierc, Lord, see Blaquiere Gipsy House (pub) ·10, 11, ·12, 39, 73 Holledge, Robert 88 Deane Green 28 Gipsy House Road 70 Holly Bush 73 Decimus Burton Road 81 Gipsy Road 67, 70, 92 Holly Cottage °37 Devereux, Henry Fleming Lea, 14th Viscount Gipsy Tavern 73 Holmesdale Road 114, 124, °125 Hereford 43 Glemham Lodge 92, ·92 Holwood 81 Oewar, James 123 Glen, The ·37 Hood, Charles 121 Dickens. Charles 56-57 Glennie, Or 26 Hooper, Or 56 Display Electronics 62 Goat House °28, 29 Hope, The 73 Dixon, John Spofforth 123-124 Gonzaga, Prince of 129 Hoppner, John °18, 32 Doulton, Sir Henry 73 Goodwin, WilIiam 84 Home, Frederick ·87 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 129. ·129 Gordon, Lady Charlotte 122 Horns, The 11, 32, 33, 39, 73 Driver, Edward 26 Grange, The (Grange Hill) 52, ·53 Hospitals 102 Deouct, Peter 65 Grange, The (Warminster Road) 124 Hotels 19, 84, 102-106 Dudley. Earl of, Ut Ward Grange Hill 38, 52, 81, ·112 Howard family 43-44 Dulwich 6,11, 12,22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 35, 78,138 Grange Hill Lodge °112 Howell, Samuel 11 Oulwich College 54, 64, 97, 122 Grange Mount 121, "121 Humphreys, Polly 21-22, 23 Dulwich Wood Avenue 122 Grange Road 81, ·85, 87,101,110, °110, ·112, Hunt, George 112 Dunbar Street 33 121,127, "137,138,139 Hunter, Kitty 16 Dyce. William 39 Grangewood 121, °121 Hunting 29, 106 Gray, John 6 Hyde Park 95 EAGLE HILL ·99 Great Exhibition 95 Eden, William, Lord Auckland 17 Great North Wood 7-13, 28 INGLEWOOD 45, °46, 132 Effingham Lodge 50 Grecian Villa 37, 43, "43 Innisfail52, ·53, 138-139 Elder Road 15, ·19, 60·61, ·61 Green Lane 36, °36, 132 Ivy Bank ·45 Eldetwood 60, ·61 Green Man, Dulwich 26 Ivy Villa 44 Eldon Park 126 Griffith, Thomas 48 Ivy Villas 45, °45 Ellen Villa 57 Grosvenor, Richard, Ist Earl Grosvenor SS Elm Cottage 33, 39, 89. ·89,91 Grosvenor, Robert, 1st Marquis of JERROLD, Douglas 73 Elm Grove Academy 33 Westminster 41, 55 Jerviston House 127, °128, 132 Elm House 51 Grymes family 9 Jewish Hospital & Orphanage 66, 102, "103 Elmeouc! Road 25, 123 Jolly Sailor 73, 78, °79, 113 Elmsley Lodge 122 HALL GREEN 39 Jolly Sailor station 69, 71, 113, 114 Employment 114-118 Hamilton Road 110 Joseph 11 56 Enclosures 13, 33, 34-40, 41, 67, 80, 95 Hamlet Road 88, *98, 122 Josephine, Empress of France 18 Epps, James (senior and junior) 44 Hancock Road 132 Junius 14 . Essex, Earl & Countess of, see Capell­ Hannay, Patrick 9 JupP, Henry 32 Coningsby Hanwel164 Harden, Edmund 89-90 KEEN'S EMPRESS BICYCLE WORKS 115 FAIRLAWN 51 Harefield SO, "50 Kelly, Michael 56 Falkland, Lord see Cary Harford, Frederick 108 Kennedy, David 115 Falkland Lodge °128 Harold Road 127 Kilravock House 106, 127 Falkland Park 127, ·128 Harrington Road 38, ·70, 118, 137 King's Head 73, 80 Farington, Joseph 12, 25, 26, 32 Hassell, John 27, "27,·30 Kingslyn -112, 127 Farquhar, Thomas Newman 95 Hayward, Mr 62 Kingslyn Crescent 127 Farquhar Road 110 Hazelwood ·112 Knight's Hill 7, 11,32,39,45, °45, 53, 56, 69, Fielding, James 84 Heathcote, Mr 106 50, ·80, -131, 132, °132, 137, 139, *139 Finch, Margaretl2, ·13, 39 Heathfield 48 Knight's Hill Farm 22, ·22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 55 Football Association cup final 133, ·133 Herbert, Henry, 10th Earl of Pembroke and Knight's Hill Green 28, 51 Fortune telling 11, 12, °12, 13 7th Earl of Montgomery 16 Knight's Hill House 23, °23, °24, 25, 26-27, Fountain Head, Parchmore Road 31 Hereford, Lord, Set Devereux °26,28, 123 Fox, Charles James 20 Hermitage, The (Anerley Hill) 50 Knight's Hill House (210 Knight's Hill) 45, 139 Fox, Elizabeth, Lady Holland 16 Hermitage, The (Gipsy Hill) 51 Knight's Hill Square 39, 69 Fox, William 80 Hermitage Road 102, 138 Knyght, Henry 7 Fox Hill 97, 122 Hermitage Road Estate 132 Foxhill Lodge 122 Herne Hil156 LAING, Samuel 95 Fraser, Alexander, 17th Lord Saltoun 23 Hervey, Augustus, 3rd Earl of Brislo115-16, Lake House ·138 Frederick lIT 129, ·129 "16,17, °17, 54 Lambeth 59, 108, 109 Frog Island 57-58 Hervey, Augustus, jun.
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