< § > “ If you will consider the men in this town who are well off you will find most of them made their money here’ HHHHIHIHIHIIIHItHIIIHHHIIIIIIIItlMIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIMMIllllllHIIII* AROOSTOOK ■ TIMES 1 SHIRE TOWN OF | { April 13, 1860 to I AROOSTOOK COUNTY j | December 27, 1916 f .......................................................... if| HOULTON TIMES 11 it 11 ■ t ii ii 111111111 ii 111 h 11111111 m 11 m i u 1111 < 11 h i n i < 11 ii m i it m im i M illin g HOULTON, MAINE, M’EDNES DAY, NOV EM HER 7, 1923 NUMBER FORTY-FIVE VOLUME LXIII MRS. F. A. NEVERS JOLLY JESTER ENTER­ CO-OP RETURNS Benefit to Both Sides ENTERTAINS TAINS CHILDREN Sells Clothing on Streets COUNTY OFFICER There have been many enjoyable Houlton children of the grad*' A recent article in the TIMES A representative of a down state intimated that there might be a events during the past few months in schools were' given a rare treat Tues­ concern wots in Houlton Friday and CAPTURES THIEF ON MARKETING new road built from the Boundary the social circle of Houlton, but it is day morning when the Jolly Jester Saturday selling clothing etc. from Line to Woodstock on the Houlton very doubtful it a more delightful entertained them at the Temple a truck in Union Square. road. occasion has boon held than the party Theatre' under the auspices of tin? In communication with Mr. B, M. The law when complied with per­ Stole Auto in Bangor—Fired First Aroostook Tuberculosis Association. Distribution on Second Hill, Privincial Engineer of the given by Mrs. Frank A. Nevers. at her mits any man or concern who 1ms Province of New Brunswick, he delightful and spacious homo “ Elm- The Jolly Jester, who sometimes an Itinerant Venders License from at by Sheriff-Captured Pool-Non-Members Bene­ says “If Dominion Federal Aid is croft” on Court street on Wednesday called the Health Clown is a member the Stale to secure premission from continued this road will be imroved evening, October 31. of the American Child Health Asso­ in the next two years* * * *We have ilie town authorities to do business. Next Morning fited by Organization ciation and was engaged to give a the assurance of the New Bruns­ The Nevers home was elaborately This man went to Selectman A. E. wick Government that as soon as decorated for the occasion and was a series of entertainments in the county. Garter on Thursday night and ap­ This has been an exciting week for Members of the various district the construction starts on the regular Hallowe'en party. In every He will appear in Oakfield, Mars Hill. plied for a license, but Mr. Garter James Everett, 27. of no one seems to refused to grant him one. The next potato growers cooperative associa-1 American side that the road on our nook and cranny were to be seen Fort Fairfield, Presque Isle and Cari- morn' g lie went to First Selectman know where, says the Bangor News. tlons of the Maine Potato Growers; side will be constructed.” With the advent of automobiles spooks, witches, black cats, pumpkins, bon. Astl*> who granted him a license On Sunday night, Oct. 28 James fell Exchange are now receiving the first j and their almost universal adop­ and the stairway was artistically en­ His method of making health sug­ for tlx* sum of $5.00, and this man in love with Murtagh Hughe's Cole 8 distribution on the seasoned pool. tion it is bringing the people of twined with cornstalks, while a witch gestions to the little folks was very did business for 2 days selling the same goods as our merchants who car, which the owner had left for a This distribution is figured on the' Canada and New Brunswick closer dressed in black with her broom stood unique and entertaining and they were to each other. There are many ad­ are flaying taxes and supporting few minutes outside of Brown's drug­ basis of seven cents per barrel on the j vantages to both sides and no mat­ sentinel a; the door. Here the various given in a manner which will bo re­ th*' town in every way. store in Hammond street, and with it potatoes of all members in farm and j ter from which angle it is looked guests as they arrived were exepected membered easily. He is an able ven­ The statute says that a person sped away to Glenburn to visit a girl track storage since the closing of the at, it will be a great benefit, for the to shake hands with this apparition triloquist and instead of the customary wishing to obtain a peddlers license shall apply to the town who shall he knew and invited her to a tour early pools, October 6th. j intermingling of the citizens on whose clammy, cold, wet hand sent a doll mannikins, used hug*' vegetables both sides of the Boundary line, have the Assessors appraise the north. He explained that he had bor­ with face's in bis dialogues. He gave It is expected that a second distri-, between these two countries is shiver over-the entire body. stock of the applicant at its lull rowed the car from his uncle in Ban­ button will be made on this pool with- j good for all of us. Canadians en­ Being Hallowe’en the youngsters of many funny song numbers, imitations, value and ( barge and collect from gor. Mr. Hughes emphatically re­ joy coming to Houlton and it is a him at the same tax rate as charged in the next week, also a second pay-1 the town learning that a real llal- humorous dialogues with the manni- fuses to recognize James as a nephew. well known fact that Houlton peo­ th** tax payers of the town. This ment on all of the early pools with the j lowe'en party was going on inside be- kins etc., but running through them ple enjoy going to Woodstock and State law, it can Ik * seen allows an The Glenburn girl was willing, so expection of pool number 1 not later other towns in Canada, meeting old came r-'ther bold and ventured to all wore good sound health facts wheih itinerant vender to have a license, 1 away to the northward they flew, and than November 15. The record thus ; friends and making new ones, so throw open the front door and then to ' the children could understand. They so that Selectman Aside was within presently they were heard from in that with an improved road be­ were warned of the evils of tea and his rights when he granted him a far established by the Maine Growers j step into the hall. Mrs. Nevers decid­ East Corinth, later in Guilford, and Exchange in the first eight weeks of j tween the two countries there wiil ed this was a chance to have the little coffee and were told of the advantages license, hut evidently did not com­ be more of this than ever before. ply with th*' law when he made a then, at 7.30 p. in., Wednesday, back of, drinking plenty of milk, and good operation has brought about several, The matter of the construction nian dressed in costume see through charge of $5.on, for th*' law says in Glenburn, where the girl was left. water, proper ventilation, rest, and of significant changes in the m arketing1 of this road both on this side and the various rooms and she grabbed that the stock shall be appraised Again northward journeyed Everett, from the Boundary line to Wood- a vegetable diet, and the habits of at FULL VALUE by the Assessors of Maine potatoes. Grades have been j him bv the shoulders and marched and at 10.30 a. m., Thursday, he was established which have resulted in [ stock was taken up with Chief En­ him through the rooms introducing , cleanliness were also emphasized, doubtless had the law been followed gineer Paul D. Sargent, who at once oui the license fee would have pre­ reported in Houlton, where he stopped creating a standard for all potatoes made arrangements to have the U. him as she went. It was good sport This is hut another step in the good vented the peddler from doing busi­ for gasoline. shipped that is receiving general ap­ but rather uncomfortable for the boy. 1 of the Association in bringing about ness, as it is estimated that lie had S. road constructed as part of the A wideawake resident of Houlton probation from the marketing trade in Federal Trunk Line and also took During the evening auction bridge proper health conditions in the county $2,000 or more in stock, having a who had read in The News about the all consuming centers. This accom­ the matter up with the Dominion was in order and in honor of the and this effort, was very well directed shipment arrive by express on Sat­ Engineer, with the result above urday, and business was rushing. theft of Hughes car, notified the sher­ plishment has been attained by the occasion several Woodstock friends of as its lessons were taught to the chil­ stated, which is good news to the A tax of $90 or more would doubt­ iff's office, and Turnkey Hall set out warehousing department through the people in this section as well as Mrs. Nevers bad been invited over for dren of an age when habits arc easily less have been too much for him in pursuit of the thief, who had de­ most efficient manner in which 140 our neghbors in New Brunswick, this occasion.
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